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A Basic/Expert Transition by Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris

Adventure from the UK, for
5-8 characters of levels 2-4
and Phil Gallagher



Expert Play 2; Adventure Background 4
Getting Started 5
Description of Sukiskyn 9; The Attackers 10
Goblin Lairs 15; Other Encounters 16;
Production: Phil Gallagher & Reckoning with the Wolfskull 20
TSR UK Design Team
Cover An: Brian Williams RUINS OF XITAQA 24
Internal An: Helen Bedford Outer Ruins 25; Golthar's Tower 26
Cartography & Design: Geoff Wingate JOURNEY TO THRESHOLD 28
Proofreading: Carole Morris,
Mike Brunton Sukiskyn to Rifllian 29; Rifllian 32
Playtesting: Pat Whitehead, Matt Connell , On to Threshold 32
Helen Freeman, Stuart Bonham, THRESHOLD 34
Steve Waters Golthar's Plan 37; Optional Events 39
Thanks to Luke Renouf, Don Turnbull,
Tom Kirby, Dawn Buxton, and a special TOWARDS THE BLACK PEAKS 40
thanks to Harold Johnson for his
invaluable assistance. THE LOST VALLEY OF HUTAAKA 44
Inhabitants of Hutaaka 47
Hutaakans Be: Traldar 48
Dis1ribu1ed to tht• book tradt• by Random House, In<', and in
Canada by Random House of Ccmada, Lid. Distribu1ed to the toy
and hobb)' industry by regional dis1ribu1ors. OiscributN in 1he
United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
Chevall; Ice Wolf 54;
IMAGINATION , and the TSR logo are registered trademarks Kartoeba; Living Statues; Rock Rattler 55
owned by TS R, Inc. Gt. Foot-pad lizard; Shroud Spider 56
e> March 1986 TSR, Inc. All Ri ghts Reserved. Primed in USA. Wyrd; Piranha 56
This ad\'enture is proti:c1ed under the copyright laws of 1he
Unitt'd Slates of Amt"rica. Any reproduction or other un·
PULL-OUT SHEETS between pages 12 8c 13
au thorized use o f 1he ma1erial or art work comain<'Cl h<'rein is Players' Information Sheet 1-11
prohibited without the express written permissio1t of TSR, Inc. Calendar Be: Player's Map II
Non-Player Characters III-VI
Non-human Clans Be: Tribes VI
TSR , Inc. TSR UK Ltd. Weather Tables VII
POB 756 The Mill Optional Encounters VIII
Lake Geneva Rathmore Road
WI 53147 Cambridge CBI 4AD
USA United Kingdom. LIST OF MAPS
Plan S • Sukiskyn Loose Insert

Events WE7 and WE12 ·Journey to Threshold Loose Insert
Area Wl9 • Gnomes' Ferry Loose Insert
Map R • Rifllian Loose Insert
Maps T & F ·Threshold & Fogor Isle Loose Insert
TSR, Inc. Map V • Foamfire Valley Loose Insert
Map ff - The Lost Valley Loose Insert
Map K • Eastern Karameikos Outer Folder
ISBN 394-55412-4 The Tapestry Inner Folder
9149 Plans H5 & H6 ·Temple of Pflarr Inner Folder
Printed in the USA Areas W9-Wl7 ·South of the River Inner Folder

Welcome to Night's Dark Terror, the

module which opens up the infinite
possibilities of wilderness campaign adven-
turing in the DUNGEONS&: DRAGONS®
Expert Set World.

The adventure unfolds in the wild lands of

the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (Map #I
in the Expert rulebook). A river journey
takes the adventurers to the besieged
steading of Sukiskyn, where goblin hordes
assail the walls throughout the long night.
But this is only the beginning: soon the
adventurers find themselves in a life-or-
death struggle against the evil of the
nefarious Iron Ring, a struggle which leads
them ultimately to confront the ancient
perils of the Lost Valley of Hutaaka.

Expert Play
You may find running this adventure
different to ones you have previously
Dungeon Mastered, for Night's Dark Terror
is a campaign adventure designed to let
your players' characters experience the
thrill of discovering a fantasy world.
There are a myriad different options open
to the adventurers, and many places where
they may explore, since there are no
dungeon walls to restrict their movement
(although rivers and mountains often have
a similar effect).

If this is your first Expert adventure it is

essential that you read the Expert rules
first. Areas to pay special attention to are
the sections on Adventuring (p20 & 21), the
D&D®Campaign (p28, 38 & 39), and
Adventures in the Wilderness (p41-43).

The structure of this module allows you to

slot into Expert campaign play with the
minimun of difficulty. In the opening
phases, the order of events is clearly
defined, but as the adventure progresses,
more opportunities are provided to let you
shape the exact course of the adventure.
The last section, Hutaaka - The Lost
Valley is deliberately "free-form" -a lot of
the action here depends on the interaction
between you and your players, but plenty
of information has been provided to make
this as easy and as much fun as possible.
Since the adventurers have considerable Days and Seasons
freedom of action, their choices will often
determine the exact order of events. This It takes time to journey along winding
does not usually matter, but, some en- forest tracks, to climb hills (see Movement
counters necessarily occur before others. rates, EX2l) and to recover hit points. A
For example, the adventurers must go to calendar for the use of the players is
Sukiskyn (p9) before exploring the sur- provided on Pull-out Sheet II. Each day's
rounding woods, in much the same way weather can also be described to the players
that a dungeon's entrance must be dis- using the table on Pull-out Sheet VII. The
covered before the passages beyond it can weather table is not meant to be inflexible,
be explored. Similarly, some encounter however, so feel free to amend it where the
areas can only be discovered after certain flow of the action demands, as it can be very
information has been gathered. In general, useful tool in directing the course of the
the flow of the adventure should follow the adventure.
order of sections in the booklet, and where
the ordering of specific encounters is regain 1 hit point per day. While resting, it
important, this is made clear in the text. Effects of Weather is advisable to be in a relatively safe
location such as Sukiskyn, (once the siege
Because the options open to your players Rainfall is over), in order to avoid combat (energetic
are now far greater, they may occasionally This can reduce both visibility and move- activity) with any wandering monsters.
do something totally unexpected. If they ment rates, although showers have no
do, don't panic, simply review the infor- effect (other than making the Player
mation provided in the module and decide Characters (PCs) feel uncomfortable. Rain Awarding Experience Points
what is the likely outcome of their actions. reduces visibilty to a maximum of 400
If they insist, it may be necessary to let them yards. Two consecutive days of rain are You should only award experience points
deviate from the story for a while, before equivalent to a downpour for movement to characters who are in a relatively safe
bringing them back into the action again. purposes. Downpours reduce visibilty to place. Characters spending a night out in
IOO yards and slow off-road movement by the wilderness should have to wait for their
25%. Two or more days of downpour experience points until they return to
Expanding the Wilderness reduce movement by 503. In rain or a Sukiskyn or arrive at Rifllian or Threshold
downpour unprotected bow and crossbow and so on. Do not award any experience
Although the process outlined in D&:D® strings become damp and cannot be used points for the killing of an NPC (or
Campaign - Designing the Wilderness until dried out. monster) for whom no xp value has been
(EX28) has already been done for you in given. This will only encourage the PCs to
this module, the Expert campaign world is Wind slaughter anyone they meet.
now yours to use and to expand. The strength of the wind affects missile
weapons. In a wind all missile ranges are
This adventure is designed to give you a increased by one band for purposes of Introducing New Player Characters
feel for the Expert world where, unlike in accuracy: short range becomes medium,
dungeon settings, it is imp0ssible to detail medium becomes long and no long range During the course of the adventure, player
every area . Only those areas which are fire is possible. In a gale all missile characters may die, and players will wish to
directly relevant to this adventure have weapons are limited to short range only but introduce new characters into the game.
been fully described, while other areas are are fired at -I to hit. This should be done in a logical and
only briefly touched on. The Black Eagle creative manner. For example, new char-
Barony (EX38), for example, is developed acters could arrive at Sukiskyn after having
no further than in the Expert Rulebook, Other Notes heard rumours about the goblin raids; or
while the homestead at Sukiskyn (p9) is they could be "discovered" as prisoners
fully detailed, as it plays an important part Characters' Home Towns held by the goblins; or they may be
in this adventure. residents of Threshold who join the party
If you wish to assign home towns to your when it arrives there. The main thing is to
When developing your own material to PCs, it is best if these are not Kelven or provide a rationale for new characters
expand the Expert world, avoid the Threshold, as these are part of the adventure appearing when they do; having them
temptation to create too much detail. Only and they should not be too familiar with simply "dropping in" out of the blue
those areas which your player characters them at first. When the adventure is over, should be avoided .
will explore in depth need be fully des- Threshold in particular, is an ideal place
cribed. It is pointless designing areas that for the characters to use as a base for further
will never to be explored; a brief idea of adventures. Bargaining
what they are about is all that is needed.
Bargaining is quite common in Kara-
The town of Threshold (p34 & Map T) is a Recovering Lost Hit Points meikos and rules for bargaining can be
good example of this. To give an idea of found on Pull-out Sheet VII along with
Threshold's atmosphere and customs, a After adventuring in the dungeon, char- other important tables.
general description is provided, including acters were assumed to return home and
brief details of a few of the town's automatically heal their lost hit points
landmarks. These are maps and detailed before the next adventure. In this adventure Saving Throws
descriptions of the two areas which are this procedure is handled more realistically
most important to the adventure, but most - the characters may halt wherever they If you wish, the optional rules from the
other buildings (shops, houses and so on) like and attempt to rest to regain lost hit Master Set can be included in your game.
are left undefined, ready to be filled out as points. If they spend a whole day resting, These allow ability score bonuses/penalties
needed for later adventures. conducting no energetic activity, they to modify saving throws as follows:
and reli gio us pursuits, but also well versed The Hutaakan Tapestries
in cra ft s and trade. When their realm
expanded fro m th ~ va ll ey of their birth o ut When the edi ct was passed restricting
o n to the lo wl a nds, their conques t of th e access to Hutaa ka, the Hi gh Priestess
inh a bit a nt s w as ac hi eve d thr o u g h crea ted magica l tapes tries which bo th
economi c a nd cultura l superiorit y ra ther recorded and concea led the loca tio n of the
tha n milita ry force. Thu s it was tha t the vall ey. By them selves . the tapestries (which
Hutaa kans achi eved do min ance over a were fin ely executed in rare silks) showed
primitive hum;i n tri be, th e T ra ldar, wh o only intri ca te, but mea ningless pa u erns.
were content to tra de their Ja bo ur fo r the The " keys" to the informa tion which the
benefit s of Huta<i kan culture ;i nd craft. ta pes tri es conta ined, were magica l silver
needles, each with a length of fin e go lden
Even as the Hutaa kan s spread o ut o nto the thread a ttached. The pries tesses had only to
lowl ;inds, the v;i lley rema ined th e sire of to uch a magica l needl e to o ne of the
th eir most im porta nt tem p le to the deity tap estries for it to wea ve th roug h the cl o th
Strength : modifies Saving Throws vs. Pfl an, who m they revered a bove a ll o thers. o f its o wn accord, tra iling the go lden
Paralysis and Tum to Stone As th e power of the Hut a;i kans grew and thread behind . When the needl e stopped,
Intelligence: modifies Savin g Th rows vs. th e ir rea lm e xp a nd ed , th e va ll ey o f the gold r n thread, combined with the
Mind Auacks (charm , confusio n, control. Hutaa ka developed in to a religio us centre tapes try's ori g in a l threads, produced a
fea r, fee blemind) inha bited only by the cleri cs of Pflarr and clea r ma p to Huraa ka. Touching the
Wisdo m : modifi es Saving Throw s vs. the man y servants and peasa nts whose lives needle aga in wo uld cause it to pull the
Spells and Staves (noc those a bove) were devoted to servin g the temples. With thread o u t of the tapestry o nce more,
Dexterit y: modifi es Saving Throws vs. their tho ughts turned ever to Pfl arr , the leaving no trace of the map .
Wa nd s and Dragon Brea th inha bitants took littl e or no interest in
Constituti o n : m odifi es Saving Th rows vs. outside affairs. In tim e, the High Priestesses Th e tap es tries were entrusted to the high
Po ison (but no t Dea th Ray) decreed tha t no-one could enter H utaa ka clerics in the lowl a nd s, and over the years,
Chari sma: no bo nus to Saving Th rows witho ut thei r permi ss ion and even made each o ne was buried with the tapestry
effo rts to concea l the ro ute to the va ll ey which was her sy mbo l of offi ce. When they
fr om a ll except the priestesses. withdrew to the sanct uary of the va ll ey, th r
Having Fun Hu taa ka ns rea li sed tha t these tapestries
With the passin g years, Huta<i kan c1v1- mi g ht o ne da y lead o th ers to the va ll ey, but
Adventurin g is, a bo ve all , a bo ut enj oying li za tio n fl o uri shed bo th in side and o ut side they could no t bring themselves to desecrate
yo urself, and sometim es in o rder to do so it the va ll ey. As it was reachin g its zenith , the th e pri es tesses ' tombs by removing them .
is necessa ry to overrul e some di ce throws. It lowla nd s were invaded by g no ll hordes. In stead, th ey put their trust in Fa te and the
is yo ur jo b as DM to give yo ur pl a yers a n Being devo ted to cu ltu ra l a nd reli gio us ancient gods.
exciting a nd fun time, rel yin g enti re ly o n pursuits, the Huta;i k;i ns were ill -prepared
th e di ce is no t a lways the bes t way to do so to meet thi s th rea t. With extin ctio n g larin g But Fa te is unkind , a nd those th a t ca me to
- they are a n a id , no t a mea ns in them in the face, th e remna nts of the rnce the la nd aft er the Hutaa kans had no res pect
themselves. But be di screte - yo u don ' t drew back in to the sanctu;i ry of Hutaa ka . for the a ncient ways. It was o nl y a matter of
want yo ur pl ayers to get the idea that yo u Alth ough the ruin s they left behind re- time ....
are pulling a ny punches! ma ined as mute tes timo ny to the existence
of a wea lth y people. the Hut aa kans had
covered th eir tracks well a nd fe lt sa fe at last. The Iron Ring
Pull-out Sheets
Hidd e n within th e L os t Va ll ey, th e Th e Iro n Rin g is a secret organi sa tion
In the middle of thi s bookl et are eig ht Hu taa kan s ca me to term s with an in- whi ch cont ro ls the slave trade in Kara-
pages whi ch sho uld be pulled o ut pri or to creasin gly span ;i n life-style, growin g ever meikos a nd beyo nd . H owever, its interests
play and kept to ha nd durin g the adventure. more introverted as the yea rs passed. do n o t sto p a t slavery - the Rin g's Mas ters
References to th e Pull-out sheets occur as H owever, isola ti o n had quite a differellt are a lways int eres ted in any scheme or
PSn , wh ere n is the number o f the shee t in effect o n the Hutaa ka ns' huma n mini o n s, o pera tio n th a t ma kes money and increases
Roman numeral s. The reference sheets 0 11 the Tra ldar, wh o had accompa nied them . the Rin g's power. From Bl ack Eagle
pages 9 & I 0 a nd pages 4 7 & 48 ca n a lso be T he harsh conditi ons in 1he va ll ey mea nt Baro ny, the Rin g's Mas ters wa tch o ver
removed if des ired. tha t the Tra lda r were fo rced to wo rk ever their secret empire a nd plo t their next
h;irder whil e receivin g fe wer a nd fewer of moves.
th r benefit s of Hutaa ka n culture in return .
Adventure Background As the hum ans grew more restive, their One day an a ncient ma nu script arrived a t
asce tic mas ters were forced to trea t th e Bl ac k Eagle Baro n y, o ne of ma ny items
Ancient History of Karameikos cl ir nt race ever morr ca llo usly. ta ken from a n elf destin ed to spend the res!
of her life as a ga ll ey slave . T he manuscript
The roo ts of thi s adventure stretch bac k Eventua lly, th r Tra lda r rose up aga inst was delivered int o the hands of a magic
many mill ennia to the days when th e their mas ters a nd in a bl ood y revo lt fr eed user n a med G o lth ar, o ne of the Ring's
Hutaakan Empire extended over the la nds themse lves fro m slavery. Years of bitter lesser Mas ters. On examinin g the manu-
no w covered by nonhern a nd eastern irner- racia l wa rfa re fo ll owed, in whi ch scri p t Golthar beca me very interested in its
Kara meikos. mos t of the va lley's popul a tio n peri shed, ta le of the a ncient Hutaa kan civili sa tion
the culturr of the Hutaa kans was a ll but a nd p a rti c ul a rl y o f it s vas t wea lth .
The Hutaakans , a race of jac ka l-h eaded smas hed, a nd the Tra ldar reverted to a Imm edi a tely Go lthar sought permi ssion to
humano ids, took their na me from Hutaa ka, cru e l, bar ba ri c sta te. To day spo ra di c inves tiga te a nd then set off for eas tern
the va ll ey in the Bl ack Pea k mo untai ns fi g hting srill occurs a mo ngs t rhe ruins of Kara meikos to look for Xitaqa, the ancient
where they o rigina ted. The Hutaa kan s Hutaa ka as the T ra ldar a nd Hutaakan s Hutaa ka n se ttl ement mentio ned in the
were a civili sed race, o bsessed with cultura l colltinue their biuer stru ggle. manu scrip t.
4 NIGHT'S DARK TERROR (Adventure Background)
Golthar soon discovered Xitaqa (see p24 (PSVI). Pyotr needs a few guards to ensure
and Map K) and took up residence there that the horses arrive safely at Rifllian,
with his hobgoblin aides. Investigations of Stephan offers lOOgp per character, but he
the ruins revealed another manuscript has Pyotr's permission to be bargained up
which confirmed Golthar's suspicions - to 160gp.
the Hutaakans had vacated Xitaqa taking
their wealth with them. Eventually, in the Stephan will arrange passage for the party
crypt of one of the buildings, Golthar came on the riverboat of a trader named Kalanos
across a sacred tapestry with a silver needle when the boat makes its first trip of the
and gold thread next to it (see The spring up to the forest lumber-camps.
Hutaakan Tapestries). Golthar realised Kalanos will leave in a week's time, on
that this was the clue he sought to the Moldain the 7th of Thaumont and will be
Hutaakans' whereabouts. Eagerly he able to take the adventurers to Misha's
touched the needle to the tapestry and Ferry which is within a day's march of
watched in fascination as it wove through Sukiskyn.
the cloth, but Golthar had no time to watch Alignments
the full scene unfold. The crypt was home After finishing his arrangements with the L - lawful; N - neutral; C - chaotic.
to a pair of gelatinous cubes and they were party, Stephan will leave Kelven, promis-
closing fast. Golthar grabbed the tapestry ing to meet the party in one week's time at Abilities
and fled but, as he did so, the ancient fibres Sukiskyn. Stephan has no idea that the S - strength; I - intelligence; W - wisdom;
crumbled in his hands. All that remained goblin reign of terror is about to begin. D - dexterity; C - constitution; Ch -
to him were the magical silver needle and charisma.
its golden thread. His only hope lay in the
possibility that other tapestries might Horses Rulebook References (and page no.)
exist, tapestries from which his needle and BP - D&D® Basic Players Manual ; BD -
thread could produce the map he craved. If the characters have only played the Basic Dungeon Masters Rulebook; EX -
D&D® Basic rules prior to this adventure, Expert Rulebook; MD- Master DM's Book.
Further explorations of Hutaakan ruins they will probably not have any horses, and
and tombs proved both dangerous and it is preferable that they do not have any THACO =To Hit Armour Class Zero . This
fruitless , but then a captured traveller when the adventure begins. It is easy is the roll on ld20 needed by a creature to
revealed that a golden tapestry was hung in enough to provide a rationale: it could be hit an opponent with AC 0. In most cases,
one of the settlements or homesteads east of that there are simply no horses available in the roll needed to hit other armour classes=
Kelven. But which one? The captive could Kelven or, if the party already has horses, THACO minus AC.
not tell him. they could be stolen, or else Kalanos might
not have any room for them on his boat.
By now Golthar was in no position to make
polite enquiries, for his superiors were Unless you intend to run a short adventure
demanding results. Golthar saw an oppor- in Kelven, tell your players that the week
tunity both to pacify his masters and also to passes quickly and without incident. Move
continue his search for the Hutaakans' them straight into the adventure without
wealth . At once he sent out his hobgoblin any unnecessary delay.
lieutenants to rally the goblin tribes of the
Dymrak forest and lead them against the
settlements. No settlement was to be spared Abbreviations
- the tapestry was to be found without
delay! Those homesteaders who were not Monster/NPC Statistics are presented 111
killed were to be captured and taken as the following order:
slaves to Black Eagle Barony.
Number; Name; Class and level (NPCs
only); Armour class (AC); Hit dice (HD
Getting Started - monsters only); Hit points (hp - num-
bers in brackets are normal hit point values
The module is designed for a group of PCs for wounded creatures); Movement rates
with about 5000 xps each, at the start. The (MV); Number and type of attacks (#AT);
adventure begins in Kelven, a riverside Damage (D); Save as (Save); Morale (ML);
town within the Duchy of Karameikos. Alignment (AL); Experience point value
Here they meet Stephan (see PSIV) who (xp) - if no xps are listed for a creature or
offers them a job. Stephan is acting on monster, then none should be awarded if
behalf of his brother Pyotr who owns the party kills it; Roll needed to hit armour
Sukiskyn, a prosperous homestead in the class zero (THACO - see below); Weapon
Dymrak forest to the east (give the players range (if applicable) (R - Short/Medium/
the information on Pull-out Sheets I Sc II). Long); Sourcebook and page number.
Pyotr's clan make their living by catching
and breaking wild horses from the nearby
moors and recently had the good fortune to General
capture a small herd of pure white horses.
These will soon be ready for sale at Character Classes
Rifllian, where it is hoped that the Callarii C - cleric; F - fighter; MU - magic user;
elves there will pay a high price for them , as T - Thief; D - dwarf; E - elf; H - halfling;
the white horse is the symbol of their tribe NM - normal man.
NIGHT'S DARK TERROR (Getting Started/Abbreviations) 5

This section takes the adventurers from the the boat safe from the arrows. At the same This is the adventurers' first encounter
city of Kelven to the besieged homestead at time, the Hounds armed with daggers dive with the forces of the Iron Ring. If they
Sukiskyn, and deals with the adventure into the river and start to swim towards the search the bodies, they will find the
during and after the siege, up to the point boat, while the bowmen continue to fire characteristic marks of the Iron Ring
where news arrives that Pyotr's brother arrows. When they reach the boat, it takes (brands and manacle scars - see PSIV) but
Stephan has been abducted by the goblins. the boarders 1 round to clamber in, during these mean nothing to Kalanos or the crew.
which they cannot make an attack. At this None of the Hounds of the Iron Ring has
moment, however, the Reaver disguised as any treasure, and the impostor rower has
Leaving Civilisation a crewman makes his move, attacking the only 3gp. The Reaver on the bank has 30gp
defenders and backstabbing if possible. in mixed coins.
Behind (Map K)
Note: The boat gives complete cover
As arranged (see Getting Started - p5), against missiles for anyone hidden below Wl. Misha's Ferry (Map K)
Kalanos and his river boat are waiting for the gunwales and +2 protection for those
the party on the wharf at Kelven on the who show themselves (e.g. to cast spells or Misha's ferry stands at the point where a
morning of the 7th of Thaumont (see The fire arrows). The water gives+ 1 protection trade route crosses the Volaga river. It is the
Passing Days - PSI, and Weather - PSVII). to swimming characters (see BP60). first place upriver from Kelven where the
Kalanos' boat has a crew of nine (including river can be crossed, and the adventurers
eight rowers) but, unknown to him, one of can complete the journey to Sukiskyn on
the rowers (whom he hired only a few days On the bank: foot from here. Kala nos continues upstream
ago) is a Reaver of the Iron Ring (see PSIV), I Reaver of the Iron Ring (fighter): AC 4 to the Ilyakana lumber camp (see W4-pl5J.
with orders to help the Iron Ring squad (chain mail & shield); F2; hp 14; MV 90' (30');
stationed upriver (see below). The Reaver #AT 1 sword or I arrow (short bow); D ld8+1 Being in the general area of Golthar's
is indistinguishable from the other rowers. (inc. S bonus) or ld6; Save F2; ML 10; AL N; search, Misha was attacked the previous
xp 25; THACO 18 (inc. S bonus); PSIV. night by Vlack's vampire bats (see event
At first, the river is flanked by rolling WE5 - pl 4) and fell into the river where she
downs on both sides, but a few miles 8 Hounds of the Iron Ring (bowmen): AC 7 drowned. Her pet cave bear was wounded
upriver from Kelven the forest closes in on (leather armour); HD 1+I; hp 6 each; MV 120' and fled into the forest.
the southern bank. The river is narrower (40'); #AT I arrow (short bow); D ld6; Save Fl;
here, and faster-flowing, but .,the boat ML 12; AL N; xp 19 each; THACO 18 -
makes good progress: R 50/100/150; PSIV. By late-afternoon the boat reaches
the jetty at Misha's ferry. As the crew
12 Hounds of the Iron Ring (boarders): AC 9; help you off with your baggage,
Suddenly, there is a thud and the HD l+I; hp 6 each; MV 120' (40'), 60' (20') Kalanos calls out to Misha, but has
boat lurches to a halt, momentarily swimming; #AT I dagger; D ld4; Save Fl; no reply.
throwing you off-balance. ML 12; AL N; xp 19 each; THACO 16 (inc.
ferocity bonus); PSIV. "Don't worry," he says, "Misha often
goes off hunting with that flea-bitten
The riverboat, which is about 80 feet from On the boat: old bear of hers. She'll be back before
the wooded right bank, has struck a chain Kalanos • boatman: AC 7; F5; hp 22; MV 90' night and won't mind you making
stretched across the river. The chain was (30'); #AT I dagger; D ld4; Save F5; ML 12; yourselves at home. Good luck!"
put there by a squad of Iron Ring warriors ALL; THACO 17. Kalanos gives the order "Cast off!",
(see below), ordered to prevent anyone Appearance: Male, age 40, short, with black the boat pulls away from the jetty,
(especially adventurers) venturing to the receding hair. and continues upriver.
east of Kelven. The Iron Ring squad Clothing: Heavy brown robe over leather
consists of a Reaver (fighter) and 16 armour, 2 gold arm bands (value 60gp each).
Hounds (7 armed with bows and 9 with The door of the cabin is unlocked. Inside,
daggers). They were hiding in the woods 7 ordinary crewmen: AC 9; NM; hp 3 each; nothing seems to have been disturbed and
on the right bank, and automatically gain MV 120' (40'); #AT Nil; Save NM; ML 7; AL N. there are no signs that anything is amiss.
surprise when the Reaver and bowmen The only things of value in' the cabin are
begin the attack by breaking cover and I Reaver of the Iron Ring (thief): AC 6; T4; 45gp worth of mixed coins in a jar on a
firing arrows at the boat. (inc. D bonus); hp 12; MV 120' (40'); #AT I shelf.
dagger +I (concealed); D ld4+1 (double for
In the second round of the attack, the crew backstab); Save T4; ML 10; AL N; xp 125; Shortly after the party arrives, the bear
(including Kalanos) hide in the bottom of THACO 19 (15 for backstab); PSIV. returns. Wounded and angry, it charges
6 SIEGE AT SUKJSKYN (WI. Misha's Ferry)
towards anyone it sees and attacks them . If The following descriptions assume that
the adventurers take refuge in the cabin and the party approaches the homestead from
do not attack the bear, it will claw at the the west along the track which leads to the
doors and windows for a while before bridge. If this is not the case, you should
wandering off. It will not return. Feeding amend them accordingly, remembering
the bear will not pacify it. that the adventurers may be well be
massacred if they remain in the open, and
I cave bear: AC 5; HD 7; hp 30; MV 120' (40'); that the homestead is quite obviously the
#AT 2 claws/I bite + hug (if both claws hit); only defendable position available.
D 2-8/2-8/2-12 + 2-16; Save F4; ML I I; AL N;
xp 450; THACO 13; BD26.
Welcome to Sukiskyn!
Journey to Sukiskyn When the adventurers are about 500 yards
from the homestead, they catch wind of the
Night falls about an hour after the party battle:
arrives at Misha's Ferry. The party should "Look out!" cries a man's voice from
be encouraged (by the howling of wolves, if the gatehouse across the bridge, and,
necessary) to stay in the cabin overnight. If It is past sunset. A twilight hush has through the smoke, you see a squad
the adventurers venture out during dark- settled over the forest, and there is no of goblins mounted on huge wolves
ness, they will be attacked by 2-5 wolves (see movement amongst the shadowy charging wildly along the riverbank
Optional Encounters - PSVIII) and will trees on either side of the trail. The towards you. "Quick, before they cut
lose their way, ending up back at the cabin world seems at peace, perhaps a little you off!", the voice continues, and
after 2 hours. The next day is fine and too quiet. the gate starts to swing open. There
sunny. is not a moment to lose.
Then the silence is broken. A faint
The homestead at Sukiskyn is next on the cry drifts on the evening breeze
list for the combined goblin war parties which also brings a whiff of wood- If the adventurers hesitate for more than 2
commanded by Golthar's lieutenant Vlack, smoke. Ahead, you catch a glimpse rounds, the mounted goblins will catch
but they will wait until sunset before of flames rising beyond the trees. The them before they reach the homestead. If
attacking (see Welcome to Sukiskyn - sounds grow louder; shouts of men they head straight for the gate, however,
below), and you should arrange for the mingle with harsh, guttural war- they can get through it ahead of the
party to arrive a little after this. It is about cries and the clash of battle, while all goblins:
18 miles from Misha's Ferry to Sukiskyn the time the flames grow higher,
and this journey should take a full day for bathing the forest in a pink glow.
most parties. If, however, your party has a As you hurry through the gateway
very fast movement rate then point out that into the smoke-filled yard beyond,
the track meanders a great deal, increasing spears, hurled by the mounted gob-
the actual distance travelled. For slow Ambush! lins, thud into the timbers behind
parties, of course, you can describe the path you. To your surprise, the gate is
as easy to travel and very straight. held open by a young woman, who
The forest ends on the bank of a fast- quickly shuts and bars it once you are
flowing river spanned by a wooden all through .
Flames at Dusk bridge which leads to the gate of a
palisaded homestead. The buildings For a moment you are safe, but the
Full descriptions of the homestead of are mostly intact, but are lit by flames flames from the nearby barn are
Sukiskyn and its occupants are given on leaping from a barn to the left of the already starting to spread to the
pl!, PSIII, and Plan S). Use the counters bridge. wooden tower above the gate, and
provided, to run the siege on Plan S. beyond the barn, a group of scarlet-
In a clearing on the far side of the clad goblins has broken through the
By the time the party arrives, the homestead burning barn, you can see the palisade and is rushing towards you.
is under attack by the combined war- attackers - goblins, or possibly ores Some fall to missiles fired from the
parties of the Red-blade (Gnhasska) and - and from your right, beyond the main building, but the rest press on
Wolfskull (Kloss-Junk) goblin tribes (see main part of the homestead, come regardless. Unmoved, the woman
below and Non-Human Tribes and Clans the cries of frightened horses. waits until a man wearing leather
- PSVI), and the barn (area 3) is ablaze. A armour makes his way down the
third tribe, the Vipers (Jaggadash), who ladder from the smoke-filled tower.
were supposed to storm the southern side of As the adventurers approach the edge of the Then the couple make a dash for the
the homestead in the confusion, have trees, a squad of eight Wolfskull (Kloss- main buildings, calling on you to
stampeded the horses out of the pens and lunk) goblins (in their distinctive wolf- follow.
left, taking the horses with them . The other skin cloaks) ambushes them from the
tribes are furious about this. undergrowth, gaining surprise on a roll of
1-4 on ld6. In the first round, the goblins The woman is Alfana and the man Taras.
The homesteaders are in a fairly strong throw their spears. After that, they use axes. There are five Red-blade (Gnhasska) gob-
defensive position, but took some casualties When the fight with the goblins is nearly lins heading for the party from the breach
in auempting to save their horses. The over, the adventurers will see another in the palisade. Three others have already
blacksmith Novannes and his son-in-law group of seven Wolfskull goblins mounted been killed, and three of the survivors are
Hakos were cut down by sheer weight of on dire wolves, heading towards them, wounded (2 hit points). They ignore
numbers, but managed to kill three of the attempting to cut them off from the Alfana and concentrate their attacks on
Viper goblins before they fell. homestead: characters wearing metal armour.
SIEGE AT SUKISKYN (Flames at Dusk) 7
The Night If the adventurers leave the homestead, they
will be attacked by one or other of the war
The night is cloudless, and the moonlight parties (depending on which side of the
enables the defenders to see any attackers in river they are on - see The Attackers - plO).
the open. The shadows hide any creatures While the adventurers are in the open, the
in the woods, however. The various areas goblins will hurl 3d6 missiles per round at
of open ground which may be seen from them. If the adventurers enter the woods,
di££erent parts of the homestead are listed they will be attacked by the full war party.
in the homestead description (see Des·
cription of Sukiskyn - opposite).
Siege Events
Characters inside the buildings are com-
pletely shielded from missile attacks. The Events SE! and SE2 may be used at any
arrow-slits, windows and battlements give time and as often as you wish. The
varying degrees of cover as indicated on remaining events should preferably be used
The Long Night Plan S. at the times given:

Once the party reaches the main building Except when attacking the homestead, the
and the door is shut behind them, any goblins and other besiegers remain hidden SEI. Ominous Silence
surviving Red-blade in the yard fall to the in the woods around the clearing. The
defenders' arrows and slingshots. defenders will be aware of their presence, On several occasions, the goblins attempt
however, since the goblins chant and beat to frighten the defenders by interrupting
There is then a lull in the attack as the drums through most of the night, and the the drumming and chanting with a period
goblins withdraw and wait for the barn, the characters will catch fleeting glimpses of of ominous silence.
gatehouse and the northern part of the glowing red eyes amongst the trees. The
palisade to burn down. This will take goblins will also light numerous small
about 3 turns. During this time, Pyotr fires so as to give an exaggerated impression SE2. Snipers
hastily greets the adventurers and jokes of their numbers and conceal the true
grimly about the warmth of their welcome. positions of their main forces. At various times (DM's discretion), groups
He then explains their predicament: of ld4+2 Red-blade goblins sneak to the
edge of the woods and fire slingstones at the
- there are two clans of goblins attacking The Defenders windows and battlements. The goblins are
the homestead: the Red-blade (or Gnhass- well concealed by the darkness and the
ka), and the Wolfskull (or Kloss-Junk), It is up to you to control the actions of the undergrowth and have a -4 armour class
who ride wolves non-player characters, but Pyotr will go bonus (BP60) against missiles fired from
- there was a third clan, the Vipers (or along with any useful suggestions which the homestead. The goblin snipers will
Jaggadash), but these have run 0££ with the adventurers make. If the players are retreat back into the woods after ld6+8
the horses from the pens, after killing making a bad job of defending the home- rounds or if two or more of their number
two of the clan (Novannes and Hakos) stead, you should use Pyotr as a source of are killed.
- although the barn, the gatehouse and the suggestions and advice. The homestead has
northern stretch of palisade are on fire, a good supply of spears, bows, slings,
the main building and stables are intact arrows and slingstones in the tower arm- SE3. Foray
- with the party's help, the defenders have oury (area IO - p9).
a good chance of holding out until About 3 hours before midnight, the
dawn, when daylight will force the When Taras, Alfana and the adventurers drumming and chanting stop, and two
goblins back into the woods reach the main building, Pyotr, Darya, Wolfskull goblin bodyguards mounted on
- with so many goblins hidden in the Matvey, Masha (weeping pitifully), her dire wolves, lead another IO Wolfskull
woods it would be suicidal to leave the baby and Stellios are in the hall (area 4), goblins (on foot) in a charge across the
homestead before dawn and Kuzma and Irina are in their tower bridge, over the remains of the gatehouse
- this is only one of several goblin attacks room (area 11). The bodies of Novannes and across the northern yard to attack the
on human homesteads in recent weeks. and Hakos are in the stable block (area 16). northern door into the kitchen. At the same
time, eight Red-blade goblins rush across
the northern clearing, take cover in the
ruins of the barn (-2 AC bonus, BP60) and
TABLE I -COMBAT ABILITIES SUMMARY FOR PYOTR'S CLAN give covering fire with slings.

The Wolfskull hack at the door with axes.

Melee Weapon Missile Weapon Up to two goblins can hack at once. They
Name AC Type Damage THACO Type Damage THACO Range hit automatically, although the DM should
roll for initiative as usual to see whether the
Pyotr 3 sword+ I ld8+3 14 arrow J+I) ld6 (+I) 17 (161 70/140/210 defenders manage to fire at the goblins first
Darya 6 dagger ld4 19 arrow ld6 18 50/100/150 each round. The door will break down if it
Taras 5 b. axe ld8+1 18 arrow ld6 18 50/100/150 suffers 30 or more points of damage and the
Alfana 9 dagger ld4-l 20 Wolfskull goblins will pour in, followed
Irina 6 sling ld4 18 40/80/160 by the Red-blade. The dire wolves will not
Matvey 9 enter the building.
Kuzma 9
Masha 9 1£, at any point, either group fails a morale
Stellios 9 ld4 20 40/80/160 check, or more than half of its number are
killed, it will retreat back to the woods.
8 SIEGE AT SUKISKYN (The Long Night/Events SEJ-SEJ) Continued on page 11
Description of Sukiskyn sonal items and so on are present. The 9·12. Stone Tower
outdoor areas (see Plan S) overseen from The only entrance to the tower is from the
Construction each room are also listed. upper floor of the hall.

Sukiskyn slands in a clearing on a bend in 9. Store tt

lhe Syereb River - see Map K &: Plan S. W i lh 1-3. Barn, Bridge Be Gatehouse Contents: emergency supplies of food and
the exception of the tower, and the ground drink, plus all sorts of other items which
floors of lhe kilchen and the forge, the Although the bridge (1) survives the siege, the family have half forgotten, including
homeslead is built entirely of oak, in· the gatehouse (2 - a small wooden tower one elven boot (this is useless on its own,
eluding the roof shingles (tiles). It was over the gate) and barn (3) are burnt down. the other one is in the Dark Web (Nyy-
built with defence in mind: akk) Ores' Lair - area Wl2(m), pl9).

