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Unit 2 - Principles, Values and Regulation in the Health and

Social Care Sector (M/618/4168)

Level 3
Related Qualifications: ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and
Social Care (603/6568/7) 2020 version
You have started work for a health and social care organisation. As you have just
finished college and are up to date with your knowledge of legislation, regulation and
guidance, the manager has asked you to put together a guide on key points that
staff can use as a reference.

You should choose a country on which to base the guide.

The Study Skills used, developed and assessed through this assignment are as

 Critical thinking
 Planning and organising
 Gathering information, note taking and summarising
 Analysis
 Written skills
 Academic skills, including referencing
 Application of IT skills

Task 1
Section 1 of your guide is about current policy on health and social care in your
chosen country. You need to:
 Identify current government policies relating to health and social care in your
chosen country.
 Explain the impact of policy on the health and social care sector and on the
provision of care within your chosen country.

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Unit (M/618/4168) Unit 2 - Principles, Values and Regulation in the Health and Social Care Sector
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Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade, you should also:
 Assess how policy meets the current needs of the population in terms of
health and social care.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria: LO1 1.1, 1.2, 1M1

Task 2
Section 2 of your guide is about legislation and guidance that impacts on the sector.
You should:
 Outline sources and status of legislation, regulation and guidance in your
chosen country
 Analyse the impacts of legislation and guidance on the provision of health and
social care provision and on health and social care workers

Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade, you should also:
 Analyse the aims and purpose of legislation and guidance

To gain a distinction grade, you should also:

 Assess the implications of failure to comply with legislation or guidance.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria: LO2 2.1, 2.2, 2M1, 2D1

Task 3
The final section of your guide looks at principles and values that underpin the
provision of care in your chosen country. You should:
 Describe the underpinning principles of health and social care.
 Outline how these principles impact on the provision of care.
 Explain initiatives to promote the fundamental principles among those working
in health and social care.

Extension activities:
To gain a merit grade, you should also:
 Assess how underlying principles support basic human rights.

To gain a distinction grade, you should also:

 Assess the implications of failing to adhere to fundamental principles of care.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria: LO3 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3M1, 3M2

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Unit (M/618/4168) Unit 2 - Principles, Values and Regulation in the Health and Social Care Sector
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Guidelines for assessors

The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment
criteria for the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria
set for these grades. Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take into account any extension work completed
by the learners. The suggested evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards.

Task LOs and AC Suggested evidence Suggested additional Suggested additional

number PASS evidence MERIT evidence DISTINCTION
1. LO1 1.1, 1.2, 1M1 Policies, legislation and guidance should Learners should
relate to a chosen country e.g. their comment on how well
home country or a country in which they the existing policy
would like to work. meets the needs of the
Learners need to list government population e.g. is
policies relating to health and social care infrastructure sufficient;
and other policies that affect health and is more funding required
social care such as economic policies etc.
and immigration etc. and explain how
policies affect provision e.g. sufficiency
of funding, commissioning of services,
infrastructure etc.
2. LO2 2.1, 2.2, 2M1, Legislation should cover any that Learners should Learners should consider
2D1 impacts on the sector including: care, analyse main aims and what happens if there is a
health, mental health, human rights, purpose and comment failure to comply e.g.
equality, health and safety, data on whether legislation penalties.
protection. Guidance includes: sector and guidance achieves
guidance, medical guidance, its aims.
professional guidance, codes of conduct.
Learners should identify how legislation
works e.g. enabling legislation which
allows government departments to put in
place regulations; wider legislation and

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guidance e.g. World Health Organisation
guidance. Sources may include
professional bodies, clinical research
bodies etc. They should distinguish
between mandatory and voluntary
compliance. Outlines should cover key
points of legislation. Analysis should look
at the impacts in terms of delivering
quality provision, consistency,
confidentiality of records etc. Also impact
of excessive legislation and guidance
where this is the case.

3 LO3 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, In this section, learners need to identify Learners need to Learners should recognise
3M1, 3D1 and describe the principles underpinning explain how that though principles and
health and social care which, for underpinning principles values may not be
example, set up duty of care and ethical and values ensure mandatory, there are
code. They should consider how these quality, access, and co- implications from not
impact on the provision of care e.g. ordination. following them which may
quality and safety of care offered. include: lack of quality,
Learners need to explain initiatives to breach of rights etc.
promote fundamental principles, such as
in UK dignity agenda, the 6 C’s etc.

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