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Submitted by:

Cacayorin, Angelica

Lim, Atasha Arabela

Necia Kendy Sta.ana

Polido, Mariel

San Felipe, Michelle

Udtohan, Patricia

March 19, 2023

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts

With more than 100 hotels spread out over Asia, the Middle East, North America,
and Europe, Shangri-La is one of the top hotel chains in the world and is popular with
business travelers, young professionals, and millennial. The reason why their hotel has
developed a reputation as a five-star luxury hotel is due to the constantly high quality of
their service, opulent lodgings, and delectable meals. Before the COVID-19 pandemic,
Shangri-La had a well-established, comprehensive crisis management plan. By giving
guidance on how to manage certain situations, this acts similarly to a contingency plan.
All crises will be handled by the hotel's emergency response team and trained staff.
This proved that Shangri-La is ready to respond appropriately to any emergency or
crisis the company may experience in the future.

It's apparent that most hotel marketing communication strategies highlight their
facilities and amenities.  Sharing-La discovered that business travelers frequently find it
boring. Shangri-La concurred that heartfelt and emotional appeals should be used to
gain admiration and brand loyalty. According to Martin Roll (2019), Shangri-La has
always used campaign advertising as their primary communication medium since they
began their pilgrimage in the business world. Every now and then, it launches large-
scale, firm's marketing initiatives to strengthen its experience to the public. In 2010,
Shangri-La created a new campaign called "It's In Our Nature" in collaboration with
Ogilvy & Mather, one of the biggest marketing communications firms in the world. The
three-minute television commercial, which can be seen on Youtub, features a weary
traveler lost in a wintry environment. The phrase “There is no greater act of hospitality
than to embrace a stranger as one’s own. It’s in our nature was the idea's succinct
summary. Its main message focuses on promoting the Shangri-La culture's core values,
which everyone should be welcomed with open arms and treated as family. This
commercial appeals to visitors and potential customers, and Shangri-La was able to
gain exposure by winning international accolades and increasing the visibility of their

Shangri-La has been continued using campaign as an advertising as its main

communication medium, but as the society gets increasingly digital, they also need to
improve it to reach the target consumers more. The group decided to launch an app
which is called "Shangri-La App". This app has the same attributes with their website
but this is more convenient and useful because you don’t need to open their website on
your computer, laptop or go to their respective location just to inquire and book room
accommodation they can do it in their own convenient. The app simply saves time and
provides information about the hotel background and facilities, guests can easily book,
check-in/check-out, complaints and feedbacks can be easily addressed here all the
information and features they need to know is addressed here so they can do it on the
comfort of their home there is no hassle and wasting time anymore. Thus, this strategy
successfully persuaded target audience to buy the product and services of Shangri-La
as it make their life easier and the communication can be easily transferred as well with
the use of the app they can easily get a response on their inquiries efficiently and easily
and they won’t need to wait and queue on a busy days for inquiries.

The COVID-19 pandemic problem is still developing, and Shangri-La's crisis. The
management plan is applicable in this situation. Their strategy calls for reviewing and
raising its standards and procedures in order to get ready for the "new normal". As
people search for Shangri-La placed future travel, health, safety, and sustainability at
the top of their priority list. While they improved their hygiene in reaction to the new
normal, they prioritized their health. by putting in place the "Shangri-La Cares" security.
With "Shangri-La Cares" highlights the Group's dedication to provide guests with Asian
hospitality as it starts to formally welcome back visitors to hotels and resorts. When you
launch the Shangri-La app observe the processing of Shangri-La Cares there. It offers
guidance on how to proceed with cancellations, their involvement in many community
activities strengthen programs that aid medical professionals, the neighborhood, and
those in need, what kind of care they take on their devoted customers and staff. They
additionally offered to remind others how to take care of themselves, provide images
with instructions. How should guests be greeted and escorted in and out of meetings,
and what are the customs when events, activities in public areas, and the cleanliness of
the guest rooms. I'm amazed by them since, in addition to providing, they demonstrated
their responsibility to us. While the epidemic has decreased, they still provide
exceptional service and prioritize their visitors. Despite their success in sales, they still
find time to be kind and provide assistance to people in need.

Using the current lesson, the Shangri-La App was used as a marketing tool to
demonstrate how the marketing communication process works. They may have chosen
a linear or a transactional model of communication as their mode of communication.
While Shangri-La is the sender, the Shangri-La App serves as the channel, the
message is information (about Shangri-history, La's amenities, special offers, and other
things), and the recipient is a traveler looking for a place to stay. A linear model doesn't
have feedback, and if it did, it would turn into an interactional model of communication.
The sole distinction is that the transmitter and receiver in an interactional model can
switch roles and there is a feedback.

For instance, the Shangri-La said that while they can now welcome individuals, it
will only be a select few. The guests will receive the message after it has been sent by
Shangri-La utilizing the app as the channel. The visitor wants to know if it is safe already
and if there are any remaining rooms after hearing the notification. He will use the same
channel to submit this query, but this time he will be the sender, and a member of the
Shangri-La staff who is in charge of responding to input will serve as the receiver, and
he will get the message. And after responding to the inquiries, he would once more
assume the role of the sender by providing the visitor with comments. The simultaneous
feedback is implied by this.
Shangri-La's tourism and hospitality products are the hotel rooms that are
considered perishable if the guests are unable to occupy the other rooms and the loss
will not be recovered, as well as the attractions and entertainment where guests can
relax, have fun, and meet new people while staying at the hotel and meeting rooms for
business; restaurants for food and beverages; The welcoming hospitality attitude is an
intangible product that welcomes and fulfills guests, high-end interior design, freebies as
extra products, and promotional strategies. Effective communication is essential in
every organization. Without proper communication, we cannot efficiently meet the
needs and desires of our customers, nor can we equip our coworkers with important
organizational skills. Shangri-La demonstrated that hospitality and tourism
establishments can cope with the current situation.

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