- the buildings are joined by 8-foot-high 4-8 Main House 10. Armoury tt
log palisades Contents: 2 short bows, 2 longbows, a
- the entrances to the homestead have 4. Hall t battle axe, 2 small shields, a long sword,
heavy oaken gates, and there is a Used at mealtimes, and the heart of life in a rusty mace, a dwarf-sized suit of plate
gatehouse overlooking the bridge the homestead. If the adventurers stay at armour, a broken crossbow, 3 slings, 16
- there are no ground-floor windows Sukiskyn, they will be expected to sleep spears, 120 arrows, 200 slingstones.
- the stone-built tower, intended as a here (straw mattresses will be provided). Overlooks: N Yard, N, & E Clearing.
refuge in case of emergency, has battle- The hall has a gallery at upper floor level
ments and a good store of weapons and from which it is possible to look out of the 11. Kuzma's and Irina's Room ttt
provisions windows. The cleric Kuzma spends long hours here
- all doors are of oak (require 30 points of Contents: Jong table, benches, Pyotr's large teaching her grand-daughter Irina. The
damage to smash them). The exterior chair, and (on the wall) a stuffed eagle room smells of incense and old books.
doors can be barred on the inside, while and a wolf's head, an old hunting horn, Contents: 2 small beds, 2 desks, chairs, a
the internal ones can be barred from and two tapestries. One shows wild, lectern, shelves of books and scrolls, a
either side. Note: a door, barricaded from running horses, and the other has a chest of clothes, a rack of 8 bottles: 4 of
behind requires an extra 5-15 points geometric pattern (this is the tapestry of herbal horse medicine (have no effect on
(DM's decision) to smash it open. the Hutaakans - see The Hutaakan man nor horse), 2 vials of holy water, and
Tapestries, p4). 2 potions of healing.
Overlooks: N & S Yards, Pens, E, Clearing. Overlooks: N Yard, N, & E Clearing.
Sukiskyn as a Home
5. Side Room t 12. Battlements t
Unlike a murky dungeon or a dismal ruin, This dark room is used for brewing, salting Overlook: N Yard, N, E & S Clearings.
for example, Sukiskyn is home to a meat, washing clothes and storing food
community of individuals leading rela- and drink. Stellios sleeps here.
tively normal lives; doing chores, talking, Contents: brewing, salting and washing 13-16. Stable-Block
playing, eating, relaxing and so on . Try to tubs; salted meat (hanging from the ceil-
make the place seem real to the players by ing); casks of ale; casks and sacks of food; 13. Forget
involving the party in the life of the oil lamps; oil; Stellios' bed. Novannes worked here, shoeing horses,
homestead. repairing tools and so on.
6. Kitchen t Contents: hearth, fuel, anvil, tools, rods of
Privacy. A warm room with a large hearth and iron, horseshoes, nails.
Even though the adventurers are guests, adjacent bread-oven. The women often
they cannot expect to have a completely gather here. 14. Tack Room tt
free run of the homestead (except during Contents: Table, stools, pots, pans, uten- Contents: saddles, harnesses, ropes, straw,
time of emergency, e.g. the siege). The sils, food, herbs, spices, Darya's pewter oats, items for tending and grooming
rooms are coded according to how private dinner service (used for special occasions horses, an old tent.
they are: only).
15. Hakos' and Masha's Room ttt
t : Communal - adventurers are free to 7. Taras' and Alfana's Room ttt Contents: bed, cot, chest of clothes, table,
come here as they wish. Contents: bed, table, chairs, two chests of mirror, baby's toys, balalaika (a stringed
tt: Semi-private - adventurers might clothes, Taras' collection of 15 ornate musical instrument) hanging on the
be asked why they were here, but daggers and IO antique pole-arms (on wall.
there would be no adverse reaction the wall). Overlooks: W River, S Yard, Pens.
unless they were acting suspiciously. Overlooks: N Yard.
ttt : Private room - the inhabitants 16. Novannes' Room ttt
would object (politely at first) if 8. Pyotr's and Darya's Room ttt Contents: bed, desk, comfy leather chair,
adventurers were found here unin· Contents: bed, table, chairs, mirror and chest of clothes, a very intricate wrought·
vited. Suspicious actions here would portrait of Pyotr's father (on wall), two iron candlestick, a small painting of
cause an angry reaction. chests of clothes. Hidden in a locked Novannes' wife, a stuffed goblin's head
secret compartment by the hearth is the (on the wall).
clan treasure: a solid, iron-bound chest Overlooks: W &: S River, S Yard.
Details of the Homestead containing a sack of 2500gp. The base of
the chest is cunningly trapped (-10% 17. Stables t
The following descriptions list the uses of chance of detecting) - if the sack is 11 riding horses: AC 7: HD 2; hp II each;
the rooms and their main contents. It is up lifted, a poison dart flies up (THACO 10; MV240' (80'); #AT2 hooves; D l-4/l-4;Save Fl ;
to you to decide what other minor items of D 1-4; save vs. Poison or die). ML 7; AL N; THACO 18; EX51. Each is the
furniture, tools, domestic utensils, per- Overlooks: N & S Yards, W River. personal property of one of the clan.
SIEGE AT SUKISKYN (Description of Sukiskyn) 9
The Attackers The Wolrskull are distinguishable by cheir The Red-blade are easily distinguishable
wolf-skin robes. They are in che woods to since their cloching, armour (and even
Two goblin clans, the Wolfskull (Kloss- the west and south of the river. Kloss, hi some of their weapons) arc all in various
lunk) and the Red-blade (Gnhasska · see bodyguards, and nine other goblins are shades of red. They are positioned in the
below) swarm around lhe homestead, mounted on dire wolves: woods to the north and east of the
commanded and observed from the rear homestead.
by Golthar's hobgoblin lieutenant, Kloss (goblin king): AC 6; HD 3; hp 15;
Vlack. MV 90' (30'); #AT I battleaxe: D ld8+1: Save F3; Gnhass (goblin ~ing): AC 6; HD 3; hp 15;
ML 10; AL C; xp 35; THACO 17; BD31. MV 90' (30'); #AT I battle axe +I: D ld8+1 ;
The actions of the attackers are described Trnsure: ebony wolf's-head medallion with Save F3: ML. 9; AL C; xp 35; THACO 17;
in the sections Ambush! (page 7), and jade eyes (value· 175gp): 4!lgp. BD!ll.
Siege Events (page 8). The totals given Treasure: !l5gp, 1wo bloodstone earrings
below are the numbers present when the 3 goblin bodyguards: AC 6; HD 2; hp 9 each; (value - IOOgp each). and a battle axe +)_ The :-
party first arrives. Any attackers killed MV 90' (!10'); #AT 1 bauleaxeor I pear; D Jd8or value of this item will not be apparen1 thanks
during the night should be deducted ld6; Save F2; ML 10; AL C: xp 20; THACO 18; to several coats of red paint!
from these. BD31.
Trnsure: each goblin bodyguard has 2d20gp 4 goblin bodyguards: AC 6; HD 2; hp 9
worth of coin$ and 01her objcc1s. each: MV 90' (30'}; #AT I sword or I sling
Vlack's Retinue s1one; D ld8 or ld4; Save F2: ML 9; AL C;
25 goblins: AC 6: HD 1-1; hp 4 each; MV 90' xp 20 each; THACO 18; BD31.
Vlack (a hobgoblin "king"), his ice wolf, (!lO');#AT I hand axe or I ~pear; D ld6;SavcNM; Treasure: each has 2d20gp worth of coins and
hobgoblin bodyguards and giant vam- ML8(10 with leader); ALC; xp5each; THACO other objects.
pire bats, are in the woods east of the 19; BD!ll.
homestead with the R~·blade (Gnhass- Treasure: each ordinary goblin has coins and 43 goblins: AC 6: HD 1-1; hp 4 each; MV 90'
ka). The statistics of these creatures are other trinkets worlh ld6gp. (30'); #AT I short word or I sling lone: D ld6
given on p14 (event WE5). During the or ld4; Save NM; ML 7 (9 with leader); AL C;
siege they will stay hidden from the l!J dire wolves: AC 6; HD 4+1; hp 16 each; xp 5 each; THACO 19; 8031.
characters and will avoid any encounter MV 150' (50'); #AT I bite; D 2d4; Save F2; ML 8; Treasure: each ordinary goblin has coins and
with the party. AL N; xp 125 each; THACO 15; BD!l9. other uinkets worth Jd6gp.

10 SIEGE AT SUKISKYN (The Attackers)

SE4. Decoy clearing. While Gnhass and two of the
Red-blade bodyguards leap over the burnt
Around midnight, the defenders hear what remains of the northern palisade and try to
sounds like a woman's screams coming hack through the hall's northern door, the
from the woods east of the clearing and other two bodyguards lead an assault by the
catch a glimpse of a human-sized figure in remaining Red-blades on the eastern wall
a yellow dress being dragged through the of the hall with ladders.
woods by goblins.
Gnhass and his bodyguards hack at the
This is a trick, intended to lure the door with their swords. Up to two goblins
defenders from the homestead. The figure can hack at once, and they can hit it auto-
is actually a hobgoblin in a stolen dress, matically. Unless they are killed in the
and the voice that of a female goblin yard, the enraged goblins will break
warrior. The screams, mixed with inco- through the door once they have inflicted
herent cries for help, continue for 2 turns. 30 or more points of damage on it. They
will then rush into the hall and fight to the the rubbish is a silver amulet in the shape
·Pyotr knows the goblins too well to fall for death (no morale check). of a ruined tower (value - 50gp) - the
the trick, but Darya will be very upset, symbol of the Yellow-fang (Faz-plak)
sobbing that her friend Katarina (a woman The other goblins have five crude ladders, goblins (PSVI). This was dropped by one
from the Cherkass homestead - see W6) with which they intend to climb in of Vlack's bodyguards.
has a yellow dress. If the player characters through the windows on the upper storey
venture from the homestead, you should of the hall. Two goblins per round can The trail of Vlack's retinue cannot be
treat this encounter as if they were breaking climb each ladder, but can make no attack found and, although the tracks of the
out (see The Night, p8). that round and lose initiative on the next. scattered Red-blade tribe lead off in many
Characters can topple a ladder if they make directions, the party cannot follow them
a successful Hit roll vs. AC 6 with their bare very far. The trail left by the Vipers and the
SE5. Aerial Attack hands (Strength bonuses apply). Any gob- stolen horses is very clear, however, and
lins on a toppled ladder suffer ld6 points of leads east (see Tracking the Horse-thieves,
About 2 hours after midnight, Vlack damage from the fall. pl2).
unleashes five of his giant vampire bats
against the defenders. If possible, the bats The goblins attacking the eastern wall of
attack any characters and/or non-player the hall will retreat if they fail a morale Captives
characters in the open air (e.g. on the tower check, or if half their their number are
battlements or in one of the yards). Other- killed. If Gnhass is killed, any surviving If the adventurers took any captives during
wise, the bats squeeze in through any Red-blade goblins will flee and scatter into the night, they may be able to gain
windows and fly around inside the building the woods. During the attack, Vlack and information from them (see Sources of
looking for victims. Any character bitten his retinue slip away from their observation Information - pl3).
by a bat must make a saving throw vs. point unnoticed. The adventurers will
Paralysis or fall unconscious for ldlO encounter them in event WE5 (pl4).
rounds. Recovering the Horses (W2-W3)

5 giant vampire bats: AC 6; HD 2•: hp 7 each; The Day After Unknown to the homesteaders, the Viper
MV 180' (60') flying; #AT I bite; D 1-4 + goblins headed towards a bandit camp
paralysis; Save Fl; ML 8; AL N; xp 25 each; As dawn breaks over the homestead of (W3), leading the 41 stolen horses. On the
THACO 18; BD25. Sukiskyn, it reveals the carnage caused by way, they were overtaken and attacked by a
the battles of the previous night. In group of Wolfskull riding dire wolves (see
addition to any attackers killed after the W2), but some still managed to reach the
Just Before Dawn party's arrival, there are four dead Red- bandits and sold the surviving horses to
blades in the northern clearing and three them.
Just before dawn, the Wolfskull goblins dead Viper goblins in the pens. If the
give up the attack in disgust, and leave to adventurers search the bodies they will With the horses gone, the homesteaders are
pursue the Viper (Jaggadash) goblins (see easily recognise members of the three very downhearted, and it seems at first that
Recovering the Horses, below). The different clans (see Non-Human Tribes the party have had a wasted journey from
defenders cannot see them depart, but all and Clans - PSVI). Kelven. Taras is not easily discouraged,
the goblin drums go silent. however, and, after a brief discussion with
The goblins have stripped any bodies in Pyotr, tries to persuade the party to
Infuriated by the Wolfskull's cowardice the woods or on the west bank of the river, accompany him in pursuit of the Viper
and shamed by the goblin's failure to take but have abandoned the rest. goblins, using the following arguments:
the homestead, the Red-blades' king,
Gnhass, determines to lead his remaining - with so many horses, the goblins will be
troops on afinal attack against the hall. Reading the Signs easy to track
- the goblins cannot ride horses, and so
The defenders gain some inkling of this Searching the woods around the homestead Taras and the adventurers will easily be
attack when the goblins gather together in reveals ample evidence of the goblins' able to catch up with them on the
the woods beyond the eastern clearing and presence in the form of camp fires, stripped homesteaders' mounts
join in a death-chant (quite different to the goblin bodies, chewed animal bones, fruit - the Vipers are known as a cowardly mob
previous chanting). rinds and other rubbish. There are numer- and have even less taste for a fight during
ous footprints of goblins and dire wolves the day
After chanting for 2 rounds, the goblins and the party may notice (30% chance) - Pyotr will give a reward of 20gp for each
charge the homestead across the eastern some larger, hobgoblin prints. Amongsr horse recovered.
SIEGE AT SUKISKYN (Events SE4-SE5/The Day After) 11
The Vipers were attacked by the Wolfskulls 4 bandits: AC 6 (leather armour and Dex.); T3;
about midday, and were soon overwhelmed, hp 7 each; MV 120' (40'); #AT I sword; D ld6(or
but some managed to flee with 24 of the 2d6- backstab); Save T3; ML 8; AL C; xp 35 each;
horses. Content with their revenge, the THACO 19 (or 15 - backstab); BD25.
Wolfskulls left for home after about an
hour, and a pack of scavenging oil beetles Fyodorll is a businesswoman as well as a
arrived. bandit, and would prefer to trade than to
fight. If the party approaches and questions
6 oil beetles: AC 4; HD 2•; hp 8 each; MV 120' her, she will say that she bought 24 riding
(40'); #AT 1 bite+ oil squirt; D 1-6 + blisters (-2 to horses from some goblins a short while
hit for 24 hours); Save Fl; ML 8; AL N; xp 25 ago, and had no idea that they were stolen.
each; THACO 18; BD26. She offers to sell the horses to the party for
50gp each - "The same as I paid the
The beetles will reach the party after I goblins" (she actually paid 15gp each!).
round. When the fighting begins, a female Taras will refuse point-blank to pay for the
Pyotr is keen to recover the horses, but is Viper goblin who hid in a tree during the horses.
afraid of another goblin attack and instructs battle and stayed there when the beetles
Taras to hurry back. The adventurers will arrived, attempts to flee into the woods. If If the party refuses to deal, Fyodorll waits
be allowed to borrow riding horses from the party captures and questions her, she until the characters are just about to leave.
the stables (area 17, p9), but will be asked to will describe the course of the battle She will cunningly use her ventriloquism
take very great care of them since each is the willingly, and may even give them other spell to distract the party by making a noise
personal property of one of the clan. information (see Sources of Information amongst the trees, then she and her
- pl3). henchmen will attack (backstabbing if
If the adventurers refuse to go with Taras, possible).
then Gregor and the other refugees from Viper goblin: AC6; HD 1-1; hp.'1; MV 90' (.'10');
Ilyakana should arrive now rather than #AT 1 war hammer or 1 thrown dagger; D ld6 or In the wagons are blankets, some clothes,
after the party's return (see Bad Tidings ld4; Save NM; ML 6; AL C; xp 5; THACO 19; supplies of food, and Fyodorll's spellbook.
- below). Gregor and his men will go with BD.'11 (and PSVI). The book contains detect magic, light,
Taras and return before night on the sleep, ventriloquism, ESP, knock and
following day. The dead comprise 22 Viper goblins levitate. The bandits each carry 75gp worth
(identified by their distinctive cheek of coins and other items.
tattoos), three Wolfskulls and one dire wolf
Tracking the Horse-Thieves - all have been stripped of any weapons or The corral holds the 24 white riding from
valuables. Only 17 of the original 41 horses Sukiskyn, plus IO others (eight riding
The trail of the Viper goblins (see Reading were killed, however, and clear tracks of the horses and two war horses). Since the
the Signs - pl I) is easy to follow. The others can be seen heading south east. The adventurers are currently riding borrowed
goblins soon left the forest, but kept in the tracks of the Wolfskulls (leading south horses, Taras will encourage them to
shadow of the trees (see Map K). The prints west) cannot be followed very far before choose mounts for themselves from these
of the horses are clearly visible, and the they peter out. extra horses:
party can make out some goblin footprints.
They may even notice (203 chance) prints 32 riding horses: AC 7; HD 2; IO each; MV 240'
left by the pursuing dire wolves, but the W3. Bandit Camp (no map) (80'); #AT 2 hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save Fl; ML 7;
adventurers will not be able to tell how AL N; THACO 18; EX51.
many there were. The Viper goblins' trail leads into the
woods. After a few miles it meets and 2 war horses: AC 7; HD 3; hp 15 each; MV 120'
follows an overgrown trackway which (40'); #AT 2 hooves; D 1-6/1-6; Save F2; ML 9;
W2. Scene of Battle (no map) leads to the bandits' camp. Fyodorll and AL N; THACO 17; EX51.
her four bandit henchmen live in three old,
At this point, the Viper tracks veer off covered wagons which were abandoned
suddenly into the forest. About 200 yards here years ago, and have a rough corral for Bad Tidings
into the trees, the party find the scene of the horses. Before they come within sight of the
battle between the goblin clans: camp, the adventurers see a sign (in Elvish By the time the party returns to Sukiskyn,
and Common) nailed to a tree. It reads Gregor and three other men from the
"Miss L. Fyodorll - Equine Entrepreneur lumber-camp at Ilyakana (see Map K and
It seems you were not the only ones - Dealer in Fine Horses." area W4) have arrived, bringing news of a
out to catch the horse-thieves, for in goblin attack on the camp the night before
the muddy clearing before you the Fyodorll - Bandit Leader: AC l; E4; hp 17; the attack on Sukiskyn (the Refugees from
goblins have been attacked and MV 120' (40'); #AT 1swordor1 arrow; D ld8 or llyakana are described on PSIV):
massacred. The stripped and bloody ld6; Save E4; ML 9; AL N; xp 175; THACO 17 or
bodies of a score of goblins lie mixed 14 - R 70/140/210. - the goblins (from the Wolfskull and
with the torn carcasses of horses, and Abilities: S9, 115, WIO, DIS, Cll, Chl6 Red-blade clans) attacked at dusk, setting
the obese corpse of a tall goblin Clothing: Blue robe over chain mail +I, a ring fire to the palisade and overrunning the
hangs by his feet from a tree. But even (value - 210gp). camp
now, the goblins have no peace. Six Gear: sword, longbow, arrows, scroll with - Gregor and his companions escaped,
large beetles are feasting on the noating disc (x2), 25pp (in a belt pouch). and they say Kalanos managed to hide,
remains. Without a moment's hesi- Spells: but everyone else (including the crew of
tation, they scuttle towards you ... It !st level - sleep, ventriloquism Kalanos' boat) was killed or captured
looks as if they prefer live meat to 2nd level - ESP, levitate - Pyotr's brother Stephan (see Getting
dead! Appearance: Elven female, age 120, tall, fair; has Started - p5 and PSIV) was one of those
a surprisingly deep voice. taken prisoner.
12 SIEGE AT SUKISKYN (areas W2 & WJ/Bad Tidings)

In this part of the adventure, the ad-

venturers can explore the wilderness east of
Sukiskyn (Map K) in search of Pyotr's
brother Stephan and his Wolfskull (Kloss-
lunk) captors. Although the order of events
and encounters is influenced by you as DM,
the party have considerable freedom of

Shaping the Adventure

In this section of the module, four different
elements are drawn together to create the

(i) Fixed Encounters (W4-Wl5 - ppl5-20).

These are the most important part of the
section. There is no set order in which they
need take place and, since they have fixed
locations, it is up to you when to allow the
adventurers to discover the clues and
information which will eventually lead the
party to them (see Sources of Information -

The final piece of information which the

party should acquire in this section is the
location of the Wolf skull (Kloss-lunk) Lair
where Stephan was taken (Wl6). The
events there open the way to the latter parts
of the adventure and so it is important that
the adventurers do not learn the location of
the Wolfskull lair until the possibilities of
this section have been exhausted.

(ii) Wilderness Events (WEl-WE5 - pl4).

These may be added to the adventure in any
order although you should decide which
event to use where, before starting play.

(iii) Optional Encounters (PSVIII).

These may be added to the adventure either
at random or as desired.

(iv) Weather (PSVII).

This provides a realistic backdrop for the

Sources of Information
There are many possible sources of infor-
mation which could lead the party to the
various fixed encounters:
SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Shaping the adventure) 13
and Taras dance, Gregor tells jokes, and from a pack or saddle-bag. For each hour
the characters are encouraged to join in. (up to 6 hours) spent backtracking (at half
Pyotr proudly shows off the clan treasures normal speed) there is a 20% chance that the
hanging around the hall (area 4 - p9), item will be found. You should not have
including the tapestry. He knows nothing the character lose a vital item, since it is
of the tapestry's origins. possible that it will not be found.

During the evening, Pyotr becomes more

and more gloomy. Eventually, he over- WE3. Lame Horse
comes the embarrassment he feels at im-
posing on his guests and asks the adven- A character's horse catches a foot in a rabbit
turers outright if they will seek out and free hole, losing a shoe and injuring its leg. The
his brother from the Wolfskull (Kloss- injury can be healed by 2-4 days rest or a
lunk) goblin tribe. cure light wounds spell. Until then, the
horse moves at \4 normal movement rate.
Pyotr's Clan: the inhabitants of Sukiskyn Pyotr offers a half-share in the proceeds of Even if the injury is healed, the horse's
have excellent know ledge of the area and selling the white horses in return for daily movement is reduced to '% normal
its legends. freeing Stephan. He will supply provisions until the shoe is replaced by a blacksmith
Other Friendly NPCs: these may be met from Sukiskyn's stores, lend the party any (e.g. Yuri at Sukiskyn).
during both fixed and optional en- non-magical equipment owned by the
counters and may have varying types of clan, and offer the use of the homestead as a
information. base of operations. Providing horses for the WE4. Horses' Friend (Not in the forest)
Captives: goblins, ores etc. can be interro- party should not be a problem, since
gated (make sure characters stay within additional mounts will have been gained The adventurers see a superb black stallion
alignment!). from the bandit camp (area W3 - pl2). and three other horses, ·grazing a few
Written Sources: you can create maps, hundred yards away. The stallion is ac-
cryptic diagrams or coded messages (on If they accept, the party's main problem is tually Loshad, a chevall (see New Mon-
parchment, in old books, scratched on that no-one at Sukiskyn knows where the sters, p54 & PSIV) in horse form, checking
walls, doors, etc.). Wolfskull lair is. In order to get the search on the welfare of the PCs' horses. If chased
Visible Signs: Some encounters may be underway, therefore, it is up to you as DM or attacked, Loshad and the horses flee.
visible from a distance or have tracks to determine how much, and what, infor-
leading to them. mation the party can gain from the If the characters' horses tell Loshad (using
homesteaders, the Ilyakana refugees and their whinnying tongue) that they have
In particular, the following sources may any goblin captives they may have (see been maltreated in any way, the chevall
lead to specific encounters: above). will secretly follow the party until night-
fall. Then, in centaur form and invisible,
Settlements (W4-8): Ilyakana (W4), Sielo he will attempt to free those horses which
(W5), Cherkass (W6), Hokol (W7) and Wilderness Events complained (avoiding combat if possible).
Segenyev (WS) are well known to Pyotr's If forced to flee, Loshad will take on
clan. The refugees (PSIV) draw attention to Except for the fact that they are designed stallion form. Even if Loshad fails to free
Ilyakana, and the smoke from Segenyev for use during this section only, these any maltreated horses, he will command
(see WS) is conspicuous. events may be used in a similar way to them not to co-operate. Although they can
optional encounters (i.e. at random, or as still be led, these horses become too wild to
Goblin Lairs (W9-10): The Red-blade and desired by the DM). Except for WE4 ride. Only Alfana (at Sukiskyn) can make
Viper goblin lairs (W9 and WIO) are Horses' Friend (which cannot take place in them rideable again.
known to any goblins. The Wolfskull lair the forest) the events can happen at any
is special (see above). convenient location.
WE5. Vlack's Retinue
Other Encounters (W11~15): The Lake of
Lost Dreams (WI I) is known to the gold WEI. Lucky Find Fearing to attack Sukiskyn again, and
miners (Wl2), and conversely the elves at having pillaged all other human settle-
the lake know where the mine is. Pyotr's The adventurers find the bodies of a ments in the area, Vlack decides to report
clan know roughly where the elves live, hll'rilan and a goblin - each killed by the back to his master Golthar. On the way, his
and the party may meet elves as an optional other's sword! Grazing nearby is a pack- path crosses that of the party. The first
encounter. The Tombs on the Ridge (Wl3- mule. The human was a trapper (with contact is between the party and the giant
W l5) are conspicuously visible, and are leather armour, a short sword, longbow, vampire bats which Vlack uses as scouts:
known to Pyotr, Taras and the gold arrows and 38gp) and the goblin was a lone
miners. Red-blade goblin (with a short sword and 5 giant vampire bats: AC 6; HD 2•; hp 7 each;
23gp). The hunter's mule is unharmed (hp MV 180' (60') flying; #AT 1 bite; D 1-4 +
IO - see BD34). Its pack contains pelts paralysis; Save Fl; ML 8; AL N; xp 25 each;
A Muted Feast (bear, beaver, etc. - total value 350gp), a THACO 18; BD25.
one-man tent, a bed-roll, dried food, a
On the evening after the party's return cloak, 40 arrows, 50 feet of rope and a The bats attack the adventurers on sight.
from the raid to recapture the horses (pl2), potion of healing (BD43). Vlack (mounted on his ice wolf) and his
Pyotr holds a feast to welcome the guests hobgoblin bodyguards reach the party 4
properly and to celebrate the defeat of the rounds after the bats. If reduced to 7 or
goblins. Although the homesteaders' are WE2. Lost Item fewer hit points, Vlack tries to flee on his
saddened by the news of Stephan's dis- ice wolf. If he escapes, the party will
appearance, they do their best to entertain: While travelling, a character notices that a encounter him (and the wolf) in the ruins
Masha sings, Kuzma tells stories, Alfana valuable item (DM's choice) has been lost of Xiqata (area X7 - p26).
Vlack (hobgoblin king): AC 3 (chain mail W5. Sielo (No detail map)
+2); HD 5; hp 22; MV 90' (30'), 150' (50')
mounted; #AT I 2·handed sword +I; D ldl0+3; Sielo was another lumber camp on the
Save F5; ML I0; AL C; xp 175; THACO 14; BD3 l bank of the Volaga river. It was attacked
(and PSVI). and destroyed by the Wolfskull and Viper
goblins on 6th Thaumont - two .days
I ice woU: AC 4; HD 4+1 .. ; hp 23; MV 150' before Sukiskyn.
(50'); #AT I bite or I breath; D Id JO or 4d4; Save
F5; ML 10; AL C; xp 275; THACO 15; New
Monster. W6-W8. Ruined Homesteads (No map)

4 Bloodhead (Vlackkag) hobgoblins: AC 6; The homesteads at Cherkass (W6) and

HD I+ I hp 6 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT I sword; Hokol (W7) were attacked and destroyed by
D ld8; Save Fl ; ML 10 (8 without Vlack); AL C; goblins before the siege of Sukiskyn (on 4th
xp 15 each; THACO 18; BD!ll (and PSVI). and 5th Thaumont respectively).
W9b. Strongroom
Vlack has 35gp, a pouch containing 3 gems Segenyev (W8) was overrun by the Wolf.
(value· 75gp each), and a garnet in the hilt skulls on the night after the Sukiskyn
of his two-handed sword+ I is worth 500gp. attack. Throughout the following day A solid-looking, iron-bound oak
The hobgoblins each have 2dl0gp, but the (10th Thaumont), smoke from the burning door bars the way. The wood around
ice wolf has no treasure. ruins is visible up to 9 miles away (3 hexes). the lock-plate on the right-hand side
has been hacked somewhat, but with
little apparent effect.
Scenes of Destruction W9. Red-blade Lair (Map W9) The door is locked but not trapped. The
lock is crude, and thieves have a 10% greater
W4. llyakana (No detail map) With their leader killed (see Just Before than usual chance of picking it. It would
Dawn- pl I), and fearing attacks from other take the adventurers 3 turns to hack
The Ilyakana lumber camp was attacked by clans, the disorganised remnants of the through the door. Gnhass's key was lost
goblins on the night of 7th Thaumont (the Red-blade (Gnhasska) clan abandoned after his death, and the surviving goblins
day before Sukiskyn, while the adventurers their lair. tried only half-heartedly to hack open the
rested at Misha's ferry · p6). They killed door.
most of the people there, sank Kalanos' Apart from the areas described below, the
riverboat, and looted everything of value. lair is deserted and contains only rubbish . Inside the strongroom are Gnhass' "guard-
The entrance is at the foot of a wooded dogs " (giant shrews) which attack when
Gregor and three others escaped to Sukis- slope. All the tunnels and chambers are IO the door is opened. If the shrews are warned
kyn (see pl2), but Kalanos (who had feet high. of the party's presence (e.g. if the door is
hidden in a tree) witnessed the whole hacked open), they gain surprise on a roll
massacre. The sight affected his mind, and Rats! of 1-4 on ld6.
he will now fly into a kind of berserk rage at At some time (DM's discretion) while the
the sight of any armed creature. adventurers are in the lair, they are attacked 6 giant shrews: AC 4; HD 1• ; hp 4 each;
by a pack of giant rats: MV 180' (60'); #AT 2 bites; D 1-6/1-6; Save Fl;
When the characters arrive, they see Kal- ML 12; AL N; xp 13 each; THACO 19; BD36.
anos wandering amid the scattered goblin 12 giant rats: AC 7; HD~; hp 2 each; MV 120'
and human corpses. He has armed himself, (40'); #AT I bite; D 1-3 +disease (a roll of I on The room contains:
but appears otherwise unchanged. When ld20 makes affected characters ill for I week); - a large, ornate tapestry of a red dragon
he sees them, however, he rushes off into Save NM; MLS; AL N; xp5; THACO 19; BD36. (value - 120gp).
the woods, screaming and striking trees - five tall, stoppered terracotta jars of sour
with his axe. Kalanos is easy to follow, but red wine.
shoots arrows at any pursuers, and fights W9a. Guardroom - a large "ruby" on a cushion (apparent
maniacally if cornered. A small flock of stirges has moved in here. value lOOOgp - but see below).
They only attack if the party enters: - a chest of yew wood bound with copper
If the adventurers ignore him, he follows bands. The chest is locked (normal
them when they leave the camp, appearing chance of picking) and trapped (+10%
occasionally to shout and fire arrows at A large wooden door, daubed with a chance of removing). lf the trap is
them. If he is captured alive, his madness crude painting of a bloodied sword, triggered or if the chest is moved or
can be cured by rest (Pyotr's folk would stands slightly ajar. From the dark- forced open, the glass " ruby" (see above)
look after him). ness beyond comes the unmistakable explodes, inflicting2d6 points of damage
smell of goblins, but no missiles or on anyone within IO feet. Characters
Kalanos • berserk boatman: AC 7; F5; hp 22; challenging cries greet you from the making a successful saving throw vs.
MV 90' (30'); #AT I battle-axe or I arrow (long- shadows. Just for a moment, you Dragon Breath at +2 take half damage,
bow); D ld8 or ld6; Save F5; ML 12; AL N; hear an echoing sound like the rustle but anyone holding or carrying the gem
THACO 15 - R 70/140/210; BD27. of a leather robe, then silence. has no saving throw.
Abilities: SIO, 112 (insane), WS, DI I, CS, ChlO.
BonURS: +4 vs. mind-affecting spells (insanity), The chest holds:
+2 to hit (berserk rage). 6stirges: AC 7; HD J•; hp5each; MV 30' (10'), 550gp, a leather pouch with 3 gems
Clothing: Leather armour, 2 gold arm bands 180' (60') flying; #AT I; D 1-3 (automatic after (value - 200gp and 2x75gp), a golden
(value - 60gp each). 1st hit); Save F2; ML 9; AL N; xp 13 each; amulet (value - 300gp) and a potion o(
Gear: longbow and 20 arrows; battle-axe. THACO 17 (first attack, otherwise 19); BD38. diminution (BD43).
SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Encounters W4-W9) 15
Other Encounters
The chamber before you, lit by the
red glow of two smoking braziers, Wll. Lake of Lost Dreams
seems full of snakes! At the far end is (Map Wll)
a group of goblins who fling a salvo
of daggers, while a larger goblin in When they reach this mist-shrouded lake,
their midst swings a snake around the adventurers meet a group of five elves
his head by its tail. Suddenly, the gazing moodily across the waters towards a
goblin lets go, and the serpent flies barely-visible island. The elves greet the
through the air towards you! adventurers, and explain their difficult

Most of the snakes in the chamber are either - the elves' (led by Goriidel - E3) are
stuffed specimens or crude wooden carv- members of the Vyalia clan (see PSVI)
ings. However, the goblin leader has three which lives in the forest to the south-east.
WIO. Viper Lair (Map WIO) live snakes which he can throw (one per - although it is beautiful, the island is
round) at the player characters. Each snake taboo to the Vyalia who believe that it is
After their defeat by the Wolfskulls (see should be treated as a thrown weapon haunted by some terrible creature or
area W2 - pl4), the Viper (Jaggadash) (range 20/40/60) using the goblin leader's thing.
goblin clan fled to their lair, led by one of chance to hit. - months ago, the Ilya pixies (see PSVI)
the dead king's bodyguards. They have took up residence on the island and, soon
barricaded themselves in and have prepared - If it hits, the snake automatically coils after, began to harrass the elves, attacking
an escape route (area d). The tunnels and around its victim and inflicts ld8 points small parties and stealing goods.
corridors are IO feet high. of constricting damage per round until it - a few weeks ago, Goriidel and his
is killed. companions took some supplies to a
- If the snake misses its target, it lands on group of gnomish and dwarven miners
WlOa. Entrance the ground amid the party and attacks in in the Zargash Mountains who were
The wooden door is closed and barred from subsequent rounds in the normal way. having trouble with ore raiders. The
the inside. A brightly-painted, wooden miners paid for the supplies with a
carving of a snake (the clan symbol) which If half the goblins are overcome or if they beautiful silvered-bronze statue of a
once stood outside the entrance now lies fail a morale check before this, the survivors young woman which they had found (see
behind the door. try to flee down the escape tunnel (d) and pl 7). On the way back, however, the
scatter into the woods. The ordinary Vyalia were attacked by the Ilya who
goblins each have ld4gp. The leader has scole the statue.
W lOb. Barricade 55gp, and an ornate, snakeskin belt inlaid - Goriidel has sworn to recover the statue,
with gold and studded with small gems but cannot go to the island. If the
(total value - 500gp). adventurers retrieve the statue for him,
The tunnel ahead is blocked by a he will pay chem 600gp in gems.
barricade of rocks and rubbish as I Viper (Jaggadash) goblin leader: AC 6;
high as a man. A head appears above HD 2; hp 11; MV 90' (30'); #AT I war hammer or There are small clumps of trees around the
the barricade and a dagger flies I thrown dagger; D ld6 or ld4; Save F2; ML 6; lake from which the adventurers can make
towards you but falls short. There is AL C; xp 20; THACO 18; BD31 (and PSVI). a raft in 2 days (EXJ43).
a brief argument in the goblin
tongue, then an expectant hush. 9 Viper (Jaggadash) goblins: AC 6; HD 1-1;
hp 3 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT I war hammer or I The Black Mirror
thrown dagger; D ld6 or ld4; Save NM; ML 6; The Vyalia are right to avoid the island,
Seven Viper goblins man the barricade AL C; xp 5 each; THACO 19; BD3 l (and PSVI). since lawful or neutral creatures who go
which gives them an armour class bonus of there are affected by a magic which makes
-3 against missiles (BP60). If four goblins 3 small rock pythons: AC 6; HD 3•; hp 11; them chaotic (no saving throw). Elves are
are killed, or if they fail a morale check MV 90' (30'); #AT I bite/I squeeze; D ld2/ld8; particularly vulnerable, and will become
before this, the survivors retreat to area c. Save F2; ML 8; AL N; xp 50; THACO 17; BD37. chaotic I turn after setting foot on the
island. For the pixies (which are kin to the
The goblins each have two daggers for Hidden inside one of the larger carved elves) the change was almost as quick.
throwing, a war hammer and ld4gp in snakes are three gems (value - IOOgp each) Ocher races change alignment only after a
mixed coins. and a small pearl on a fine gold chain number of days on the island equal co half
(value - 275gp). There is also a small casket their wisdom (rounded down), and during
7 Viper (Jaggadash) goblins: AC 6 (or 3); (locked but not trapped) which contains this time they will feel increasingly
HD 1-1; hp 3 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT I war 50pp and 3 potions (strength, animal troubled by the place and will have bad
hammer or I thrown dagger; D ld6 or ld4; Save control, and clairvoyance). dreams in which they see distorted images
NM; ML 6; AL C; xp 5 each; THACO 19; BD31. of themselves.

WlOd. Escape Tunnel You should inform players secretly of any

WIOc. "Last Stand" About half-way down the escape tunnel is a alignment changes (see BD14), allowing
The goblin leader, nine ordinary goblins crude pit-trap which the goblins know and them to role-play the changes in their
and any which escaped from the barricade avoid. Normally, characters have a 50% characters' personalities (see BP55) without
are waiting here for the party and have a +2 chance of noticing the trap (70% for the knowledge of the rest of the players.
bonus on their initiative roll in the first dwarves), but characters hurrying down
round. The ordinary goblins attack by the tunnel have a -30% penalty. Any The magical effect radiates from a black
throwing daggers, and the leader throws a character falling into the pit suffers ld8 mirror in the depths of an ancient building
snake! points of damage. on the island (area f). If the mirror is
16 SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Encounters WJO-Wll)
smashed all creatures affected by it 39 skeletons: AC 7; HD I; hp 4 each; MV 60'
(including the pixies) will revert to their (20'); #AT I bone club; D ld4; Save Fl ; ML 12;
former alignments. AL C; xp 10 each; THACO 19; BD37.

Crossing the Lake

As they approach the island, the adven- Wild. Ladder Trap
turers are attacked by a group of invisible This 20-foot ladder is trapped. The first
Ilya pixies. These gain surprise auto· character to touch it suffers an electric
matically and attacks against them have a shock for ld8 points of damage (halved by a
-4 penalty to Hit. Each of the pixies wears a successful saving throw vs. Spells) and
platinum neck-band (value · 50gp). must roll less than his or her Dexterity on
ld20 or fall to the bottom, taking a further
6 pixies: AC-I (3 if visible); HD t •••;hp 4 each; ld8 points of damage.
MV 90' (30'), 180' (60') flying; #AT I dagger;
D ld4; Save El; ML 7; AL C; xp 19 each;
THACO 19; BD35. WI le. Dart Trap The pixies will gladly return the statue to
The door to room f is trapped. Unless the the Vyalia elves, and will make moves to
trap is found and disarmed, two darts (one restore good relations with them.
The Island from each wall) shoot out towards the
characters (THACO 12) if the door is
WI la. Pixie Village touched. The darts cause only I point of Wl2. Gold Mine (Map Wl2)
There are 14 pixies on the island (plus any damage each, but are poisoned (save vs.
survivors from the lake attack). They live in Poison or fall unconscious for 2d20 hours). Before the winter, two gnome brothers
hidden chambers (treat as secret doors) (Vissaryon and Tekaryon), prospecting
high up in the trunks of large trees. with a dozen dwarven miners, began to
Wllf. The Mirror mine here for gold (area b) . After a while,
During daylight, the Ilya attack only if the they broke through into a maze of ancient
adventurers try to enter their chambers or tunnels (c) which they explored as far as the
remove the statue (see below) from the The walls, floor and ceiling of the abandoned workfaces (w).
island. Otherwise, they remain invisible room are so black that they seem to
and hide, waiting until night to attack. If draw light into themselves. Just as Soon after, ores began to raid the miners
half of the pixies are killed (or if they fail a black are the pillars, and the hideous from inside the mine, and the angered
morale check) the others hide until the fanged statues by the far wall ... gnomes and dwarves set out to find their
party leaves or the mirror is destroyed. statues which have just come to life! attackers' lair. They found no sign of the
They will not enter the building. ores, but discovered an ancient chamber (d)
containing a strange statue (which they
The "statues" are gargoyles. They are later traded with the Vyalia elves - see WI I,
Ancient Building guarding the black mirror which hangs, pl6), and a large natural cavern (f). The
facing away from the door, on iron chains cavern was divided into two by a screen of
between two far pillars. The gargoyles stalagmite and stalactite "bars", but the
The closely ranked trees give way to a attack on sight. They have no treasure. miners shattered these in order to reach a
grassy clearing. In the centre stands a jewelled necklace visible on the far side.
small, collonaded building, its white 2gargoyles•: ACS; HD4 .. ; hp 19each; MV 90' After the miners returned to their quarters,
marble stonework stained with age. (30'); #AT 2 claws/I bite/I horn; D ld3/ld3/ the ore attacks ceased, and the miners felt
Once there was a large stone statue ld6/ld4; Save F8; ML 11 ; AL C; xp 125 each; safe for a while. Until, that is, dwarves
standing at each corner, bUl one of THACO 16; BD30 working in the mine began to disappear!
these has toppled and smashed. In its
place stands the statue stolen from The mirror is a sheet of polished obsidian One by one, four dwarves and the gnome
the elves. in a jewelled frame. Characters looking Tekaryon have gone missing. The miners
into it see hideously distorted reflections of have found fragments of web ("which
themselves and, thronging the black depths make you feel numb when you touch it " )
The silvered-bronze statue is nearly 3 feet beyond, the twisted images of those the and suspect that the creature responsible is
high but is hollow and weighs 150cn. mirror has perverted. a spider.

W 11 b. Ladder Down Two turns after the gargoy Jes are destroyed, Unknown to the miners, the stalagmite/
In the centre of the room, a ladder leads 30 the mirror will shatter. Before this, any stalactite screen in the cavern confined a
feet down a shaft to a landing below. single blow which inflicts 5 or more points shroud spider (see New Monsters - pt>6).
of damage will also shatter it. In either case, The spider was worshipped and fed by a
its magic is dispelled and all creatures tribe of ores, the Black Web (Nyy-akk, see
Wile. Skeleton Guardians affected by it return to their former PSVI) whose lair (areas k·p) is on the far
alignment. The frame of the mirror is not side of the mountain spur. The initial
magical, and is worth 4500gp. breakthrough into the old mine had given
Skeletons! Hordes of them! Clatter- the ores the opportunity to attack the
ing across the room towards you and miners, but with the shroud spider on the
pouring out from side-chambers! Aftermath loose, they dared not venture out.
If the mirror is smashed, any surv1vrng
pixies will greet the adventurers as friends
There are 15 skeletons in the chamber, and when they emerge from the building. The Shroud Spider
six more arrive in each of the next 2 rounds grateful Ilya will give the party three There is no set point at which the party
from each side-chamber. potions of healing from their secret store. should encounter the shroud spider. In-
SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Encounters Wlla-Wl2) 17
gold. The necklace is hidden and the party Wl2d. Statue Chamber
will not be able to find it. The tunnels dug This old, damp chamber is 10 feet high. IL
by Lhe dwarves are straight and safe, and is empty except for a plinth which bore the
about 6 feet high . statue that the miners gave to the elves.

