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Senior High School General Biology 2 Quarter 2 - Module 9: Compare and Contrast Processes in Plants and Animals: Gas Exchange DepED ) What I Need to Know This module is designed for you to learn about the comparison of the different processes that take place in plants and animals. You will study, discover and explore about how processes such as gas exchange occurs inside the body of plants and animals. In this module, you will also have to reflect on the plant and animal organ systems responsible for respiration. At the end of this module, you are expected to: 1. Compare and contrast the following processes in plants and animals: reproduction, development, nutrition, gas_—_ exchange, transport/circulation, regulation of body fluids, chemical and nervous control, immune systems, and sensory and motor mechanisms (STEM_BIO11/12-1Va-h-1). (4) What I Know Use the terms below to identify which part of respiration is blocked by the condition stated in each of the following situations. A. Breathing B. Circulation C. Gas Exchange D. Cellular Respiration 1. The rate of photosynthesis in plants decreases due to clogged stomata of the leaves. 2. A girl with anemia doesn’t have enough of the protein hemoglobin to carry oxygen in her blood cells. 3. A boy with exercise-induced asthma suffers narrowing of his airways during exercise. 4. A woman has emphysema, which damages the air sacs of her lungs, reducing the amount of surface area for gas exchange. 5. A man accidentally swallowed a large piece of food that extends his food tube so that it pinches off his windpipe. Lesson Gas Exchange a Gas exchange is the uptake of molecular oxygen from the environment and the discharge of carbon dioxide in the environment. It is often called respiratory exchange or respiration, but it should not be confused with cellular respiration. Oxygen is needed in tissues for aerobic respiration to occur and to extract ATP from food. Carbon dioxide must be released to prevent physiological pH in tissues from being very acidic. In plants however, the carbon dioxide that is released as a by- product of cellular respiration may again be taken up for the process of photosynthesis. There are specialized organs in plants and animals that function for respiration. What are these organs used by plants and animals for gas exchange? How do they process gases in and out of their body? Let us find out as we excavate more to this, module. ) What’s In Let us first have a short Q and A portion about gas exchange or respiration in plants and animals. Briefly answer the following questions depending on your understanding of how gas exchange takes place in plants and animals. 1. What else do organisms need to acquire from the environment aside from nutrition? Why? 2. What gas is considered as a metabolic waste product of cellular respiration? How does it leave the organism's body? 3. Cite some structures in plants and animals that allow the gas exchange. 4, Enumerate some respiratory problems encountered by humans that alter the normal process of gas exchange. Notes to the Teacher ‘This module aims to familiarize the students with the comparison of the process of transport and circulation in plants and animals. Point out the different organs included in transport and circulation. Transport systems in plants and animals vary. — What’s New Respiratory organs in plants and animals vary. These organs are specialized to perform an important role in gas exchange. Try to identify the plant and animal organs involved in the process of respiration. Figure 1 shows a leaf cross-section, determine which part of this leaf is used for gas exchange. Then on the other hand, figures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 present different animal respiratory organs. Distinguish each organ utilized by animals for respiration. Fig. 2 | 7 ene Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Epidernis Papua 4 Za co, Q) What is It Plants do not breathe, they only respire. Animals usually breathe in the air for carrying out cellular respiration. Plants lack a respiratory system which is usually found in animals. In plants, the leaf obtains oxygen directly from the air through the stomata. Stems and roots also take in oxygen. In case of animals, oxygen is taken in through special openings (like nostrils or gill clefts) into the respiratory organ. In animals, there is a respiratory organ (like lungs, gills, etc.) present within the body, where exchange of gases occurs. No such respiratory organ is present in plants. The tissues of a leaf are adapted for photosynthesis and gas exchange, The carbon dioxide produced in animals during respiration is released to the atmosphere, whereas the carbon dioxide produced during plant respiration may be used by the plant for carrying out photosynthesis. ‘There is no respiratory pigment in case of plants, whereas in animals, respiratory pigments play an important role in transporting oxygen to the cells. Animals have to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide to sustain cellular respiration and stay alive. Terrestrial animals and aquatic animals face different challenges in performing gas exchange. Meanwhile, the gas exchange in plants occurs through the process of respiration where free energy is released and transiently stored in a compound, ATP, which can be readily utilized for the maintenance and development of the plant. This process is usually more complex since plants can carry both on respiration and photosynthesis In animals there are several factors affecting gas exchange. What are these factors influencing gas exchange? 