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DEVC 20 (Introduction to Development Communication)



Development Communication (DevCom) students are witnesses to the changes that have
been unfolding in their respective barangays or immediate communities. However, they may have
indirect involvement in bringing about those changes. That, in a way, would limit their knowledge
and appreciation of the contributions or influences of those changes into their lives.

As future partners in facilitating and concretizing community-based transformations,

DevCom students need to be aware of the development directions and priorities in their
communities through their development programs and projects. Likewise, they need to know how
those initiatives are managed via communication processes between and among concerned partners
like the barangay officials and the residents. All of which are documented during meetings and other
similar collective activities.

Once DevCom students know, appreciate, and understand the development programs and
projects in their barangays, as well as internalize the communication dynamics that would synergize
and propel participation among community partners to concretize those initiatives, they start to
internalize their roles as agents of sustainable development not only in their respective communities
but even beyond. Hence, this Community Development Situationer is a major requirement in DC 20
(Introduction to Development Communication).


This DC 20 experiential vehicle enables students to:

1. Explore the development realities and directions of their respective barangays based on
their plans and priorities (CDS-Part 1) and

2. Uncover the roles of communication dynamics needed in dealing with or even managing
development programs and projects at the barangay or community level (CDS-Part 2).


1. Formally request your barangay chair to lend you a copy of minutes of meetings OR
proceedings of dialogues, fora, or consultation sessions that have been recently conducted
or held, which discussed or tackled any TWO (not more than that number please) of the
barangay development programs and projects you reported in the first part of your CDS.
[NOTE: A sample request letter is attached on page 3 for you to use as a pattern in writing
your own letter.]

2. From every document (minutes or proceedings), meeting/ dialogue/ forum/ consultation

session that tackled each of your chosen development programs and projects, pinpoint or
surface the following:

a) Purpose/s of the meeting/dialogue/ forum/ consultation session (What was the

purpose of the communication activity/ opportunity?);
b) Agenda of the meeting/dialogue/ forum/ consultation session (What were the agenda
c) Participants (Who were the participants or those involved in the meeting/dialogue/
forum/ consultation session?);
d) Supplementary information or communication material used (What supplementary
information or communication material was used during the meeting/dialogue/
forum/ consultation session?);
e) Messages shared and received (What were the key points or messages shared and
received by the participants of the meeting/dialogue/ forum/ consultation session?);
f) Effects or interaction outcomes (What were the effects or outcomes of the sharing and
receiving of messages during the meeting/dialogue/ forum/ consultation session?);
g) Facilitators (What/Who contributed to the smooth flow of the participants’
h) Barriers (What/Who hindered or blocked the smooth flow of the participants’
i) Ways of overcoming the barriers (What was done to overcome each of the
communication barriers?); and
j) Results/Outputs/Accomplishments of the meeting/dialogue/ forum/ consultation
session (What were the results/outputs/accomplishments of the meeting/dialogue/
forum/ consultation session?)

[REMINDER: In case you struggle or are hard up in surfacing any of the 10 communication
opportunity dimensions, it Is suggested that you interview the barangay chair or his/her
representative based on the question enclosed in parentheses after each dimension.]

3. Please prepare a comprehensive and well-written report of your output. Once again, you
only need to select two of your barangay development programs and projects; each
program or project should have been discussed or deliberated upon in a meeting/dialogue/
forum/ consultation session recently.

4. After completing the second part of your CDS, present THREE logical and meaningful
LESSONS that you have learned as a (1) DevCom student and as a (2) barangay/community
resident from BOTH parts of your CDS.

5. Kindly encode your output in this exercise using legal-size bond paper (8.5” x13”), properly
paginated, double-spaced, and margined (1.0 inch on all sides). Please personally submit a
HARD COPY of the second set of CDS outputs to your DC 20 Professor) on or before 29 May,
2023. Include your COMPLETE NAME in all your outputs to facilitate their identification.
Kindly add (copy paste) the RATIONALE and OBJECTIVES of your Community Development
Situationer before the REPORT PROPER of this CDS-Part 2.

Thank you and all the best, dear students.

Prepared by:


Professor, DEVC 20
Department of DevCom, CAFSD, MMSU, City of Batac
Republic of the Philippines
College of Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Development
City of Batac 2906 Ilocos Norte

Development Communication Department

12 May, 2023


Secretary, Brgy Tonoton
Municipality of Piddig, Ilocos Norte


I am a first year BS Development Communication student of the College of

Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Development, MMSU. A part of the major requirements in
my first DevCom subject (DC 20) is a Community Development Situationer (CDS), which
requires me to explore the development projects in our barangay, together with the
communication processes that deliberate on them.

Last March, I had an interview with you for me to describe our barangay based on its
profile and to identify our development projects. I reported those sets of information as
required in the first part of my CDS. Now, I have reached the second part, which deals with
the communication strategies that tackle our various development projects.

In this connection, Ma’am, may I request your help once again by lending me a copy
of the minutes of recent meetings and/or proceedings of dialogues wherein any two of our
barangay development projects were discussed by officials and residents in our barangay. I
assure you that the minutes and/ or proceedings will be used exclusively for academic

In addition, may I request for another round of interview with you or your
representative regarding the dynamics of deliberating on our development projects during
your most convenient time.

I look forward to your favorable action on my requests, Ma’am. Thank you and more

Respectfully yours,

Resident, Brgy 6. Tonoton, Municipality of Piddig
Republic of the Philippines
College of Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Development
City of Batac 2906 Ilocos Norte

Development Communication Department

12 May, 2023


Secretary, Brgy Sucsuquen
Municipality of Piddig, Ilocos Norte


I am a first year BS Development Communication student of the College of

Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Development, MMSU. A part of the major requirements in
my first DevCom subject (DC 20) is a Community Development Situationer (CDS), which
requires me to explore the development projects in our barangay, together with the
communication processes that deliberate on them.

Last March, I had an interview with you for me to describe our barangay based on its
profile and to identify our development projects. I reported those sets of information as
required in the first part of my CDS. Now, I have reached the second part, which deals with
the communication strategies that tackle our various development projects.

In this connection, Ma’am, may I request your help once again by lending me a copy
of the minutes of recent meetings and/or proceedings of dialogues wherein any two of our
barangay development projects were discussed by officials and residents in our barangay. I
assure you that the minutes and/ or proceedings will be used exclusively for academic

In addition, may I request for another round of interview with you or your
representative regarding the dynamics of deliberating on our development projects during
your most convenient time.

I look forward to your favorable action on my requests, Ma’am. Thank you and more

Respectfully yours,

Resident, Brgy 7, Sucsuquen, Municipality of Piddig

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