Vissaryon (gnome) - mine owner: AC 5;

HD3; hp 12; MV60'(20');#AT I war hammer or Wl2e. Ancient Guardians
1 crossbow quarrel; D Jd6; Save D3; ML JO;
THACO 17 - R 60/120/180.
Clothing: Green cloak over chain mail. The tunnel brings you to a dank but
Personality: AL N; Honest, but overfond 0£ gold once-fine chamber. Dripping water
and gems, worried. and mould have smeared the wall-
painlings, and the plaster of the
8 dwarf miners: AC 4; HD I; hp 5 each; MV 60' ceiling has flaked away and lies on
(20'); #AT I pick axe or I crossbow quarrel; the floor, mixed with the bones of
stead, you should wail for a suitable D ld6; Save DI; ML 8; AL N; THACO 19 - three humanoid creatures. Lined up
moment, building up the tension before- R 60/120/180.; BD29. on stone benches to either side, and
hand with glimpses of its eyes in the apparently untouched by the decay
distance and the echoing sounds of its around them, are a dozen or so silver
movements. Make the party feel hunted! Wl2c. Old Tunnels statuettes each about a foot high.

I shroud spider•: AC 4; HD 5•.. ; hp 28;

MV 120' (40'); #AT I bite or I web squirt; D JdJO Here, the dwarves' neat tunnel breaks The statuettes represent robed men with
+ paralyis or paralysis; Save F5; ML 9; AL C; imo an old, musty passage, so low jackal-like heads. They are actually silver
xp 675; THACO 15; New Monster. that all but the shortest members of living statues which all auack if any are
the party will have to stoop. The touched or disturbed. The statues cannot
sound of water dripping into slimy be damaged by non-metal weapons or non-
Ores pools echoes in the darkness, accom- magical fire, and take only half damage
Most of the Black Web ores will be en- panied by the occasional creak of from edged weapons. The silver content of
countered in their lair (areas k-p). Nor- rotting, wooden pit-props. each statue, if killed, is worth 50gp.
mally, there are 2-5 ores in each of areas k
and I, while the others are divided between 12 silver living statues: AC 4; HD I+ 1•; hp 6
areas o and p . However, you may wish to The old tunnels are only just over 4 feet each; MV 120' (40'); #AT I bite; D 1·4; Save F2;
arrange for a baule against a patrol of 3-6 high. Characters taller than this musl ML 12; AL N; xp 19 each; THACO 18; BD32
ores, outside the lair (particularly if the stoop, and have a -I penalty on all Hit rolls (and p55).
party has forgotten the ores, or cannot find (the ores are used to the tunnels, and do nol
their lair). Each ore has personal treasure of suffer this penalty). In the tunnels, the The skeletons are of ores. Each has 9gp in a
2d8gp. maximum range for any missile weapon is belt pouch. The blocked passage on the far
50 feet. side of the chamber was the entrance to Lhe
22 Black Web (Nyy-akk) ores: AC 6; HD I; old mine.
hp 5 each (8 for leader); MV 120' (40'); The miners have explored no further than
#AT I sword or I throwing axe; D ld8 (+l for areas d or f. Other features in the mine are
leader) or ld6; Save Fl; ML6(8 with leader); AL labelled v-z: Wl2f. Large Cavern
C; xp 10 each ; THACO 19; BD35 (and PSVI).
v - Paralysed ore. The ore is shrouded in
webs which are fresh enough Lo paralyse The cramped tunnel opens out into a
The Mine those who touch them (see New Mon- large cavern where dripping water
sters, p56). has formed a legion of stalagmites
Wl2a. Outside the Mine w - Old work.faces. This is as far as the and slalactiles, some of which join
A dam directs water over the wooden chutes diggings of the original miners ever up LO form slender pillars. Across one
which are used lo extract the gold. Steps reached. part of the cavern a number of these
lead up lo the miners' quarters. x - Roof collapse. Part of the roof col lapses pillars once formed a cage-like screen,
onto ld3 characters, inflicting ldlO but a way has been smashed through.
points of damage (halved by a successful
Wl2b. Miners' Quarters saving throw vs. Dragon Breath). The
The frightened miners will be glad Lo see tunnel is not blocked. The cavern is 50 feet high in the centre. The
the party and, if the adventurers agree to y ·Yellow mould: AC always hit; HD 2•; entrance to the shroud spider's lair (areas
help, will tell as much as they know about hp 12; MV 0; #AT spores (50% chance i£ g-i) is a dark tunnel , 30 feet above Lhe
the mystery (omiuing to mention the touched - lO'xlO'xlO' cloud); D 1-6 +death cavern floor.
necklace, however). In return for killing (unless save vs. Death Ray); Save F2; AL N;
the " black creature" , Lhe miners offer the xp 25; BD39.
party 800gp (half the gold they have so far z - Unsafe floor: the tunnel floor gives way Wl2g. Slurp!
mined). If asked, ld6 dwarves offer to under a character who falls into a This damp side-tunnel is the lair of an
accompany the party, but Lhe reward will shallow crevasse, suffering Id IO points ochre jelly. As the party comes near, it
be reduced by 30gp per dwarf and each will of damage. The character can be slithers oul Lo auack. IL has no treasure.
expecl a full share of any treasure found. rescued easily.
I ochre jelly: AC 8 (only harmed by cold or
The miners live simply. Their furniture Note: Dwarves who are exammmg the fire); HD s•; hp 17; MV 30' (JO'); #AT I; D 2d6;
consists only of a table, some chairs, small tunnels have double the normal chance of Save F3; ML 12; AL N; xp 300; THACO 15;
beds, and a locked chest containing the noticing hazards x or z ( 1-4 on a roll of ld6). BD35.
18 SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Encounters WJ2a-W12g)
Wl2h. Shroud Spider's Lair barren soil (Map Wl3-Wl5). Characters
The floor of the spider's lair is littered with entering the barren areas experience strange
gnawed bones and fragments of clothing. changes in their surroundings (see below).
Slumped against one wall is a human These changes only affect those inside the
skeleton wearing a silver and gold belt areas.
(value · 450gp).
If the adventurers spend the night inside
any of the barren areas, their sleep will be
Wl2i. Food Store disturbed by awful dreams. Clerics, magic
Five web-shrouded bodies hang by threads users and elves will not be sufficiently
from the ceiling: two ores, two dwarf rested next day to re-learn spells.
miners, and the gnome Tekaryon. All are
alive but paralysed, and will revive after 2
rounds if the webs are removed. Wl3. Circle of Night
If the adventurers bring back Tekaryon and 1 special ghoul : AC 5; HD 5.. ; hp 27; MV 90'
the dwarves alive, the miners will give As you enter the area of barren soil, (30'); #AT 2 claws/I bile; D ld4/ld4/Id6: Save
them the necklace from the large cavern the world around you suddenly F5; ML 11; AL C; xp 425; THACO 15; BD30
(value - 3000gp) as well as the agreed gold becomes as dark as night. Ahead, the (special).
(if they kill the spider). pillars which flank the entrance into
the mound are glowing, bathing the The ghoul can paralyse opponents as
area in a weak, shadowy, green light. usual, but is so horrible in appearance that
Wl2j & k. Smaller Caverns any characters seeing it must roll less than
These caverns are 30 feet high. The narrow their wisdom on ld20 or fight against the
tunnel between them will only be found if Characters entering the circle are attacked creature at -2 to hit and - I damage because
characters look for it (automatic success) . by five shadows which gain surprise on a of fear. Clerics have the same chance of
There are 2-5 ore guards in area k. roll of 1-5 on I d6. turning the ghoul as of turning a wraith.

5 shadows•: AC 7; HD 2+2•; hp I0 each; MV 90'

Wl21. Hidden Entrance (30'); #AT I touch; D ld4 +drain I point of Wl3c. Crystal Coffin
The two walls of debris which appear to strength for8 turns: Save F2; ML 12; ALC; xp35
block this tunnel conceal hidden entrances each; THACO 17; BD36.
to the ores' lair (treat as secret doors). There In the centre of the chamber, en-
are2-5orcguardsin the tunnel between the shrouded by the gloom and coated by
secret doors. Wl3a. Entrance the dust of ages is a crystal coffin on a
Passing between the glowing stones of the black, stone plinth. Inside the coffin,
entrance, characters sense an evil presence. a recumbent figure in blue robes
Wl2m-p. Ores' Lair Inside the tomb, all protective spells (e.g. clutches a jewel-encrusted mace to its
Any ores that have not been encountered protection from evil) are automatically breast.
elsewhere are found in these areas.The dispelled and all magical defensive items
ores' lair is squalid and cramped, with temporarily cease to function (e.g. rings of
ceilings 7 feet high. There is little furniture, protection give no protection, magical The figure in the coffin is a zombie which
and the walls have been painted with black, armour becomes ordinary armour of attacks if the coffin is opened or smashed.
web-like patterns. corresponding type). The mace is a mace +I, +2 vs. undead.

In the centre of area m (the ore leaders ' 1 zombie: AC 8; HD 2; hp 12; MV 90' (30');
room) is a threadbare, stuffed lion. The Wl3b. Passage of Corpses #AT I claw (always loses initiative); D Id8; Save
leader's treasure is kept inside the lion, and Fl; ML 12; AL C; XP 20; THACO 18; BD39.
may be removed by reaching in through the
mouth. The mouth is trapped. Unless the Inside the portal, a tunnel slopes
trap is disarmed, it snaps closed (damage downwards into darkness. On either Wl4. Tomb of Warriors
- ld8) if the treasure is disturbed or the lion side, frescoes of ancient priests in
is moved . Once closed, the mouth locks jackal-head masks stare out from the This tomb was partially plundered by
shut (usual chance of picking). The lion walls. Although the passage is icy Golthar in his search for another tapestry,
contains 2000gp, an ornate, silver anklet cold, it is not this which chills you to but he fled when the wyrds (see New
(value - 350gp), a boot (the other half of the the marrow, but the feeling of Monsters, p56) were released:
pair of elven boots - see area 9, p9) and a impending doom which hangs in the
scroll with the spells cure light wounds, air.
hold person and resist cold. The lion skin is As you step into the barren circle, the
very tough and, if it is hacked open, the air suddenly fills with the stench of
boot and/or the scroll may be ruined (50% The l 0 frescoes are actually screens of death, and you see that the area is
chance for each). painted plaster each concealing an alcove. littered with the mangled corpses of
Nine of the alcoves contain mouldering ores, goblins and men, as if some
skeletons (with no treasure), but the tenth terrible battle had taken place here.
Wl3-Wl5. Tombs on the Ridge (marked X) holds a powerful ghoul. If the
plaster screen hiding the ghoul is smashed,
These three ancient burial mounds, stan- it attacks at once. Otherwise it will only If they wish, the adventurers can loot the
ding on a prominent ridge, are clearly break out of its tomb and attack if the bodies (they find ld8gp on each of the 2!0
visible up to 6 miles away. Each is adventurers attempt to leave with the corpses) . This treasure vanishes when the
surrounded by a scorched, circular area of magical mace from area c (see below). characters leave the circle, but the looters
SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Encounters Wl2h- Wl4) 19
notice that "a few at one end of the
As you come into the scorched circle, procession" (actually as many as the
the air fills with bird-song, though trapped player characters) seem to have
there are no birds to be seen, and been cut more recently than the rest. If the
spring flowers burst from the grass at characters erase or deface these fresh
your feet. The lichen-covered door carvings (and this is easy to do, since the
into the mound has changed to marble is soft), the bronze door opens and
burnished bronze, and the weathered the party can escape.
grey stone of the door-posts and
lintel is now white marble. Characters find the hidden exit auto-
matically if they search the chamber for
secret doors. The ore skeletons have no
treasure or usable gear.
Wl5a. Trap

are cursed to carry the weight of the coins As soon as any character enters this Wl5c. Touch of Death
for a year and a day (i.e. the weight of the chamber, the bronze entrance door (X)
stolen coins should be included in their clangs shut (even if spiked open) and locks.
encumbrance). This curse can only be The door can only be opened by the In the chamber beyond the door there
removed by a cleric of level 8 or higher. If procedure described in area b. is no finely smoothed marble on the
the PCs mention their affliction at Sukis- walls, only wet, grey stone and the
kyn, Pyotr (or Stephan, once found) will smell of damp. There is a movement
recommend that Threshold is the best The tunnel beyond the entrance door in the far corner as a shadowy grey
place to find a cleric to cast a remove curse slopes down to an austere chamber of shape detaches itself from the wall
spell (see area T2, p37). white marble. A dozen or more old and forms into the figure of a man.
and ragged skeletons of men and
other creatures lie on the floor or
Wl4a. Pillaged Chamber slumped against the walls. Near one This chamber is an alternative, but dan-
of them, the words "bewere itz tuch" gerous, exit from the trap. The grey figure
have been scratched into the marble is a living rock statue which squirts grey
The stone door leading to this with a dagger tip. ooze instead of magma. Any character hit
chamber hangs open and a smell, by a blob of ooze from the statue suffers 2d4
even worse than that outside, greets points of damage (plus the other effects of
you from within. Scattered around There are 13 skeletons here - six humans the ooze) each round until the ooze 1s
the stone-flagged floor are broken (a thief, four fighters and a cleric), two killed. The statue has no treasure.
bones, rusted weapons and fragments elves, a halfling, three ores and a bugbear
of twisted armour. In the far wall, a - all victims of the trap. Amongst their 1 living rock/ooze statue: AC 4; HD 5..;
heavy stone doorway, once sealed clothing and gear, the adventurers find the hp 29; MV 60' (20'): #AT 2 squirts of grey ooze;
with plaster, has been smashed open. following usable items (the rest have rusted D 2d4/2d4 & see below; Save D5; ML 11; AL N;
or rotted): three swords, two daggers, a long- xp 425; THACO 15; BD32 (and p55).
bow, three shields, two suits of chainmail blobs of grey ooze: AC 8; hp 4 each; D 2d4 per
The bones are the remains of skeletons armour (halfling and elf sizes) and a suit of round (automatic)+ dissolve metal in I round (I
destroyed by Golthar. If the adventurers plate mail (human size). The thief, acquisi- turn for magical items); Save Fl; ML 12; xp 25
approach the smashed doorway, the two tive to the last, gathered the following each; BD31.
wyrds in the room beyond will attack. Each items into her pack: silver holy symbol
wyrd is wearing a suit of ordinary chain- (value - 150gp), a silver incense burner
mail armour, a helm with a gem set in the (JOO gp), l !Ogp in coins, three gems (25gp
brow (value - 150gp each), and a belt from each) and a short sword +1.
which hangs a scabbard containing a THE WOLFSKULL
jewelled sword (value - 250gp each).
Wl5b. The Mocking Face The search for Pyotr's brother Stephan
2 wyrds•: AC 4; HD 4•; hp 21 each; MV 120' eventually leads the party to the Wolfskull
(40'); #AT 2 glowing spheres; D ld6/ld6 (Kloss-Junk) goblin lair, the location of
( ld6+3/ld6+3 vs. elves); Save E4; ML 12; AL C; There are three more skeletons - which has been discovered during the
xp 175 each; THACO 16 - R 30/60/90; New probably ores - on the floor of this adventurers' explorations east of Sukiskyn.
Monster. side-chamber. The walls are decor- Although Stephan was brought to the after
ated with carvings in low relief, his capture, he has since been taken to the
including a large face which smirks ruins of Xitaqa (pronounced "zit-AH-ka"
Wl4b. Crypt at you mockingly. - see p24).
As well as two smashed coffins (which held
the wyrds), this crypt contains hundreds of
broken weapons, mangled suits of armour The face is merely a clever carving. The Wl6. Wolfskull Lair
and smashed shields. other carvings on the walls are mostly just See Maps K and Wl6.
patterns, apart from what looks like a
procession of stylised humanoid figures. The Petrified Forest
Wl5. Fool's Gold There are 16 figures (the number of
previous victims) plus one for each trapped Deep in the Dymrak forest is a dismal
This alluring, false tomb was built as a trap character (you should calculate the total valley smitten centuries ago by a magical
for grave robbers. The secret exit (from area number before describing the carvings). If blight that turned every living thing -
c) cannot be found from the outside: the characters examine the carvings, they plant or animal - to stone:
20 SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Encounters W14a-W16)
This petrified forest is an eerie and You come across a track winding
silent place, with little or no colour away into the gloom between the
to relieve the grey stone of the stiff, lifeless trees. Looking along it, you
blighted trees and undergrowth. The catch sight of a group of goblins and
trees were transformed while in full wolves heading in your direction.
leaf, and now form a dense, opaque The goblins are chattering noisily
canopy which draws a shadowy, amongst themselves and do not
twilight gloom over the forest floor. appear to have seen you.
The only living things here are
patches of pale moss and lichen on
the tree-trunks and limp, web-like The patrol consists of 10 Wolfskull goblins
creepers hanging like shrouds from and 3 dire wolves (see below) . If they
the branches. immediately take cover and hide, the
adventurers will be able to ambush the
patrol (automatic surprise) as it comes Wl6a. Black Rivers
Elsewhere, the party find petrified birds near. If they hesitate for more than I round, In the gloom, the muddy rivers which flow
and animals (deer, foxes, boars, etc.). however, the patrol notices them and by the lair appear black. They are infested
Patches of tangled, petrified undergrowth attacks. The goblins surrender if they fail a with cold-water piranha (see New Monsters
rise to an average height of 8 feet, and morale check. - p56). Any creature entering a river is
smashing through them requires 40 points attacked by a shoal of d4+6 piranha.
of damage for each JO-foot-square area. The goblins are readily recognisable as
Wolfskull (see PSVI). The party will have Piranha shoal: AC 7: HD I hp each: MV 90'
The petrified forest is so dense, dark and no difficulty tracing the goblins' route (30'); #AT I bite per shoal; D ld4 or 3d4 (if blood
tangled that visibility is only JOO feet. along the winding track to the Wolfskull has been spilt); Save NM: ML II; AL N ; xp 5
A It hough torches need not be used during lair. each; THACO 19 (16 if blood has been spilt);
daylight hours, underground (dungeon) New Monster.
movement rates and ranges should be used
for encounters and combats. In the forest, The Lair
goblins do not suffer the-1 Hit roll penalty Wl6b. Log Bridge
caused by daylight (BDJJ ). The Wolfskull tribe constructed their lair The flattened top of this stony log bridge is
by erecting stone walls between the trees of only wide enough to be crossed in single
There are several trails criss-crossing the a petrified grove (see Map Wl6). Some of file.
valley. Most of these lead eventually to the· the larger trees were hollow, and the
Wolfskull goblins' lair (see Goblin Patrol goblins have taken advantage of this (see
- below) at the heart of petrified area. No areas b, g, and i). The canopy of leaves and Wl6c. Guardroom
matter which trail the characters take, 2 branches here forms an impenetrable roof. The torchlight from the guardroom is
turns afler entering the forest they are set which varies in height from 15 to 30 feet. visible 200 feet away. Unless they make
upon by five hungry, giant bats: Most of the walls are concealed by petrified their presence known deliberately, the
thickets. adventurers are not noticed by the goblin
5 giant bats: AC 6; HD 2; hp 6 each; MV 30' guards until they cross the log bridge:
(10'), flying 180' (60'); #AT I bite; D ld4; Save The chambers in the lair are dirty and
Fl; ML8; AL N; xp20each; THACO 18; BD25. untidy, but are better ventilated than most
goblin halls (and so smell less). Some After the gloom of the forest, the
flickering light comes from smoky torches. torchlit chamber before you seems
Goblin Patrol Since there is no wood in this part of the almost welcoming. Not so welcom-
forest, the goblins have hewn out benches, mg are the goblins and wolves
When the adventurers are 3 miles from the tables, shelves and so on from the petrified rushing forward with weapons
lair, they encounter a Wolfskull patrol : trunks and roots of the trees. drawn !

There are 10 goblins and 2 dire wolves in

The Wolfslmll Clan the guardroom. When they see the party,
three goblins rush into the wolf pens (area
The goblin king Kloss leads the Wolf- WoJfskulJ goblins: AC6; HD 1-1 : hp-leach; d) to unchain more dire wolves (there are
kull (Kloss-lunk} clan, and is protected MV 90' (!10'): #AT l hand ax<' or I spear; six there) while the others attack with two
by :.eveial bodyguards. The clan keeps D ld6; Save NM: ML 8 (I 0 with leader); AL C; wolves. Each goblin in the pen (not
everal dire wolves. xp 5 each: THACO 19 • R 20/40/60; BD31 fighting) can free a wolf every I d4 rounds.
(and PSVI/. If the combat here lasts for more than 3
Kloss (goblin king): AC 6; HD !I, hp 15; rounds, the goblins in areas e and g will be
M V 90' (30'); #AT I battle axe; D I d8+ I: Save Dire wolves: AC 6; HD 4+1: hp 16 each; i alerted (see below).
F3: ML JO: AL C; xp 35; THACO 17; BD31 MV 150' (50'): #AT I bitt'; D 2d4; Save F2: ML 1
(and PSVI). 8; AL N: xp 125 t>ach: THACO 15; 8D39.
Wl6d. Wolf Pens
Wolfskull goblin bodyguards: AC 6: Personal Treasures: Each 01dinary goblin There are 6 dire wolves here, all chained to
HD 2; hp 9 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT I battle Cdrries 6gp and each bodyguard has 25gp. the central tree. The chains allow the
axe or I spear; D ld8 or id6; Save F2; ML JO; Kloss' fur cloaL. i~ worth 75gp. He is also wolves to reach the door but no further. If
AL C; xp 20: THACO 18 - R 20/40/60; BD!l 1 wearing a gold-buckled belt {150gp) and a attacked while still chained, a wolf will
(and PSVf). jewelled ring (350gp), and carries 45gp. become enraged for ld6 rounds, and has a
20% chance each round of breaking loose.
SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Lair of the Wolfskull: areas W16a-W16d) 21
If the adventurers do not go into the chief's The creatures are thouls, left here to guard
chamber (g) before venturing into Vlack's Vlack's treasure. They attack any intruders
part of the lair (areas i-k), the chief Kloss on sight, but will not cross the bridge (i).
and the other goblins from area g either
wait here for the adventurers to return or 3 thouls: AC6; HD3 .. ; hp 15each(regenerate I
else follow them (DM 's discretion). per round); MV 120' (40'); #AT I sword; D ld8;
Save F3; ML I0; AL C; xp 65 each; TH ACO 17;
Vlack's Quarters
Vlack 's room is even better furnished than
Vlack and his retinue of hobgoblins and the hobgoblins', with a bed, comfortable
bats have left the Wolfskull lair to report chair and table.
back to Golthar (see WE5).
Vlack's treasure is kept in a small compart-
meqt in the trunk of one of the trees. The
Wl6e. Prison Guards Wl6i. Hollow Log door of the compartment is disguised
There are 7 ordinary goblins and a goblin A 5-foot-diameter tunnel runs through the (automatically found if searched for) and
bodyguard here. They will hear the combat centre of this hollow, petrified log bridge. trapped (but not locked). If the trap is not
with the guards (area c) if it lasts more than Half-way along is a trapdoor trap (usual disarmed before the door is opened, a large
3 rounds, and will hide behind the large chance of noticing) . Any character falling petrified branch crashes down into the
tree in the middle of the room . If they are through the trap must roll less than his or room from above. All characters in the
hiding, the goblins surprise the party on a her Dexterity on ld20 or fall to the river room suffer 2d4+2 points of damage
roll of 1-3 on I d6. Otherwise, surprise (and the piranha! - Wl6a) below. A (negated by a successful saving throw vs.
should be determined as usual. successful roll means that the character has Dragon Breath).
managed to grasp the edge of the hole.
Inside the compartment is a locked chest
Wl6f. Cell containing 2000gp, 5 gems (500gp each),
Inside the cell, and visible through the Wl6j. Hobgoblins' Room and a quiver with 5 arrows +2.
bars, is an old woman, Babushka (NM; hp
I). A thief has a 60% greater than usual
chance of picking the lock on the barred The chamber before you seems better Babushka's Tale
gate (alternatively, the lock can be appointed than the others you have
smashed). The information which Bab- found . For one thing it is tidier, and While she is still inside the goblins' lair,
ushka can give the party (once outside the it also has wooden furniture : a table, Babushka is too frightened to talk. Once
lair) is listed below (see Babushka's Tale). some chairs and a few beds. There is a outside, however, she gladly answers the
scuffling sound, and three furry, adventurers' questions:
weasel-like creatures, each as long as
Wl6g. Chief's Chamber a human 's arm , emerge from a hole - She was captured during the goblin raid
at the base of a tree-trunk, teeth on Cherkass (W6) along with a young
bared. girl.
A large goblin, wearing a magnifi- - They were brought to the Kloss-Junk lair
cent white wolf's skin, glares at you and put in the cell. Later they were
from a throne on the far side of this The creatures are giant ferrets and Vlack 's joined by five other prisoners including
grand, fur-decked chamber. Before pets. They live in a " kennel " (marked x) Pyotr's brother Stephan .
him, a bodyguard of goblins stands inside a hollowed tree, and are accustomed - The goblins seemed to be under the
poised to attack. to being fed by the goblins. If the party command of a big hobgoblin called
feeds them meat, the ferrets do not attack Vlack.
(except in self-defence), but they have - The hobgoblins and goblins wanted to
The goblin king Kloss has 5 goblin limited patience. If, after 2 rounds, no food know where "the great map" was, but
bodyguards and 5 ordinary goblins with is forthcoming, the ferrets attack . In the the prisoners did not know.
him . If the fight with the guards (area c) next round, the five other ferrets from the - A few days ago, some goblins wearing
lasts more than 3 rounds, the goblins here kennel join the fight. iron collars arrived and took the prison-
will hear it and will automatically win ers away to " the old ruins at Xitaqa"
initiative in the first round. Otherwise, 8 giant ferrets: AC 5; HD I+ I; hp 6 each; (pronounced " zit-AH-ka"), where "OJ'
initiative should be determined as usual. MV 150' (50'); #AT I bite; D ld8; Save Fl; ML 8; Skinny-Legs" would get some answers
AL N; xp 15 each; THACO 18; BD30. from them. Babushka ("a scrawny old
Many of the furs hanging on the walls are woman, who'd only slow us down " ) was
very old and tattered. The better ones are The furniture is for use by Vlack's hob- left behind.
worth a total of 250gp. Under the seat of his goblin guards, and is larger than goblin
stone throne is Kloss ' treasure: 500gp in a furniture.
sack, a broken coronet with all but one of Losh ad's Bargain
the gems removed (value - 250gp), a potion
of delusion, and a shield +2. Wl6k. Vlack's Room In order to find Stephan, the adventurers
must first find the "ruins of Xitaqa", but
nobody they ask has any know ledge of
Wl6h. Chamber A group of tall, armed humanoids them. Back at Sukiskyn, however, one of
This room is unoccupied, and contains block your way. They look like the older people (Kuzma or Stellios) half-
piles of coarse bedding. The circular door hobgoblins, but their eyes have a jokingly suggests that the party "asks the
set into the end of the tunnel-like bridge (i) vacant, blank stare. horse-man on the moor" (i.e. Loshad, the
bears a crude painting of a split skull. chevall) . The other folk laugh at this
22 SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Lair of the Wol/skull: areas W16e-W16k)
suggestion, since the horse-dealing of In melee and while travelling, Bailakask
Pyotr's folk has hardly made them friends and Kalkask always adopt wolf form.
of the chevall! Kuzma (or Stellios) persists, Kalkask looks like an ordinary wolf, but
however, saying that the " horse-man" can Bailakask is a distinctive, large, grey
be summoned "by whistling at midnight animal. They only revert to human form
on the high moor for three nights running while resting or if given a good opportunity
while standing on one leg!" lO auack from a distance with missiles or
spells. Neither they nor the wolves carry
any personal treasure. If the werewolves
Meeting on the Moor fail a morale check and manage to flee from
the den , you should give the party a second
The old person's advice is not as crazy as it chance to kill them by arranging an
sounds. If the adventurers go oul onto the ambush by the werewolves (accompanied
moors at night and whistle (lhe exact time by four summoned wolves - see BD34) on
is not important, nor is standing on one the following day.
leg!), Loshad will come to them on the
second or third night (DM's discretion). Beyond the rocky walls of this
:f #" ~·- --
natural fortress is a dusty, barren
Loshad approaches the party in centaur Wolf Pack hollow littered with rocks and frag-
form, accompanied by his three warhorse ments of chewed bones. Looking
bodyguards (see PSIV for statistics), and 1 Bailakaslr. (female werewolf): down on the hollow from a pinnacle
asks them what they want. If the adven- wolf form: AC 5; HD 56 ; hp !10; MV 180' o( rock, a statue of a jackal-headed
turers ask for the location of lhe "ruins of (60'); #AT I bite; D 2d4+2; Save F5; ML 10; , human dominates the scene.
Xitaqa'', Loshad promises lO tell them on AL C; xp !100; THACO 15; BD33-34.
the following conditions: human fonn: AC 9: F5; MV 120' (40');
#AT I sling stone; ld4; THACO 17 - The statue stands on a natural platform
I. Four nights from now, the party must R 40/80/160. reached by a winding path . The statue
bring lo Loshad at this place the heads of itself is worthless, but the gems set into its
the werewolf Bailakask and her son Xalhsk (male werewol(): eyes are worth 750gp each.
Kalkask - both blood enemies of the wolf form: AC 5; HO 1•; hp 18; MV 180'
horses. Loshad gives the characters (60'); #AT l bite; D 2d4; Save F4; ML 8;
directions to the wolves' den (Wl7 - see AL C; xp 125; THACO 16; BD!l!l-34. Wl7c-g. Caves
below) and advises them to attack al human form: AC 7 (inc. Dexterity bonus); These caves are all very similar: dirty and
night when most of the pack will be out C4; MV 120' (40'); #AT l sling stone; D ld4; dusty, and littered with chewed bones. The
hunting. If they kill the wolves which are THACO 17 (inc. D bonus) - R 40/80/160. horses recognise the strong scent o( wolf
there at the lime, the adventurers can Spells: . inside these caves, and fight if characters try
ambush the others when they return. lst level · cure light wounds (x2) : to force them inside.
2nd level - hold prnoo
2. The adventurers set their horses free Cave g is the werewolves' cave, and is
within a month (25 days). wolves: AC 7: HD 2+2; hp IO each; slightly cleaner than the others. It contains
MV 180' (60'); MT I bite; D ld6; Save Fl; a bauered chest (neither locked nor trapped)
ML 8; AL N; xp 25 each; THACO 17; holding some tattered clothing, 500gp, an
WI7. Wolves' Den Bm9. ornate jewelled necklace (2500gp), and a
pouch with lO gems (5 x lOOgp; 3 x 200gp; 2
The werewolves (Bailakask and her son x 500gp). In caved are the chewed remains
Kalkask) and their pack of wolves have a of a once-fine saddle. The saddle is useless,
den of caves (marked Wl7 on Map Kand The Den bul the decorative gilt mounts and silver
shown in detail on Map Wl7) in a rocky stirrups are worth 350gp in all.
outcrop by the Volaga river. The entrance The rocky cliffs around the den are nol
lO the den is a narrow, natural tunnel (a) difficult for characters lO climb. Thieves
which the adventurers will find only if can automatically climb them, and other Fulfilling the Bargain
guided here by Loshad (see above). characters have the same chance as a thief
of the same level. Within 100 yards of the I( the adventurers return to the meeting-
If the party ignores Loshad's advice and den, the scent of wolves and werewolves place on the moor al the appointed time
comes during the day, the werewolves and causes the horses to shy away and makes with proof that the werewolves are dead,
wolves will all be here, and any assault them difficult to ride. Loshad directs them lO the Ruins o( Xitaqa
could be very dangerous. (see p24). His directions are clear and
accurate, and he briefly describes the
If the adventurers follow Loshad's advice Wl7a. Entrance Tunnel shattered tower of Xitaqa and the ruins in
and attack the lair by night, Bailakask, The tunnel is only 6 feel high. Horse skulls the gullies around il.
Kalkask and mosl of the wolves will be hang on wooden pegs set into both walls.
away hunting, leaving only 5 wolves to If the adventurers subsequently fail to keep
guard the den . These wolves are all in the their promise about freeing the horses,
open area (b). Once these wolves are Wl7b.<lpenArea Loshad will seek the party out and take
overcome, the party will be able to lay an Within the lair, horses will be very action to free them (see WE4). H he succeeds
ambush for the rest of the pack - frightened and difficult to ride. Anyone in this, the characters will be attacked ld6
Bailalr.aslr., Kallr.aslr. and 6 wolves - which who persists in trying to ride a horse must hours later; first by a stampede of 30 horses
will return in 2d4 hours. Any horses left roll less than their Dexterity on ld20 each ( ld20 points of damage to each character -
outside the lair will be attacked and killed round or be thrown for ld6 points of no Hit roll needed) and then by Loshad
by the returning pack. damage. himself with his bodyguards.
SOUTH OF THE RIVER (Encounter WI7 - Wolves' Den) 23

River Crossing
Upstream from Sielo (W5), the Volaga
river may be crossed easily at the ford, or by
swimming characters, or those on horse-
back. Between the northern bank of the
river and the escarpment on which Xitaqa
stands is a level plain.

A squad of Iron Ring Warriors (a Reaver

and seven Hounds - see PSIV) based at
Xitaqa (X9, p26), patrol the plain to guard
against outsiders. The patrol and the party
see each other (about half-a-mile away)
soon after the adventurers cross the river. At
once, the Iron Ring warriors gallop towards
the party to attack, firing one volley of
arrows before closing to melee range.

The Reaver carries 50gp, but the Hounds

have no treasure. None will give any
information if captured and questioned,
since they all fear Golthar far more than
pain or death.

1 Reaver of the Iron Ring (fighter): AC 4

(chain mail & shield); F3; hp 17; MV 90' (30'),
240' (80') mounted; #AT 1sword; D ld8+2 (inc. S
bonus); Save F3; ML 10; AL N; xp 50; THACO
17 (inc. S bonus).

7 Hounds of the Iron Ring: AC 7 (leather

armour); HD 1+1; hp 6 each; MV 120' (40'), 240'
(80') mounted; #AT 1 short sword or 1 arrow
(short bow); D ld6or ld6;SaveFI; ML 12;ALN;
xp 19 each; THACO 16 (inc. ferocity bonus) -
R 50/100/150.

8 riding horses: AC 7; HD 2; hp 9 each;

MV 240' (80'); #AT Nil when ridden; Save Fl;
ML 7; AL N; xp 20; EX51.

The Ruins
Following Loshad's directions, the party
will have no difficulty finding Xitaqa:

When, following Loshad's directions, the from the party. If so, the party will have a
adventurers' search for Stephan finally chance to meet him later in the adventure Ahead, exactly as the man-horse
takes them to the ruins of Xitaqa, they will (see Threshold, p34 & The Lost Valley, described it, a broken tower rises
confront Golthar (see PSV), the magic user p44). It will not spoil the adventure if the above the escarpment. At its foot,
and Master of the Iron Ring who unleashed party manages to overcome him, however, hidden amongst tangled gullies, lie
the attacks on the homesteads. Golthar is since the other members of the Iron Ring the ruins of Xitaqa.
clever, and it is likely that he will escape will carry forward the evil plan.
24 RUINS OF XITAQA (River Crossing)
The rambling, ancient, Hutaakan settle- OUTER RUINS (MapX)
ment of Xitaqa (Maps K lie X) was built in a
knot of winding, steep-sided, gullies eroded Depending on which route they take to
into the escarpment above the Volaga river. reach the ruined tower (over the high
Apart from the tower building which ground, or through the gulleys), the
dominates the scene, the ruins are single- adventurers encounter different inhabitants
storey, with bland, windowless exteriors of of the ruins. Statistics for these creatures are
dressed stone blocks, and are cut into the given below:
bedrock of the gulley sides. Every item of
use or value belonging to the original
inhabitants of Xitaqa is long gone. The Streets of Xitaqa

Several troops of rock baboons live here as If the adventurers' route takes them along
well as the Yellow-fang (Faz-plak) goblin the gulley floors:
clan (see PSVI) who have trained some of
the baboons to serve them . The Yellow- Minor Buildings (B. G. S. & E.)
fang headquarters is in one of the old Winding along the floor of the
public buildings (Xl-3), but many live in gulley, the overgrown cobbles of an Any inhabitants of Xitaqa attack the party
the smaller ruins (G). ancient street lead you between the on sight but, unless the adventurers enter a
dismal ruins. From around the corner building or deliberately make their pres-
Golthar, his Bloodhead (Vlackkag) hob- of a building just ahead, you hear the ence known, the occupants of the smaller
goblin minions (see PSVI), and a squad of sound of shuffling footsteps. buildings will not notice them:
Iron Ring warriors (a Reaver and seven
Hounds, p24) have taken up residence in
the partially ruined tower (X5-Xl2, p26). The footsteps are those of a patrol of 6 B. Wild Baboon Lairs
Yellow-fang goblins and 5 slave rock There is a 703 chance that there are 2d4
baboons. If the adventurers hide at once, wild rock baboons here. The baboons' lairs
A Wild Welcome they can ambush the patrol (surprise on a contain no treasure, only their bedding and
roll of 1-4 on ld6). Otherwise, the goblins food .
and baboons see them and attack.
As you near the ruins, there is a
bestial screech from an area of G. Gob]in Lair
boulders to your right, and a troop of The High Ground There may be ld4+ 1 Yellow-fang goblins
brightly-coloured apes break cover (803 chance) and/or ld4 slave rock baboons
and rush towards you. If the adventurers cross the higher ground (503 chance) here. The goblin lairs contain
above the gullies, they are attacked by 5 bedding, hearths , cooking pots, food and
giant bats: so on.
The apes (which are 50 yards away) are a
foraging troop of wild rock baboons. The
baboons charge towards the party to attack, Even reduced as it is to a mere stub, S. Stables
hurling stones and screeching as they run. the tower of Xitaqa is still extremely This small building is used as a stables for
impressive. As you approach the the horses of the Reaver and Hounds who
6 wild rock baboons: AC 6; HD 2 ; hp 8 each crumbling edifice, a number of dark, serve Golthar.
(14 for leader); MV 120' (40'); #AT I hurled stone winged creatures fly out from the
or I club/I bite; D ld3 or ld6/ld3; Save F2; ruins of the upper floors and flap
ML 8; AL N ; xp 20 each ; THACO 18 - towards you. E. Empty
R 10/20/30; BD25.