1. The respiratory surface or organ is the part of an animal’s body where gases are exchanged with the environment. To allow the gas exchange, it must be moist, large enough, and protected from desiccation. 2. Respiratory system relies on the diffusion of gases down pressure gradient. * Partial pressures for gas in the atmosphere can be computed. For example, the partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar air is about 104 mm Hg, whereas the partial pressure of the oxygenated pulmonary venous blood is about 100 mm Hg. In contrast, when ventilation is insufficient, the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli drops. Without the large difference in partial pressure between the alveoli and the blood, oxygen does not diffuse efficiently across the respiratory membrane. +Frick’s Law states that the amount of diffusion of a gas across a membrane is proportional to the surface area and the difference in partial pressure between the two sides and inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane. 3. Surface-to-volume ratio *As an animal grows, the surface area increases at a lesser rate than its volume, making diffusion of gases into the interior more difficult. *Animals must have a body design that keeps the internal cells close to the surface (e.g. flatworms) or must have a system to move the gases inward. 4.Ventilation «It refers to the movement of the respiratory medium (air or water) over the respiratory surface. “Bony fish moves the gill covers (operculum) for water carrying oxygen to flow across the gill. +Humans move the muscles of the thorax to expand and contract the chest cavity and move in and out of the lungs. 5.Perfusion «It refers to the flow of blood to alveolar capillaries. *For gas exchange to be efficient, the volumes involved in ventilation and perfusion should be compatible. However, factors such as regional gravity effects on blood, blocked alveolar ducts, or disease can cause ventilation and perfusion to be imbalanced. * 6.Respiratory Pigments or Proteins “Adaptations of animals for gas exchange include respiratory pigments that bind and transport gases. “The respiratory pigment of vertebrates is hemoglobin while that of invertebrates (e.g. arthropods and mollusks) is hemocyanin. “Blood cannot carry sufficient oxygen and carbon dioxide in dissolved form to meet the body’s requirements; hemoglobin helps enhance its capacity. Structures for gas exchange in plants include stomata in leaves, lenticels in stems, root hairs in aerial roots and pneumatophores or lateral roots of mangroves. Meanwhile, respiratory surfaces or organs in animals differ in invertebrates and vertebrates. How do respiratory organs differ in invertebrates and vertebrates? In invertebrates, the respiratory surfaces or organs are: 1. Integumentary exchange - refers to the general body surface or skin used by | %==*—. animals with high surface-to-volume ratio; e.g, flatworm and earthworm. Amphibians also use their moist skin in addition to lungs as gas exchange surface. 2. External gills - used by invertebrates that live in aquatic habitats; gills are highly folded, thin-walled, vascularized epidermis that project outward from the body; e.g. annelids, aquatic insects, mollusks, crayfish, lobster, sea star, and nudibranch. While most crustaceans and mollusks such as clams and oysters utilize internal gills. 3. Tracheal system in arthropods - utilizes fine air-conducting tubules to provide gaseous exchange at the cellular level. It is not dependent on a circulatory system; e.g. insects and spiders. VW While in vertebrates, respiratory organs include: 1. External gills - thin, vascular projections from the body surface of a few amphibians, e.g. larval salamander. 2. Internal gills - rows of slits or pockets in adult fishes positioned at the back of the mouth such that water that enters the mouth can flow over them as it exits just behind the head. Water flows over the gills and blood circulates through them in opposite direction. This mechanism, called countercurrent flow, is highly efficient in extracting oxygen from water, whose oxygen content is lower than air. Countercurrent is much more efficient than co-current exchange. 3. Lung: internal respiratory surfaces shaped as a cavity or sac. Lungs provided a membrane for gaseous exchange. Since they are not in direct contact with all other parts of the body, lungs require a circulatory system to transport gases to the rest of the body. These respiratory organs are found in birds, reptiles, and mammals. 