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ABORTION with no cervical dilation.

It may subside
BACKGROUND/ DESCRIPTION or an incomplete abortion may follow.
Abortion has been practiced for CAUSE:
millennia. Approximately 53 million  Small fall
abortions are performed each year. An  Injuries
estimated one third of these are  stress during the first trimester of
performed in unsafe circumstances, pregnancy
mostly in developing countries, and  It occurs in almost one half of all
account for one out of eight maternal pregnancies.
deaths worldwide. Surgical abortion in SYMPTOMS:
safe settings has the lowest complication Vaginal bleeding, scant, slight cramping,
rates. Complications are 2.3 times higher no cervical dilation
for dilation and curettage (D&C) as INTERVENTION:
compared with vacuum aspiration.  Instruct the patient to avoid
Complications of surgical abortion strenuous activity
include infection, incomplete evacuation,  Ultrasound
cervical trauma, uterine perforation,
 Fetal heart tone
hemorrhage, complications with
 Emotional support
anesthesia, and possible associations
with infertility; miscarriages, and low birth
weight in subsequent pregnancies.
Medical abortions use pharmaceuticals to
terminate pregnancy growth or stimulate - it is the clinical type of abortion
expulsion of uterine contents. Four where the changes have progressed to a
protocols are commonly used: miso- state from where continuation of
prostol (prostaglandin E1), mifepristone, pregnancy is impossible.
mifepristone with misoprostol, and - is a characterized by bleeding,
methotrexate with misoprostol. pain or cramping and cervical dilatation.
Methotrexate stops rapid cell replication. Termination cannot be prevented.
Misoprostol causes uterine contractions. INTERVENTION:
Both methotrexate and miso-prostol are -Assess for vaginal bleeding
teratogenic. Side effects of medical -Save the tissue Fragments
abortion are moderate to heavy bleeding, -Ensure the woman FHT
pain, nausea, vomiting, diar-rhea, and -Ultrasound
more observed blood loss and passage
Abortion is a medical term for the - When the products of conception are
disruption of a pregnancy before the completely expelled
fetus reaches its viable age of more than - is characterized by complete expulsion
20 to 24 weeks of gestation or weighs at of all products of conception. Cervical
least 500g. os is closed.
- Bleeding usually slows within 2 hours
TYPES OF SPONTANEOUS and then ceases within a few days after
ABORTIONS passage of the products of conception.
1. THREATENED ABORTION Because the process is complete, no
- it is a clinical entity where the therapy other than advising the woman
process of abortion has started but has to report heavy bleeding is needed.
not progressed to a state from which
recovery is impossible. 4. INCOMPLETE ABORTION
- is a characterized by cramping
and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy
- when the entire products of health problems for the baby.
conception are not expelled, instead a Drinking alcohol also increases the
part of it is left inside the uterine cavity. risk of miscarriage.
- is characterized by expulsion of - it can contribute to pregnancy loss
only part of the products of conception. because of abnormal fetal growth
Continuous bleeding occurs with cervical (Bingham, 2015).
dilation. The cervix is already dilated and  TRAUMA – Trauma to the uterus
there is severe vaginal bleeding. can increase the risk of miscarriage.
This includes some forms of prenatal
5. MISSED ABORTION testing, such as amniocentesis or
- also commonly referred to as early chorionic villus sampling. The effect
pregnancy failure without expulsion of of minor trauma to the mother’s
the products of conception. The cervix is abdomen is unknown, because
closed, and the client may report dark during early pregnancy the uterus is
brown vaginal discharge. generally protected from blunt
- is spontaneous abortion of three or exposed to certain substances or
more consecutive pregnancies. conditions may have an increased
CAUSES: risk of congenital abnormalities and
 Defective spermatozoa or ova miscarriage. This includes exposure
 Endocrine factors, poor thyroid to certain infections, medications,
function or luteal phase defect radiation, physical stresses, and
 Defective uterus environmental chemicals.
 Resistance to uterine artery blood
 Chorioamnionitis or uterine  VAGINAL SPOTTING. Vaginal
infection spotting appears as small brownish
 Autoimmune disorders to reddish spots of blood coming out
of the woman’s vaginal opening.