Yellow-fang Headquarters (Xl-X3)

This building houses the goblin king Plak
Denizens of the Outer Ruins baboons: AC6; HD2 ; hp8each (14for and h\s retinue, whose voices can be heard
II leaden); MV 120' (40'); #AT I club/I bi1e: from outside. It is larger than most here,
Plak (goblin king): AC 6; HD 3: hp 15; MV D ld6/ld'; Save f2; ML 8: AL N; xp 20 each; and has the Yellow-fang ruined tower
.I 90' (30'); #AT I word +2 (cast cure light THACO 18; BD25. motif scratched on the doors. Inside, the
wounda once per day); D ld8+2; Save F3: ML original furnishings have gone, and the
JO; AL C; xp 35; THACO 17; BD.31. Giant bats: AC 6; HD 2; hp 7 each: MV 180' decorations (mosaics, frescoes and carvings)
(60') flying; #AT I bite; D ld4; Save Fl; ML 8; have been defaced by the goblins. The
Yellow-fang (Faz-plak) goblin bodyguards: AL N; xp 20 each; THACO 18; BD25. rooms are filled with smoke from fires
AC 6; HD 2; hp 9 each: MV 90' (30'); #AT l smouldering in hearths which have been
~wmd or I arrow (short bow); D ld8 or ld6 ~ The ordinary Yellow·fang (faz-plak) goblins dug into the floors .
Save F2: ML 10; AL C; xp 20; THACO 18 - each carry 15gp-worth of coins, the body-
R 50/100/150: BD31. guards have 35gp, and Plak has 50gp and a
pair of gold armbands ( 120gp each). The XI. & X3. Front and Rear Lobbies
Ydlow-fang (Faz-plak) goblins: AC 6: command word (silmar) for his sword is There are 8 ordinary goblin guards loung-
HD 1-1; hp 4 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT I ~hort engrnved on che blade. All tht' goblins wear ing in each of these rooms. Unless silenced,
sword or I arrow (short bow); D ld6; Save NM; iron collars and arm-bands. Neither the wild the sound of combat from either lobby will
ML 8 (10 with leader); AL C; xp 5 each; nor the slave baboons have any treasure. but summon the goblins in the hall (X2) after 5
THACO 19 - R 50/100/150; BD31. the slaves wear iron collars hke their master '. rounds and from the other lobby after a
further 5 rounds.
RUINS OF XITAQA (Outer Ruins/areas Xl-XJ) 25
ice wolf:AC 4; HD 4+ J H; hp 23; MV 150'
This room has the air of a crypt, but (50'); #AT I bite or I breath; D Id JO or 4d4; Save
if that was its intended purpose then F5; ML JO; AL C; xp 275; THACO 15; New
it was never used, since every alcove Monster.
stands empty.
Hidden beneath the litter in the fountain
are 10 small gold ingots worth l 50gp each.
The transparent cubes are hiding in the The alcoves contain the wolves' bedding
alcoves marked g and, if possible, wail for a and Vlack's bed.
chance lo attack the adventurers from both
sides al once. Inside the cubes are three
gems worth 330gp in total. X9. Dormitory

2 gelatinous cubes: AC 8; HD 4; hp 18 each;

MV 60' (20'); #AT I touch; D 2d4 +paralysis (2d4 Like the room on the floor below,
X2. Hall turns, negated by saving throw vs. Paralysis); this one appears lo be unoccupied. It
There is a wooden platform against one Save F2; ML 12; AL N; xp 125; THACO 16; is a dormitory of some kind, with
wall, from which the goblin king Plak 8D30. neat, austere beds against each wall.
looks down on 5 ordinary goblins and 4 Above each bed hangs a pair of iron
bodyguards who are gathered around a manacles on a chain. Strangely, these
table, betting on a race between cock- X7. Old Library are polished to a dull shine.
roaches. In addition to the goblins' personal
treasures, there are coins worth 200gp in all
on the table. Hanging on the frame below Racks of mouldering, dusty scrolls The room is, indeed, unoccupied. It is the
Plak's platform are the clan trophies: JO and books line the walls of this room, dormitory used by the Reaver and Hounds
human skulls in rusty helmets, a tattered but many are barely visible beneath a of the Iron Ring (see PSIV) who serve
flag (worthless), a decorated hunting-horn coating of thick web-like strands. Golthar and whom the party encountered
(60gp), a pair of jewelled spurs (250gp after crossing the river (see p24).
each) and a beautiful goblet (350gp).
The library is the lair of two giant spiders. There are eight beds in all. One of them
One attacks as the party enters, but the (the Reaver's) is more comfortable than the
GOLTHAR'S TOWER other remains hidden with her brood in a others and has a small locker al the foot.
nest amongst the webs (marked s), attack- The locker (which is locked but not
Characters climbing up the outside of ing only if approached or threatened. The trapped) contains 150gp, a silver belt
Golthar's lower will be attacked by 3 giant young are harmless. With them in the (75gp), a human-sized suit of leather
bats, and will find that there is no way into spiders' nest is an ebony writing set inlaid armour, a sword, a short bow, and 15
the tower from the top. Following Gol- with ivory (value 370gp). The books and arrows. The armour and weapons were
thar's orders, the goblins will not enter the scrolls (written in Hutaakan) record in- taken from Stephan (see XIO). The carefully
tower under any circumstances. numerable births, marriages and deaths, polished manacles are symbols of the
and need a read languages spell to be read. inhabitants' loyalty lo the Iron Ring, and
are not intended to be worn.
X4. Sc X5. Plaza and Entrance Hall 2 giant black widow spiders: AC 6: HD 3;
hp 14 each; MV 60' (20'), 120' (40') in web;
The tower surmounts a large, low building #AT I bite; D 2d6 + poison (save vs. Poison or XIO. "Empty Room"
overlooking an overgrown plaza (X4). The suffer 4d4 points 0£ damage); Save F2; ML 8;
impressive bronze doors leading into the AL N; xp 50 each; THACO 17; 8D38. This room appears empty since everything
buildings are each 20 feel high. The central in it (including the internal walls, which
door is open, and the Bloodhead hobgoblin are thick sheets of glass) is invisible.
guards in area X5 will notice and attack X8. Vlack's Quarters Creatures or objects become invisible as
(with crossbows at first) any adventurers they cross the threshold, returning to
they see. normal as they leave. Unlike an invisibility
The marble walls and tiled floor of spell, the invisibility produced by the room
5 Bloodhead (Vlackkag) hobgoblins: AC 6; this chamber are dulled with age. does not vanish as a result of spell casting
HD l+l; hp6each; MV90'(30');#AT I sword or The statues of jackal-headed men or making an attack.
I crossbow quarrel; D ld8 or ld6; Save Fl; ML 8; staring blindly from their plinths by
AL C; xp 15 each; THACO 18 - R 60/120/180; the walls are robed in dust, and the The magic user Golthar is interrogating
8D31. fountain in the centre of the room Stephan (who is securely bound) in the
has dried up and filled with rubbish. central cubicle (a), using the threat of an
The hobgoblins live in the entrance hall The place seems abandoned, but a invisible minotaur to torment him. Before
(X5). Each has 25gp. Their rough wooden low growl from behind a curtained starting the interrogation (2 turns before
furniture contrasts sharply with the faded partition warns you otherwise. the party enters), Golthar cast a detect
opulence of the chamber which has a invisible spell. As soon as the party arrives,
splendid mosaic floor and painted plaster Golthar flees through the far door (gaining
walls and ceiling. There is an ice wolf hiding in one of the surprise because of his invisibility), briefly
curtained alcoves, ready to attack. The becoming visible before he shuts the door
hobgoblin king Vlack and the ice wolf he behind him. Stephan, although he does not
X6. Crypt was riding will be lurking in the other know what the monster is, warns the party
alcove if they escaped from the encounter just as the minotaur attacks. Only char-
The crypt was once full, but has been south of the river (see WE5 - pl4). They will acters able lo see invisible objects will see
cleaned out by two gelatinous cubes: also attack the party. most of these events, however:
26 RUINS OF XITAQA (Areas X2-X10)
Portraits a-d have small holes in them
As the door opens, you hear voices - (visible only on close inspection) which
one threatening, the other strangely allow anyone in the outer corridor to see
familiar. But the room is completely and cast spells into the gallery without
empty, and the voices are coming out being seen. Golthar (see PSV) hides behind
of thin air! Instantly, the conver- portrait d and waits for an appropriate
sation ceases, the far door opens, and moment (e.g. if an adventurer approaches
a yellow robed figure appears in the one of the holed pictures) before attacking
doorway as if from nowhere. Without with an offensive spell and activating the
pausing, it flees up the stairs beyond, sculptures (jade living statues). While the
slamming the door. "Look oUl!" statues attack the party, Golthar hurries
cries the familiar voice, as a menacing from one holed picture to another, casting
bellow fills the air. spells at the party.

The jade living·~taLUes are immune to sleep

The minotaur attacks the party at once and and charm spells, have excellent saving - In a small, ebony box: the magical silver
fights to the death to cover its master's throws (as FIO), and magical weapons have needle and golden thread which can be
escape. It can see the party since its sword no bonuses to hit or damage when used used to activate the tapestry.
+1 enables the wielder to use a detect against them. - A carved ivory scroll case (not trapped).
invisible spell (range 60' - BP4 l) once per Inside, is an ancient Hutaakan scroll. It
day. You should remember that the adven- 2 jade living statues: AC 4; HD 3+ l ..; hp 16 is fragile and must be handled carefully.
turers are invisible even to each other while each; MV 60' (20'); #AT 2 hands; D ld6/ld6; It may be read by means of a read
inside the room. Save FIO; ML 12; AL N; xp 100 t>ach; THACO languages spell or a thief of level 4 or
16; BD32 & p55. above (803 chance):
1 minotaur: AC0(4 ifvisible- leatherarmour);
HD 6; hp 26; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 sword +I; If Golthar exhausts his offensive spells, or
D ld8+3; Save F6; ML 12; AL C; xp 275; if the party defeats the statues, breaks "I 'Baistqet, liigfi ~, @ commantf your
THACO 14; BD34. through any of the perforated pictures, or return to :J{utaai;p. 'Tfie stars fra11t cltangfliarui
seems likely to find the secret door, Golthar OUT power 'UIQ.IW. Strange crmtuJTS limry us
Stephan (see PSIV for full details): AC 8; F5; will run up the stairs and try to escape (see from tfte moutUains IWf OUT ptopfe grow
hp 13 (26) ; MV 120' (40'); #AT Unarmed; below). rrstfas. m are stretditt£ too t/iin.. 'Bring tfie
D Unarmed (+l with any melee weapon); Save trmsurt.Sof tfie tmipfes arui tfie ptopfe of tfie
F5; ML 10; THACO 16. fowfantls to fail tfie one. 'Tfie samtl taptstria
Clothing: Torn blue robe. Xl2. Golthar's Room arui your silver ,,J,.s sfww tfie patfi. "
Appearance: Male; age 37; tall; red-haired;
bruist>d and haggard, bound with ropt'. In order to escape from this room, Golthar
casts a fly spell and then activates a
Characters who met Stephan in Kelven magical, explosive device which blasts a Stephan 's Tale
recognise his voice as he shouts encourage- hole in the wall. He then grabs his spell
ment during the fight. When it is over, he book, flies out through the hole and casts a When Stephan has a chance to talk with the
urges the party to pursue the magic user at mirror image spell on himself. The adven- adventurers, his first concern will be to ask
once. The information which Stephan can turers hear the explosion as they start to after the safety of his relatives at Sukiskyn.
give the party (either now or later) is listed ascend the stairs. When they reach the top: Once reassured, he will tell the party the
below (Stephan's Tale). Be has not been following about his captivity:
into the upper rooms of tfle tower.
Through the dust of the explosion · After being captured during the goblin
you see a gaping hole in the wall of attack at Ilyakana, he was taken, with
XII. Art Gallery the room. Through it, you can see others, to the Wolfskull (Kloss-lunk)
four, yellow-robed figures flying lair and thence to Xitaqa.
Golthar will have locked the door leading through the air into the distance. - At Xitaqa, Golthar interrogated the
into the gallery from the floor below. It prisoners, demanding to know where
may be opened by a thief, or a knock spell, the "golden tapestries" were hidden.
or else forced open (treat as AC 9, requires Golthar's room is comfortably, but distaste- - Stephan realised that the tapestry in the
35 points of damage): fully furnished with a bed made from the hall at Sukiskyn was of the kind which
splayed jaws of a dragon (badly damaged Golthar sought and, although he would
by the explosion), a triangular table of not divulge tt1is, could not conceal the
Such a gallery of faded glories! green-stained oak, and two orange wooden fact that he knew.
Flaking portraits gaze out from dusty chairs carved to resem hie crouching human- - None of the other prisoners knew,
frames into a sullen room whose oids. On the wall hangs a map showing the however, and they were taken from the
only occup::mts are a pair of pink, positions of the ruined homesteads. tower; Stephan does not know where to.
jackal-headed sculptures, frozen for - In the long days before the party's
ever in attitudes of contempt. In his hurry to escape, Golthar left behind a arrival, Golthar interrogated Stephan
lot of his treasures in an iron-bound chest and, from his questions, Stephan was
(locked and untrapped): able to work out the secret of the special
The paintings are trapped. Although their tapestry and the riches it might lead to.
canvas can be hacked through easily with a - 2 large sacks with 5555gp in each
sharp weapon, anyone so doing will suffer - a potion of delusion Now he is free, Stephan is intent on finding
ld8 points of electrical damage (halved by a - an amulet vs. crystal balls Be ESP the needle and thread and using it to
successful saving throw vs. Spells) and be - a jewelled silver casket (1400gp) with 15 unlock the secret of the tapestry at
stunned for ld3 rounds (no saving throw). gems (Ix 5000gp, 4x lOOOgp, 12x 500gp) Sukiskyn.
RUINS OF XITAQA (Areas Xll-X12/Stephan's Tale) 27

Golthar and the Iron Ring

Much of the action in this part of the
adventure involves the members of the Iron
Ring (see PSIV) as they attempt to wrest the
Hutaakan tapestry from the party or, at
least, to discover where the adventurers are
headed .

If Gohhar escaped from Xitaqa (see Xl2), -"'

he will have fled to Kelven to warn the Iron E
Ring. If Golthar was slain , his death will :r;
have been discovered and reported to the Ci.
Iron Ring by another of the Masters, ~
Karllag (see PSV), who was journeying to "
Xitaqa and arrived there only hours after ]
the party left. ,,·
On hearing that Stephan and the adven-
turers probably have a tapestry, the Iron tc
Ring in Kelven mobilises its forces: ~
· Two Reavers (Bors Be Hermann) and
seven Hounds are sent to Misha's Ferry -
in case the adventurers cross the river ~
there (see WI/WIS - p29). ~
- One Reaver (Aksel) and two Hounds are {
sent towards Selenica to alert and join up ~
with a group of Iron Ring slavers (see .~
WE7 - p30). Q.
- Two Reavers (Jolenta Be Gactis with two "'
Hounds are sent north towards Thres·h- E
old (see Rifllian - p32). 'J'J
- Other Reavers are sent to Krakatos and ;
Specularum, but will not be encountered -
by the party. ~
Return to Sukiskyn i:
On returning to Sukiskyn, Stephan and his
rescuers are met by the inhabitants who are
overjoyed at Stephan's safe return. Pyotr,
in particular, rushes forwards to meet his
brother with tears of joy streaming down
his face . Afterwards, he thanks the adven-
turers profusely and organises a feast (see
below) to celebrate.

After greeting his other kinsfolk, Stephan

im patien ti y asks Pyotr and the adventurers
to go with him into the Hall, so that they
can discover the secret of the tapestry.
When the magical needle and thread touch
the fabric:
- By taking the horses to Rifllian, the
As the needle is touched to the adventurers can not only receive 503 of
tapestry, it sparkles brightly a nd its the proceeds as p ro mised by P yotr (pl4)
golden thread shimmers. Moving o f but ma y also con ceal their true mission .
its own volition, the needle mag icall y - Taras (or another cla n member ) can go
weaves through the golden tapestry, with them to Rifllia n, a nd return to
subtly changing the areas it p asses Sukiskyn with Pyo tr's share of the
through. Soon the geometric pallerns money.
are go ne, replaced by a beautifully - Golthar or his associates (Stephan has no
executed map depicting a coastline, detailed knowledge o f th e Iron Ring)
rivers, and a pulsating golden a rea may well be a t Kelven and, even if they
nestled in a mournain range. are not, it wo uld be ri sky to take the
horses into the town where they would
come to th e attention o f thieves.
The m a p shows the area now kn own as th e - Stephan fears th a t it will not be long
Grand Duchy of Karameikos (show th e before Goltha r (if still a live) makes Wl8. Misha's Ferry
players th e Co lour Tapestry on the inner another allempt a t gaining the tapestry,
folder). The map was made befo re an y o f so speed is of the essence. Misha 's Ferry (see also WI , p6) li es a lo ng
the Duchy's modern selllements were built, the p a rty's route and is the easiest place a t
but Xitaqa and the Lost Valley of Hutaa ka If the player charac ters wish to follow a which to cross the Volaga River. The
(the pulsating area) are clearly m arked . differelll route or wa it a while before building is the same as when the party was
Stephan recognises many of the geogra ph- selling off, Stephan tries to discourage this las t here a nd the ferry is still serviceable.
ica l fea tures and points out where Kelven , but will follow a m ajority decision. It is The ferry is capable of carrying up to 10
Threshold a nd so on (Map K) now sta nd. possible, for example, th a t th e party may ch aracters o r 5 horses (or an a ppropri a te
wish to go to Kelven to find a high level combinati on ) on each crossing .
With this knowledge, the Lost Va lley ca n cleric (e.g . to cast a remove curse spell ), but
be seen to lie in the mountains no rth o f Stephan points out tha t the T emple m If th e p art y have tra velled here within two
Thres hold , in an area Stephan kno ws to be Thresho ld (T2, p 37) co uld h elp them . da ys o f their return to Sukiskyn from
wild and ullla med. Xitaqa , th ey encounter Misha 's bear again
If, in the end, the cha ra cters insist on going (if still a li ve). If they arri ve later, th e bear
Now tha t the goblins are defeated , there is to Kelven, you must crea te sufficierndetails will h a ve go n e and the Iron Ring m embers
little to keep Stephan or the adventurers a t of the town yourself. Describe Kelven very will be wa iting in ambush:
Sukiskyn . In fact, Stephan is eager to briefly, aiming mo re fo r a tmosphere than
journey with the advemurers to the Lost detail, and add in a n y sm a ll encourners Misha's Bear
Valley. His old adventuring spirit has been desired (see Threshold for more ideas - While th e ho rses are being loaded onto the
rekindl ed by th e prospect of a lost civil - p34 ). The adventure does n o t reall y resume raft , Mi sha 's bear appears from the bushes
isation a nd its wealth. Above all , h e wish es until they are back o n th e road towards and adva nces slo w ly towards th e p art y. It is
to thw art Golthar by beating him to the Threshold. still looking for Mi sha and attacks onl y in
prize he seeks. An y planning or discussions, se lf-defence, fl eeing if wounded to 12 or
however, will be temporaril y put aside by Just as the deta ils h ave been finali sed , fewe r hit p o irns. If unmolested , it comes to
prepa ra ti o n s fo r th e feast. P yotr comes over to hea p furth er pra ise on within I 0 feet of the advt'nturers, peers
the adventurers, before p assing out and intentl y a t them and then wanders o ff.
being carried off to bed by his children,
A Joyous Feast who also retire. I cave bear : AC 5: HD 7: hp 30; MV 120' (40'):
#AT 2 claws/I bite + hug (if both claws hit );
The celebration is a riotous a ffair with D 2-8/2-8/2-12 + 2-16: Save F4 ; ML II; AL N ;
much singing and dancing. It ta kes a SUKISKYN TO RIFLLIAN THACO 13; BD26.
similar form to the more muted event a fter
the siege (pl4), but Pyotr is in very high When Stephan and the adventurers leave,
spirits and, like the rest of his cl an, m ore th e whole of Suki skyn ga th ers to see them Iron Ring Ambush
than a linle drunk . He decl ares the off and wish them luck (des pite a few hang- These Iron Ring members have been se111
adventurers to be his greatest fri ends a nd overs! ). The p arty can ta ke supplies for the h ere to lie in wait in case the part y co mes
says they are always welcome at Sukiskyn . journey from Sukiskyn 's stores, and will this wa y. They attempt to ambush th e
As a special gift , he gives each o f them a have with them the 24 white ho rses for sale party as it a pproaches the ferry, ga ining
I OOgp gem. Stephan , however, can think of to the elves, as well as a ny o f their own . surprise o n a roll of 1-3 on Id6. If the
nothing but the magical tapestry and R eavers fail a morale check, they will
proposes th e following plan of ac tio n. a ttempt to fl ee, leaving the Hounds to fight
Since th e adventurers have yet to complete Encounters and Events to the death .
their o rigina l assignment of esconing the
clan 's white horses to the elves wes t o f Between Sukiskyn a nd Rifllian, only two Bors &: Hermann - Reavers of the Iron Ring
Kelven , he suggests that they should take encourners are ti ed to specifi c locations (fighters): AC 4 (c hain mail & shield ); F3: hp 17
th e horses to the elven village at Rifllia n (WIS & Wl9), and the res t of the action e;ich; MV 90' (30' ); #AT I sword; D ld8+2 (inc S
(where th ey should fetch a good price) consists of events (WE6-WE8). Neverthe- bonus); Savt' F3; ML 10; AL N; xp 50 t'ach;
following a route via Misha's Ferry whi ch less, some of these events can onl y occur TH ACO 15 (inc S bonus ).
avo ids Kelven . H e has given much tho ug ht within a genera l area, so it is the actions o f
to th e pla n : the players tha t will determine the order of 7 Hounds of the Iron Ring: AC 7 (l t'a thn
play and, inevita bly , ca ll for some minor ;irmour); HD I+ I; hp6each ; MV 120' (40'); #AT
- Rifllia n is conveniently situa ted o n the modifications to the actio ns of the NPCs. I short sword or I arrow (short bow ); D ld6 or
Windrush river north of Kelven , o n th e Be sure to read all th e events a nd encounters l<l6; Sa\'t' Fl ; ML 12; AL N; xp 19each ; THACO
way from Sukiskyn to Threshold. before allempting to run this section. 16 (inc feroci ty bonus ) - R 50/100/ 150.
JOURNEY TO THRESHOLD (Sukiskyn to Rifllian/encounter Wl8) 29
this would make the m en release the At night, the goblins are awake and two of
them but it only resulted in them being them guard each path . All the Reavers and
whipped more. Hounds are asleep and do not have the
- The group has stopped at a camp while benefit of armour.
the evil ones try to beat the horses into
submission. Surely, the adventurers will Either set of guards raises th e a larm as soon
not stand for this? as they see anyone. Once the alarm is raised
the other human and goblin slavers move
If the adventurers seem reluctant to help, to attack .
Loshad will remind them that th e humans
are also being bea ten. If this fails, he will
pointedly ask them where th ey are taking Slavers
the white horses. In fact , he has no
objection to them being take n to the elves Rucker· Reaver of 1he Iron Ring (cleric): AC 5
(since they will be very well treated), but he (c hain mail ); CS; hpl9 ; MV 90' (30');
The Rca\'ers each have 45gp and. in is not above feigning reluctance and #AT I mace; D ld6; Saw CS; ML JO; AL C;
addition, one of them has a small bottle of hinting that the party 's co-operation would xp 300; THACO 17: PSIV.
rare perfume (value 75gp) . The Hounds earn his con sent. On no account will Spells:
ha\'c no treasure. Loshad agree to change his original I st level - cure lighl wounds, darkness
bargain with the party. Lawful characters 2nd len·l - blighl, hold person
should be eager to rescue people from the Treasure: a staff of healing; 2 ,·ia ls of holy wat er:
Iron Ring Slavers sla\'ers, and could possibly be penalised if 3 gems (va lue 250gp each): 75gp.
they do not (DM's discretion).
E\'cnts WE6 and WE7 in\'olve the chevall Sydnor· Reaver of the Iron Ring (fighter): AC 4
Loshad and a group of Iron Ring slavers Although the location of the hon Ring (chain mail & shield ); F4 ; hp 25 : MV 90' (30');
and goblins who were heading west towards camp is marked on the wilderness map, it #AT I sword; D ld8+2 (inc. S bonus): San· f4 ;
Black Eagle Barony (see EX38) with a ma y be moved to wherever is most con· ML JO; AL C; xp 12S; THACO 15 (inc.Shon us):
group of shtn•s captured during the goblin venient within 2-3 hours ride of the part y. PSIV .
raids. Losh;id 's main concern was that the Treasure: 5 small gold ingots (va lue JSOgpeach )
horses had been maltreated by the sla\'ers, Even if the party agrees at once to attack the stamped with a design in tht· fonn of a pair of
but so far ht• has failed to free them . Now he slavers, Loshad will still ask where the manaclt's; 50gp.
will try to get the part y 10 do this for him. white horses arc being taken.
Sgagasl • Reaver of the Iron Ring (bugbear):
ACS; HD 3+1 : hp 16: M\190' (30'); #AT I baule
WE6. Loshad Sighted WE7. The!3lavers' Camp (Map WE7) axl'; D Jd8+1 : Saw F3: ML 9: AL C: xp 7S:
THACO 16: BD27 and PSIV .
This t'\'t'lll offurs an hour after th e The Iron Ring slavers are camped in Treasure: hea,·y gold chain (va lut' 3SOgp) and
characters cross the Volaga ri\'n (at Misha's clearing within a small rocky woodland. A 35gp.
Feny or otherwise). Loshad (see PSI\'), in few rough trails lead to the clearing, and
stallion form , and his three bodyguards are the ITS! of the area is covered in rocks and 8 Hounds of the Iron Ring: AC 7 (leather
seen in the dista11<T for a kw minutes brambles making passage along anything ar mour ): HD l+l : hp 6 t'ach ; MV 120' (4 0');
bdon' galloping away onT the moors. other than the trails very difficult. #AT I short sword or I a now (shun bow); D I d6:
San· Fl ; ML 12; AL N: xp 19 t'ach: THACO 16
half-an-hour later, they an· sighted again . There are 19 slavers in all : tluet· Reavers (inc. fnoc·ity honus) - R 50/ 100/ 150; Nt•w
This time, Loshad is in centaur form and (Rucker - CS, Sydnor - F4 , and Sgagast - a numstn and PSI V.
gallops up 10 the party in a non-threatening bugbear), eight Iron Ring Hounds. and Treasure: each has 2d20gp in mixt'd coins.
manm·r. H attacked, he fices, but otherwise eight Yellow-fang (Faz-pla k) goblins from
ht· greets the party's horses before talking to Xitaqa. Aksel, the Reaver envoy from 8 Yellow-fang (Faz·plak) goblins: AC 6:
the adn·nturns. Kelven (see pp28 and 31) has not yet HD 1-1: hp 4 t'ach; MV 90' (30'); #AT I short
reached them . There are 34 slaves: 19 are sword or I anow (short how): D ldfi: Save Ni\I :
His main conn-rn is that the party should humans, captured during the raids on ML 8: AL C : xp 5 each: THACO 19 R -
free the horses from the slan·rs. and so he human settlements by Vlack's goblins 50/ 100/ JSO; BD31 and PSVI.
docs not remind the ath·enturers of their (these were the prisoners ta~e n to Xitaqa Treasure: t'ach go blin has 2d6KP·
prn·ious bargain but, instead, tells them with Stephan). and th e others are 15
what has happt·nnl: goblins from the scattered Red-blad e
(Gnhasska - see PSVI ) tribe. Slaves
- A short distanff away (he will gi\'e
directions ) is a camp of c\·il people, a The Iron Ring slavers are due to strike I9 human slaves: AC 9; NM ; hp I (3) each ;
plan' of ,·ilem·ss and deat h. wlwre " not camp on th e morning after the party meets MV 120' (40'); #AT/D lln;11·rnt'd ; San· NM;
only the humans, but also th e horses" arc Loshad . Until the time comes 10 leave, th e ML 6: AL N or L.
chained up. slaves are all chained to trees around the
- Thnc arc about 30 humans and 15 clearing. Before leaving, th e slavers plan to 15 Red-blade (Gnhasska) goblin slaves:
goblins tht>re. About half of each are kill the horses and proceed on foot. AC 8; HD 1-1; hp I (4) t•;ich: MV 90' (30'J:
chained up and lx·atc11 by the others. #AT Unannnl ; D Un;irnwd; San· NM ; ML 2;
- 011 discon·ring how the slavers mis- During thf' day, the goblins are asleep and AL C; xp I t'ach; BD31 and PSVI.
treated their horses , Loshad tried to rc- the three pathways into th e wood are each
least· them but failed , since the men watched by a Hound . Sydnor will be I I riding horses: AC 7; HD 2: hp 3 (7) each:
hobbit· and chain the horses every night. attempting to re-tame (unsuccessfully) one M\1240' (80' ), 3' ( I' ) hohhled; #AT 2 hoon·s (not
- E n"n so, Losh ad caused I he horses to of the horses with his whip, while th e if hobbled ): D ld4 / ld4 : San· Fl; ML 4; AL N:
btTonH· unmanageable . Ht· hoped that others watch. THACO 18; EXS J.
After being released (Sydnor has the keys to Unless prevented by the party, Aksel finds
their chains), the human prisoners will the encampment of the Iron Ring slavers
attempt to kill any surviving goblin (slaves (WE7). If the players have not already
or captors), unless restrained. disposed of them, Aksel sends either
Rucker or one of the other Reavers, or one
Loshad does not join in any attack, but of the Hounds to follow the party. Other-
watches (invisible) from a distance. After wise, he returns to Kelven to report their
the Iron Ring has been defeated, Loshad demise.
appears and requests that the horses are
released, although he is willing 10 let them Aksel - Reaver of the Iron Ring (thief): AC 4
carry the prisoners to Sukiskyn. Once at (leathn armour + Dex . bonus); T3; hp 9 ;
Sukiskyn, the horses will become unmanage- MV 120' (40'), 240' (80') mounted ; #AT I sword
able and untameable. or I thrown dagger ; D ld8 or ld4; Save T3; ML 9;
AL C; xp 50: THACO 19 or 16 R - 10/20/30;
Wl9. Gnomes' Ferry Treasure: 8 gems in belt pouch (50gp each). 5 Guard leaders: .-\C 4 (chain & shiel<l); H:
hp 22 t•ach; MV 90' (30' ), 210' (80') lllOUntt'd;
The Shutturga river is crossed here by a 7 Hounds o( the Iron Ring: AC 7 (lea1her #AT I swor<l; D ld8: Savt' F4 ; ML 10; ALL;
ferry run by a group of five gnomes. It is armour) ; HD I+ I; hp 6 each; MV 120' (40') , 240' THACO 17 .
similar to Misha's Ferry except that the (80') mounted; #AT I shon sword; D l<l6; Sa,·c
gnomes also run a hostelry - a stone Fl ; ML 12; AL N; xp 19 each; THACO 16 (inc 40 normal guards: :\C :> (d1ain); Fl ; hp 6ead1:
building on the east bank of the river, with feroci1y bonus); PSIV. MV 90' (30') , 240' (80') moulllt'd ; #AT I swor<l or
a bar, kitchen and numerous bedrooms. Treasure: each has 2d20gp in mixed coins I arrow(s hon bow ); D ld8or ld6;Savt'Fl: ML9;
The gnomes enjoy a good haggle (see ALL; THACO 19 R - 50/100/150.
PSVII) and base prices at the hostelry and
for crossing the river depend on the WES. Merchants 20 wagon-drivers: AC 9: NM: hp 3 t"ach : MV
gnomes' assessme111 of the characters' 120' (40') ; #AT I shon sword: D Jd6: San· NM:
wealth. When asked the price of anything, Where the trail from Misha 's Ferry joins ML 7; AL N; THACO 20.
a gnome pauses in deep thought while the trail north from Kelven , the party
inspecting the character, before giving a encounters a merchant carava n bound for Ahiktos makes an additional income by
price. Selenica: selling information and is well informed
about events in Kelven. He knows, for
Typical base prices for the adventurers are exa mple, that certain people in Kdvt'll are
given below. If the adventurers have made Before you lies th e trail from Kelven on th e look-out for a particular group of
an effort to conceal their wealth, or are to Selenica running along the banks adventurers (see below).
particularl y ostentatious, feel free 10 reduce of the river Shutturga. In the distance
or increase the base prices accordingly: you can see a large group of wagons As the ca ravan draws near, Ahiktos (whose
and horsemen approaching from the wagon is near the front) notices the party's
- crossing the river: 5gp per adve111urer, direction of Kelven. Ahead of them white horses, orders the caravan 10 stop,
!Ogp per horse come three mounted, armoured and invites the adventurers to dine with
- bed for the night: 20gp figures. him . He soon realises that the a<l\'elllurers
- stabling per horse: 5gp are those being sought in Kelven and
- meal : 15gp, ale: 2gp, wine (glass) : lgp recognises a profitable opportunity .
The three riders are guards (Fl) for the
5 gnome ferrymen/hostellers: AC 7 (leathe1); caravan. On seeing the party, two of them After the usual polite formalities , Ahiktos
HD I; hp 5 eac·h; MV 60' (20'); llAT I short halt while the other returns to warn the enquires whether the horses are for sale and
sword; D ld6; Save DI; ML8; ALL; THACO 19; main body. The guards a re wary of aHack offers to buy them. His base offer (see
8030. but greet the adventurers in a friendly PSVII ) is 75gp each. Whether or not the
manner. They explain that they are part of pany sell the horses, Ahiktos then hims
the caravan of Ahiktos, bound for Selenica that he has information that they may be
Other Visitors and that their caution is the result of recent imeres ted in. His base price for the
The Reaver Aksel, accompanied by two increased bandit activity on this trail. information is 90gp ("a trifling price for
Hounds, arrives al the ferry on horseback information of high quality"). but he
soon after the party. He is looking for the The rest of Ahiktos' caravan winds its way would accept one of the white horses
Reaver cleric Rucker and the slave train down the road after 5 minutes. It consists of instead . His information is accurate:
(see WE7): 20 wagons (each pulled by four mules)
carrying spices, silks and velvets. It is - A magic user wearing yellow robes
If the adventures go into the hostelry, Aksel guarded by 45 moumed fighters. Should recently appeared in Keh·en.
and the Hounds e111er it soon afler and the party make any attack, all the guards - Soon after, a tall dark woman who had
order drinks. Aksel soon recognises the attempt to deal with them while the drivers been seen in the company of the magic
characters and, realising that he and his take care of the wagons. user bega n w enquire around the bars
hounds are hopelessly outnumbered, leaves about a particular group of characters,
as soon as possible. If, for some reason , a Ahiktos the merchant: AC 9; F3; hp 15; and her description of the a<lvemurers
fight does break out, Aksel deserts the MV 120' (4 0'J; #AT I sword; D ld8; Save F3 ; was "strangely like" the party.
Hounds, leaving them to cover his retreat. ML 8; THACO 19. - The Duke's <laughter is reputed to ha\'e
Appearance: Male; age 58; black-haired, over- run off with the captain of the guards.
If the party passes by the hostelry, Aksel weight. - There are increasing reports of bandits
and the Hounds ride up as they are crossing Clothing: Fine satin robe with gold embroidery. on the road between Kelven and Thn·sh-
the river. He recognises them immediately, Personality: AL N; Outwardly friendly, bu1 old, and a number of caravans ha\'e
but continues riding. always scheming after profi1s. failed 10 arrive.
JOURNEY TO THRESHOLD (Encounter Wl9/event WES) 31
The Village Her base offer is 120gp each. If an elf is
bargaining on behalf of the party then I
RI. Arrival at Rifllian should be added to the bargaining die roll
(see PSVII).
By chance, as the adventurers arrive at
Rifllian, the Duke's Galley and its Elven- Supplies, weapons and armour are also
guard (see EX38) are leaving ro continue available here for a base price 203 higher
their journey to Specularum: than standard prices (see EX 19). Stephan
will buy chainmail armour for himself
On the far bank of the Windrush
river, enfolded by the Radlebb woods,
lies the elvish village of Rifllian. Just Taras' Departure
casting off from the jetty is a mag-
nificent vessel almost 50 feet long. As Once the horses are sold, Taras (or whoever
RIFLLIAN <Map R) it moves out into the river, its sail came with them) will return, as agreed, to
unfurls revealing a rearing unicorn Sukiskyn with half of the money. He will
Rifllian is a small elven village of 170 emblazoned across it. At the head of go via Kelven, waiting for the next
inhabitants on the western bank of the the ship stands an elf dressed in southbound riverboat, and will arrive
Windrush river. The village is an outpost dazzling armour and a surcoat that home safely.
of the Callarii elves and serves as a trading also bears the rampant unicorn
post for those wishing to trade with the device. Soon the wind catches the sail
elves, or si111ply as a stopping place by and the vessel glides down the river ON TO THRESHOLD
travellers. The buildings are all made of towards Kelven.
wood and are two storeys high. Leaving Ri£llian
A s111all jetty on the east bank of the river The characters may leave Rifllian either by
Iron Ring Watchers has a brass bell hanging from a post. boa·t or road:
Searching for the adventurers, the Reavers Ringing this calls the ferryman , who
Jolenta and Gactis (see PSV ), accompanied charges a fixed rate of I gp per character and By Boat
by two Hounds, arrived at Rifllian the day 2gp per horse for the crossing. The The weekly passenger vessel is due to come
bdore the party. Jolenta and the Hounds ferryman admires the PCs white horses and through the day after the PCs arrive, and it
entered the village but, gaining no news of asks if they are for sale. He would like one will have space available for the adven-
the party, rejoined Gactis and the four then for hi 111sdf and offers to buy one (base offer turers, but not for their mounts. If the
hid themselves on a wooded knoll over- 135gp). adventurers have not done so before, this
looking the village. would be a good time to release their horses
in accordance with their deal with Loshad
The Rean-rs see the party arrive, and wait R2. The Silver Swan Inn (see p22).
until the adventurers lean:· before releasing
a carrier pigeon to Kdven to inform the The Silver Swan is run by Stubbs Platter- The fare for the journey to Threshold is
Iron Ring . .Jolt-nta then hurriedly heads mann, a very friendly hallling who always 16gp per character (not negotiable) and it
north to organise a group of brigands to tries to make his guests welcome. The inn takes just under 2 days . The boat (the
attack the adventmTrs (see WEl2). while is \Try clean and homely and is patronised Mudlark) is owned by Captain Scylla, and
Gactis hangs back and follows them (see by the local elves and passing traders. is carrying cargo for trade at Threshold (see
WEI!). Stubbs prides himself on the range of his EX39).
menu, and meals are a\·ailable throughout
the day. His prices arc fixed, and are 203
Inhabitants higher than standard (see EX 19). The Mudlark and its Crew
Mosr of Rifllian 's inhabitants are Callarii
elves (see PSVI) of levels 1-4. Any of these Stubbs knows Stephan , and is pleased to Scylla (riverboal owncr/cap1ain): r\C 7
can reme111ber seeing the "dark lady" who see him . He pours drinks for the party and {leatht'r); F:l; hp 11: M\' 120' (40'); i;;\T I
visited the village, and some (203) noticed enquires whether they have met their "odd ;,,or<l: D ld8: an· F3: IL 8: AL L;
that she rode north when she left. friends" yet. If asked to explain himself, he fHACO 19.
says that, yesterday, a strange, tall, dark
The elves admire the white horses greatly woman with piercing blue eyes was asking IO Crewmen: AC9; M: hp lt•ach; M\' 120'
and ld20 elves will show an interest if the if anyone had seen Stephan and his (-JO'):#AT I hortswor<l:Dl<l6;.;;awNM:
party offers them for sale. Each elf will only companions (whom she could describe in i\JL 8: AL N : THAC.0 20.
wanr to buy om· horse, and their base offer some detail) . There were two others with
will ht· 150gp. If they want to sell all of the her, both male who wore dark robes and The Mudlark: kngth 30'; beam 19'; <lraft
horses, the adventurers 111ust bargain with never spoke. All three left early this 2': MV 60'/round; Hull poum 35; AC. :
rhe trader Prestelk (see R3). morning on horseback, but Stubbs does not EXJ3.
know where they went. Cargo: I 0 n att'> of< lotht•s (mo;tly checked
Callarii elves: AC 5 (chain) or 9; El-4; hp 4-16; ,hirrs ) ;in<l he;n·y worl111g bums; 4 d1t•,ts or
MV 120' (40'): #AT I dagger, I sword and/ or I hca' }-duty lumber axe,.
arrow (Ion)!; bow); D ld4. l<l8 an<l/or l<l6; Sa\'l' R3. The Trader
El-~: ML 9: AL N; THACO 19 or 17; BD30.
Prestelle (£3) is the main trader for all
Stubbs Plattermann (halfling): AC 9; H5; wishing to buy and sell goods at Rifllian. By Road
hp 17; MV 120' (10'); #AT I dag)!;lT; D ld4; San· She is a shrewd elf who will try and strike a In spite of the rumours of bandits on the
H5; ML 8; AL N; THACO 17. hard bargain with the party for the horses. trail north to Threshold, the characters
~2 TOURNEY TO THRESHOLD fRifllian/On to Threshold)
may decide to travel a long the riverside Hrothgar whether the party is travelling by
trail. A short distance north of Rifllian, the land or water and , si nce the Scange recently
terrain becomes broken and hilly, and very gained possession o f a river boat, they will
hard going for horses (l-2 - 2/3 norma l be able to attack in either case.
movement rate). Only the trail by the river
provides an easy route (normal). The ambush, by 18 Scange brigands led by
Hrothgar, takes place near the Scange
camp (see Map WEI2 . If, at any time, they
Events fail a morale check, th e Scange flee to join
the rest of the band at the camp.
Yo u may use most of the foll owing events
a t any convenient time (and in any order)
on the journey between Rifllian and The Scange
Threshold. Golthar's journey to Threshold
by flying ca rpet (see EX39 and WEl3), Hrothgar (leader): AC I (plate +I& shield);
however, should take place on the second F3: hp 14; IV 60' (20'), 120' (40') 1nounu:d; round. If not surprised, the PCs notiet• the
day of the party 's journey. #AT I wmd; D Id +I (inc S bonus): SaH· ropt' lying across the trail , and have I
F3: ML 9; AL C: xp 35, THACO 18 (inc. round to act bdort' it is pulled taut.
WE9. Gent1e Reminder Whether or not they gain surprise, eight
Hrothgar' war horse: (a11acks un<lC'r hi swordsmen up in the trees attempt to leap
If the adventurers decide to ride some of the di1rc1ion> AC 7; HD 3; hp 16: MV 120' (40'); onto the backs of the charactt•r's horses,
white horses up the track towards Thresh- llA T 2 hoO\t''; D ld6/ld6: :nt· F2; ;\.1L 9; succeeding on a roll of 17 on ld20, and then
old, they will meet Lushad the cheva ll o nce AL'.':: \.P 35; TH CO 17; EX5l. attacking with daggers. Any who miss with
more. Loshad is concerned that the party their leap will attack with swords from the
may be taking the horses into the dangerous Scange archers: \C 7 (kaiht·r); Fl; hp 4 ground. The remaining eight swordsmen
wilds to the north , and will pointedly l'ach; \!\' 120' (40'); #.\TI hott bo\\' ot I move out to cowr the trail behind the
remind the party that the horses were to be ""ord: D Jd6 01 Jdll; Saw Fl; ML 9; AL C: characters, while Hrothgar charges on his
sold to the elves. xp I 0 t'<ic h; TII \CO l 9; EX53. horse from the front.

