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Beano Upper KS2 Lesson Plan –Responsible Use of Mobile Phones

Date: Key Stage: 2 Teacher:

 To understand the differences between talking on phones and talking face-
Learning to-face
Objectives  To understand that you have a responsibility to use mobile phones
respectfully and take other people’s feelings into account.
Intro Show the introductory video

Pupils will understand that chatting to friends on their mobile is very different to
talking face-to-face. They will consider how to use mobiles respectfully,
including not using them to spread rumours, not taking or sending photos without
permission, not sending inappropriate messages and not having personal
conversations in public places.
 Put the Mandi Comic Strip (PowerPoint Slide 1) on the board or print and
give to groups. Give groups a few minutes’ discussion time – can they
Starter Activities
answer the following questions:
o Why does Mandi get upset?
o It turned out that Mandi needn’t have worried at all. What is it
10 mins about mobiles, which is different to face-to-face chatting, that can
cause so much anxiety?
 Ask volunteers to share their ideas in a class discussion. Look at
PowerPoint Slide 2 and discuss any ideas that the children hadn’t come
up with themselves. Establish that a lot of children won’t yet have a
mobile, but that it is a good idea to understand the ‘rules’ before they do
get one.
 Split the class into small, mixed ability groups. Give two willing people in
each group a Scenario Card; decide who will be Characters A and B.
They are to act out the scenario as best they can and their group members
are to watch and try to establish the feelings that are being depicted.
15 mins
Main Activity
 PowerPoint Slide 3: Hot seating (props such as wigs or microphones
could make this more fun!): Sit the two actors in front of their groups if
possible. Can the group members ask sensible questions to establish the
feelings both characters faced, what their thought processes were and how
this anxiety could be dealt with or have been avoided.
 Create a poster (using Template if desired) to teach other children in your
school about the respectful use of mobile phones.
Extension Work
and Further
 Create a comic strip (Comic Strip Worksheet) of your own to show one
of the problems that might arise from inconsiderate behaviour with mobile
 Ask volunteer groups to show the class their scenario and discuss each of
the issues that arise. Think of ways we could avoid the anxiety.

 If any pupils are willing, they can share their own experiences of how
Plenary 5 mins
mobiles, if they have one, have caused them to feel difficult emotions?

 PowerPoint Slide 4: Encourage pupils to understand that sensible and

respectful use of mobiles is their responsibility.

Observing, question and answers, contribution to discussion and written

Self-assessment – encourage the pupils to consider whether they feel more
confident in understanding the issues that could arise if we are not sensible and
considerate in our use of mobile phones.
 PSHE (As recommended by the PSHE-Association)
Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:
o H6. To deepen their understanding of good and not so good feelings, to
extend their vocabulary to enable them to explain both the range and
Curriculum intensity of their feelings to others.
Links o H24. The responsible use of mobile phones: safe keeping and safe user
o R1. To recognise and respond appropriately to a wider range of feelings
in others.

Key Words Responsibility, permission, considerate, appropriate/inappropriate.

Through questioning and mixed ability pairings. Less able pupils may need
support with the written tasks and guidance in the discussions.
PowerPoint, Mandi comic strip if needed, scenario cards (printed and cut per
group), poster template if needed, blank comic strip template if needed.
For teacher to complete:
Things to consider

When delivering this lesson, you might trigger feelings in children that they find
difficult to cope with.

Different children may respond very differently to the same content. It’s really
important to think about how these individuals might be best supported. Ensure that
there is an adult that the child can talk to if they are finding the session too difficult
and a safe space (somewhere else) for them to go if they want to sit things out.

It is really important to adhere to the normal safeguarding procedures of the school

you are working in. Your school will have a Designated Safeguarding Lead and clear
procedures to follow if you are worried about the safety of a child in your care.

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