MISCARRIAGE RISK FACTORS This typically happens when the
cervix gradually dilates as a result of
Several risk factors can increase the rate
of miscarriage. the woman trying to lift heavy objects
or modest abdominal trauma.
 AGE – Older individuals are more
likely to have a miscarriage than
 VAGINAL BLEEDING. Bleeding is a
younger persons. serious occurrence during
pregnancy because it might indicate
that the cervix has opened and
Having a miscarriage in the past
products of conception might be
may increase the risk for a future
 CRAMPING. This could occur on
 SMOKING –Smoking more than
both sides and could be caused by
10 cigarettes a day
trauma or premature contractions
increases the risk of
that might cause cervical dilation.
 DRUGS. There are drugs which are
contraindicated for pregnant women.
contractions can be false or true, but
Ingestion might compromise the
either of the two could be alarming
fetus and lead to abortion.
during the early stages of pregnancy
 ALCOHOL – No amount of alcohol
because it could expel the contents
is known to be safe during
pregnancy because it can cause
of the uterus thereby leading to NURSING ASSESSMENT
abortion.  The presenting symptom of an
abortion is always vaginal spotting,
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS and once this is noticed by the
 PREGNANCY TEST. This is to pregnant woman, she should
confirm the pregnancy first if vaginal immediately notify her healthcare
bleeding occurs. provider
 ULTRASOUND. The ultrasound is  As nurses, we are always the first to
the safest and most reliable way to receive the initial information so we
confirm pregnancy since it can show should be aware of the guidelines in
whether or not the fetus and its assessing bleeding during
products are still intact. pregnancy.
 PELVIC EXAM. The health care  Ask of the pregnant woman’s actions
provider might check to see if the before the spotting or bleeding
cervix has begun to dilate. occurred and identifies the measures
she did when she first noticed the
 ADMINISTRATION OF  Inquire of the duration and intensity
INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS. As with of the bleeding or pain felt. Lastly,
Lactated Ringer's, the nurse should identify the client’s blood type for
prepare for IV therapy and cases of Rh incompatibility.
administer oxygen at a rate of 6 to
10 liters per minute using a face NURSING INTERVENTIONS
mask in order to replenish  If bleeding is profuse, place the
intravascular fluid loss and ensure woman flat in bed on her side and
appropriate fetal oxygenation. monitor uterine contractions and
 AVOID VAGINAL EXAMINATIONS. fetal heart rate through an external
The physician would also avoid monitor.
further vaginal examinations to avoid  Also measure intake and output to
disturbing the products of conception establish renal function and assess
or triggering cervical dilatation. the woman’s vital signs to establish
maternal response to blood loss.
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT  Measure the maternal blood loss by
 DILATATION AND EVACUATION. saving and weighing the used pads.
This is to make sure that all products  Save any tissue found in the pads
of conception would be removed because this might be a part of the
from the uterus. products of conception.
is most commonly performed for NURSING DIAGNOSIS:
incomplete abortions to remove the  Knowledge deficit related to signs
remainder of the products of and symptoms of possible
conception from the uterus. complications
 Anticipatory grieving related to loss
NURSING MANAGEMENT: of pregnancy, cause of abortion,
Nurses must also have their own future childbearing
independent functions to ensure the  Acute pain related to uterine
safety and wellbeing of the patient. The cramping and possible procedures 
following are measures that would allow Risk for infection related to dilated
the nurse to act independently. cervix and open uterine vessels. 
Risk for deficient fluid volume
 Educate the patient on proper
contraceptive measures as a means
of birth control, to avoid unwanted
pregnancies. The patient should be
urged to remain compliant with
antibiotic therapy if the abortion was
 Educate the patient to pay more
attention to nutrition (iron-containing
diet) to prevent anemia.
 Suggest avoiding intercourse until
after the next menses or using
condoms when engaging in
 Encourage adequate fluid intake to
maintain fluid and electrolyte
balance in the body.
 Avoid exertion and heavy exercises
and promote rest for 2 weeks.
 Avoid long travels.
 Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48
hours as it may increase the risk of
heavy bleeding
 Address emotional and
psychological needs

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