Scange swordsmen: AC 6 (it'aiher &

WElO. Victim of the Scange 'hit'ldJ; 1-1: hp I !'ach; MV 120' (40'); The Scange Camp
#.\[I '>Word 01 I d;iggn; I) ld8 or ld4;;
The characters come across the corpse of a SJn' FI; ML 9; AL C: xp I 0 t'a h; TH.\CO The camp is in a small wood n t'x t to the
female human, killed by three black- 19: EX53. stream where the river boat is docked.
feathered arrows. Depending on the route There are another 8 Scange here (4 archers
taken by the party (trail or river) , the corpse Personal treasure: l'ach Scangt' llil\ 30gp & 4 swordsmen). Two archers watch the
is found either half-concea led in the a11d Hro1hga1 ha J jewt•llt:d nt•cldace ap proach to the camp and caw likt' a crow
undergrowth by the side of the trail, o r ('alue 300gp) <1t1d a gold 1 ing ('·;due to warn the others of any troubk.
floating down the ri-1er. The woman was 175gp). Hidd1·11 in Im 0001 ;, a kt•y to tht.'
killed during a n attack by the Scange (see tht•,( Ill h" tt'llt. The camp itself consists of six hidt• tellls st'!
below) on a merchant caravan. She has no around a clearing with a cooking fire in the
treasure. Scange Ri\ler Boar: kngth 25'; hc:mn 19'; middlt'. Most of the tellls contain only
d1;if1 2'; ;\.!\' 60'/1ou11d; Hull poinh 110: bedding, pots, pans and so on, but one
,\C 8: EX43. contains 200 arrows with black flights, 6
WEI I. Follower Behind short bows, 18 daggers and 15 swords. If the
attack was on the river, Hrothgar's horse is
In the distance, the adventurers catch a On the Ri"er at the camp.
glimpse of a mounted figure on the skyline The Scmge boat moves out from the
behind them. This is Gactis (see p32 and concealment of the side-strea m , and cuts Hrothgar's trnt has a fur ruidvalut• I 50gp),
PSV) who is following the party . If 1he across the bows of the Mudlark . While a keg of fine brandy from Marilt'm·\· (rnlut·
adventurers double back, Gactis will notice eight men a nempt to grapple the boat (see 200gp) and a lockt·d iron-bound cht'st (not
and avo id them . If, however, the adven- EX44), the other 10 fire arrows at the PCs trappt'd). Hrothgar keeps tht' key inside his
turers wait in ambush he may (OM's and the crew o f the Mudlark. If the left boot. The chest contains: a silver
discretion) ride into their trap. Mudlark is successfully grappled, the drinking cup (value 200gp), a potion of
Scange board her. The crew of the M udlark heroism and 5000gp.
will help to defend their vessel.
WEI2. Trouble Ahead (Map WE12)
WEI3. The Flying Carpet
Any travellers on the trail or the Windrush On the Trail
river between Rifllian and Threshold are The Scange are hidden in the bushes on This event takes place on tht' second day
considered fair game by a group of huma n either side of the trail, a nd have laid a rope after tht' adventurers leave Rifllian . They
cuuhroats who call themsdves the Scange. across it. If they gain surprise (a roll of 1-3 see, in tht' distance, a flying carpet heading
These men waylay travellers , strip them of on ld6J, the rope is pulled taut by two of north over the hills east of the river. The
their belongings and sell them into slavery. them just as the party's kad horse(s) pass carpet belongs to Cardia the elf (see EX39)
over, causing chem to stumble and rear. who is carrying Golthar and Sligh to
Jol enta , riding north from Rifllia n , has The rider(s) must make a saving throw vs. Threshold. She does not know that Gol!har
struck a deal with the briga nd leader, Wands or be thrown from their moullls for is a member of the Iron Ring. Scylla (the
Hrothgar, and arranged for the Scange to ld6 points of damage and, even if success- riverboat captain) can, if asked, identify the
a uack the party. Jolenta will be able to tell ful, are unable to attack in the following carpt't as belonging to Cardia.

;:...._\WS''~,~: \.\ ~ ·~\\,'~~·f~'·. -,· '''\'\'~'':· '\"'~\\.~~ ''\'-''' ~ I i The thriving frontier town of Threshold
~~;'\~{><> ·\·'~ ·s· ·· . ~·z')' '" ::i~'l (see Map T and EX38) lies on the shores of a
small lake. Built primarily of wood (a
.. -...111\ : .•
major resource of the area), it is home to
:.:~ <: \.\\•·
about 500 humans and 50 demi-humans. It
lies on the adventurers' route to the Lost
Valley and provides them with many
opportunities - from buying supplies and
equipment, to hiring retainers - as well as
dangers in the form of an Iron Ring plot.

Map T shows only the general layout of

Threshold, but should be referred to while
the PCs are in the town . You should also
read the section on towns in the Expert
rules (EX37-39), as this will help you to
make the Threshold adventure more fun
for your players. Threshold is a typical
town: crowded, smelly and dirty. Except
for the buildings by river, all waste is
emptied into the streets, and pigs and dogs
can often be seen scavenging through it.
The key to the successful running of a town
lies more in the atmospheric recreation of
its sights, sounds and smells than m
providing precise geographical details.

Much of the action in Threshold revolves

around Golthar's plan (p37), but avoid
rushing straight into this, since the PCs
should ha\'e some time to get to know the
sights. The most important locations are
described separately (p36), and there are a
number of Optional Events (p39) to help
you bring the place to life. These should be
interspersed with the events connected to
Golthar's plan (TEI-TE?) .

The adventurers' arrival at Threshold

(p36) is described after some general notes
on the town .

Customs and the Law
Threshold is ruled by the 14th level
Patriarch Sherlane, from his lakeside castle
of Tarnskeep. Sherlane has declared that
Threshold should be a lawful town where
the townsfolk can walk the streets without
fear of attack. To this end, the only
weapons which may be carried are daggers,
~- swords (excluding two-handed swords)
34 THRESHOLD (General Notes)
and staffs. Prohibited weapons are con- Third offence: struck dumb (needs remove
fiscated by the town's guards (below) and curse from Cl4 or higher).
kept in the town hall. The weapons are Subsequent offence: indefinite incarcer-
returned when the owners leave the town ation below Tamskeep.
(they are escorted to the gate by a level 4
cleric). In addition, no magic-user spells Conventional lawbreakers (thieves, and so
may be cast in Threshold, and offenders on) receive correspondingly more mundane
who are caught are taken before the town 's sentences; ranging from fines to imprison-
clerical court for trial (see p37). ment and execution.

Although not illegal, the wearing of any

armour is frowned upon . Adventurers can The Townsfolk
enter or leave the town wearing armour,
but are not expected to wear it for shopping Most of the town folk are either normal
expeditions or sight-seeing! Characters humans or level 1 fighters (503 chance of
who go about openly wearing armour will each). Usually they mind their own INFORMATION
be questioned by the local guards and business and avoid combat, but if forced
escorted to their dwellings unless they are into a fight, they defend themselves with Many rumours and snippets of information
leaving town. daggers or any available object (chairs, can be picked up all over the plan· in a
bottles, and soon). A number of adventurers bustling town like Threshold - even
and hunters regularly pass through the without the characters actively searching
The Clerical Court town, but these characters have a range of for them. All sons of interesting things can
levels and should be generated as and when be overheard at the bar of an inn, in the
The Clerical Court comprises five clerics required. marketplace and so 011. (lndet'd, this is an
appointed by Sherlane to m ·ersee the ideal place to drop some hints about tht'
running of the town. It meets at the town Townsfolk: AC 9; NM or Fl; hp 1-8: MV 120' scenario you are running a her this one!).
hall (Tl), and takes a dim view of (40'); #AT I; D ,·;uiable; Saw NM or Fl; ML 6; However, don't be tempted to givt' too
lawbreakers. ALL or N; THACO 20 or 19. much away . The characters should at least
have to buy one or two rounds of drinks.
Magic-users or elves caught casting spells
are punished with curses (bestow curse Services in Threshold Specific Locations
spell) unless the court can be convinced There is a 403 chance that any inhabitant
that there art' mitigating circumstances: A wide selection of professions are practised of the town knows the location of any
in Threshold, (a comprehensive list can be specific establishment (armourers, inns
First offence: loss of hair, skin turned green found on EX37), and if the adventurers and so on), including those you locatt'
colour or covered in pimples (cured by wish to visit an NPC's place of work, yourself. This cha1Ke should be modified if
any remove curse spell). simply choose a locale and then make a the place sought by the party is especially
Second offence: insomnia (makes rest for note of its location for future reference. The well-known (e.g. the Temple), or par-
regaining spells impossible - cured by exact location is not vital, but you will need ticularly obscure (e.g. The Crossed Swords
remove curse from C9 or higher). to know the general whereabouts. tavern - st'e TE4J.

Local Customs
The Town Guard Most of Threshold's inhabitants an· only
too willing to pass the timt' in t'xtolling the
The guards ate qu;Hte1ed at the town hours. approximatt'ly, and on side treets virtues of their town to any newcomers.
hall, with smaller contingenb at the onc-e cve1y 6 hours. In th evt'nt of any The Patriarch is generally rcspectt'd and
town· two gates aud. du1 ing the day, on disturbann-. the Joe-al citizenry \an call admired, and the guard are also highly
tlw wharn· of Fogor Isle (p36). At night. out the guard. but discrl'lion ·hould he thought of (except by members of tht' local
pa1rols onto the ble cea e, but thete are u ed in determining how quickly they thieves' guild).
guard po~ts 11ea1 tilt' t \\"O b1 idge . and respond. Generally a pauol arrives with-
pattol~ th1ough tlw main town continue. in ld8+4 rounds. but this should bt' Fogor Isle
River guard$ have the ame stmistics a m difird for location and time: if do~e to The patrons of any tavnn can tell the PCs
wwn guards. a guard post the may come very quickly, that this area of town is shunned by most
but 011 a dark side street at night it may law-abiding citizens, sinct' it is ··unoffi-
The purpose of the gua1d i~ to maimain wel I take 10 01 t'\en 20 minutes fo1 a cially" under the control of the local
law and 01 de1, not to tt'rrorisc the local patrol to arrive! thieves' guild.
c-it1ze111y 01 , .j itor~. They do not usually
lwra peoplewith utagoodrea on anti Guard Sergeant: AC-I (chain mail & ,11i.,ld); The Black Peak Mouniains
ar<' 11011nal I) jovial and well meaning . F3; hp 13; MV90' (30');# Tl sword; D ld8tl The local people look worrit'd at any
Cha1actc1~ aning uspiciou~ly will, how- (inc S bonu,); Save F3: ML 10; AL L; mention of this notorious mou1Hain range,
evr1, be ~toppnl <rnd quntioned; chaia- THACO 18 (inc. bo11us1. and warn the PCs not to go there. The
ne1 with 'illegal' weap<>ns will be asked townsfolk can tell various stories about
politely to hand them on•r and told they Guards: AC 5 (chain mail); Fl; hp 5: MV 90' hunting expeditions that went into the
an reclaim them from the town hall (30'); #Ar I polt• arm; D Jd!Otl (inc. mountains and never returned. The frw
when they leave. bonu,); Sa"(' Fl: ML 8; ALL; TH CO 18 that did told of endless attacks by ram-
(inc. S bollU>). paging gnolls.
Pa1rol con i L of ix level I fighters led
by a level 3 ergean t. They may be Clothing: Whw· suicoats b<.>aring an t'lll- The Iron Ring
c11(ountl'tcd on the main sueeh eve1y 4 broidercd golden chalice. Most of the inhabitants have never heard of
this highly secret organisation, but any
THRESHOLD (Infonnation) 35
are provided with a key by the landlord,
With his huge hands, the sergeant although, if you wish, some landlords may
unrolls a scroll of parchment and, be dishonest and attempt to steal from the
giving a mighty cough reminiscent adventurers. In any case, characters should
of distant thunder, the sergeant be encouraged to leave bulky items in their
clears his throat. rooms since they cannot reasonably carry
all their gear every time they venture onto
"Right, we can get this next bit done the streets. Alteratively, valuables may be
and then you go in. Threshold is a deposited at the town hall (Tl).
law abiding 'n' peaceful place. To
make sure it stays that way, yer only
allowed to carry daggers, swords and The Hook and Hatchet
staffs. What's more, yer can ' t cast no This is the inn favoured by Sgt. Arthol and
magic-user spells in this 'ere town or most of the guards (when off-duty!) . It is
it'll be up before the clerical court located next to the old town wall (the thick
evidence of its activities would be of great with yer. Any questions? Yer better line that runs parallel with the new town
i11terest to characters like Sgt. An ho! (PSV) make 'em quick, I ain't got all day ." wall and surrounds the town hall). It serves
who could report it to "the appropriate 'above average' food (quality - S) and can
authorities". If the adveuturers are very provide both rooms (ISsp per night) and
blatalll in their enquiries, word is certain to The scribe enters details of any weapons stabling (2sp per night).
get back to Golthar. left by the adventurers into her ledger, so
that there will be no mistakes when the
The Arrival of Golthar, Jolenta et al. time comes to reclaim them. On no account Hiring Retainers
The guards on the gate are very observant, will Arthol let the characters into the town
but do not reveal "confidential infor- bearing prohibited weapons. In each inn there is a 103 chance that there
mation" unless they are bought a few will be 1-2 !st level fighters looking for
drinks. It is common knowledge that Sgt. If asked, he recommends the Hook and employment. Otherwise, retainers are often
Arthol and the othn guards spend most of Hatchet as a good tavern. He intends to pay hired via advertisements pasted up around
their off-duty periods in the Hook and a "quick" visit there when he goes off-duty the market square. When calculating the
Hatchet Tavern (below) by the old town in an hour's time. cost of hiring these mercenaries, treat them
wall. If given Jolenta 's description , any of as "Light or Heavy Footmen " (EX24). If
these can confirm that a blue-eyed lady the adventurers paste up an advertisement,
entered the town a few hours before the IMPORTANT LOCATIONS or otherwise make it obvious they are
party. She was accompanied by two silent , looking for mercenaries, Golthar will get
surly men and met by a rat-faced man who Os tiers to hear of it and send one of the thugs to
led them towards Fogor Isle. Sgt. Anhol is apply for the job (see p38).
suspicious of the rat-faced man, but cannot Horses, mules, tack and harness are avail-
remember where he has seen him. able from a number of dealers (your choice
of location), at a base price of 2003 of EXl 9. Fogor Isle
ARRIVAL Inns Fogor Isle is connected to the rest of
Threshold by two stone bridges, and serves
Inns are very common in Threshold , most as the main port and warehousing section
Dark smoke rises into the air above streets having at least one. Each time the of Threshold. Despite the best efforts of the
the town of Threshold and congeals party enters an inn for the first time, you patriarch, the Thieves' Guild still exercise
in a dense writhing mass above its should decide what kind of establishment considerable influence here. During the
stone walls. A gatehouse towers it is using the notes below. Be sure to keep a day, the thieves keep a low profile, but after
above the road, and to its right the record of where any inn is once the dark, the Isle is fully under Guild control
riwr flows around an island crowded adventurers ha\'e visited it. and no guard patrols dare enter.
with buildings. Along the town 's
whar\'es , river boats bob up and Inns usually have Id4xl0 patrons and tend The streets and alleys of the isle are dark
down at their moorings. to be bustling with activity. The kind of and dingy . Numerous inns are found hcre
patrons encountered varies with the inn 's as well as various dens of vice which cater
location - waterfront inns have a high for all manner of imerests. Sm al I groups of
Rt'ganlless of the party's route (by river or number of stevedores, those near the town characters ( l-3) walking the streets at night
land), the adventurers are hailed by Serge- hall have a large number of merchants and are 503 likely to be accosted by groups of
ant Arthol (PSVJ when they reach the town guards, and so on (sec EX37 for a list thugs (see below). Even during the day,
town. The sergeant is either commanding a of the various professions). Each time the members of large groups (6+) are likely to
riwrboat (with eight guards plus crew ~ party enters an inn, make a reaction roll have their pockets picked by a 6-11 th
see EX43) or is 011 duty at one of the gates. check using the bonus of the character with (ld6+5) level thief. The residents of Fogor
Both town gates are manned at all times by the highest charisma, to determine how the Isle look after their own, and the town
eight guanlsm1·11 and a sergeant. A guard locals react to the party's presence. guards, if called during the day, only escon
patrol boat stops and inspects all vessels characters out of the area, they do not make
approaching Threshold (ri\'er guards have Food and drink are available in all inns, arrests anymore. The last group to try,
the same statistics as other guards) . but the quality varies considerably - roll never made it back over Northbridge.
ld6: a result of l means 'terrible'; 3-4 are
With the sergeant is one of the town scribes average; 6 is excellent. Rooms are available 5-8 thugs: AC 7 (leathn); Fl ; hp 5 each;
who asks each of the advemurers their in most inns for ldlO+IOsp per night, and M\' 120' (40' ); #AT I short sword or 4 throwing
name and enters it into a large, leather- most can also provide stabling at ld4sp per daggers; D l-6or 1-4; Savt' Fl; ML 8: AL N; xp IO
bound ledger. When she has finished: horse per night. Characters booking rooms each; THACO 19 - R 10/ 20/30.

36 THRESHOLD (Arrival/Important Locations)

Tl. The Town Hall TEI. Patriarchal Parade

This is one of the few stone buildings in On the morning of the second day, there is
Threshold and houses the Clerical Court a parade from Tarnskeep to the town's
(see p35). There are always ld4+1 guard temple, headed by the Patriarch Sherlane:
patrols stationed here. Valuables can be left
here at a charge of 103 of their value.
Confiscated weapons can be collected at The clash of cymbals and drums
any time, but a level 4 cleric then escorts the resounds down the street accom-
characters to one of the town gates. panied by the blare of horns. White-
robed clerics swinging incense bur-
ners lead a procession along the
T2. The Temple main street towards the temple. Next
come the musicians and a detachment
The temple is an impressive stone building of town guards wearing their finest
near the town hall. It is always occupied by surcoats. A large white and gold Notes: Rescuing Mafka by pushing her out
20 clerics who administer to the town's palanquin held aloft by eight bearers of the way of the cart requires a successful
spiritual and physical welfare. Adventurers sways down the street. Sitting in the Dexterity check. If the character fails, he or
requesting spells are expected to pay for palanquin and smiling warmly at she takes 2d4 points of damage, and Mafka
them (regular worshippers only pay a the people below is Patriarch stumbles out of the way (see above). If
nominal donation). The cost of spellcasting Sher lane. Mafka is not rescued, the adventurers
is IOOgp per level of spell; spells up to 4th automatically notice the dropped purse
level can be cast here, any higher spells can and Mafka disappears into the crowd.
only be cast by Sherlane at Tarnskeep. The townsfolk gather either side of the There is half the normal chance (203) that
street to cheer the Patriarch as he passes. any towns person knows the location of the
During the parade, the adventurers catch a Crossed Swords Tavern.
T3. Cardia's Carpet Service glimpse of Golthar and Jolenta standing
across the street from them. Golthar glares
Cardia operates her carpet service from at them and moves back into the crowd, TE3. The Iron Ring Sighted
ouiside the town hall. Should the party followed by Jolenta . The procession fills
enquire about her, they will find that she is the street making it impossible for the On the first evening in town, the ad-
currently flying one of the Patriarch's aides adventurers to push their way across. By venturers notice Vokos (see p38) the wererat
to Specularum and is expected to be gone the time they do get across the street at the bar of any inn they visit (DM's
for at least a week. Golthar and Jolenta have gone and no one choice). Vokos has a distinctive 'rat face'
saw where they went. and, as he drains his mug, his sleeve drifts
down his arm to reveal his Iron Ring
GOLTHAR'S PLAN brand. Vokos puts the empty tankard on
TE2. Phoney Rescue. the bar and heads towards the door. If he is
On arriving in Threshold with his body- called to stop he looks quickly over his
guard Sligh, Gol thar (or Karllag, if Golthar Mafka, an Iron Ring Reaver (level 5 thief - shoulder but does not break his stride.
was slain in Xitaqa - see PSV) contacted the PSV) disguised as an aged fortune teller, is Vokos exits through the door just before
local Iron Ring cell (comprising four to lure the PCs to the Crossed Swords Inn . four town guards enter. The guards block
wererats and lO humans). When Jolenta Feigning a limp, she stumbles into the the door and by the time they have entered
arrived, he met her at the town gate. All are path of a run-away cart in full view of the the inn Vokos has disappeared. If the
now staying at the wererats ' hideout on adventurers. Should they leap to her aid, adventurers physically try to restrain
Fogor Isle (p38). Mafka will apparently reward them by Vokos, the guards will arrest them.
telling their fortune . What she tells them is
Golthar cannot openly show his hand in intended to lead them to the inn:
Threshold, so he has settled on the idea of TE4. Outside the Crossed Swords
luring the adventurers at night to a deserted "I see a tall man in yellow robes ... He is
inn (the Crossed Swords - p38) on the here, in Threshold and he searches for The inn presents a depressing picture of
wharfside of Fcgor Isle. He hopes to something .... I see him quite clearly: neglect. The painted sign of two crossed
mislead them into believing that he is he stands outside a building near the broadswords hangs crookedly from a rotten
staying there. The inn is actually home to a river ... a sign bearing two crossed support. The door, however, is stout and
vicious troll which Golthar hopes will deal swords swings over his head ... he - solidly padlocked. If the PCs have Mafka's
with the party. Just in case it doesn't, he but the picture dims ... " key (see TE2), it does not fit the lock. All the
will be waiting in ambush outside .... windows are boarded up on the outside.
If the adventurers do not attempt to rescue The roof is sound, and the chimney has
Golthar's plan is outlined in the series of her, Mafka saves herself by falling clumsily been bricked up. Smashing through the
events below. Unless the party is par- to one side before vanishing irno the crowd. window boards requires 50 points of
ticularly careless, things are unlikely to go In the process, she deliberately drops her damage, and would make enough noise to
as Golthar intends, and it is up to you to purse which contains a key bearing a tag attract a large crowd.
determine exactly what results the party's with two Crossed Swords on it, and a
actions will have. It is quite possible that message from Golthar, marked with the Day
the adventurers will be able to turn the sign of the Iron Ring: To discourage the PCs from entering the
tables on Golthar completely (e.g. if they inn in the daytime, Golthar has arranged
go the inn, follow Vokos back to the " ]J(ee/ me lonighl al /he <7nn o//he for a group of 12 stevedores to be off-
hideout, overcome the sleeping guards Crossed <'Swords. 7he /rouble ma.lers loading a boat nearby. The stevedores have
there and wait in ambush for Golthar's are 1n /own and g need!four assistance. orders to warn off anyone they see attemp-
return). 9oflhar." ting to enter the inn.
THRESHOLD (Areas Tl-TJ/Golthar's Plan: events TE1-TE4) 37
Inhabitants of the Wererat Hide-out
Golthar and Jolcnw arc cksrribed in Treasure: each ha' 2d I Ogpand \ 'okm carries a
detail on PSV. katlw1 pouth "ith four gem> (rnlue 75gp
each). <i ml an l·ngravl·d sil\'cr bra«~lct (\·aluc
Sligh - Reaver of 1he Iron Ring (fighter): JSOgp).
AC 3 (chain mail & shield +I); F4; hp 26;
fV 90' (30'): #AT l sword: D Jd8+2 (inc. S 2 Hounds of the Iron Ring: AC 7 (lt>atht·1
bonus/: Sa»d.l; Ml.10: Al. .; xp 75: THA 0 armour); HD l+I; hp 6 each: JV 120' ( IO' J.
15 (i nc.~ bonus). 2·!0' (80') 111ounted; fiA r I shOl l \WOJd, D 1d6:
Treasure: \ilve1 beh bucklt• (75gp); pla11nu111 Sa1c Fl: ML 12; ALC; xp l9e<1ch:THAC:O 16
inlaid >rnbba1d (500gµ); 3Sgp. (inc. fl'roc itv bonus) PSIV.
Treasure: t:ath or the e hound has a :.ingl<
4 wererats (inc. Vokos): AC 7 (9): llD 3•; gold ea11 i11g (1alUl' 75gp each).
12stevedores(fighters): AC8; Fl; hp4each ; hp 12 l"<Kh; MV 120' (40'): 11AT 1 bi1t' (01 I
MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 boathook; D ld4; Save ,hnrt 'word); D Id l (or ldfi): an· 1-3; ML 8: 10 thugs (fighters): AC 7 (kut lwr & >hit'ld):
Fl; ML 8; AL N; xp 10 each: THACO 19. AI. C: xp 50 t'tl(h; THACO 17; 80.~3. Fl: hp 1 t'ach; MV 120' (10'): =,\T I -ho11
No1e: The were1<11 attack 111 rat fo1 m and >Word: D ld6: Sail' Fl ; ML 8; AL C; xp 10
Note: Attacking the stevedores attracts a :.1<111s1in i11 l>rackl'ls rdt:r lO their abilities as each: THACO 19.
further ld6xl0 stevedores from along the humans. Tht·n bitt· n111 rnuw lyt;1111hropy . Trea ure: l'ad1 thug ha 2d6gµ.
wharfside. A guard patrol arrives after 10
minutes to "escort " the part y off the isle.
TE6. Ambush TES. The Wererat Hideout
At dusk, the stevedores leave and the wharf The route of Golthar's party to the Inn The wererats ' hideout is surprisingly clean,
is deserted exn'pt for the wererat , Vokos, follows the same alleyways which Vokos apart from room c whert' the wererats sleep
who takes up position in a shadowy corner took. When they reach the inn, they wait on filthy straw beds. There are always five
near the inn to watch for the adventurers. outside for the adventurers to emerge and thugs in room b, but unless alerted, they
His onlns an- to wait for the party to arrive then ambush them . will be as leep. Room d is the kitchen and
and then report at 011ce to Golthar at the general eating area. The stairs (area e) are
wererats ' hideout (see bdow). Notes: If the party does not emerge within 1 very worn and every step creaks (making it
hour , Golthar and the others examine the impossible to move silently) .
Note: As the characters approach the inn, inn a nd , if they discover that the party is
they automatically notice the shadowy not there and/ or that inn has not been The top floor has been taken over by
figure of tlw wernat slipping away down a entered , they return at once to the hideout. Golthar (fJ, his bodyguard Sligh (h), and
side-alley and can easily follow him if they If Vokos told Golthar that he thought he Jolenta (gJ. Hidden in a secret compart-
wish (set· below) . was followed to the hideout, then the ment behind the fireplace in Golthar's
ambushers will be vny wary on their way room are his spell books , and a locked,
The interior of the Crossed Swords Tavern to or from the inn. silvn casket (not trapped, value 1350gp)
and its inhabitant are described in TE7. containing:
- a carved ivory comb (500gp), matching
TE7. The Crossed Swords Tavern brush (750gp), and vanity mirror with
TE5. Through the Alleyways platinum frame ( IOOOgp)
The inn is dark inside, even during the day. - a golden seal bearing the stamp of the
After seeing the party, Vokos hurries down The whole place is dust y, cobweb-covered, Iron Ring (2,SOOgp)
the back-alleys of Fogor isle to the wererat and pervaded by a nauseating stench from - a pouch containing S gems (Ix lOOOgp,
hideout (see Map F). Golthar remains i11 the troll in the cellars. The downstairs 4x 500gp)
the wererat hideout (TES) until Vokos rooms contain only some broken tables , - a leather purse with SOpp and 200gp.
arrives. A lew minutes after the wererat chairs and benches. The upstai rs rooms are
reports to him, Golthar and his bodyguard empty, save for a few smashed packing
Sligh, accompanied by Jolenta , her 2 crates. Leaving Threshold
Hounds, plus 4 wererats (including Vokos)
and 5 hired thugs set out for the inn , The Troll When they are ready to leave, the PCs can
ka\·ing behind 5 hired thugs to guard the The inn 's dank cellars are now the home of collect th e ir weapons without difficulty ,
hideout. All statistics an· given bdow . a foul-smelling troll. It blundered into and can follow the trail north-west towards
them via tht' secret tunnel which connects the Black Peak mountains (the Foamfire
Note: If the adn·ntmers follow Vokos, it is to Threshold's sewers, if it hears anyone river is not navigable by watercraft).
up to you to detnmine whether he notices moving around on the ground floor of the Howewr, after passing a few outlying
them. Even if he does, Vokos will still go to inn it climbs up through the trap door and farms the trail peters out and the party
the hide-out , hut will alert the occupants of attacks. finds itself in real wilderness.
his suspicions. Ht• avoids combat if possibk )

but fights in self-defence if cornered. If he is 1 troll: AC 4: HD 6+3•; hp 39; MV 120' (40'); If th e adventurers have not r11anaged to
captured and questioned bdore reaching #AT 2 daws/ 1 bite; D 1-6/ 1-6/ 1-10; San· F6: dispose of Golthar by the time they are
the hideout , ht· tells the adventurers that ML 10 (8 if allackt'd by fire or acid): AL C: ready to continue their journey, he will
the 'yellow wizard' is in the cellar of the xp 650: THACO 13 : EX56. doggedly maintain his pursuit, accom-
Crossed swords with 20 fighters and a troll. p a nied by whatever forces he has left.
His excuse for sneaking off is that lw The trnll regenerates 3 hit points per round Unless the PCs deal with him on the Trail
wanted to avoid any fighting . He will not starting 3 rounds after being injured. It to the Lost \'alley , they will encounter him
reveal the existcnn' of the hideout. cannot regenerate damage from fire or acid. again , inside the valley itself.. ..
38 THRESHOLD (Events TE5-TE8)
OPTIONAL EVENTS approached by a pitiable, small urchin
who holds out an empty bowl and asks for
These events fulfil the same function in "a few copper pieces". If any of the
Threshold as the Optional Encounters adventurers give him anything, they arc
(PSVIII) do in the rest of the adventure. immediately surrounded by a further 2d 10
Events marked with a "•" can occur more small children, all clamouring for money.
than once, although you should try to alter The children follow the characters -
the event slightly on subsequent occasions. dancing round them and geuing in their
way - until either given some more
money, or chased off.
2nd Occasion: The event starts as above,
OPTION AL EVENTS but whether the PCs give the first urchin
Main Town Fogor Isle anything or not, they are soon surrounded
Day Night Day Night Encounter by hordes of children. This time however,
there are three level 1 thieves in their midst, they can return it to its owm·r who is
1 l-3 1-4 . l-8 <~otvent who use rhe general jostling as a cover for currently in a drunk<'n stupor in <1 nearby
2-3 4.5 5 Dogged.! picking the pockets of as many of the party tavern. The grareful owner will reward
4•8 6 6-10 9 Th~Tbid as possible (+20% bonus). them with a gold<'n ring bearing a large
9 7 11-13 10 Beggar* garnet (value 200gp). If the PCs kill the
lO ~lO 14·:15 ll~-g Shq~~~ 3 urchin thieves: AC 7 (Dcx): Tl: hp 2 cach: creature, the owm·r will be furious when he
11-13 11 16 13-14 Wagons* MV 120' (40'); #,\T/D Nil: Sa\'eTI: ML6; AL N; recovers, and will seek the party out ro
14;1&Jg~is 17-18 , 15 <Be;lr xµ 10 t·ad1: THACO N/A. demand compensation of 500gp.
17 14-18 19-20 16-20 ID Crisis* Thie( abilities: PP · 20%: MS · 20%; HS · 10%
18-20 19·20 ·~c<:ident* I black bear: AC 6; HD 4; hp 24; MV 120' (40');
#AT 2 daws/ 1 bit('; 0 1-3/ l-3/ l-6: Sa\'t' F2:
Shower ML 7: AL N; xµ 75: THAC<) 16; BD26.
Whik walking along any side street, the
A crazed, dishevelled individual approaches party is unfortunate enough to pass beneath ID Crisis
the player characters in thl' street. He has a an upper storey window just as an elderly
large dog which he leads on a piece of woman is emptying the contents ol her As the party is passing the open door of an
string. The man's nanH' is Chester - a chamber pol onto rhe street below. Char· inn , a drunk comes rushing out and bumps
former lumberjack, but following an acters who fail a Dexterity check sm<'ll so into Ollt' of the PCs (chosen at random). At
accident some years ago he now sleeps badly until they next barhe, that all first , the man is \'t'ry apologetic, but then
rough around the town . He fears (in- reaction rolls invol\'ing them are made al a starts patting his pockl'ts as though looking
correctly) that he is going to die shortly and pl'nalty of -2. for something. Suddenly, his fri<'ndly smile
wishes to find a good home for his dog turns ugly as he cries, "You thief! You'w
"'Jackie". Accordingly, he will do his stolen my money! Hand it O\'t'I' before I call
utmost to persuade the party to take the dog Wagons the guard! ..
- asking them to feed it well.
At any convenient moment, a large, heavy The man is mistaken - lw has either left
1 war dog: AC 7; HD 2+2; hµ 15; MV 120' (40'); can comes trundling past the PCs, the his money in th<' inn by mistake, or had ir
#AT 1 bi1t·; D 2<l4; San· Fl: ML 9: AL N; driver lashing his horses to greater efforts stolen bdore he ran into the party - but
THACO 17. and the whole vehicle swaying violently unless pacified quickly, he calls fm the
from side to side. The driver either fails to guard. In this event, you must derid<' whose
see, or decides to ignore the muddy p<1tch story is more convincing and role-play the
The Thief dead ahead, and plows straight through ir. patrol sergeant accordingly.
Unless the characters took evasive action as
The adventurers become aware of being soon as lh<' cart appeared, l ·2 of them are
followed by a grimy character (level 3 sprayed from head w foot with a \'ery acrid· Accident
thief). If they approach him, he disappears smelling mud.
into the crowd, bur picks up their trail As the party approaches a busy intt'rst•ct ion,
again later. The thief makes no auempt to rhere is <1 minor collision bt·tween a large
rob them but watches where they go. If the Bear wagon carrying bands and a procession of
PCs deposit their wealth at the town hall, street t•ntt'rtainns (jugglers, arrnbats, fir e·
he takes no more interest in them. Should The party are caught up by a crowd of eaters and so on). Thanks to the large
they rake it with them to an inn, the thief townsfolk running in 1he opposite dir· crowd, neither side can back up with ease
reports to the thieves' guild on Fogor Isle, ection. Amid the general 1umult of screams and an argument has brnken out. TemplTS
and a robbery attempr will be made by two and cries, the adv<'nturers hear enough are frayed and, by rlw t inw rhe PCs are dose
8th level thieves (hp 28 l'ach) at some time intelligible phrases to be able wmk out tha1 enough to see what is going 011, the
when rhe adventurers are out. The outcome a wild animal is on the loose. The creature argument has become a fight. The more
should be determined according to the is , in fact, a dancing bear which had been unruly elenwnts amongsr rhe crowd seize
precautions taken by the party. entertaining the crowds near the market. It rhe opportunity of a free-for-all and two of
is currently wreaking havoc in a nearby the adventurers (chos<'n at random) find
baker's shop and no.· one knows where its themselves srruck by bottles (D 1·2). Four
The Beggar owner ts. guard pairols (led by Sgt. Arthol) will
arrive on the scene in dl0+6 rounds, and
lst Occasion: At any convenient location, If the adventurers manage to capture the attempr to arrest as many of rhe combatants
one of the characters (chosen at random) is bear (it is especially fond of currant buns), as possible.
THRESHOLD (Optional Encounters) 39

Nonh of Th res ho ld, rh e Bl ack Pe<1 k mo un- T he sacred ground is a lso home to some
ra ins thrust skyw<1 rds a nd , hidden deep A fl ock of la rge bl ack crows suddenl y g ho ul s who inha bit a network of under-
within 1hem lies the Va lley o f Hutaa ka . As takes to the a ir, cawing lo udl y, gro und tunn els (see Map VE3).
the colo ur ta pestry n1<1p shows, the t'as iest evidentl y sta rt led by your ap proach .
route fo r the pa rt y to rn ke from Thresho ld Scau ered aro und the smo kin g re- T he " tall crea tures" a re actua ll y the head s
is a lo ng the va lley o f the Foa mhre river, mai ns o f a large fire a re a few po ts o f the three humers, impa led o n 6-foo t
fo llow in g the coui st' of the Hutaa ka ns' a nd pa ns, the to rn fragments o f some po les by the g no ll s IO appease the spirits o f
a ncient roa d. A few miles fro m Thresho ld , bedroll s and a bro ken spear-sha ft. their dead . The wa iling is Krasga t in
the ro ute a lo n g tht' Fo<1 mfi rc enters the prayer, a nd she is p resentl y unawa re of the
lands cl a im t'd by the G no ll s of th t' Dea th "s part y's presence. Her wail is un settling; the
H t'ad (sec PSVI). Fu rther upstrt'a m , the T h is was the camp o f th ree hunters killed a nim a ls grow res tless a nd charac ters feel it
g no ll s' territ ory ends a t a majestic wa terfa ll by th e Dea th 's H ead tri be. A search o f the gra tin g o n rh eir nerves. She o nl y ceases
where the Foa mfi n· crashes do wn fro m a area rt'vea ls numerous foo tprinrs (gno ll when the parr y ba ttl es the gho ul s (below ).
narrow mo unta in pass . T hi s pass leads, a nd human ) a nd pa tches o f blood. A
ultima tel y, IO the ga tes o f Hutaa ka. no ticea bl e tra il leads no rth wards u p the
va lley. In the rema ins of the fire lie tht' Ghouls
blackent'd bones o f the hunters, thrown The mi st clears slightl y, a llo wing visio n
Through the Valley there by the g no lls a fter they had picked up to 30 feet, a nd throu g h it the cha racters
them d ean . The humers heads, however, ca n see a few o f tht' impa led gno ll corpses.
T he la nds o f the Dt'a th 's H ead g no ll s beg in art' m1ss m g. T hey a re in differing sta tt's o f decay. Some
a t tlw po int where the Foa mfire va lley are very o ld a nd o nl y pa rt s o f the skeletons
narro ws no rth -west o f T hresho ld . rema in, whereas two nearby corpses are
VE3. Sacred Ground (see Map VE3) fresh (ha \·ing been sla in by the hunters).
T h t'rc are no fi xed- loca ti o n encount ers in All but the la tter two have been g nawed by
thi s pa rt o f the adve nture, o nl y Events a nd T en minutes a ft er the pa rty leaves the the g ho ul s. If the ad vemu rers sea rch the
Opri o na l Enco unters (PSVIII). T he Evt'll ts hunter 's ca m p, a thick mi sr begins to ro ll gro und. foo tprints ca n be seen runnin g
rt'present th e g no ll s· reacrio ns to the part y's dow n the va lley. T he land grows qui et, a nd across the site a nd ending a t a concea led
intru sio n in to tlwir terri tory. and shou ld o nl y the slow cl o p o f the ho rses' hooves opening to the g ho uls' tunnels (see below).
occur in the o rder given . P rovidin g the breaks th t' silence. After rid in g fo r I 0
pa rt y kt'eps moving, the g no lls will be minutt's in a ny dirt'ctio n : Before the pa rt y can t'xplore the sire
una ble 10 ca tch it before the gorge (VI , furth er, tw o g ho ul s burst o ut from a
p42) . Fig hting the g no ll s en masse is likely hidden tunnel entra nce a nd a ttack (ga ining
to be suicida l, a nd rh e PCs sho uld be Thick, dense mi st clings to your surpri se 0 11 a ro ll o f 1-3, but o nl y i[ the
di sco uraged from do ing so. Altho ug h they clothing and mo istu re drips fro m the ad ve nturers fa iled to find the footprints).
art' unlikel y to be ca ug ht by the g no ll s, the sparse bushes. Fro m a ll aro und Ano ther two g ho ul s a ttempt to snea k
ad n ·nturers sho uld no t be awa re o f thi s comes a sound remini scent of the behind the pa rty befo re a ttackin g. On
a nd , if des ired , grou ps o f g nol ls ca n bt' St'en d ull cl ack o f dri ed bo nes, a nd the hearin g thi s fig ht, Krasga t ceast's wa ilin g.
to race ahead o f rh e o thers, eager for the kill stench o f long dead crea tu res assa il s
a nd a pparently ga ining on the party. yo ur nostril s. Up ahead , a n un- 4 ghouls: AC 6; HD 2•; h p 10, 7, 12, 9;
settlin g wa il begins, a nd three spind- MV 90' (30' ); #AT 2claws/ 1bite; D1-3/1 -3/
ly crea tures with go ry heads loom up 1-3 +pa ra lys is; Save F2; ML 9; AL C; xp 25
Events a t yo u fro m o ut o f the mi st. each; T H ACO 18; BD30.

