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Game Changers – Playtest Rule Adjustments for

This Is Not a Test

May 20, 2022 Big Changes

Table size - Reduce the standard game size to 36” square instead of 48”.    For
implementation, just literally reduce the table size and play any scenario as you would
keeping any existing deployment rules, such as setting up along a table edge or 6” from a
table edge. 

Ties on opposed rolls - When two players roll against each other for any reason, all ties
now go to the attacker instead of the defender.  This will mostly occur during close combat but
applies to other tests as well.

Movement reduction - When models take a second or third move action during their
activation, they now move half-speed (rounding up) instead of their full movement.

Deadlier close combat - When a model wins close combat, regardless of if they were
attacking or defending, they may roll to wound their opponent.  Normally they would only get
to do so if attacking.

Burst weapon nerf - Replace the current Burst weapon rule with the following:

“Burst – When using a weapon with the Burst rule, the firer is no longer limited to shooting
once per turn.  Additionally, a weapon with Burst, may use the Empty the Clip special shooting

 “Empty the Clip – If using a Burst weapon, a model may choose to expend all their
loaded ammo in one glorious barrage. If the model takes no other actions, except to
shoot, they may gain one additional AP to shoot again.  However, after resolving this last
shot, the model gains a Jam Token.  This is in addition to any Jam Tokens they received
due to any Fumbles.” 

Small Changes

Extra AP - Models now gain 3 AP on any turn a Critical is rolled on the Activation Test. 

Suppressive fire boost - Suppressive fire now forces Grazed Tests with a -2 penalty.
Overwatch change - Hold is now called Overwatch.  Further, a model may stay in
Overwatch status for multiple turns, though they must still roll for turnover when it’s their time
to activate. 

Combat modifier nerf - Remove the +1 melee bonus for having two 1-handed weapons.

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