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May 25, 2023, Judge Lina Hidalgo Office of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo 1001 Preston, Suite 911 Houston, Texas 77002 Whom it May Concern: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 552.008, this serves a8 a formal request for information for legishive purposes, Please provide the following items to our capitol offices: All communication—written, electronic, or otherwise—regarding the hiring and subsequent scrvices provided by the lave fim, Brady & Peavey, for “matters pending the 88 Session of the Texas Legislature.” This should include all documents, emails, text messages, and presentations, but ie not limited to, all communication with aad herveen members of the Harris County Commissioners Court, Judge Lina Hidalgo, employees and partners of Brady 8 Peavey, and any other related partes; #Allcalendaritems, presentations, points of order procedures of the Texas State Legislanure, recommendations on which Bills to mise a point of order, the recommended point of order for cach identified bill, recommendations om which members of the Texas House of Representatives of State Senate to raise the point of order, communications between Beadly & Peavey, the Hatris County Commissioners Court, Judge Lina Hidalgo and any member of the Legislature o¢ thei staf on legislative procedures, rules of cther the Texas House of Representatives or the Texas State Senate andl points of order in either bod Any information provided by the Brady & Peavey to members of the Harris County Commissioners Court and/or Jodge Lina Hidalgo, theie respective staf, members of the ‘Texas State Legislature, their respective staff, inchading: a copy of che contract signed with Brady & Peavey: # Acopy of the RFP to contract with a company for the purposes Brady & Peavey were selected, the process by which the vendor was seleeted, and any communication berween County Commissioners, Judge Lina Hidalgo, County Commissioner Court staff, and any other parties regarding the selection of a vendor, 4 Allist of the candidates that responded to the RFP, if any, a list of prospective firs that were considered for the purposes for which Brady & Peavey were utimatdy seleeted: and a copy of the proposed and final versions of the contract to hire Brady & Peavey You can provide the requested items by sending them via email to mayesmiddleton@senate-texasgov and paulbbettencourt@senatetexasgov, CCing our Chiefs of Stall, and mare salvato@senatetexas gov, ao later than June 15, 2023. “Pole Barat Mearyr— Mss Senate District 7 Senate District 11 May 30, 2023 Christian D. Menefee Harris County Atomey’s Office 1019 Congress, 15% Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Whom it May Concem: Parvuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 2.008, this terves as a formal request for information for legislative purposes. Please provide the following items to our eapitol offices: All communication—written, electronic, or otherwise—rezarding the hiring and subsequent services provided by the law firm, Brady & Peavey, for “matters pending the 88% Session of the Texas Legislature” This should include all documents, emails, text messages, and presentations, but is not limited 1, all communication with and beween members of the Hatris County Commissioners Court, Judge Lina Hidalgo, the Harris County Attomey’s Offic, employees and partners of Brady & Peavey, and any other telated parties; # Allcalendar items, presentations, points of order procedures of the Texas State Legislature, recommendations on which bills to raise a point of order, the recommended point of order for each identified bill, recommendations on which members of the Texas House of Representatives or State Senate to raise the point of order, communications between Bray & Peavey, the Harris County Commissioners Court, Judge Lina Hidalgo, the Harris County Aomey’s Office, and any member of the Legisatare or their staff on legislanve procedures, mules of cither the Texas House of Representatives oF the Texas State Senate and points of order in either body © Any information provided by the Brady & Peavey to members of the Harris County Commissioners Court and/or Judge Lina Hidalgo, the Harris County Attomey’s Office, their respective staff, members of the Texas State Legishrure, their respective siaft, including a copy of the contract signed with Brady & Peavey; ‘* Acopy of the REP to contract with company for the purposes Brady & Peavey were selected, the process by whieh the vendor was selected, and any communication berween County Commissioners, Judge Lina Hidalgo, County Commissioner Court staff, the Haris County Attomey’s Office, and any other parties regarding the selection of 2 vendor; # A lise of the candidates char responded co the REP, if any, a Hist of prospective firms that were considered for the purposes for which Brady & Peavey were ultimately selected; and a copy of the proposed and final versions of the ‘contract to hire Brady & Peavey. You can provide the requested items by sending them via email to mayes:middleron@senate texas gov and paulbertencour@senatetexasgov, CCing our Chiefs of Staff, andrew.herrell@senatetexasgow and marcsalvaio@senate-texasgov, no later than June 15, 2023. Sincerely, “PL Ballarat Maye MAAS Senate District 7 Senate District 11

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