VEl. The Old Road

T his is the sacred gro und where the g no ll s In the Tunnels
If they fo llo w theriver, rhe ad venturers wil I dispost' o f their dead. T hi s area has a If the g ho ul s a re turned o r fa il a mo ra le
come across severa l p l ace~ where the sto nes charn el rt'e k a bo ut it , since gno ll s do no t check, they retrt'a t via the tunnel s to the
o f a n a ncient road runnin g a lo ng the ri ver- bury their dead. Instead, they impa le them cent ra l cha mber where they fig ht until
bank ra n be seen . o n sharp sta kes a nd leave them to decay in desrroyed. T he tunnels a re ho me to 20
the o pen . The site is ro ughl y circula r. T he gia nr ra ts. Each turn rh e adventurers are in
corp ses o f chiefs and bodygua rds for m a the tu1111els, they are a u acked by ld6 ra ts.
VE2. Dead Humans cent ra l rin g, wi th leadt'rs a nd lesser g no ll s
formin g concentric rings aroun d these. 20 giant rats: AC 7; HD !?; hp 2 t"ach ; MV 120'
;\ thin tendril o f smo ke coil s in to the a ir Just north o f the circl e is the hut o f Krasga t, (40 '); llAT I bit e; D 1·3 +disease; Sa w NM ; ML 8;
a head. If the ad venturers investi ga re: the Dt'a th 's H ead g no ll sha ma n (see p 4 1). AL N; xp 6 each ; TH ACO 19: 8036.
The tunnels' concealed entry points are from around the site (as bones rattle
marked on the map and are as well hidden together and unseen rats scuttle) add to the
as secret doors. Since the tunnels are only 3 atmosphere.
feet high, characters in them restricted to
the use of daggers and hand-axes. The Krasgat and her helpers attack only if the
central chamber, however, is 8 feet high. adventurers approach her hut or are about
to leave the sacred ground. First, the
On a rough shelf in the ghouls' chamber shaman casts her blight spell. Then, as her
are two drinking vessels made from shrun- three helpers rush in, she casts her hold
ken human skulls, each contains a potion person spell, followed by cause fear. She
of undead control. then enters the fray, swinging her spiked
club. If the fight goes against, her she casts
her darkness spell and flees .
The Shaman
Krasgat's Hut
Krasgat the gnoll shaman becomes aware Inside Krasgat's wooden hut are a selection
of the adventurers ' presence during their of humanoid and animal skulls, and a bed The Death's Head Gnolls
fight with the ghouls, and sends one of her of mangy furs. Hidden under the skulls is a
helpers to get aid. The helper will find a leather backpack containing dried herbs, a The .noll~ o( the Deach's Head tribe (G<th·
war-party consisting of a gnoll leader and pouch and a scroll case. The pouch holds Kalat-seePSVl )a rea pow('rful tribe led by
IO ordinary gnolls, and return with them to five amber gems (value - IOOgp each), and a Grag.zt, cheir war lord. Gragszc and hi
the sacred ground 4 turns after setting out. clerical scroll in the case has the spells cure bod guard ride large boar .
light wounds, hold person, striking and
neutralise poison. Built against the hut is a Morale: At fir t, till" gnol If morale i 9, but
Krasgat the Gnoll Shaman lean-to where the helpers live. Inside are after the party pa ses chrough their sacred
Krasgat is shaman (or cleric) of the Death 's four beds of furs, one of which hides 23ep. ground, it rise lO 12. -he numbers in
Head gnolls, and is responsible for watch- brackets rekr cu the morale of the ordinary
ing over their sacred ground. She is assisted gnolls after their )(';:ide1 has been killed .
by 4 ordinary gnolls. Fleeing Up the Valley
Gragszt (gnoll chieftain): AC 3 (chain
Appearance: Female, old, bald, she and her VE4. Smoke and Drums mail & shield +I); HD 3; hp 20; MV 90'
helpers make their faces and arms (30'), 120' ( 110') mounted: i>AT l spear or I
deathly white with smeared ash . Three hours after the adventurers leave the battle-axe +I; D Ld6+2 or ld8+3; 'a ve F1;
Clothing: Filthy cloak made from the skins burial ground, the mist clears and they ML 11 ; AL C; xp 35; THACO 16 or 17 -
of the tribe's enemies (including humans, notice plumes of dark smoke rising into the R 20/40/60; BD30.
dwarves, goblins and ores); necklace of air behind them. These are gnoll signal-
finger bones of various victims. ling fires informing hunting bands that 4 gnoll bodyguards: A 4 ( hain mail &
Note: Krasgat's spell casting is far more strangers have defiled the burial grounds, shield); HD 2+ 1; hp 17 each; 1V 90' (30'),
animated than a normal cleric's. When and calling them together to form a 120' (40') mounted ; #AT l spea1 or axe;
casting a spell , she leaps around, shriek- war-party. D ld6+1 or ld8+1; . ave F3; ML 11 or 12;
ing and waving her bone rattle at her AL C ; xp 25 each; THACO 17 · R 20/40/60;
victim. An ear splitting howl marks the Over the next few hours, more smoke BD30.
end of the spell. columns appear behind the adventurers
and they then spot a large group of 5 large boars: AC 6: HD 5; bp 18 t:ach;
AC6; HD 3 .. ; hp 14 ; MV 90' (30') ; #AT I spiked humanoids moving up the valley two or MV 120' (40'); #AT I tu k; D 3d4; Save F5;
club; D I d4+2 ; Save C6; ML 9 or 12; AL C; xp 65; three miles behind them. These are a gnoll i\U. as rider or 10 ; AL N; xp 175 ea h ;
THACO 17. war-party (l gnoll leader, I ogre, and 30 T llACO 15: BD27 (large1 ver>ion of
ordinary gnolls). The gnolls are chasing normal boar).
Spells: the adventurers and howling for their
lst level : cause fear, darkness blood. 8 gnoll leaders: AC 5 ( hain mail); HD 2;
2nd lt>vel : blight, hold person hp 16 each; MV 90' (30'); liATI battle-axe;
3rd level : curse (reduces Dex to half As they continue up the valley, the D ld8+1; ave f2: M 9 or 12; AL C; xp 20
normal) adventurers catch occasional glimpses of each; TH CO 17; BD30.
Gear: spiked club (made from a goblin skull the war-party across the rolling terrain. By
embedded with iron spikes); bone rattle (made day, the plumes of smoke are always visible 170 ordfoary gnolls: A 5; HD 2; hp 8
from an elf skull); elf-skin pouch containing and, at night, the sound of gnoll drums each; MV 90' (30'); #AT I spear (3 each) or
4 coloured stones used for divinations, a stone echoes around the valley. word;Dld6+lorld8+1; avcf2;M 9(7)
sacrificial knife, a ball of string and two or 12 ( IO) (se belO\v); AL C; xp 20 ..ach:
stoppered kobold skulls. One of these holds 2 THACO 18 - R 20/40/60; BD30.
potions of healing and che other a potion of VE5. Ambush
speed. 4 ogres: AC5; HD 4+1; hp J9e;1ch; MV90'
A hunting party consisting of a gnoll (30'): llAT I large club; D ld8+2; Save F4;
Although she would prefer not to attack leader and 12 ordinary gnolls has set an ML 10: AL C: xp 125 each; THACO 15;
until more gnolls arrive, Krasgat has no ambush for the party. The gnolls intend to BD35.
wish to let the "defilers" escape, and throw their spears as the party passes and
watches them carefully while remaining then leap out to attack with their swords. Treasure: Gn1gstt has 150 gp-wonh of
hidden in the mist. The adventurers will They have the normal chance of gaining mixt:d coin and heap jewellery. His
have the feeling they are being watched but surprise. If they do not, then the adventurers bodyguards have 75gp worth. the kader
cannot tell from where. Strange noises spot the would-be ambushers while they and the ordinary gnolls each ha e 2dl0gp.
are still 100 yards away.
Passage of the Ancients Lying on the floor is a wand of polymorph-
ing (3 charges), and a scroll with lightning
bolt, haste, confusion and magic missile (3
The thunderous roar of the falls missiles).
follows you into the tunnel, and
echoes around its damp and dripping
walls. A short way ahead, the tunnel The Mountain Pass
bends to the right, and begins to
ascend in broad steps. The undis- Above the waterfall, the Hutaakans' ancient
turbed mud on the floor tells you that road climbs up through a narrow mountain
no-one has been here for many years. pass to the gates of Hutaaka - The Lost
Valley. This part of the adventure uses a
mixture of Events, Fixed Encounters and
The tunnel is 20 feet high and 20 feet wide, Optional Encounters (see PSVIII).
and spirals up to the bridge over the falls.
VI. The Gorge (Maps v & Vl) Horses and Mules
Tower on the Bridge In places the road is unsafe for the passage
Here, at the head of a narrow gorge, the of horses and mules. Where there is a
river falls 320 feet from the mountain pass chance of an animal falling (see below) the
to the valley below. At the base of the falls, At the top, the tunnel stairway opens base chance is given, and the following,
the Hutaakans' ancient road enters a out directly above the raging torrent, cumulative, modifiers to thedie roll should
tunnel that spirals up to the pass: mere yards from where it falls into be used, according to circumstances:
the valley below. Spanning the river
between the tunnel mouth and the Animal is Die modifier
Huge spumes of white spray rise into far side is a wide stone bridge which
the air where the river thunders is straddled, half-way across, by a a mule +2
down a mighty waterfall. The air is squat, crumbling stone tower. Be- a horse 0
very damp and water runs in rivulets tween you and the tower, three carrying pack -2
down every available surface. At the mouldering skeletons lie, face-down- being ridden• -2
foot of the falls, a mass of wild white wards, on the flagstones. A road, cut no pack and unridden 0
water thunders and churns. On the into the cliff-like side of the pass, being led.. +2
west side of the river, the ancient road runs from the far side of the bridge,
can be seen winding its way up to a climbing steeply to your left. • Riders can leap to safety if they make a
dark tunnel opening. At the top of sun·essful saving throw vs. Wands. Characters
the falls, a squat stone structure can who fail, fall ld3x 10 feet before landing on a
just be seen. The skeletons are of gnolls killed by the ledge and suffering ld6 points of damage per 10
living statues (see below). If the party foot fallen. Their mounts fall to their deaths.
search the skeletons, they discover that ••An animal which is being led can be saved if
By the time the adventurers near the gorge every piece of iron and steel from their the characters leading it roll less than their
at the head of the valley, the number of weapons and gear is gone. combined strength on 3dl0, otherwise it falls to
gnolls has grown ominously to include the its death.
whole tribe. How far the gnolls are behind The bridge is 20 feet wide and 80 feet long.
the party depends on the party's speed of The 20-foot-square tower spreads across
travel. Characters on foot or on warhorses the width of the bridge and has a bronze Events
are now closely pursued by the advance door on either side to allow passage across.
group of gnolls (see below) - a mere 200 The doors are currently closed. Close The High Road
yards behind. Characters on riding horses examination of the nearer door reveals an
have greatly outdistanced the gnolls, but engraved pattern, almost obscured by The road is cut into the side of the pass and
the gnolls can still be seen doggedly verdigris, of entwined needles and threads. ascends steeply. Rising above it is a sheer
pursuing the party. rock wall and on the other side is a drop of
Only the ground floor of the tower is intact. hundreds of feet to the Foamfire river
If dose enough, the gnoll war-party It consists of a single, bare, windowless below. The road is in a poor state of repair
follows them into the gorge, completely room, and is occupied by two steel living and is overgrown in places, but is clearly
blocking any escape. The gnolls' intention statues left here as guards by the Hutaakans. visible snaking out ahead. The following
is to drive the adventurers into the tunnels, features may be repeated as often as desired,
for they are certain that the steel statues in 2 steel statues: AC l; HD 5.. ; hp 22 each; in whatever locations you deem suit~ble:
the tower on the bridge (see below) will MV 30' (10'); #AT 2 fists; D ld8/ld8; Save F5;
make short work of the party. ML 12; AL N; xp 425 each; THACO 15; New VE6. Stream
Monsters. Occasional streams cross the road. Some
Unless the adventurers head straight for the Note: If struck by non-magical iron/stt·el are spanned by small bridges, while others
tunnel entrance, the advance party consist- weapons, the weapon does no damage but have eroded channels across the road's
ing of 40 ordinary gnolls and 2 gnoll sticks to the statue and is absorbed in l round surface.
leaders, led by the 3 ogres rush them and try (statue gains ld4+ I hp). Magirnl weapons do
to drive them into the tunnel. If this fails, norma I damage. VE7. Broken Road (Map VE7)
the remaining gnolls will advance relent- In places, sections of the road have fallen
lessly towards the party en masse. Since The statues attack anyone entering the away, leaving a rough, rocky, sloping area
they do not possess any magical weapons, room unless shown one of the magical to be crossed above a drop of 900 or more
the gnolls are terrified of the statues which silver needles (see The Hutakaan Tap- feet. Characters have no difficulty crossing
guard the tower on the bridge and so will estries, p4). In this event, they stand smartly these sections but mules or horses fall on a
not even enter the tunnel. to one side and bow as the adventurers pass. modified roll of 1-4 on ld20 (see above).
VE8. Rockfall (Map VES) sides of the gorge have many narrow ledges
Numerous large rocks and boulders lie along them (see Map V3). The walls of the
scattered across the road and, as the gorge are very rough, giving a thief a 103
adventurers approach, a few small, harm- bonus on attempts to climb it. Any other
less stones tumble down from the cliff-face. characters (not in metal armour) have a
The characters can pass safely if they standard 103 chance. Rolls should be made
dismount and pass in single file. Riding for each climb between ledges. Characters
past or walking past as a group, however, who fall land on the ledge below taking ld6
results in a dangerous rockfall; characters points of damage for each 10 feet fallen.
and animals must make a saving throw vs. Characters securely roped from above are
Wands or suffer 2d6 points of damage from not harmed by falls.
falling rocks. Animals will also fall on a
modified roll of 1-4 on ld20 (see above). Giant Lizard
At the bottom of the gorge, the adventurers
VE9. Narrow Road (Map VE9) notice a nearby cave:
The road has collapsed here and all that Outside the Gates
remains is a narrow ledge 1-2 feet wide.
War horses can be led along the ledge, but A dark cave-mouth leads into the
persuading mules and other horses will be rockface. From it comes a disgusting After rounding a bend, the road ends
difficult, requiring those leading them to lizard with pebble-coloured, olive suddenly at a sheer drop above a
have a combined strength of 20 or more. skin. Large white spikes stand erect gorge. On the far side, a rock wall
Any animal crossing the ledge will fall on a from its back. It stares stupidly at you bars the only way forwards. The wall
modified roll of 1-7 on ld20 (see above). before thundering to the attack. is pierced by a pair of large stone
gates, but the spans of the bridge
which once led to them have long
Fixed Encounters The lizard is a giant tuatara. If it fails a since collapsed. All that remain are a
morale check, the lizard retreats to its cave rank of jagged stone pillars which
V2. The High Bridge where it fights to the death i£ pursued. rise from the depths of the gorge.

A high, 20-foot-wide, arching bridge spans l tuatara lizard: AC 4; HD 6; hp 26; MV 90'

a 200~foot-wide gorge which joins the main (30'); llAT 2 claws/I bite; D 1-4/1-4/2-12; Savt> The chasm is 200 feet deep and 200 feet
pass. Although it has a parapet running F!l; ML 6; AL N; xp 275; THACO 14; BD32. wide (see Map V4). Ledges on both rock
along either side, the bridge is crumbling faces make the climb rather easier (cf. V3).
in places and looks very unsafe. Small The cave is a small noxious place. Half-
pieces of it drop away and plummet decayed, animal carcasses lie strewn around The Gates
hundreds of feet to the chasm floor as the the floor in a sticky mess. Anyone searching
party crosses. Despite its appearance, the through this must make a saving throw vs. On the far side of the gorge, at the foot of
bridge is safe. When half-way across, Poison or contract a disease which temp- the 40-foot-high wall is a narrow ledge (2
however, the party's mounts are attacked orarily lowers Strength and Constitution feet wide). The gates are 15 feet high and 20
by two griffons who swoop in from the by 1 point per week for ld3 weeks. feet wide, and are decorated with un-
side-gorge. intelligible geometric designs. They are
closed with heavy iron bars on the far side
The griffons are 200 yards away and take 2 Mountain Rattler and open away from the gorge.
rounds to reach the party. Their screeching The first character to climb the far side of
causes any riding horses and mules to the chasm encounters, half-way up, a Standing beside the ancient roadway just
panic (war horses are unaffected). Char- poisonous, mountain rattle-snake. The inside the gates are two 12-foot-tall rock
acters leading horses or mules must roll less climber may hear the snake (requires a hear living statues with jackal heads. These will
than their Strength on 3dl0, or the beasts noise roll for a thief or a roll of 1 on ld6 for attack anyone who opens the gates (e.g. by
will break away from them . Mounted other characters) and may attempt to avoid using a knock spell) or approaches within
characters must make a saving throw vs. it (requires a successful move silently roll 20 feet, unless shown one of the magical
Wands to control their mounts or be for a thief, other classes have a 103 chance). needles (see The Hutaakan Tapestries, p4).
thrown to the bridge for ld6 points of If the attempt fails, the snake attacks. Char-
damage. acters attacking the snake must make a 2 rock living statues: AC 4; HD s•; hp 28, 36;
successful Dexterity check each round, or MV 60' (20'); llAT2 squirts of magma; D2-12/2-
Loose horses and mules rush headlong for fall off the chasm wall. 12; Save F5; ML 12; AL N; xp300each; THACO
the far side of the bridge, and the griffons, 15; BD32.
ignoring the adventurers, attempt to kill 1 mountain rattle-snake: AC 7; HD 1•; hp 3;
them and carry them off. MV 90' (30'); llAT I bitt> +poison; DI+ poison of The wall can be climbed by a thief (normal
2-5 poi ms of damage; Save Fl; ML 7; AL N; chance) and has a flat top, IO feet wide.
2 griffons: AC 5; HD 7; hp 38, 23; MV 120' xp 13; THACO 19; New Monster. Twelve ravens nest here, however, and they
(40')/flying MV 360' (120'); llAT 2 claws/I bit e; attempt to frighten characters climbing the
D 1-4/1-4/2-16; Savt> F4; ML 8; AL N; xp 450 walls away by cawing and swooping at
each; THACO 13; EX51. V4. Gateway to Hutaaka (Map V4) them . They do not attack, and flee if one is
killed. The statues are clearly visible from
The only route into the Lost Valley of the top of the wall and may easily be
V3. Fallen Bridge (Map V3) Hutaaka available to the adventurers is at avoided when descending the far side.
the head of the ancient road from the
A second gorge (200 feet wide) meets the gnolls' valley. At every other point around 12 ravens: AC 7; HD \i; hp I-2each; MV 12' (4');
main pass. It too was once spanned by a the valley, the surrounding mountains are flying 360' ( 120'); llAT I beak; DI; Save NM; ML
bridge, but this collapsed long ago. The impassable. 5; AL N; xp 5 each; THACO 19; New Monster.
TOWARDS THf. BLACK PEAKS (Events VE8-VE9/Encounters V2-V4) 43

Hutaaka is now only a dim shadow of its

former grandeur. Most of it lies deserted
and many of its once fine buildings are
little more than crumbling shells. The
eastern half of the valley where the
adventurers enter is desolate (see First
Impressions, p4S), but war rages in the
western part, a war in which the adven-
turers have an importalll role to play. In
addition , the characters are faced with the
menace of Kartoeba (see New Monsters), a
timeless evil which preys on the valley's
inhabitan1s. Only after the destruClion ·of
Kartoeba can the adventurers discover
Hutaaka's hidden wealth.

The Warring Factions

Throughout 1he in1er-1ribal wars, (see
Adventure Background, p4) the Hutaakans'
main stronghold was in the buildings near
the Temple of Pflarr. Here they fended off
Traldar attacks and conducted rites to hold
the temple's darker inhabitants al bay.
Most feared of these is the mindless
monstrosity known as Kartoeba, but the
Hutaakan 's dead did 1101 sleep easily either,
and they too had to be res1rained.

Five mon1hs ago, the Hu1aakans were

driven from the lemple by the Traldar who
10ok it over, despoiling the last of
Hu taaka 's finery as they did so. Worse, the
Traldar knew nothing of the rites needed to
restrain the denizens of the temple which
have escaped to stalk the vailey by night.

The Traldar are aware that the creatures

which force them to hide behind locked
doors at night come from the temple, but
lack the means to defeal them. The
Hutaakans on the other hand are desperale
to perform the rites which they believe will
placa1e the stalking horrors but cannot
reach the temple ... .

Both the Hutaakans and Traldar speak a

dialect of the common tongue. The advent-
urers ' arrival gives both sides an oppor-
tunity to gain valuable allies. Although the
initial meeting between the party and the
inhabitants may not be on the best of terms
(see Meeting the Inhabitants, p46), both
groups soon realise the potential of the
44 THE LOST VALLEY (The Warring Factions)
outsiders as a llies and use an y means First Impressions (Map H)
necessary - persuas io n , ba rga ining, fl a ll-
ery, deceit o r bribery - to win the When the adventurers ca n first see in to the
adventurers over. los t va lley (see V4. Gateway to Hutaaka,
p 43):
Altho ugh each fa ctio n tries to present itself
in a good lig ht , bo th have a da rker side
which the adventurers ma y discover. Which
gro up the adventurers a lly with (or whether Beyo nd th e wa ll , a broa d va ll ey
they a lly with an yone a t a ll ) is enti re ly up hemmed in o n a ll sides by sheer
to the players. It is a lso quite poss ible fo r mo uma in s stretches away no rthwa rds
the party to cha nge sides durin g the into the haze. Like the roa d which led
adventure, since their fo rmer foes wo uld yo u here, the g lo ries o f those a nciem
readil y welco me them . o nes are lo ng -since fa ded . The sto nes
o f the tra il leadin g a lo ng the va lley
Th e Hutaa kan s and T raldar are full y fl oor are overgrown a nd a re fl a nked by Th ese a re the undead o f the va lley
descri bed o n pages 47 & 48. decayin g, deserted buildings . Hig her (s keleton s and zo mbies). who wander the
up the \'a lley wa ll s, o ther low struc- da rkn ess, mindl ess ly performing mean-
tures cling to th e rock faces, but these in g less ritua ls o r acting o ut scenes fro m
Creatures from the Temple too have fall en victim to the passage o f their fo rmer li ves . They avo id the adven-
time. No thin g mo ves save the wind , turers a nd o nl y a ttac k in self-defence .
Legions of U ndead a nd a deathl y silence swa llo ws up the
sounds o f yo ur foo tsteps. Scream in the Dark! : During the nig ht , the
The Temple o f Pfla rr ho used the corpses o f bl ood- curdling screa m o f o m· o f Ka r-
innum e ra bl e fo rm e r inh a bit a nt s o f toe ba 's victim s echoes a round the va lley,
Hu taaka . Fo llowing the expul sio n o f the In the va lley, no birds o r in sects can be immedia tely wa king a n y sleepin g ad ven-
Hutaa ka ns from the temple, ma n y o f the heard . Onl y the sound o f the part y's turers. Eve n if they inves ti ga te, the
undead now roa m the ruins o f va lley at foo tfa ll s brea ks the unna tura l silence add- adventurers will not encounter the fi end
night , hiding by day in deserted buildings ing to the adventurers' di squiet. This un - a nd ca n di scover no th ing in the dark . In
(see Ancient Structures, below). Deta il s o f ease ca n ta ke ma n y forms: a tin g lin g down the mo rning, ho wever, they find a slime-
the undead are g iven in The Haunters of the spine, the feeling o f being wa tched, a covered piece o f Hutaaka n clothing
the Temple (p52). soft no ise hea rd by o nl y one person , a n lying o n the tra il. Kartoeba's slime trail
unacco unta bl e swea tin g o f the pa lm s o r a n peters o ut a ft er o nly a fe w yards.
itch between the sho ulder-bl ades.
T he fo llow ing a tmos phere- building events Ancient Structures
Living dee p undern ea th the temple o f ca n be used in a n y o rder a nd each may be
Pflarr is the age less being Ka rt oeba (see used severa l times: T here a re ma n y decay ing buildings in the
New Monsters, p55). Pl aca ted fo r millennia va ll ey , standing either singl y or in d ose,
by the Hutaa ka n pries ts, Kartoeba now Loose Rocks: A skitter o f fa lling loose vill age- like clu sters (see Map H ). Most arc
roa ms from it s lair, avo iding the li g ht o f roc ks is cl earl y hea rd . The source o f the sin g le-sto rey stru ctures with o nl y a few
day and seeking victims by nig ht. Altho ugh sound sho uld be hidden , a nd the adven - roo ms, a nd a re either free-standing o r built
they will see cl ear sig ns o f Kart oeba durin g turers will no t be a ble to find the ca use. int o the rock (cf. Xitaqa - p24 ). The va lley
the adventure, the cha racters sho uld no t a lso conta in s man y o ther Hutaakan struc-
ac tua ll y meet it until they trac k it to its la ir Footprints: Stran ge footprint s a re found in tures, includin g s ta tu es, o rn a m e nted
(see HE7, p50). a soft piece o f gro und . T hese ca n be shrines, fo unta in s a nd a rches (see Map H ).
hum a n , Hut aa ka n (n a rro w , cl awed
huma n-like fret) or g ia nt fo o t-pad liza rd In mos t cases, nearl y every trace o f Hut-
Adventuring In Hutaaka p rims. aa ka n decora tio n o r fin ery has been sys-
tema tica ll y smas hed a nd erased by the
Hutaa ka is divided into two ha lves a nd the Glimpse: One o f the ad venturers briefl y .Tra ldar. Onl y the decora tion in the temple
entrance to the va ll ey lies in the un occupied g limpses a dark , moving shape o ut o f the o f Pfl a rr rema in s intact (see p50).
eastern ha lf, where onl y wild a nima ls a nd corn er o f hi s o r her eye. On searchin g the
undead are encountered . On crossing into area, foo tprint s may be fo und (o r no thin g
the western half the adventurers encounter at a ll ).
the Tra ldar a nd the H utaaka ns (see Meeting
the Inhabitants, p46). Trap: A la rge bo ulder ro ll s do wn a slope FOR DESERTED STRUCTURES
to wa rds the pa rt y. Eac h cha racter must
make a successful sav in g th row vs. Die roll Creature
Eastern Hutaaka Wa nds a t +4 to avoid the rock, o r be hit
1-5 Deserted
fo r 2d6 po ims o f da mage.
6-8 H armless mamma l, sna ke, liza rd
As the pa rt y ex plores the eas tern part o f
9- 10 3-6 stirges•
Hutaaka, yo u should emphas ise the stran ge Distant Wail : Echo in g o ff the cliff wa ll s
II 1-3 hellho unds•
desola tio n o f the va lley while, a t the sa me a nd disturbing the va lley's silence is a n
12- 13 l insect swarm•
time, hinting tha t the cha racters a re fa r unnerving cry fro m a di sta nt Tra ldar
14 1-2 mo unt<.1 in lio n•
fro m a lone. During this time, the part y will voca l (see p 48).
15-16 2-4 wild foOlpad lizards•
come across ma n y a bando ned buildings
17-20 Undead•
a nd o ther stru ctures. These features a nd Restless Dead: Durin g the ni ght , the
their occupants are descri bed in Ancient ad venturers will ca tch sig ht o f ma n y dim
Structures, belo w ). shapes moving th rough the g loom . * (see Optional Encounters - PSVIII )
THE LOST VALLEY (Eastern Hutaaka/Ancient Structures) 45
At first, the Traldar accuse the party of you see fit, but do not try to have too much
slaying their kin and are very suspicious, happen in too short a time. The adventurers
although one of them mutters that the should have enough time to piece wgether
strangers are "just like us - not at all like a rough picture of the relations between the
the muus". You should base the outcome two races, but should neither encounter
of any discussion on how well the adven- Kartoeba nor enter the temple (HS) until
wrers protest their innocence. Several facts the rest of the events have been played
may be noted and used by the adventurers: through. Try to create an atmosphere of
mystery and lurking evil, gradually re-
· the PCs' weapons are unbloodied. vealing the more unsavoury side of each
· a spear in one of the dead Traldar is not race. Give the adventurers plenty of chances
theirs (the Traldar can identify it as to ally with one side or the other. If they try
Hutaakan). to remain independent and do not have the
· the other two corpses have been slashed protection of either race's fortifications,
by claws. look-outs, scouts and so on, they will have
The many structures are clearly visible, and · long, clawed (Hutaakan) foot prims lead their work cut out just surviving the other
it is likely that the advemurers will away from the building. perils in the valley!
investigate some of them. Most are bare and
deserted, but Tables 6 and 7 describe the If the Traldar are not satisfied, they atLack,
kinds of creatures and objects which may but if good relations are established and Inter-tribal Warfare
be found in or by them. You can either they are convinced that the Hutaakans
choose which creatures and/or objects to were the culprits, they ask the adventurers The inter-tribal warfare between the Hut·
use or else determine these at random (roll to help them track down the "mutts" aakans and Traldar makes travel anywhere
Id20 for each table). (Hutaakans · see below). They spot the in the western part of Hutaaka a risky
tracks if the adventurers do not. business. This is reflected by the frequency
of optional encounters (PSVIII) with war
parties. The following events also occur:
FOR DESERTED STRUCTURES The Hutaakan group which killed the
three Traldar consists of 6 minor priests HEl. Hutaakan Ceremony
Die roll Object and 8 warriors. They are hiding behind
rocks above a shallow gulley 200 yards Hutaakans: A group of 14 Hutaakan minor
1-5 Nothing from the building. priests led by Kforedz try to placate the
6-9 mundane umen ils (bowls,
creatures from the temple with an all-night
cup etc.) If the party and the Traldar begin to fight, ceremony in a ruined shrine (DM's choice
l 0- l l defaced/smashed Huraakan the Hutaakans watch until convinced of of location) . The ceremony will have no
statues the party's strength and then hurry lO the useful effect, however, and provokes un-
12-13 defaced frescoes o f Hutaaka's
aid of the newcomers in the hope of dead from the surrounding area ro auack
gaining their friendship . If, on the other the shrine just after midnight. The undead
14- 15 bro ken manacles/slave chai ns
hand, the party and the Traldar follow the - 12 skeletons and 6 zombies - are pawns
16 a11ciem , rusting armo ur
Hutaakans' tracks (which lead into the (see p52) of the ghouls in the temple.
17 anriem, 1 usting weapons gulley below the Hutaakans ' position) the
18-20 bone omb a nd hairpins (5sp)
Hutaakans ambush their pursuers. Traldar: Although a scout from a Tralda r
raiding party observes the Hutaakans'
preparations, the humans will not inter-
Meeting the Inhabitants Back to the Village vene at night. At dawn, however, the
If either group succeeds in befriending the raiders (8 warriors, l vocal and 9 giant foot-
The party's first face·lO·face encounter party, the adventurers are offered the pad lizards) set out lO atLack the priests.
with the inhabitallls of Hutaaka takes hospitality of their village (HI or H2) and,
place during daylight, shortly after they if this is accepted, are taken there directly Party actions:
cross i11to the western half of the valley. (see p47). The party's guides are friendly With the Hutaakans - the adventurers are
but say little, leaving it lO their leader asked w a ttend the ceremouy. When the
Traldar (Kforedz or Guri-ben-Kaal) to win the undead arrive, the minor priests flee. If
The advemurers come across three dead support of the adventurers. Each side does the party defeats the undead, Kforedz
Traldar warriors slumped near an empty its best to present itself in the best possible completes the ceremony herself. Soon
building. These were ambushed from the light, and depicts its opponents as "evil after dawn the adventurers and priestess
building by 14 Hutaaka11s who quickly left barbarians" on the one hand, and "despotic are atLacked by the Traldar.
the scene and concealed themselves behind slave-masters" on the other. See Attitudes With the Traldar - the adventurers are
some nearby rocks. and Tactics (p47) for specific details. rf told of the ceremony by the scout and
absolutely necessary, the leaders can offer a asked to observe and disrupt it if
Whether or not the adventurers investigate, monetary incentive (see NPCs, PSV-VI). possible. Kforedz and the priests success·
8 Traldar warriors and a vocal suddenly fully turn/destroy the undead in 6
come into view, all of them mounted on rounds, with the loss of 3 priests.
giant foot-pad lizards. Since it appears to Western Hutaaka
the new arrivals that the party has killed
their kinfolk, they are not friendly . Any Each of the events described below has two HE2. Old Enemy
hostile move by the party causes the perspectives, depending on which side the
Traldar to attack but, since they are unsure PCs have joined. The adventurers should The adventurers learn from a scout that
who the strangers are, they are willing to also have the opportunity to change their "an outsider" has entered the va lley and
talk first. allegiance. The events should be used as has contacted the other group. Since the
46 THE LOST VALLEY (Western Hutaaka/Events HE1-HE2) Co111inm•d o n µagt' 49

HUTAAKANS (sec p48) The Hur:aa.kans are not boldly aggress- Treasutt
ive, but fight without mercy when
In all. 1here are 247 Hu1aakan : 45 forced. They prefer to ambush enemies The Traldar's only valuables are items
minor pries1s, 76 warriors and 126 and auack with missile weapons iI of jewellery and other artefacts which
orhers. Their leader is the Priestess possible. they have looted from their forml'r
Kfored1 (see PSV). There are many masters. Guri-ben-Kaal "looks after"
craftsmen and anisLs amongst the Hur- Minor H utaakan priest: AC 6: C2: hp 9 or mo~t of 1hese i1ems which are worth a
aakau , but all wear long. sombte· 12; MV 90'(30'); #AT I mate; D 1-6; Save C2; total of 7500gp.
colouted robes with tht> OHasional ML 8; AL N; xp 25; THACO 19; set- p-18.
simple irem of jewellery. Spells:
ls1 level: cure light wounds or cause rear Attitudes and TactiCA
Treuure: rach ptirsr ha a nar symbol (\·alue
Fortified Village • IOgp> and 15gp. The Traldar are a cruel and embitterro
people, but they present themselves to
Most of the Hutaakans now live in the Hutaakan warrior: AC 5; HD 1: hp 5; the adventurers as down-trodden free·
village of Byxata (Maps ff lie HI) . A MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 spear, ~hon sword or dom-fighters, maintaining that the
~tone wall provides ome forrification sling srone: D 1-6, ld6 or ld4; Save Fl; ML 9; Hu1aakans enslavro and harshly ex-
against attack, and a watch of 25 gua1ds AL N; xp JO; THACO 19: sec p48. ploited them from the first. They will
i maintained on the ramparts ar all Treasure: each warrior has 2d8 gp worth or not mention that the Hutaakans were,
times. Behind rht> swne wall are approx- coins and jewellery. for many years, benevolent mentors.
imate! · 20 building , mostly single Although the humans have few crafts-
torey. Those marked a a1 e food stores; b Other Hutaakans: AC 8: HD J.J, hp 5; men and must scavenge for manu·
are the dwellings or ordinary Hur- MV 90' (30'): #AT I dub or dagger; D l-4; lacturoo goods or steal them from the
aakans; and c is rhe building used by the Save NM; ML6;ALN; xp5;THAC020;s~ Hutaakans (whom they refer 10 as
Priesre s. Kforedz and her assiMant (5 p48. "Mutts"). they attribute the Hutaakans'
minor priests). Treasure: each one has 2d4 gp wonh or coins cultural achievements solely to human
and jt>wellery. hard work and creativity.

Treasure In battle the Traldar are aggressive and

TRALDAR (see p48) bloodthimy. They have a great fear of
The Hu1aakans lost much of thei1 the dark, however, ant.I always barricade
weahh in withdrawing to 1he valley, There is a total of 254 Traldar led by the themselves indoor at night. This fear of
and more srill has been paid in tribute to Warrior-chief Guri-ben-Kaal: 108 warr- the dark has largely protected the
Kart<>t'ba (see H5i, p5 l ). Nevenheless, iors, 18 vocals and 128others. They have humans from the roaming creatures of
Kforedz's dwelling contains Jewellery 53 giant foot-pad lizard mounts which the temple. The Traldar will omit to
and worh or an worth a total of 5000gp. they have trained both as war moums mention that they drove the priests out
and pack animals. These lizards are of the temple, maintaining that the
fairly docile and may easily be ridden creatures were dt'liberarely unleasht>d by
Attitudes and Tactics and/or led by the adventurers, but they the Hutaakan priests and only attack
will attack Hutaakans on sight unless humans.
The Hutaakan.s are a haughty, callous conrrolled.
race dominated by priests of Pflan -an Traldan warrior: AC 6: HD l+l; hp 6:
amoral deity ol craCcs. However, th<·y see The ordinary Traldar dress in brighdy- MV 120' (40'): #AT l spear or hand axe;
themselves as a semitive, civilised, coloured, coarse-spun cloth, whereas D l<l6+1: Save Fl; ML 10: AL N: xp 19:
intellectual people. suffering as a result many of tht' warriors wear liza1d skim, THACO 17: see p-18.
or their culturt>d. pacifist nature. (<ounts as leather armour). Treasure: each rarrit-s 3<14 gp worth o( coins.

They rdtr 101he Traldar as " Wre<.ker " Traldan vocal: AC9; HD t•; hp5; MV 120'
- batbarians from outside 1he valley The Temple Precinct (40' ): #AT I shout or I dagger; D Special or
who repaid the Hutaakans' offers of ld4;SaveFl:ML9;ALN:xp23:THACO 19;
friendship with blood~hed and the Following their expulsion of the Hut- see p48.
desLruction of all lhe rhings which the aakans from the Temple of Pflarr (see Treasure: each vocal has 2dl0 gp worth of
Hutaakans hold dea1. No memion p50), the Traldar now live in the coins and jl'wl'llcry.
whatsocvcr is made of the Traldah' fortified cluster of buildings nearby (see
previous enslavement. Map H2). There are about 20 buildings Other Traldar: AC 9; HD 1-1: hp 5:
surrounded by a 15-foot·high stone wall MV 120' (-!O'): #AT I dagger or club: D ld4;
The Hutaakans lay grear stresso11 thei1 and a 10-foot-deep ditch. The Traldan Save NM: ML 7: AL N; xp5;THAC020; see
expubion from the temple and the sub- chief Guri-ben-Kaal (see PSVI) lives in p48.
~eq uertt rrl<'ase or the rt•rrible <n•a1ures the three storey building near the Treasure: each one ha ld6 gp worth of coins.
which they had hitherto "\elflessly" middle of the compound (a) and two
kept in check. They claim tha1 they are look-outs are always posted on the roof. Giant foo&·pad lizard: AC 6; HD 2+ 1:
the majm vicrirns of rhese creatures and The buildings marked bare stables for hp 11 rath; MV 120' (40').60' (20')climbing;
thal the humans engineered their release the foot-pad lizards and have saddles. •AT I bite: D 1-6; Save F2; ML 7; AL N:
in order LO destroy the Hutaakam. bridles and saddlebags for the lizards. xp 25; THACO 17; New Monster (p56).

THE LOST VALLEY (Inhabitants of Hutaaka) 47

HUT AAKAN (Jackal-man)

Priest Warrior Other

HIT DICE: 2 1 1-1
MOVE: 90' (30') 90' (30') 90' (30')
ATTACKS: 1 weapon or 1 spell I weapon 1 weapon
DAMAGE: By weapon By weapon By weapon
NO. APPEARING: -------------------------------- see below --------------------------------
SAVE AS: Cleric: 2 Fighter: I Normal Man
MORALE: 8 9 6
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral

The race of Hutaakans are tall, slender, some are of higher levels (with correspon·
humanoid creatures with jackal-like heads. ding hit dice and spells). The higher level
Their bodies are exactly like those of clerics are the Hutaakans' leaders.
humans except that their hands and feet are
narrow with claw-like nails. All Hutaakans Warriors: The Hutaakans have never
have infravision (range 60') and have the adapted well to the arts of war, and have
same chance of moving silently as a thief of few warriors.
the equivalent level.
Others: The remaining Hutaakans include
The attitudes and life-style of the Hutaa- not only the old, young and sick, but also
kans are described on page 47. those craftsmen and artisans who ha ve no
skill with arms. These Hutaaka ns norma lly
Priests: The life of the Hutaakans centres fight only in self-defence.
on their ancient religion and so there are
many clerics amongst their number who Weapons&: armour: Priests - mace (Id6);
carry uul the various rites. Most Hutaa kan leather armour. Warriors - short sword armour and shield. Others - club (ld4) or
clerics have 2 hit dice and one spell , but ( ld6), spear ( ld6), or sling ( Id4); leather dagger (ld4); no armour.

TRALDAR· (Humans)
Warrior Vocal Other
HIT DICE: /+/ 1• 1-1
MOVE: 120' (40' ) 120' (40') 120' (40')
ATTACKS: I weapon I shout or I w eapon I weapon
DAMAGE: By weapon See below or By weapon
By weapon +I
NO. APPEARING: ------------------·------------- See below --------------------------------
SAVE AS: Fighter: I Fighter: I Normal Man
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP VALUE: 19 23 5

The Traldar are a human tribe once but are otherwise less muscular than their - Range 10-20 feet: ma ke a saving throw
ensla\'t'd by the Hutaakans. They are now fellows. Their training gives them the vs. Wands or suffer a -2 pena lty on
free of Hutaakan domination, however, ability to shout very loudly, projecting attacks and armour class for I round.
and have reverted to a barbaric life-style. most of the sound produced forwards - Ra nge 0-10 feet: victims suffer 1-2 points
Tht·y are mostly short and muscular, and within a 45-degree cone. The original task of damage fro m the force of the sound,
have no hair on their heads o r bodies except of vocals was communication. Their voices and have a -2 penalty on attacks and
on the backs of their large, strong hands. can be clearly heard up to 5 miles away in armour class for 1-3 rounds. Both effects
the direction of the shout, although the are automatic (no saving throw).
The a11i1udes and life-style of the Tralda r sound carries no further than a normal
are described on page 47. human shout in any other direction. The Others: The remainder of the tribe (mostly
special ability can also be used to attack, the o ld, young, weak and sick) share the
Warriors: These are the strongest members however, and any character caught within general attributes and attitudes of the tribe
of the tribe and it is from amongst their the cone of a vocal's shout al close range but have limited combat abilities and
numbers that the tribal leaders are drawn. may suffer the following mental a nd norma lly avoid combat.
The crudeness of the warriors' weapons is physical effects:
made up for by their strength. Ordinary Weapons &: armour: Warriors - spear
warriors ha\'t' +I to hit and damage. - Range 20-30 feet: make a saving throw (ld6+1-3) or hand axe (ld6+1-3); leather
vs. Wands at +2 or suffer a -2 penalty on armour and shield. Vocals - dagger (ld4);
Vocals: These specially-trained Traldar attacks (to hit and damage), and armour no a rmour. Others - dagger ( Id4) o r club
have abnormally large chests and necks, class for I round. ( Id4); no armour.
48 THE LOST VALLEY (Hutaakans & Traldar)
outsider is, in fact, Golthar (or Karllag) this HE5. Kartoeba Strikes
event only occurs if Golthar (or Karllag)
was not killed in Threshold. Any of At night, Kartoeba stalks the valley seeking
Gohhar's associates still left alive will have victims both inside and outside the villages.
come as well. Despite its size, Kartoeba can move silently,
climb sheer surfaces, and dissolve its way
This event has no immediate consequences through wooden doors. It also knows all of
but allows you to develop all kinds of the valley's hidden tunnels. Thus, although
exciting encounters with the members of the adventurers may hear the screams of
the Iron Ring. Gohhar could, for example, Kartoeba's victims, the creature will be
lead an enemy war-party, or mount an gone by the time they reach the scene and
expedition into the Temple of Pflarr, or only a trail of slime may remain. These
even into Kartoeba 's Lair (see H6, p52). If auacks should eventually convince the
the opportunity arises, you could add spice party to track down Kartoeba (see HE7.
to the final event (HE7, p50) by having the Trail of Kartoeba, p50).
party become aware that Golthar is in the guardian, a special ghoul (p52), wrapped
tunnels. Perhaps they might even witness in bandages and appearing identical to a
his final destruction as he is dragged off The Final Solution mummy. The ghoul attacks anyone who
into the darkness, screaming horribly, by a enters the chamber.
slime-covered tentacle! Both tribes in the valley want to stop the
allacks by the creatures of the temple and l special ghoul: AC 5; HD 5.. ; hp 27; MV 90'
believe they know how to achieve this. (30'); #AT 2 claws/I bi1e; D ld4/ld4/ld6 +
HE3. Enemy Prisoner However, both methods are effective only special; Save F5; ML 11; AL C; xp 425; TH ACO
against the undead, and Kartoeba (whose 15; BD30 (special)
A raiding party returns to the village with existence is only guessed at by the Traldar)
an enemy prisoner. The captors lock the will be unaffected (see HE6, p50). The Knowledge of the Elders lies on a shelf
prisoner in a hut and are reluctant to let the at the rear of the chamber. Next to it are a
adventurers talk with him . If, however, ring of weakness and a gold necklace (value
they can sneak a few words, they hear at Hutaakans - 400gp) . The book, written in an ancient
least part of the other side's view. The Hutaakan script (which the priests can
adventurers' "friends" do not let them The Hutaakans feel (correctly) that only read), describes an hour-long ceremony
observe the cruel interrogation (though the the Knowledge of the Elders - an ancient which must be performed at the main altar
cries may be heard) and eventually dump book - can tell the priests exactly how to of the temple in order to overcome the
the mangled body outside the village. drive back the creatures. They know that creatures of the temple.
the book is in a sealed vault beneath a
shrine known as the "Vault of the Elders"
HE4. Restless Dead (H3), and even have an inscribed rod "for Traldar
opening the door' '. They cannot read the
Traldar: The undead of the valley are a inscription, however, and so cannot enter The Traldar believe that the creatures of
particular problem to the Traldar, since the vault themselves. the temple can be overcome "if the altar
they live near the temple and have no bowl in Pflarr's Temple is filled with water
priests. The Traldar may be allacked by If the adventurers agree to seek the book, from the Singing Pool". Since the return
either uncoordinated mobs or controlled the priests give them the rod which is journey on foot (or lizard-back) to the pool
squads of undead, or wights (see below). actually the equivalent of a magic user's cannot be completed in less than a day, and
These auacks occur frequently, between 0- scroll with the spells knock and continual there is no shelter on the way, the dark-
3 times per night (ld4-I). light. Some minor priests (ld4) even fearing Traldar dare not collect the water
volunteer to accompany them. themselves and ask the party to do it. They
Hutaakans: The presence of numerous can provide clear directions and water
priests deters all but allacks by controlled containers if required.
squads of undead, and wights (see below). H3. Vault of the Elders
Auacks will only occur 0-2 (ld3-I) times
each night. The magically locked entrance is a stone H4. The Singing Pool
trapdoor behind the altar. It opens auto-
Party involvement: matically if a knock spell is used: The pool is at the head of a narrow valley
The undead, particularly the controlled (see Map H):
squads, are capable of making stealthy
attacks, and it is up to you whether or not to Steep, ancient steps lead down into
involve the adventurers in any given the gloom. For a few moments you Following the valley until you can
incident by alerting them (with a scream, can hear nothing but your own go no further, you come to a wide
warning cry, clash of arms, or sight of dark, anxious breathing, but then a sound pool surrounded by natural stone
moving shapes) or having the undead like stone grating on stone breaks the pillars carved into strange shapes by
attack them directly. silence. the wind. The pool's mirror-like
surface reflects perfectly the sky
Undead attackers (see page 52): above, and the sound of gentle,
Uncoordinated mob: 2d6+6 skeletons and The steps leading down to the chamber are swirling wind is like a distant
ld6+3 zombies. 5 feet wide and 30 feet long, and at this maiden's song.
controlled squad ("pawns" of ghouls - point the Hutaakan priests flee .
cum as wraiths): Id8+4 skeletons and
ld4+2 zombies. Awaiting the adventurers in the 20-foot- The adventurers have no difficulty collect-
wights: ld3 wights. sq uare chamber below, is the book's ing as much water as they wish from the
THE LOST VALLEY (Events HEJ-HE5/The Final Solution) 49
them, the party will find a dear trail of TEMPLE OF PFLARR
slime leading 10 a hidden tunnel entrance
amongst some rocks (located anywhere H5. Above Ground
convenient in the valley).
Large areas of the Temple are in ruins, due
This is the party's opportunity to track to a minor earthquake 50 or so years ago.
down and deal with the menace of Kartoeba The temple looks very old and in imminent
once and for all. Their allies are quick to danger of collapse. Rubble lies strewn
point this out, and if the adventurers decide around the outside where it has fallen from
to go in search of Kartoeba, a few volunteers the once ornate roof. A gaping hole is
(either 5 Traldan warriors, or 3 minor visible in the roof leading to area b. The
Hutaakan priests and 2 warriors) will temple's rotten wooden doors are barred on
accompany them. the inside, but a successful altempt to open
doors will smash through them.
Kartoeba's lair and the tunnels around it
pool (only a small amount is required to are described in Catacombs of Kartoeba Once inside, the adventurers will not be
"fill" the altar bowl). On the first night and area H6, pp51-52. able complete either ceremony until the
after leaving the Traldar, however, they are golden altar bowl has been replaced. It was
attacked by a pair of hunting rhagodessae. removed by the fleeing Hutaakan High
The lair of these creatures is nearby, and HES. Peace In The Valley? Priestess, and her corpse (now in area d)
contains three matching gold earrings still dutches it.
(value 150gp each). When Kartoeba and the undead at the
Temple are no longer a threat to the All skeletons and zombies, encountered in
2 rhagodessae: AC 5: HD 4+2; hp 14 each; inhabitants of the valley, neither the the temple are initially pawns controlled
MV 150' (50'); #AT I leg/I bite; D Suckers Hutaakans nor the Traldar will have any by the special ghouls (see p52). Once the
(automatic bite next round)/2-16; Save F2; ML 9; further use for the party. Both groups will ghouls have been destroyed, the skeletons
AL N; xp 125 each; THACO 15; EX55. covet the wealth "looted" by the ad- and zombies revert to their normal mindless
venturers from the Temple and attempt to forms, but they still attack imruders on
overpower them. The groups' intense sight.
HE6. Laying the Dead to Rest hatred for each other prevents them work-
ing together, and each seeks to deal with
Whichever tribe the party has helped this the party on their own. H5a. Vestibule
far now want to gain access to the temple.
They are afraid to go there alone and ask If she is still alive, Kforedz will use her 12 skeletons and 6 zombies guard this
the party to act as escort. If either ceremony animate dead spell to send undead against entrance to the temple. They attack anyone
is successfully completed, the undead of the the adventurers. who opens the doors. Elaborate frescoes
valley collapse to the ground and become once decorated the walls but these have
simply dead once more (Kartoeba and any The running of this pan of the adventure been defaced by the Traldar. A small
undead animated by Kforedz are unaffect- depends on how events have turned out so platform in the centre of the floor once held
ed). If the ceremony is successfully com- far. If one group has been severely weakened a ceremonial washstand which was taken
pleted, the adventures each earn 500 xps. during the adventurers' stay in the valley, by the Traldar.
they will avoid any head-on conflict with
The temple is described in H5 below. the adventurers. A stronger group may
confront the party as the adventurers come H5b. Main Temple
out of the temple, or even besiege them
Hutaakans: within it. Either group may adopt guerilla This impressive chamber is 50 feet high in
Kforedz and 2 minor priests accompany the tactics and harry the advelllurers as they try the celllre, with a 20-foot-high balcony al
party . If they enter the temple by night, the to escape the valley. Whatever happens, the the southern end. A 30-foot-tall, jackal-
group has no difficulty avoiding the action should be fast-moving and exciting; headed statue surveys the chamber from the
Traldar; otherwise, they are attacked by a more frightening than deadly. The oppo- rear of the northern platform, which also
small war-party (see Optional Encounters, sition should certainly be challenging but has an altar of black marble in the centre.
PSVIII). The priests are familiar with the the adventurers should have ample oppor- There is a shallow recess on rhe top of the
general layout of the temple, but are tunity to escape the valley with their hard- altar where the bowl should be. The secret
unaware of the secret doors. They will earned loot, and their lives. It is even door behind the statue can be detected as
neither carry weapons nor fight inside the possible for the Hutaakans and Traldar to normal but can only be opened with the
temple. fight each other over who gets to kill the magical key embedded in Kartoeba see H6-
adventurers. Under the Temple, p51); a knock spell is
Traldar: ineffective.
Guri-ben-Kaal and 6 warriors offer to If ic has not already occured to the
accompany the party. They go fully armed, adventurers, it should now be apparent A man-sized, metal cage swings from a
but have no knowledge of the layout of the that foot-pad lizards could form a vital chain over the 180-foot-deep pit in the
temple. Inside the building, their morale element in their escape from the valley and middle of the floor. The pit is surrounded
drops to 6. return to civilisation. For without the by a IO-foot-high wall of blue flame, fed by
lizards they will be unable to transport all natural gas through small fissures in the
of their treasure back to Threshold. How floor. The flame inflicts 2d6 points of
HE7. Trail of Kartoeba the adventurers gee the lizards depends on damage on anyone passing through it. The
the party's actions, but it should be cage can be lowered into the pit (which
The party's intrusion into the temple will remembered that only ones trained by the opens out into Kartoeba's lair, H6b, p52),
not affect Kartoeba. Its attacks will even Traldar are came enough to be used by the by means of a winch on the balcony. The
increase in frequency and, after one of adventurers. pit is kept dark by three continual darkness
50 THE LOST VALLEY (Events HE6-HE8/Temple of Pflarr: areas H5a-H5b)
spells (cast one above the other), and its H5f. Antechambers
sides are extremely slippery (-603 penalty
to thieves' climb sheer surfaces abilities. These two rooms are similar and unlit,
Four grey oozes live on the pit wa lls. although there are several torches in
Lowering the cage or dropping anything brackets around the walls. There are 5
inco the pit causes an ooze co slither out of zombies and 8 skeletons in here which
th e pit a nd attack. The other 3 oozes appear attack the adventurers as soon as they enter.
at Jd4 round intervals to join the melee.
Each room has a ceremonial silver wash-
There a re four life-size Hutaakan statues in stand (value 150gp) in the centre, used for
the positions shown on Plan H5. These are the ritual ablutions that a ll Hutaakam
4 living jade statues which move to attack performed before entering the temple
the party if the altar or large sta tue is proper. The walls and ceilings are decor-
touched. ated with elaborate frescoes depicting a
variety of religious ceremonies and major
Two turns after the party enters this room, scenes from Hutaaka n history . Any char- - 5 la rge, iron-bound chests (three a re
8 skeletons and 3 zombies are sent by the acter examining these closely will come to wide-open, the others locked) each con-
ghouls (area H5c) to attack the advencurers. realise the true history of both the Traldar ta ining 5000gp in ancient Hutaa kan
They pursue the PCs wherever they are in and Hutaakans (see Adventure Back- coinage. One of the locked ones (DM's
the tem ple. ground, p4). ch o ice) is trapped so that unless dis-
armed, a cloud of poisonous spores will
fill the room when the chest is opened.
H5c. Robing Rooms H5g. Room of Records Everyone in the room must save ,·s.
Poiso n or take 2d4 points of d a mage.
These sma ll rooms contain numerous The double doors into this room from area - in th e centre of the room is a large, ebony
vestments, capes, cowls and surplices for fare locked and trapped. Unless opened by throne, delicately carved and inlaid with
use during the Hutaakan 's ceremonies. Kforedz, all those within 15 feet must save mother-of-pearl and numerous precious
There are 3 special ghouls in the western vs. Spells or be struck blind for 2d6 turns. and semi-precious stones (to tal value -
room controlling the skeletons and zombies The room itself is lined with shelves which IOOOOgp, encumbrance - 7500rn ). If a ll
from here. They only attack in self-defence, are piled high with a ll manner of books th e gemstones are remoyed th ey arc
or if a ceremony is begun in the m a in and scrolls: the complete records and worth a total of 2500gp (total rncum-
temple. history of the Hutaakan empire. These bra nce - 50rn)
items can only be read by means of read - h a n g ing on the back of the throne is a
The secret door to the priests' quarters languages spells, but any magic-user or elf beautifully engraved gold and platinum
(H5e) from the western room is magica lly prepared to spend ld4+2 hours studying coronet , studded with sapphires (va lue
trapped : unless the proper words (known them, would discover the truth about the 4000gp)
only co the dead High Priestess) are spoken Hutaakans a nd Traldar. - on the seat of the throne is a dirty-
an electrical discharge inflicts 2d4 points of looking sack, which is rea ll y a bag or
damage on all within IO feet (halved by a devouring
successful saving throw vs. Wands). H5h. The Crypts - propped against one wall is a rod of
The staircase down to the crypts descends - arra nged on a crude table is a velvet
H5d. Secret Passage some 50 feet. This area contains Sskeletons, pouch containing a scarab of protection
4 zombies and 2 wights. (3 ch arges)
The corpse of the High Priestess lies in the - und er the table, covered by a fading
open doorway to the priests' quarters, still A large, ornate sarcophagus stands upright tapestry (non-magical) are 70 si l\'t'r
clutching the golden bowl. As the party in front of the secret door. If this is ingo ts (va lue - 75gp, encumbrance -
approaches the corpse, it rises up as a disturbed in any way, the mummy inside 750cn each ); and 60 bars of electrum
wraith and attacks. The corpse wears plate moves to attack . The passage behind the (va lue - 375gp , encumbrance - 750cn
mail armour +2, a gem studded platinum secret door leads imo the Catacombs of each )
star of Pflarr (value - 2000gp) and has a Kartoeba (below). Inside the sarcophagus - scattered round the floor a re 20 gems,
potion or levitation plus a scroll with cure is a jewelled orb (value 3500gp), a pearl- each worth 200gp
serious wounds, raise dead and remove encrusted sceptre (value 6500gp), and a
curse. silver needle still trai ling a length of
golden thread . Catacombs of Kartoeba
H5e. Priests' Quarters Thi s m ea ndering network of dark, slimy
H5i. Treasure Room passages spreads throughout most of the
The majority of these rooms are buried Lost Valley. There are numerous concea led
under tons of rubble. The remains of This room comains the last surviving entrances throughout Hutaaka and yo u
bunks, tables, chairs and other mundane riches of the glory that was once the should choose where these are.
furniture are all that may be found here. Hutaakan empire. It can be entered either
The roof of the passage between the two with the magical key from Kartoeba or by Only the tunnels in the immediatt: vicinity
western rooms sags down almost to the means of the trapdoor from the catacombs of th e tem pl e are shown on Plan H6, but
floor leaving only a small rubbl e-strew n (area H6d). unless th e PCs are following Kanoeba ·s
crawlway between the two rooms. The slime trail from Event HE7 (p50), they will
ceiling is unsafe, there is a 503 chance that Most of the items have been stored in here automatically become lost : wandering
any character crawling along here causes a for years, and al I are covered in a thick layer around for Jd4+1 hours before emerging
rock to fall from the ceiling inflicting ld4 of dust. Certainly, no care has been taken in into th e valley through a different secret
points of damage. the arrangement of the items. There are: exit.
THE LOST VALLEY (Temple of Pflarr: areas H5c-H5i/Catacombs of Kartoeba) 51
H6. Under The Temple acters falling into the pit take 2d6 points of
damage. Kartoeba's trail (from event HE7),
This section of the passages lies directly continues on the far side into area b.
underneath the temple (Plan H6). A
number of green slime (X) and ochre jelly
(Y) exist here and are marked on the map. H6b. Kartoeba's Lair
When the adventurers first enter this area of This room is ankle-deep in slime and a vile
the passages, Kartoeba is lurking at the odour hangs heavy in the air. The pit from
poi111 shown . On becoming aware of the the main temple (area H5b) is visible as a
adventurers' presence, Kartoeba attempts dark hole in the ceiling. The northern
to catch and devour them . Kartoeba is a secret door is held open by a piece of rubble
cunning hunter and will attempt to sur- fallen from the ceiling.
prise the adventurers by attacking them
from behind if possible. During their fight
with Kartoeba, one of the adventurers H6c. Observers' Gallery
Meandering Tunnels should notice an engraved silver bar This balcony is 20 feet above the floor and
embedded in Kartoeba's body near its maw . is protected by a double thickness of iron
The cawcombs are rank and dark with This is the magical key which opens the bars set into the rock. The passage leads up
stagnant, oily water dripping from the treasure room (H5iJ. to the crypts (H5h).
ceilings. The acoustics are such that
strange echoes are often heard, sounding as
if something loathsome is just round the H6a. Dark Pit H6d. Empty Cavern
next corner: A continual darkness spell is cast on this There is nothing in here other than a trap
20-foot-deep pit. It is 20 feet across with a door which leads, via a ladder to area H5i

The rough-hewn passage meanders

off into blackness. All is quiet, save
l 2-foot-wide ledge on the east side. Char- in the temple (p51).

for the steady drip of water. Yet, it

seems as though something is lur- Haunters of the Temple
king, just on the edge of the dark. A
hideous slithering noise echoes from Lieges and Pawns. Any zombies and skeletons encountt·1cd in Hutaaka may be paw11
the walls, and an eerie chill runs its of the pecial ghoul which inhabit the temple. lf ,o, they are under the tow I control o[
icy fingers down your spine ... the ghouls and arc as difficult LO turn as the ghouls thernselve~ (i.e. as difficult a
wraith~ in this ca~e). A first ucces~ful attempt at turning the le ~e1 undead mere!}
brcab the teleµathic conuol and a econd su ce ful turning auempt (with normal
All passages can be detected as evil, but the cha nu· of ,ucce ~> i~ ne essary to actually turn or destroy rhem. Each spe ial ghoul may
results will be greater the nearer the party is control up w JO hit dice of lel> et undead al any one time anywher' in th<' valley (see
lO Kartoeba's lair. MD22 fm full details).

While in tlw catacombs, there is a I in 4 All zombies and skeletons t•ncoumercd mummy : AC 3; HD 5+1••; hp 21; MV 60'
chance per half-mile travelled (or at DM's in Hut<Jaka have ja1·kal head . (20'}: #AT I tou(h; D Jdl2 + dist·a c; Save f5;
discretion) that om· of the following ML 12; AL C; xp 575; THACO H; EX54.
optional encountt'l'S occurs: Special ghoul: AC5; HD 4H; hp l : MV 90'
(30'): t;Af 2 claw,/! bitt'; D ld,!/ld4/ld6 + living jade statue: AC .J; HD 3+1 .. ; hp 14:
X) Green Slime: The walls or ceiling here ,pecial; ave F4: ML l 1: AL C: ·p 175; M\' 60' (20'); llA I' 2 hand.; 0 1-6/1·6; Sa\e
are coated in green slime which attempts 'l HAC:O 16; BD30 (~pcllalJ. FIO; IL 12;ALi :xp200;THACO 16:(p55J.
to fal I on passing characters. Characters Note: Tht'se ghouh p;1raJy,c· opponem; as
have only I in 6 chance of noticing u<ual, but a1e 'o icpul<;ivc 1h;11 charanc·1 Thing in the Pit'!
green slime on the ceiling unless they sn•ing 11 mu't 1011 IP~ than 1lwi1 wi,dom
are specifically looking upwards. 011 id2001 ligh1 at -210 hitand-1 damage gray ooze: C 8: HD 3•: hp I l; MV 10' (3'1:
lwrnw,e of ft'a1. Clerks tut 11 1hcm as 'fAT I wuch; D 2-16; Savi· F2: MI. 12; L ;
Y) Ochre Jelly: At each of these spots a wrai1hs .. h fo1 mer Hmaakan pt ic·s1s the} xp 50: UIACO 17: 8031.
small, jackal-headed statue stands in a weai p1 ie,tl rnlx•s.
niche in the wall. As the party passes, green slime: AC Alway> hn; HO 2.. ; hp 9:
an ochre jelly oozes out through the skeleton: AC 7: HD I; hp 5; M\' 60' (20'): MV 3' (I'); #AT l roulh: DTu111 to>l1111e:Savc
statue's mouth and attacks the nearest llAT I dub; D ld.J; Save Fl: ML 12; AL C: Fl: ML 7: ALL; xp 5; THA ·o 18: BD31.
character. xp 10: rHACO 19: BD37.
ochre jelly; ACS; HD5•; hp 18; MV 30' (10');
Z) Carrion Crawler: The passage opens zombie: AC ; HD 2; hp 9: MV 90' (30'); #Ar I touch; D 2d6; a e F3; IL 12; AL "
out into a cavern which is the lair of a #AT I claw: D ld8; Sa\t' r I; ML 12; AL C; xp 300; THACO 15: BD35
carrion crawler: xp 20: THACO 18: BD39.
carrion crawler: AC 7: HD 3+ J•:hp 12; MV
wights: AC 5: HD 3•: hp 13; MV 90' (30'); 120' (-JO'): llAT 8 tt>rmu It'~; D Paraly i>; aH
With relief you realise that the 11AT I tom h; D enetg) drain: a\'l' F3: l\IL 12; F2; ML 9; AL N: >-p 71; TllACO 16; BD27.
claustrophobic maze of slime-filled AL C; xp 50: THACO 17; BD39.
tunnels is widening out just ahead. Kartoeba: AC 6; HD 10: hp 55; l\J\' 60' (20');
But rdid turns to horror as you see wraith: AC 3; HD 4°; hp 16; M\' 120' ('IO'); ti:\ T 4 te111acle,/con-osion: D ld4 + gra'P
eight vile tentacles extending towards #AT I wuch; D ld6 + e1wrg} drain; . a\1• I-4; (x-1)/2-12; aH' FIO; ML 10: AL N, xp 2300:
you from the cavern beyond. ML 11: AL C; XP 175; THACO 16; EX57. THACO 11; Ne•v Mon\lt'I (p54J.

52 THE LOST VALLEY (Under the Temple: areas H6a-H6d)


The adventure is far from over when the The House Iron Ring use this as a means of taking the
characters leave the Lost Valley. Kara- While staying in Threshold the adventurers adventurers unawares once they have
meikos and the lands beyond offer unlimit- are approached by a local merchant or moved in.
ed opportunties for further adventuring, shopkeeper who offers to sell them a house
and the following suggestions are just a for the "bargain" base price of 3000gp. The
few ideas that you might like to develop: house is in a delapidated condition , how- Revenge
ever, and home to various monsters such as Relatives of the dead hunters (VE2 ) are
rats, spiders or moulds, which the char- making enquiries about the missing men.
The Death's Head Gnolls acters will have to clear out before they can On hearing that the hunters haw been
move in . The house could even be haunted. slain, they ask the party to avenge them by
After leaving Hutaaka, the adventurers still going i11to the gnoll lands.
have to journey back through the moun- Alternatively , the person selling the house
tains to the territory of the Death's Head is a local thief out to trick them. The house
tribe. Fortunately, the gnolls do not expect actually belongs to an out-of-town ad- The Hutaakans
trouble from the north, and if they are venturer or merchant, who is likely to
careful, the adventurers ' presence may not return at some point and indignantly There could be other remains (tombs,
even be noticed by the main tribe. However, demand that the adventurers leave, taking temples, ruins etc. ) of the Hutaakan
a few gnoll hunting groups are encountered the matter to the Clerical Court if they civilization in Karameikos or beyond,
along the way, and if some of the gnolls don't. ... besides those which the party has already
should happen to escape, the adventurers encountered . Other Hutaakan settlements
could very well find themselves hotly An even more devious situation is one are even possible. Clues to these (possibly
pursued out of the valley ! where the person selling the house is an maps ) could have been provided in the Lost
Iron Ring member intent on eliminating Valley, or rumours from Threshold could
the party. The house has a secret entrance lead the adventurers to them.
Sukiskyn Calls in the cellar leading to the sewers, and the

On returning to Threshold, Stephan wishes To the Aid of the Gnomes

to return to Sukiskyn, and may ask the
adventurers to accompany him or simply When news of the adventurers' exploits in
go on his own. Back at Sukiskyn, however, the Dymrak forest reaches the ears of the
there are no joyous feasts held to celebrate gnomes of the Wufwolde Hills, three
Stephans' return, since the Iron Ring have gnomes set out to find the party. The
exacted a heavy revenge. The homestead gnomes offer the gold and gems in ex-
has been burnt to the ground and the clan change for their aid against the goblins
members abducted. In the smoke-blackened who continuously harass their homes.
ruin of the tower is a clue to the where-
abouts of Pyotr's clan - a note dropped
by an Iron Ring slaver. Iron Ring

The adventurers have made a powerful

Threshold enemy in the form of the Iron Ring and
whatever they do next, it is certain that the
Threshold itself is an ideal place to evil slavers will not forget them. How
elaborate as a setting for further adventures. actively the Ring pursues its revenge is up
As the adventurers explore the town to you, but the adventurers should be made
further, you can assign uses to relevant aware from time to time that the Ring is
buildings as needed, determining in what- still on their trail. Members of the Ring
ever detail is required their contents and who survived this module may well be
inhabitants. You could also elaborate on encountered again , either by chance or as
the ruins north of the town as locations for they actively seek revenge on the adven-
the characters to adventure in . turers. The adventurers may even
decide to seek out the Ring and put an end
In addition to the adventures described in to its activities, a course that may well take
the Expert rulebook (EX39 & 40) the them to the very heart of the Ring in Black
following are also suggested: Eagle Barony!
HIT DICE: 7• 7•
MOVE: 270' (90') 180' (60')
ATTACKS: 2 hooves/ 1 bite 2 hooves/ 1 weapon
DAMAGE: 1d611 d6/J dB Jd6/Jd6/by weapon
NO. APPEARING: (1-3) 0 (1-3)
SAVE AS: Fighter: 7 Fighter: 7
MORALE: 11 9
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral
XP VALUE: 850 850

A che\'all is a creature which can change at

will between two forms: an intelligent
horse, and a powerful centaur.

Chevalls concern themselves with srriving

for the good of all horses. They often go
about in horse form, checking on the
welfare of horses in the service of humans,
demi-humans and humanoids. If a chevall
finds a horse which is unhappy with its lot
(e.g. bt'C"ause of maltreatment or neglect) it can talk to and understand horses, using While in centaur form, chevalls usually
will not rest until it has freed the animal. sounds which, to human ears, are nothing arm themselves with wooden clubs or short
Che\'alls hate wolves, and are the blood more than neighs and whinnies. Using this bows. In this form, they can speak the
enemies of weH'-wolves. whinnying language, a chevall can comm- languages of humans (common) and
and any horse, wild or domesticated, to do centaurs as well as being able to speak with
Although animals such as dogs are wary of its bidding. Once per day, a chevall can horses . In either of their two forms,
the scent of chevalls, horses have no fear of magically summon ld3 war horses which chevalls may only be hit by silver or
them . In either of their two forms, chevalls arrive in ld4 rounds. magical weapons.

Ice Wolf damage for each full hit dit' of the creature Ice wolves are immune to normal cold and
(e.g. th e breath of an ice wolf with 3+ I hit take only half damage from magical cold
ARMOUR CLASS: 4 dice will inflicts 3d4 points of damage). attacks. If normal or magical fire is used,
HIT DICE: 3+1 .. , 4+1 .. or 5+1 .. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. however, one extra point is added to each
MOVE: 150' (50') Dragon Breath and, if successful, takes die of damage inflicted (e.g. a torch does
ATTACKS: 1 bitP or I breath only half damage. ld4+1 points of damage to an ice wolf) .
DAMAGE: JdlO or special
NO. APPEARING: 0 ( 1-8)
SA VE AS: Fightn: 4, 5 or 6
XP VALUE: JOO, 275 or 575

Ice wolves are huge hounds (as big as a

pony) with snow-white fur and icy blue
eyes. They live mostly in high mountains
and arctic regions, but often venture onto
the lowlands during winter or in search of
food when game is scarce. Ice wolves are
sometimes trained and used as mounts by

Each round during combat, ice wolves

normally (1-4 on ld6) attack with a bite.
Alternatively (5-6 on I d6), they can attack
by breathing out a blast of icy air at a single
\'ictim within 15 feet. The blast auto-
matically hits, inflining ld4 points of
54 NEW MONSTERS (Chevall/Ice Wolf)
Kartoeba ("Thing in the Pit")

MOVE: 60' (20')
ATTACKS: 4 tentacles(+ acid slime)
DAMAGE: 1-4 (x4) (+ 2-12)
SA VE AS: Fighter: JO
XP VALUE: 2300

The mindless abomination known as also wrap around and grasp opponents if inflicts 8 or more points of damage (in
Kartoeba is the ancient guardian of the the to hit roll was sufficient to hit armour which case Kartoeba lets go).
Hutaakan Temple of Pflarr. It has a class 6 (modified by the target's dexterity
nightmarish form - a large green mound adjustments). Grabbed characters are auto- For years, Kartoeba wallowed contentedly
of ooze with four 40-foot-long tentacles and matically dragged into Kartoeba's maw at a in a damp subterranean pit beneath the
a hideous gaping glutinous maw - and rate of IO' per round, and held there while temple, restrained from ranging abroad by
any characters seeing it for the first time it secrets a digestive slime over them. This the ceremonies of the Hutaakan priests.
will be affected by the equivalent of a cause slime has the same effects as the acid of However, following the expulsion of the
fear spell unless they make a successful black puddings (EX46) except that it priests from the temple by the Traldar, it
saving throw vs. Spells at +4. Despite its inflicts only 2d6 points of damage per began to stalk the passages under the
size, Kartoeba can move silently and climb round. Kartoeba's maw can only attack temple. These tunnels have numerous
vertical surfaces, leaving only occasional held characters. secret exits throughout the valley which
smears of slime to mark its passing. allow Kartoeba to venture into the country-
Characters held by tentacles can break free side in search of prey. The creature only
In addition to causing damage by lashing using Strength (same chance as open moves outdoors at night, retreating by day
(usual chance to hit), Kartoeba's tentacles doors) or if a single blow to the tentacle to the darkness of the tunnels.

Living Statues
Silver Rock/Ooze Jade Steel
HIT DICE: 1+1• 5•• 3+1 .. 5••
MOVE: 120' (40') 60'(20') 60' (20') 30' (JO')
ATTACKS: 1 bite 2 squirts of 2 hands 2 fists
grey ooze
DAMAGE: 2d4 See below ld6/ld6 1-811-8
NO. APPEARING: 2-12 (2-12) 1-3 (1-3) 1-6 (1-6) 1-4 (1-4)
SAVE AS: Fighter: 2 Dwarf: 5 Fighter: JO Fighter: 5
MORALE: 12 11 12 12
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP VALUE: 19 425 200 425

Several varieties of living statue (see BD32) squirt two blobs of ooze per round from
occur during this adventure, associated their fingertips (AC 8; HD 4 hp; D Rock Rattler
with the remains of the Hutaakan civil- 2d4/round (automatic) + dissolve metal;
ization which created them. Like normal Save Fl; MLI2; xp 25; BD31). They are ARMOUR CLASS: 7
rock living statues, these are immune to resistant to magic (save as D5). HIT DICE: l•
sleep, charm and hold spells, but they have MOVE: 90' (30')
their own, special, attributes: Jade: These normal-sized statues are highly ATTACKS: 1 bite
magic resistant. They make saving throws DAMAGE: 1 + poison
Silver: These are much smaller than as a I 0th level fighter, and magical NO. APPEARING: 1-6 (2-5)
normal living statues (about I foot high) weapons have no bonuses to hit or damage SA VE AS: Fighter: 1
and have a thick skin of pure silver (value when used against them. When destroyed, MORALE: 7
50gp when the statue is killed). They are they crumble to worthless powder. TREASURE TYPE: Nil
not harmed by non-metal weapons or non- ALIGNMENT: Neutral
magical fire, and take only half damage Steel: Steel statues are immune to non- XP VALUE: 13
from weapons with sharp edges. magical iron or steel weapons. Any iron or
steel weapon striking a steel statue auto- A rock rattler is a 2-foot-long grey rattle-
Rock/Ooze: These outwardly resemble matically becomes stuck in it. On the snake which is found only in mountains.
normal rock living statues, but have the following round the weapon is absorbed by Its bite causes only I point of damage, but
ability to conceal themselves by merging the statue which gains ld4+ I hit points (up its sharp fangs inject poison at the same
into the surface of a rock wall, floor or to a maximum of 40). Magical weapons are time. Anyone bitten by the snake must
ceiling. In place of hot magma, rock/ooze unaffected by the statue's absorption power make a saving throw vs. Poison or take an
statues are filled with grey ooze, and can and so do standard damage. additional 2-5 (ld4+ I) points of damage.
NEW MONSTERS (Kartoeba/Living Statues/Rock Rattler) 55
Lizard, Giant Foot-pad Shroud Spider*
HIT DICE: 2+ 1 HIT DICE: 5 ...
MOVE: 120' (40'), Climbing: 60' (20') MOVE: 120' (40')
ATTACKS: 1 bile ATTACKS: 1 bite or I web squirt
DAMAGE: 1-6 DAMAGE: ldJO +paralysing poison, or
NO. APPEARING: 1-3 (2-5) paralysing web
SA VE AS: Fighter: 2 NO. APPEARING: 1-2 (1-3)
TREASURE TYPE: Nil (see below) MORALE: 9
These slender giant lizards have long, the vertical. Provided they are captured
spindly legs with toes which are flattened young and properly trained, foot-pad
out to [orm round, sticky pads. These pads , lizards can be used as mounts or pack
allied with tlw creatures' agility and low animals (carrying capacity 2500cn at
body weight make foot-pad liza rds excellent normal movement rate, 4000cn at half
climbers. They can cope with a ny but the rate). However, they cannot climb slopes
smoothest o[ surfaces, at any angle up to steeper than 60 degrees when mounted .

MOVE: 120' (40')
ATTACKS: 2 glowing spheres
DAMAGE: ld6/Jd6
NO. APPEARING: 1-6 (1-6)
Shroud spiders are 6 feet long and black all
A wyrd (pronounced "weerd") is an undead wyrd can either strike with two hands over, except for their eyes which glow with
spirit inhabiting the body of an elf (cf. using the spheres as melee weapons, or a very faint blue lighe (visible up to 50 feet
wight - BD39) . Wyrds can only be hit by fling the two spheres as missiles (range away in the dark). These magical creatures
magical or silver weapons. They are 30/60/90), or use one sphere in melee and are intelligent and very evil. They can only
immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, one as a missile. be hit by magical or silver wea pons.
and their saving throws are the same as for
an elf of level 4. Clerics have the same If a sphere hits its target (normal roll to The spider's vicious bite is poisonous. Any
chance of turning wyrds as they do of hit), it explodes, inflicting ld6 points of character bitten muse make a saving throw
turning wraiths (EX4J . damage against most opponents, but ld6+3 vs. Poison or be paralysed for 2d4 turns (see
against elves. As each sphere explodes, a Paralysis - BD24). The spider uses this
A wyrd usually appears as a dark, robed replacement instantly appears in the wyrd's attack to take live victims for its food store.
figure holding a small , diffuse, red, glow- hand, but it can only make two attacks per
ing sphere in each hand . In combat, the round. The web of the shroud spider is as strong as
the webs of the other giant spiders (see
BD38) but is not very sticky. Instead,
Piranha (Cold-water) anyone touching a fresh web (less than 24
hours old) must make a saving throw vs.
ARMOUR CLASS: 7 Paralysis at +2 or be paralysed. Victims
HIT DICE: I hit point each remain paralysed for as long as they are in
MOVE: 90' (30') contact with the web and for 2 rounds
ATTACKS: 1 bite per shoal They inhabit rivers and lakes, and prey on thereafter.
DAMAGE: 1-4 or 3-12 (see below) any creatures entering the water. Piranha
NO. APPEARING: 5-50 attack in "shoals " of 5-10 creatures (c.f. Shroud spiders do not usually make large
SAVE AS: Normal Man normal rats - BD36), inflicting 1-4 points of webs, but they can shoot a strand of web at a
MORALE: 11 dam;ige per shoal. Once a victim's blood single opponent up co 30 feet away. Any
TREASURE TYPE: Nil has been spilt, the attacking shoal and all creature hit by the strand must make a
ALIGNMENT: Neutral those within 100 feet downstream and IO saving throw vs. Paralysis at +I or be
XP VALUE: 5 feet upstream go into a killing frenzy for paralysed. The spiders also use their web
ld6+9 rounds. ·While frenzied, the fish strands to wrap victims in a paralysing
The dreaded piranha are small, black fish make the water churn with their thrashings "shroud" before placing them in the food
(up to I foot in length) with bulging eyes and auack at +3 to Hie for 3-12 poines of store, and sometimes lay simple traps of
and large mouths filled with vicious teeth. dam;ige per shoal per round. web which they renew each day .
56 NEW MONSTERS (Lizard, Gt. Foot-pad/Wyrd/Piranha/Shroud Spider)
Karameikos before they strike can be difficult. Even so, attack at any time. A marching order
if you treat everyone as a potential enemy should be set up and maintained until you
You are in the Grand Duchy of Ka rameikos, you are unlikely to make any friends, and reach a place of safety.
a wild and untamed area ruled by Duke attacking people without good cause is a
Stefan Karamei kos III from the southern, sure way to earn the emnity of the local If it is likely that you are to be in the
coastal city of Specularum. Outside authorities. wilderness for an extended period, you
Specularum, the Duke's control is very must carry sufficient provisions (rations
limited and large tracts of the Duchy are Just as people should be treated with and missiles) with you. Water is not
rumoured to be home to evil humanoids respect and care in the outside world, you usually a problem (unless in a desert), as it
and monsters. You have recently travelled should avoid treating houses, inns and so is easily found, but be alert to the dangers of
north along the river from Krakatos to the on as if they were just rooms in a dungeon poisoned or otherwise polluted sources.
town of Kelven . - most buildings belong to someone.
They are private homes or places of work Travelling in the outdoors can be a
Kelven is a thriving frontier town that has and their inhabitants will not take kindly problem in other ways. Rain can soak bow
grown up rapidly, following its establish- to adventurers looting them . and crossbow strings, making them useless.
ment at the point where the rivers Wind- If it is ra ining, it is best to put all bows and
rush , Shutturga, and Volaga meet. Much bowstrings in a dry place.
timber passes through Kelven on its way to The Passing Days
Specularum where it is used to build ships
and houses, or else exported to neigh- Unlike dungeon adventuring, where play- Making Camp
bouring states. Merchants following the ing time is almost entirely spent exploring
trade routes from Specularum to Threshold underground passages, wilderness adven- Often in the wilderness, you will find tha t
and distant Selenica regularly travel turing places you in a more realistic you have to to camp out at night, since
through Ke lven ensuring plenty of trade situation. Everyday matters such as travell- there is no civilised place to stay. Many
for the town . ing long distances, finding food and predators and humanoids are active at
shelter, and so on, need to be taken care of. night so it is best to be prepared for the
You have not been in Kelven long before a Because of this, recording the passage of worst. Whether or not to light to a fire is a
red-haired ma n approaches you with an time is very important for both players and difficult choice. While a fire is useful for
offer of work ... OM. A calendar is provided for you on the light , warmth and scaring off wild animals
reverse of this sheet, and your OM will tell it is also likely to attract humanoids and
you when to start marking off the days. If, other intelligent monsters. The camp site
The World of after every night's rest, you remember to should be chosen with an eye to defence, if
Wilderness Adventuring mark off a day, you will have no difficulty possible, allowing only one or two lines of
in keeping track of time. approach , which should ensure that you
If you have not played a wilderness are not attacked from all sides at once. At
adventure before you will find it very least one character should be on guard at
different from exploring a dungeon - Scale all times during the night, to watch if
detached from the rest of the world, where anything approaches the camp and to alert
practically every place you see and every In a dungeon, feet a re used as the basic the other adventurers if it does. In order to
creature you meet is a part of the adventure. measure of movement and range. In the avoid exhausting those on watch, it is
wilderness it is easier to move quickly, usuall y necessary to share the task between
Adventures a bove ground are set in the there is more open terra in and your vision your group, with 3-4 changes of watch
midst of a "rea l" world filled with a is not hampered by poor lighting con- being a good number. Do not forget that
multitude of people, places and creatures. ditions. As a result, movement rates are spellcasters need to get enough sleep to
As well as defeating monsters and people read not as feet but as yards. For example, a regain their spells in the morning.
who threa ten you, you will also have to character who moves 120' per turn in a
interact with the many non-player char- dungeon moves at 120 yards per turn while Animals should always be tethered at
acters who are not directly part of your outdoors, similarly the distance moved in a night, as they may wander off, and should
adventure. combat round is read as yards not feet. you be attacked, they are likely to bolt .
Missile and spell ranges are also read as
These people are simply going about their yards in wilderness, but the area affected by
everyday business, intending you no harm , a spell is never read as yards. Therefore a Healing Wounds
but they can still be important. It is they sleep spell has a range of 240 yards, but still
who can se ll you armour and weapons, only affects creatures within a 40 foot As well as hea ling wounds by means of
serve you in inns, or provide you with square area. spells it is a lso possible to regain 1 hit point
useful pieces of information . Speaking to per day by resting. In order to regain a hit
them can be fun and informative, but point, your rest must be undisturbed both
beware, some people may mean you no Wilderness Survival during the day and the night. Any stren-
good - thieves may pick your pockets, uous activity such as fighting or travelling
thugs may waylay you in dark streets or Surviving in the wilderness can be difficult, more than a very short distance will stop
chaotic magic users may cast spells at you. as danger can come at you from more you from hea ling. When resting to regain
Dealing with these people is similar to quarters than in a dungeon . While travell- hit points it is advisable to do so in a safe
dungeon encounters, but recognising them ing, it is advisable to be ready for an place where you are secure from attack.
Players' Information Sheet PULL-OUT SHEET I
~ Nuwmont
Lunadain 7 14 21 28 Lunadain 4 11 18 25 Lunadain 4 11 18 25
Gromdain , 1 8 15 22 29 Gromdain 5 12 19 26 Gromdain 5 12 19 26
Tserdain 2 9 16 23 30 Tserdain 6 ) 13 20 27 Tserdain 6 13 20 27
Moldain 3 10 17 24 31 Moldain 7 14 21 28 Moldain 7 14 21
Nytdain 4 11 18 25 Nytdain 1 8 15 22 Nytdain I 8 15 22
Loshdain 5 12 19 26 Loshdain 2 9 16 23 Loshdain 2 9 16 23
Soladain 6 13 20 27 Soladain 3 10 17 24 Soladain 3 10 17 24

Flaurmont Yarthmont Klarmont

Lunadain 5 12 19 26 Lunadain 4 11 18 25 Lunadain 1 8 15 22 29
Gromdain 6 13 20 27 Gromdain 5 12 19 26 Gromdain 2 9 16 23 30
Tserdain 7 14 21 28 Tserdain 6 13 20 27 Tserdain 3 10 17 24
Moldain 1 8 15 22 29 Moldain 7 14 21 28 Moldain 4 11 18 25
Nytdain 2 9 16 23 Nytdain 1 8 15 22 29 Nytdain 5 ., 12 19 26
Loshdain 3 10 17 25 Loshdain 2 9 16 23 30 Loshdain 6 13 20 27
Soladain 4 11 18 26 Soladain 3 10 17 24 31 Soladain 7 14 21 28

Felmont Fyrmont Ambyrmont

Lunadain 6 13 20 27 Lunadain 2 9 16 23 Lunadain 1 8 15 22 29
Gromdain 7 14 21 28 Gromdain 3 10 17 24 Gromdain 2 9 16 23 30
Tserdain l 8 15 22 29 Tserdain 4 11 18 25 Tserdain 3 10 17 24 31
Moldain 2 9 16 23 30 Moldain 5 12 19 26 Moldain 4 11 18 25
Nytdain 3 10 17 24 31 Nytdain 6 13 20 27 Nytdain 5 12 19 26
Loshdain 4 11 18 25 32 Loshdain 7 14 21 28 Loshdain 6 13 20 27
Soladain 5 12 19 26 Soladain 8 15 22 29 Soladain 7 14 21 28

Sviftmont Eirmont Kaldmont

Lunadain 5 12 19 26 Lunadain 2 9 16 23 Lunadain 1 8 15 22 29
Gromdain 6 13 20 27 Gromdain 3 10 17 24 Gromdain 2 9 16 23 30
Tserdain 7 14 21 28 Tserdain 4 11 18 25 Tserdain 3 10 17 24 31
Moldain I 8 15 22 29 Moldain 5 12 19 26 Moldain 4 11 18 25 32
Nytdain 2 9 16 23 30 Nytdain 6 13 20 27 Nytdain 5 12 19 26
Loshdain 3 10 17 24 31 Loshdain 7 14 21 28 Loshdain 6 13 20 27
Soladain 4 11 18 25 Soladain 8 15 22 29 Soladain 7 14 21 28

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PULL-OUT SHEET II Players' Calendar & Map

SUKISKYN (Plan S) PYOTR - Clan head ALF ANA - Taras' wife

Sukiskyn is one of several fortified home- Appearance: Female; age 19; average height;
steads in the wilderness east of Kelven. It is
Clothing: Long grey dress, embroidered apron ,
the home of a closely knit human clan yellow head-scarf.
(headed by Pyotr), which makes a living by Personality: ALL; Gentle, sensitive, intelligent;
catching wild horses on the plains and hills good horsewoman, able to calm the fiercest
to the east (see Map K), bringing them back of wild horses.
to the homestead to be broken and shod, Note: The only person capable of re-taming
and then selling them to traders in and horses which Loshad has made wild (see
around Kelven. They train the best as war event WE4. Horse's Friend, pl4). This will
horses. It is a harsh and often dangerous take I d4+ I weeks.
life, but Pyotr and his kin are a proud
Clothing: Blue tunic, grey trousers (ch ain mail, AC 9 (9); NM; hp 3; MV 120' (40'); #AT I dagger;
people and would be loathe to live any D Jd4-1; Save NM; ML 7; THACO 20.
small, round shield +I).
other way . Personality: AL N; Fatherly, brave, honest, Abilities: S6, 117, WIO, D9, Cl! , ChJO
decisive, good leader, good horseman. Gear: Dagger.
Note: As clan head, Pyotr is the pivot of
NPC Actions negotiations with the party (e.g. he will ask
the party to search for Stephan - see pl4, A IRINA (C) - Pyotr's daughter
It is up to you as DM to determine the Muted Feast).
actions of the NPCs, using the information Appearance: Female; age 17; plump; plaited red
(including personalities and possible roles AC9(3); FS; hp32; MV90' (30'); #AT I sword +I hair.
or I arrow (+I); D ld8+3 or Jd6(+l); Save FS; Clothing: Mauve dress , blue apron, head scarf.
in the adventure) in the character des- Personality: ALL; Perceptive, inquisitive; good
ML JO; THACO 14 or 17 (16) - R 70/140/210.
criptions. The party will be received as Abilities: Sl6, 111 , WIS, D9, CJ3, Ch 12 horsewoman ; can norma lly (703) tell when
welcome guests at the homestead, and will Gear: sword +I (Jong bow, arrows, S arrows+ l ). someone is lying.
remain welcome there so long as they do Note: Cleric, can heal characters. Her ability to
not cause serious offence. sense lies may be used to deter the characters
DARYA - Pyotr's wife from making "rash" statements or claims.

NPC Deaths During the Siege Appearance: Female; age 38; medium height; AC 6; C2; hp 9; MV 120' (40'); #AT I sling stone;
black hair. D Jd4; Save C2 (+2); ML 8; THACO 18 -
Clothing: Long green dress, silver belt (leather R 40/80/160.
Although you have full control over the Abilities: SIO, III, WJ6, DJ4, C9, Chl2
NPCs, it is possible that some of Pyotr's Personality: AL L ; Slightly haughty but down- Gear: sling, stones, ring of protection +2, holy
clan will be killed during the Siege at to-earth with friends ; loyal; excellent cook, symbol.
Sukiskyn (p6). If any of these NPCs have good horsewoman , good at understanding Spells: lst level - cure light wounds.
important roles to play later in the cryptic codes.
adventure (see below), it will be necessary Note: Darya ensures that the adventurers are well
to have other NPCs fulfil these roles. Yuri taken care of, but is the first to chide them if MA TVEY - Pyotr's younger son
(one of the Refugees from Ilyakana - see they make a nuisance of themselves.
PSIV), for example, can take over from the Appearance: Young boy (age JO); untidy red
AC 8 (6); F2; hp I I; MV 120' (40'); #AT I dagger hair.
deceased Novannes as blacksmith at Sukis- Clothing: Dirty grey smock, leather trousers.
(or I arrow) ; D ld4 (or Jd6); Save F2; ML 8;
kyn . In some cases, you may have to invent THACO 19 or 18 - R S0/100/ISO. Personality: AL N ; Secretive, quiet ; prefers
and introduce entirely new NPCs. Abilities: S9, IJS, WIO, DI3, Cll , Cl2 company of animals (esp. horses) to people;
Gear: dagger (short bow, arrow s). can hide in shadows (JS3) and move silently
(2S3); fair horseman.
Pyotr's Clan Note: Potential source of mischief; his mis-
TARAS - Pyotr's elder son adventures might even require him to be
There were originally 12 inhabitants of rescued.
Sukiskyn: Pyotr and his immediate family Appearance: Male; age 20; ta ll ; red hair, long
moustache. AC 9; NM ; hp 3;· MV 120' (40'); #AT Nil ; D Nil;
(seven people in all), the blacksmith Save NM ; ML 8.
Clothing: Red tunic, orange trousers, fur hat
Novannes, and his family (four in all), and (leather armour +I). Abilities: S6, 112, W9, Dl2, CJO, Chl2
a servant, Stellios. By the time the ad- Personality: AL N; Enthusiastic; good sense of
venturers arrive during the siege, Novannes humour; will befriend fighters , but sus-
and his son-in-law Hakos will have been picious of elves and magic users; excellent KUZMA - Pyotr's mother
killed by the goblins. horseman , good knowledge of the area.
Note: Encourages the adventurers to take action Appearance: Female; age 66; short, thin , grey-
against the goblins (e.g . he will go with them haired.
Abbreviations to search for the horses - see Recovering the Clothing: Long black dress, grey shawl.
Horses, pll). If Pyotr dies, Taras becomes Personality: AL L; Stern with adults, kind to
Armour classes, weapon attacks, weapon clan head. children and halflings (thinks they are
children); mutters; suspicious of non-lawful
damages, and gear shown in brackets apply clerics; excellent knowledge of legends.
AC 8 (S); F3; hp IS; MV 120' (40'); #AT I baule
only during times of danger when the axe(or I arrow); D Jd8+1 (or ld6); SaveF3; ML9; Note: Cleric, will heal characters if asked. She
NPCs have equipped themselves for com- THACO 18 or 18 - R SO/JOO/ISO. knows many legends concerning the area
bat. Combat abilities are adjusted for Abilities: SIS, 19, WI2, Dl4, CJO, Chi I (e.g. how to summon Loshad - see Loshad's
bonuses. Gear: Battle axe (short bow, arrows) . Bargain, p22).
(NPCs: Sukiskyn) PULL-OUT SHEET Ill
AC 9; C4; hp 12; MV 60' (20'); #AT Nil; D Nil; AC 8; Fl; hp 6; MV 120' (40'); #AT I axe; LOSH AD
Save C4; ML 8. D ld6+3; Save Fl; ML 9;THACO 16.
Abilities: SS, 114, WIS, D9, C9, ChlO Bonuses: SIB, 19, WIO, Dll, CJ5, Ch9
Gear: holy symbol, (scroll: bless and cure light Gear: Axe
wounds (x2); scroll: cure disease (this high
level scroll will cure any one living thing of
one disease, or of lycanthropy - see BD33). GRISHA & GRISHKAL (twins)
Spells: Isl level - cure light wounds (x2)
2nd level - bless Appearance: Identical twins; male; age 20; short;
shaved heads with long, black pony-tails.
Clothing: Idemical brown working smocks and
MASHA - Bakos' widow trousers.
Personality: ALL; Say very little except to each
Appearance: Female; age 18; tall; long blonde other.
hair, pale complexion; carries her baby
Carina on her back. AC 9; Fl; hp 5 each; MV 120' (40'); #AT I axe;
Clothing: Green and blue checked dress, dark D ld6+2; Save Fl; ML 8; THACO 17.
blue apron. Bonuses: Sl6, 17, W9, 012, Cl2, Ch JO
Personality: AL L; Distraught following the Gear: Axe (one each)
deaths of her father and husband; likes poetry
and songs; fascinated by elves; loathes
violence; sings beautifully, plays Balalaika;
good horsewoman. MISCELLANEOUS
Note: Urges non-violent solutions. (in centaur form): AC 5 (I if invisible); HD 7•;
STEPHAN - Pyotr's brother hp 46; MV 180' (60'); #AT 2 hooves/I arrow;
AC 9; NM; hp 2; MV 120' (40'); #AT Nil; D Nil; D ld6/ld6/ld6; Save F7; ML 9; AL N; xp 850; t
Save NM; ML 6. THACO 13 - R 50/100/150; New Monster. ~
Gear: Ring of invisibility (earring), short bow. "'
Abilities: S9, 110, WI I, DIO, C9, Chl4 "
(in stallion form): AC 2; MV 270' (90'); #AT 2 ~
STELLIOS - servant hooves/I bite; D Id6/ld6/Id4; ML I I. ]

Appearance: Male; age 63; bald; plump; only
one arm. 3 wild horses: E
Clothing: Brown tunic and trousers. AC 7; HD 3; hp 14 each; MV 240' (80'); #AT 2 ,..
Personality: AL L; eccentric; cannot ride; long hooves; D ld6/ld6; Save F2; ML 9; AL N; xp 35 !:::
memory; expert knowledge of gems. each; THACO 17; EX51 (modified). t
Note: Alternative source of legends. He can
identify and value gems and jewellery found
by the party. THE IRON RING
Stephan is the brother of Pyotr (see above). It is
AC 9; NM; hp 2; MV 90' (30'); #AT Nil (l sling The Iron Ring is an evil, sec.:ret organ- ~
stone); DNil (ld4);SaveNM; ML 7;THAC020; he who recruits the party at the start of the
isation which deals in theft, extortion and, ~
R - 40/80/160. adventure. After joining the adventurers at
Xitaqa (see p26), he will accompany them on the most importantly, the abduction of people 0.
Abilities: SIO, Ill, W9, D9, Cll, Ch9
journey to the Lost Valley. His experiences at into slavery. Its roots are in the Black Eagle ~
Gear: (sling)
Xitaqa make him obsessed with the desire to find Barony in the western part of Karameikos, .~
the Lost Valley and, particularly, to reach it but its members pursue their loathsome 5.
Refugees from Ilyakana before Golthar. In the past Stephan has travelled trades throughout the Duchy, and beyond. ~
as far as Threshold and is familiar with the trail
leading up to it. He is therefore able to provide (ii
Gregor and the other survivors from the The members of the Iron Ring can be of :;
the adventurers with information as to what lies
goblin attack on Ilyakana (area W4) arrive on their route, and if necessary, he can negotiate
any profession or race, and recognise each 5'.
at Sukiskyn after the siege (see Bad Tidings with NPCs on their behqJf. other by means of codes and passwords :i
- pl2). unknown to those outside the Ring. Every ~
Appearance: Male; age 37; tall; red-haired. member shares the same mark, however, a 6
GREGOR - Lumber-Camp Boss Clothing: Blue robe over leather armour. brand on the left forearm in the form of two c
Personality: Friendly, brave, honest. manacles linked by a chain.
Appearance: Male; age 27; medium height;
muscular; blonde hair. AC 6; F5; hp 26; MV 120' (40'); #AT I sword or I The members of the Iron Ring are divided
Clothing: Battered leather armour. arrow; D Jd8+J or ld6; Save F5; ML 10; THACO by a strict hierarchy:
Personality: AL N; loud-voiced extrovert; good- 16 - R 50/100/150.
natured; carpemer. Abilities: SIS, 110. W9, Dl4, Cl2, Chl5
Gear: Sword, short bow, arrows . - Masters: These are the ruling elite of the
AC 7; F3; hp 19; MV 120' (40'); #AT I battle axe; Ring. They normally avoid danger,
D ld8+2; Save F3; ML 9; THACO 17. undertaking only the most important of
Abilities: SI 7. 113, WI I, DIO, Cl2, ChlO LOSHAD & BODYGUARDS tasks personally.
Gear: Battle axe. - Reavers: These underlings are respons-
Loshad is a chevall (see New Monsters - p54) ible for most day-to-day operations.
who roams the open lands east and north of - Hounds: These unfortunates were once
YURI Kelven. His sole concerns are with the welfare of slaves, but now, with their minds
horses. The party may meet him on several twisted by torture and brain-washing,
Appearance: Male; age 38; muscular; white hair. occasions: WE4 (pl4), Loshad's Bargain (p22)
Clothing: Torn black tunic, small shield. and WE6 (p30). He is normally accompanied by
they serve the Iron Ring as fanatically-
Personality: ALL; Moody, taciturn, blacksmith three stall ion bodyguards. These are as fast as loyal, fearless warriors. In addition to
(can shoe horses, make farm implements) riding horses but fight as well as warhorses. the brand, the Hounds bear the marks of
and weaponsmith (can make swords, daggers, They cannot be tamed for riding, even if the manacles they once wore on their
axes, maces, spears, bows and arrows). captured. wrists and ankles.
PULL-OUT SHEET IV (Sukiskyn/Stephan/Loshad/The Iron Ring)
Members of the Iron Ring Appearance: Male; age 35; tall and swarthy with THRESH Q LD
black beard and green eyes.
During this adventure, the party will Clothing: Dark red robes; black belt with SERGEANT ARTHOL
encounter only a small fraction of the Iron elaborate buckle in the form of two linked
manacles. When the adventurers first arrive at Threshold
Ring's members. The statistics of those Personality: very cunning and totally ruthless
who will be met in only one location are (and from whatever direction), Arthol is in
with an unpleasant, sadistic streak. charge of the contingem of guards that meets
given in the main module text. Those who
th em . In spite of his frightening appearance, the
may be met in more than one place are AC 6; M6; hp 21; MV 120' (40'); #AT I staff or I sergeant is a likeable character and, if approached
described below: dagger; D ld6 or ld4; Save M6; ML JO; AL C; correctly, could become a firm friend of the
xp 725; THACO 17. adventurers. A loyal servant of the Patriarch , he
Abilities: S9, 116, W14, Dl7, C14, Chit is a potential source of much informa tion about
GOLTHAR (MU)- Master of the Iron Ring Spells: Threshold and its inhabitallts.
!st level : charm person, 2 x magic missile (3
Operating from Xitaqa, Golthar's search for the missiles)
tapestry-map to the Lost Valley is the reason for 2nd level: levitate, web
the goblin raids and the capture of Stephan. 3rd level : slow, hold person
Unless killed in Xitaqa, Golthar pursues the
party to Threshold and even into the Lost Gear: necklace of protection +1 (functions as a
Valley. ring of protection - see BD52); eight large
jewelled rings (value 250gp each).
Spell book: Contains the above spells plus:
1st level : detect magic, light, read magic,
2nd level: detect invisible, knock, mirror image
3rd level: dispel magic
Appearance: Male; age 50; 6'9" tall. A grizzled
veteran with an eye-patch and a deep scar on
JO LENTA (C) - Reaver of the Iron Ring left cheek; deep, menacing voice.
Clothing: white surcoat embroidered with
When the hunt for the adventurers begins after golden cha lice over Chain mail +2.
their raid on Xitaqa, Jol enta is sent with Gactis Personality: seemingly gruff and short-tempered,
to Rifllian (p32). Later, she heads for Threshold h e is really kind-hearted (especially if he has
and joins up with Golthar (or Karllag) there. just been bought a few drinks at the Hook
and Hatchet tavern).
Appearance: Mal e; age 32; tall and gaunt with Appearance: Female; age 30; tall , with short dark
deep set eyes and a piercing stare. hair and bright blue eyes. AC 2; F5; hp 40; MV 120' (40'); #AT I sword +2;
Clothing: Yellow robes; black belt with elaborate Clothing: chain mail under brilliant blue cloak D ld8+5; Save F5 ; ML IO; AL N; THACO 12
buckle in the form of two linked manacles. Personality: cold, ca lculating and very ambitious (inc. all bonuses).
Personality: emanates a sense of controlled Abilities: 518, 110, Wit, D9, Cl7, Chl4
menace in every word and gesture; unpredict- AC 4 (chain mail & shield); C4; hp 16; MV 120' Gear: chain mail +2, sword +2
able, with a violent temper. (40'); #AT I mace; D ld6; Save C4; ML 9; AL C;
Note: If he is killed at Xitaqa (p26), Golthar will xp 125; THACO 19.
be replaced by Karllag - see below. Abilities: Sl2, 110. Wl6, D9, Cll, Chl6 MAFKA (Thief) - Reaver of the Iron Ring
AC 4; M6; hp 17; MV 120' (40'); #AT I thrown !st level : cure light wounds, cause fear Mafk a works as an Iron Ring sµy at Threshold.
dagger; D ld4; Save M6; ML 9; xp 725; THACO 2nd level: silence 15' radius Disguised as a fortune teller she attempts to lure
14 -'R 10/20/30. the adventures to a deserted inn where Golthar
Abilities: S9, 115, Wl6, Dl8, CIO, ChlO. Gear: mace +l; shield +1; scroll with bless, cure hopes to slay them.
Spells: light wounds and silence 15' radius; 50gp
1st level: magic missile (3 missiles), shield, and 5pp in belt pouch, gold bracelet (value Appearance: Female; age 35; brown hair dyed
sleep 500gp) grey; average height , slender. When met she
2nd level: detect invisible, web is disguised as an old woman.
3rd leve l: Oy, hold person Clothing: bright red robes as fortun e teller;
GACTIS (Thief) - Reaver of the Iron Ring otherwise she wears a grey cloak over lea ther
Gear: Throwing daggers; ring of protection +2; armour.
jade ring which controls the living statues at Gactis goes to Rifllian with J o lema as part of the Personality: intelligent and cunning, a con-
Xitaqa (X 11 ); concealed pouch contains Iron Ring search for the adventurers. Later, he vincing actress.
5000gp-worth of small gems. trails the party on the journey to Threshold
Spell book: Contains the above spells plus: (seeWEll, p33). AC 7 or6; T5; hp 18; MV 120' (40'); #AT I dagger
1st level: detect magic, light, read languages, or sword; D ld4 or ld8; Save TS; ML IO; AL N;
read magic, shield Appearance: Male; age 45; short, stocky, with xp 175; THACO 17.
2nd level : detect evil, knock, levitate heavy brow and long arms. Abilities: Sl3, 115, WIO, DIS, Cl I, Chl4
Clothing: leather armour +I under heavy black Gear: concea led dagger, and when in normal
cloak clothing a sword, potion of flying and a non-
KARLLAG (MU) - Master of the Iron Ring Personality: taciturn , not too bright but very magical crystal ball.
This NPC is only needed if Golthar is killed at
Xitaqa (p26). He arrives there a few hours after AC 5; T4; hp 16; MV 120' (40'), 240' (80') HUTAAKA
the PCs ' departure and takes up where Golthar mounted; #AT I sword or I dagger +2 or I arrow;
left off. Revenge is almost as important to him as D ld8+2 or ld4+4 or ld6; Save T4; ML 9; AL C; KFOREDZ (C) - Priestess of the Hutaakans
recovering the tapestry - noone outwits the xp 125; THACO 17 (15) - R 50/100/150.
Iron Ring! If not used during the course of this Abilities: Sl6, 18, WIO, Dl6, Cl5, Ch9 Following the disappearance of the High Priest
adventure Karllag could be encountered by the Gear: sword, short bow, 20 arrows, dagger+2, during the Traldan attack on the Temple,
party in future adventures as the Iron Ring potion of invisibihy, potion of speed, 12pp Kforedz now leads the Hutaakans. If the PCs go
atrempts to gain revenge on those who have in belt pouch; wears heavy, golden earrings with the Hutaakans following their first meeting
thwarted its plans. (value IOOgp each) with the Traldar (see Meeting the Inhabitants,
(The Iron Ring/Threshold/Hutaaka) PULL-OUT SHEET V
abandon the humans at a later stage, Kforedz Appearance: Male, aged 28; short and very Red-blade (Gnhasska)
does her utmost to persuade them to help her and muscular, he wears a brightly-coloured Symbol: Bloodied sword.
her people. She paints a very convincing picture lizard-skin cloak (his "badge" of office) at all Features: Wear red clothing, and adorn
of the Traldar as ungrateful barbarians, who times. themselves with red objects of all kinds
have repayed years of enlightened patronage Clothing: leather armour and shield
(feathers, shells, fruit rinds, beads,
with hatred and bloodshed. She might even hint Personality: AL N; shrewd and cunning, but
at the existence of an ancient Hutaakan pro- swift to anger and easily insulted. stones, fragments of pot, etc.)
phecy, which foretold the arrival of the party as Note: Accompanied at all times by four Traldan Weapons: Short swords and slings.
saviours of the last remnants of their culture. As warnors. Morale: Average (7).
a last resort, she will offer the adventurers a Lair: Underground in the Dymrak Forest
jewelled Star of Pflarr (value IOOOgp) but will AC 4 (inc. D bonus); HD 7; hp 38; MV 120' (40'); (area W9).
not accompany them under any circumstances. #AT 1 spear or l hand-axe; D ld6+3 (inc. S
Unbeknown to the adventurers, Kforedz will bonus); Save F7; ML 11; xp 850; TH ACO 12 (inc.
take any opportunity to animate dead to send S bonus); New Monster. Viper(Jaggadash)
against the Traldar. She will never admit to this Abilities: SIB, 19, WIO, Dl6, Cl3, Chl5
Symbol: Snake.
ability. Gear: spears, hand-axe
Features: Decorate their bodies with tattoos.
4 Traldan bodyguards Weapons: War hammers and daggers (for
AC 6; HD 2; hp 8 each; MV 120' (40'); throwing).
#AT I spear or I axe; D ld6+2 (inc. S bonus); Morale: Low (6).
Save F2; ML 10 (8); AL N; xp 25 each; THACO Lair: Underground in the Dymrak Forest
17 (inc. S bonus); New Monster. (area WJO).

NON-HUMAN CLANS & Yellow-fang (Faz-plak)

Appearance: Female, with silvery grey fur; taller
TRIBES Symbol: Ruined tower.
Features: Yellow skins, wear heavy, iron
than most of her race (cf. Hutaakans, p47)
Listed below are some individual character- collars and arm bands.
Clothing: pure white robes (over leather armour
+1); she wears at all times a large medallion istics of the non-human clans and tribes Weapons: Short swords and short bows.
in the shape of a star - the Star of Pflarr encountered in the module. Morale: High (8).
Personality: AL C; naturally aloof and haughty, Lair: Xitaqa ruins (areas B, Xl-3).
but capable of great tact and charm Elves (BD30)
Note: Kforedz might be persuaded to cast spells
to aid the adventurers, but only in exchange Vyalia Hobgoblins (BD31)
for their help. Symbol: Oak tree set with stars.
Features: Pale-skinned, deep green eyes. Bloodhead (Vlackkag)
AC 5 (inc. D bonus); HD SH; hp 26; MV 90' (30');
Weapons: Swords and longbows. Symbol: Severed head.
#AT I mace +2; D ld6+2; Save CS; ML 9; xp 1750;
THACO 10; New Monster. Home: Tree-houses in forest S.E. of Lake of Features: Pale skins, wear bright robes.
Spells: Lost Dreams (not on map). Weapons: Swords and crossbows.
!st level: cure light wounds (x2), protection Morale: Average (8).
from evil Lair: Xitaqa ruins (area XS).
2nd lewl: bless, hold person, and silence 15' Callarii
radius Symbol: Sad elven woman on a white horse
3rd level: cure disease (their epic heroine, Callarii). Ores (BD35)
4th levd: animate dead
Features: Wear robes decorated with leaf-
Gear: mace +2; clerical scroll with cure serious
wounds, remove curse, striking
patterns, great lovers of horses. Dark Web (Nyy-akk)
Weapons: swords, daggers and longbows. Symbol: Black spider.
Home: Radlebb forest, including the village Features: Dress entirely in black and wear
GURl-BEN-KAAL (F)-Traldan Chief of Rifllian (p32). gold earrings.
Weapons: Swords and axes (for throwing).
If the PCs decide to accompany the Traldar they Morale: Average (8).
meet in western Hutaaka (p46), or if they go Gnolls (BD30) Lair: Gold mine (Wl2).
there as refugees from the Hutaakans at a later
date, Guri will be very anxious to recruit them to
his cause. The Traldar have little defence against
Death's Head (Galt-kalat)
the undead from the Temple (H5, p50), and Guri Symbol: A half-decayed head. Bald Dog (Pftark)
will recognise that the party could swing the Features: Defend their territory fanatically Symbol: Running dog.
balance of the "war against the mutts" in his (ML 12), shields bear tribal symbol. Features: Shave their heads, all left-handed.
favour. After doing his best to describe the Weapons: spears or swords Weapons: Short swords and spears.
Hutaakans as inhuman sadists, he will go as far Morale: Average (9). Morale: Average (8).
as offering l 500gp in gems as an incentive if the Lair: Caves (not marked) overlooking the Lair: Underground in Zargash Moumains
party seems reluctant to aid him. On no account valley of the Foamfire River (Map V). (not on map).
will he accompany the adventun·rs.

Goblins (BD3 I) Pixies (BD35)

Wolfskull (Kloss-lunk) Ilya

Symbol: Wolf's head. Symbol: None.
Features: Wear cloaks made of wolf-skin. Features: Wear platinum neck-bands.
Weapons: Axes and spears. Weapons: Daggers.
Morale: High (8). Morale: Average (7)
Lair: In the Petrified Forest (Wl6). Lair: Island in Lake of Lost Dreams (WI 1).
PULL-OUT SHEET VI (NPCs: Hutaaka/Clans & Tribes)
The climate of Karameikos is temperate, TABLE 2 - WEATHER & MOON PHASES
with short winters that bring little snow,
and long, warm summers. The adventure
takes place in Spring, and early Summer
Day of the Week
when the weather is quite changeable. In Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain Moldain Nytdain Loshdain Soladain
Table 2, each date has next to it a series of
four numbers which indicate the cloud
cover, rainfall, temperature and wind for Thaumont
7: 1111112 8: 01012120 9: 0/01211 IO: 11111/2
that day. The meanings of the number
11: 2/0/2/20 12: 2121112 13: 3/3/112 14: 3/2/112 15: 3/2/0/30 16: 2/0/112 17: 3/2/112
codes are given below:
18: 2/0/ 112() 19: 11111/2 20: 0/0/2/2 21: 0/0/3/3 22: 1/0/2/HI 23: 1111112 24: 3/2/111
25: 2/2/1109 26: 1/0/2/2 27: 0/0/2/3
Code Cloud Rain Temp. Wind
1: 2/2/112 2: 2/0/2/lt> 3: 2/0/3/1 4: 2111211
0 clear dry cold calm
breeze 5: 2/0/2/0C> 6: 2/0/110 7: 3/111/2 8: 3/0/2/l 9: 2/0/1110 10: 110/1/3 11: 0/0/2/1
I ligh t howers coo l
12: 0/0/3/20 13: 0/0/2/2 14: 110/3/2 15: 0/0/2/3 16: 11112120 17: 0/0/2/l 18: 0/0/3/0
2 modcrat · rain warm wind
heavy storm hot ga le 19: 112/2/0() 20: 1111112 21: 3/0/0/3 22: 110/112 23: 1/2/0/ICI 24: 112/1/1 25: 0/0/2/2
26: 0101212• 27: 11112/2 28: 0/0/3/3 29: 1/0/2/1

Example: Moldain the 8th of Flaurmont

l: 0/01211 t> 2: 0/0/3/2 3: 0/0/2/3
has weather 3/0/2/1, i.e. it is a warm, dry
4: 2/11112C> 5: 2111112 6: 1101212 7: 2101211 8: 21112120 9: 3/3/112 IO: 1111212
day with heavy cloud cover and a breeze.
11: 2/0/1/20 12: 110/2/1 13: 2/112/1 14: 1121212 15: 2/0/111<> 16: 2/1/2/2 17: 1101211
18: 0/0/2/0() 19: 110/3/l 20: 1101211 21: 2101211 22: 112/1/2<1 23: 1/0/3/1 24: 0101210
25: 0/0/3/0• 26: 0101212 27: 0/0/2/3 28: 2121112 29: 110/2/3• 30: 0101212 31: 110/2/0
Key to Table

Date - cloud/rain/temperature/ wind. Klarmont

1: 1/0/3/!C> 2: 1111211 3: 0/0/3/1 4: 1101212 5: 11012110 6: 0/0/2/2 7: 110/3/0
Moon phases:
8: 111/2/10 9: 3/2/1/3 10: 1/0/2/I 11: 0/0/3/1 12: 0/0/2/2() 13: 1/0/2/0 14: 1/0/3/0
• - new moon; t> - quarter moon;() - half
15: 110/2/J() 16: 0/0/3/0 17: 1/1/2/1 18: 110/2/1 19: 2/112/J() 20: 1/11212 21: 0/0/3/1
moon; Cl - three-quarter moon; 0 - full
22: 0101211• 23: 110/3/0 24: 1/1/2/1 25: 0/0/3/1 26: ll0/2/2t> 27: 0/0/3/1 28: 2121212

Bargaining Optional Encounters

Bargaining is the most common form of The bargaining should be role-played The optional encounters listed may be used
trading in Karameikos. Usually the buyer between the DM and players. The table as you see fit, to enliven play, and add
and seller start by stating outrageous prices indicates only how far the NPC is prepared atmosphere. They can also encourage the
and then try to meet each other somewhere to go, if the PCs offer a better deal it will of players to make haste when they are
in between. ' course be accepted by the NPC. exploring the area around Sukiskyn, for
example. It is not necessary to use these
For certain transactions which occur dur- encounters at all if you do not wish to. The
ing the adventure, a base offer or price is TABLE 4 - BARGAINING encounters may be selected either random-
given for the NPC concerned. Where no ly, or according to your personal preference.
base offer or price is given, you should use
the prices given on EXl9 or else invent Die Maximum Minimum If used as "random encounters" you should
your own. If the adventurers are selling, the Roll Offer Price ref~r to Table 3 (PSVIll) and check for an
NPC's initial offer is one third of the base encounter once each day and twice each
offer. If the NPC is selling, the initial 2 4-03 1603 night, (for example) by rolling d20. If an
demand is double the base price. Once 3-5 60% 140"!, encounter is indicated, the ranges given in
negotiation is underway, secretly roll 2d6, 6-7 80% 120% the monster statistics below are used to
add the PC's charisma modifier and consult 8- 10 100% 100% generate the numbers of creatures involved.
Table 4 to determine what percentage of 11-12 120% 80% By making these checks before play
the base offer or price the NPC will 13+ 140% 603 commences, you will find it easier to
eventually offer or accept. choose the most appropriate moment for
(Weather & Optional Encounters) PULL-OUT SHEET VII
4-9 refugees: The adventurers encounter a
small group of refugees who have fled from one
TABLE 3 - OPTIONAL ENCOUNTERS of the homesteads or other settlements ravaged
by the goblins.
Hills & Eastern Western
Forest Open Mountains Hutaaka Hutaaka 1-2 mountain lions: AC 6; HD 3+2; hp 15each;
Day ight Day Night Day ight Day Night Da y Night Encounter MV 150' (50'); #AT 2 claws/I bite; D ld3/ld3/
1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 No Encounter ld6; Save F2; ML 8; AL N; xp 50 each; THACO
16; BD27.
1-4 2-ll' 2-lJ 2-5 2-4
6-8 1-3 boars 3-6 Pftark ores: AC 6; HD I; hp 5 each; MV 120'
9-10 5-6 f).7 4 2-5 VyaJia elves (40'); #AT I short sword or I spear; D ld6; Saw
7.9 5-6 4-6 6-7 5 2-5 fire beetl es Fl; ML 6; AL C; xp IOeach; THACO 19; 8D35
6-7 8-9 6 6 2-4 {001,:1,>ad lizards (& PSVI)- a raiding party from the mountains.
6-7 7-8 2-5 g nolls
1(),.11 7-9 3-6 goblins 2-8 large ravens: AC 7; HD 1-1; hp 3 each;
8 9 8 10- 11 1-3 hellhounds MV 360' ( 120') flying; #AT 1 beak; D ld3;
9-11 7.9 'I insect swarm Save NM; ML 8; AL N; xp 5 each; THACO
9 10 1 mamicore 19; New Monster.
11 - llJ 12 8·11 10 4-9 refu~s
14 13 12-1 4 11 - 12 10-12 11 -12 12 12-13 10 7 1-2 moumain lions 2-5 rock snakes: AC 7; HD 1•; hp 6 each;
14-15 llJ-14 3-6 ores MV 90' (30'); #AT I bite; DI+ poison (ld4+1);
15 13-14 13 13-14 II 2-8 ravens Save Fl; ML 7; AL N; xp 13 each; THACO 19;
15 14 .15-16 12 2-5 rock snakes New Monster.
16-17 1-4 shadows
16-18 18 15-16 14·15 llJ-14 8-9 !l-6 stirges 1-4 Shadows•: AC 7; HD 2+2; hp 10 each;
16-20 10-16 ndead (see below ) MV 90' (30'); #AT I touch; D ld4 +drain I point
19-20 19-20 17-20 18-20 18-20 17-20 2-5 wolves of strength for 8 turns; Save F2; ML 12: AL C;
15-20 17-20 Hutaakans or xp 35 each; THACOl 7; BD36.
3-6 stirges: AC 7; HD I; hp 5 each; MV 180'
•Who the adventurns encounter depends on whom they are allied with (see Meeting the Inhabitants (60'); #AT I bite; D ld3 (+ld3 per round
p46). The Traldar are never encountered at night - either reroll or treat as no encounter. automatic): Save F2; ML 9; AL N; xp 13 each;
THACO 19 (17 if flying); BD38

the encounter to occur. Alternatively, and 2-4 giant foot-pad lizards: AC 6; HD 2+ I; hp 9 Undead a mob of:
perhaps ideally, the encounters may be each; MV 120' (40'), 60' (20') climbing; 5-8 zombies: AC 8; HD 2; hp 9 each; MV 90'
selected for use in any order and at any #AT I bite: D ld6; Save F2: ML 7; AL N; xp 25 (30'); #AT I claw; D ld8; Save Fl; ML 12;
location that seems suitable. Be careful not each; THACO 17; New Monster. AL C; xp 20 each; THACO 18; 8D39.
to overuse these encounters, however, since 7-12 skeletons: AC 7; HD I; hp 5 each; MV 60'
this may leave the PCs too weak to cope 2-5 Death's Head (Galt-kalat) gnolls: AC 5; (20'); #AT I club; D Id4; Save Fl; ML 12;
with the rest of the adventure. It is a good HD 2; hp 8 each (leader 10); MV 90' (30'); AL C; xp IO each; THACO 19; BD37.
idea to tailor the encounters to the con- #AT I spear; D ld6+1; Save F2; ML 11; AL C:
dition and abilities of the party - par- xp 20 each; THACO 18 - R 20/40/60; BD30 (& 2-5 wolves: AC 7; HD 2+2; hp 11 each; MV 180'
ticularly in the later stages of the adventure. PSVI) - hunters on their way to join the main (60'); #AT I bite; D ld6; Save Fl; ML 8; AL N:
war-party in pursuit of the party. xp 25 each; THACO 17; BD39.

Encounter Statistics 3-6 Red-blade (Gnhasska) goblins: AC 6; Hutaakan war-party comprising:

HD 1-1; hp 4 each; MV 90' (30'); #AT I short 2-5 minor priests: AC 6; C2: hp 9 each; MV 90'
2-5 bats: AC 6: HD 2; hp 7 each; MV 180' (60'); sword or I sling stone; D ld6 or ld4; Save NM; (30'); #AT I mace; D 1-6; SavcC2; ML8; AL N;
#AT I bite: D ld4; Save Fl: ML 8; AL N; xp 20 ML 7; AL C; xp 5 each; THACO 19; BD3 l (and xp 25 each; THACO 19; New Monster (p48).
each: THACO 18: 8D25. PSVI) - a band of hungry (and aggressive) Spells - cure light wounds or cause fear
stragglers from the scattered Gnhasska clan. 5-8 warriors: AC 5; HD I; hp 5 each: MV 90'
1-3 boars: AC 7: HD 3; hp 13each; MV90' (30'); (30'); #AT I spear; D 1-6; Save Fl; ML9; AL N;
#AT I tusk: D 2d4; Save F2: ML 9: AL N: xp 35 1-3 hellhounds: AC 4; HD 3°; hp 13 each: xp IO each; THACO 19: New Monster (p48).
each; THACO 17; 8D27. MV 120' (40'); #AT I bite or breath; D 1-6 or 3d6;
Save F3: ML 9; AL C; xp 65 each; THACO 17; Traldar raiding party comprising:
2-5 Vyalia elves: AC 5: HD 1•: hp 5 each; EX51. 5-8 warriors: AC6; HD l+I; hp6each: MV 120'
MV 120' (40'): #AT I sword or I arrow or I magic (40'); #AT I spear; D ld6+1; Save Fl; ML 10;
missile spell; D ld8 or ld6 or ld6+ I; Save EI; l insect swarm: AC 7: HD 3*; hp IO: MV 30' AL N; xp 19 each; THACO 17; New Monster
ML8; AL N: xp 13each;THACO 19; 8D30(and (10'), 60' (20') flying; #AT I area affect (p48).
PSVI) - a hunting party from the Vyalia clan IO'xlO'x30'; D 2 if AC 5 or better, 4 if AC 6 or 1-2 vocals: AC 9; HD I; hp 5 each; MV 120'
stronghold south-east of the Lake of Lost worse; Save NM; ML 11; AL N; xp 50; THACO ( 40'); #AT I shout or I dagger; D Special or
Dreams (Wll, pl6). They will be friendly NIA; EX 52. ld4; Save Fl; ML 9; AL N; xp 23; THACO 19;
towards the party. New Monster (p48).
l manticore: AC 4; HD 6+ 1•; hp 30; MV 120' 5-8 giant foot-pad lizards: AC 6; HD 2+ I: hp
2-5 fire beetles: AC 4; HD I +2; hp 8 each; (40'), 180' (60') flying; #AT 2 claws/I bite or 6 11 each; MV 120' (40'), 60' (20') climbing;
MV 120' (40' ): #AT I bite; D 2d4; Save FI; ML 7; spikes; D 1-4/ 1-4/2-8 or 1-6 each; Save F6; ML 9; #AT I bite; D 1-6; Save F2; ML 7; AL N; xp 25
AL N; xp 15 each; THACO 18; BD26. AL C; xp 650; THACO 13; EX 52. each; THACO 17; New Monster (p56).
PULL-OUT SHEET VIII (Optional Encounters)

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