19 How does air move in and out of the lungs? 1. Air moves by bulk flow into and out of the lung. 2. Gases diffuse across the inner respiratory surfaces of the lungs. 3. Pulmonary circulation allows the diffusion of dissolved gases across lung capillaries. 4, In body tissues, oxygen diffuses from blood > internal fluid > cells. ‘The pathway of carbon dioxide is in reverse. 5. All lungs receive deoxygenated blood from the heart and return oxygenated blood to the heart. How do breathing mechanisms vary in vertebrates? 1. Amphibians ventilate their lungs by positive pressure breathing which forces air down the trachea. 2. Birds use a system of air sacs as blower to keep air flowing through the lungs in one direction only, preventing the mixing of incoming and outgoing air. 3. Mammals ventilate their lungs by negative pressure breathing which pulls air into the lungs when the volume of the lungs expands as the rib muscles and diaphragm contract. However, the incoming and outgoing air mix, decreasing the efficiency of ventilation. Air enters and leaves the respiratory system through nasal cavities where air is filtered by hair or cilia, warmed by blood vessels and moistened with mucus. Gas exchange and circulation are coordinated to each other. For instance, during oxygen transport, the oxygen diffuses down a pressure gradient from the lungs into the blood plasms > red blood cells > binds to hemoglobin (4 molecules per hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin). ‘The hemoglobin gives up its oxygen in tissues where partial pressure of ‘oxygen is low, blood is warmer, partial pressure of carbon dioxide is higher, and pH level is lower. These four conditions occur in tissues with high metabolic rate. However, carbon dioxide transport happens when carbon dioxide diffuses down its partial pressure gradient from the tissues into the blood plasma and red HUMAN GAS EXCHANGE 12 blood cells to air in alveoli. Seven percent is dissolved in plasma, 23% binds with hemoglobin to form carbaminohemoglobin, and 70% is in bicarbonate form. Bicarbonate and carbonic acid formation, on the other hand, is enhanced by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which is located in the red blood cells. How coordination of air flow with blood flow occurs? 1. Gas exchange in the alveoli is most efficient when air flow equals the rate of blood flow. 2. Local controls within the lungs correct imbalances in air and blood flow by constricting or dilating both bronchioles and arterioles. The nervous system controls oxygen and carbon dioxide levels for the entire body by regulating the rate and depth of breathing. The brain monitors the cerebrospinal fluid through sensors (reflecting carbon dioxide concentration in the blood). Secondary control is exerted by sensors in the aorta and carotid arteries that monitor blood levels of oxygen as well as carbon dioxide (via blood). There are animals that perform respiratory adaptations to extreme conditions such as low-oxygen environments. Animals that inhabit high altitudes have larger hearts and lungs, and hemoglobin with high affinity for binding oxygen. Moreover, many diving animals have unusually high hematocrits (ratio of volume of packed red blood cells to the volume of whole blood) and also muscles with high amounts of myoglobin (an oxygen-binding protein found in muscle cells). Humans living at higher altitude since birth develop more alveoli and capillary network in the lungs. Humans during diving, the heartbeat slows, and circulation is reduced to all parts of the body except the brain. ‘The kind of environmental condition of an animal or organisms’ lives may have an effect on its respiratory system. Thus, this principle has resulted to notable remark as adaptations. Some respiratory illnesses have great impact on health and cause serious problems. Here are some of them: 1. Ina respiratory disorder like asthma, the muscles around bronchioles contract more than usual, increasing resistance to airflow. 2. Emphysema is an abnormal condition of the lungs marked by decreased respiratory function. It is associated with smoking or chronic bronchitis or old age. 3. Pneumonia is an infectious disease involving inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs. Smoking tobacco products is one of the leading global causes of death and is strongly linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and emphysema. In order to prevent these complications, we must better do all the necessary actions in taking good care of our respiratory system. Proper diet, enough sleep and preventing cigarette smoking are some of the things to consider in order to keep the respiratory system healthy. 4; Cy) What’s More Fill in the boxes with the appropriate words to complete the process of gas exchange within the alveoli of the lungs. Describe the adaptation of the alveoli. GAS EXCHANGE Describe the adaptation of the alveoli. 1S & What I Have Learned Now it’s your turn! Read and fill out the following “I have learned oath.” Learning to compare and contrast how processes such as gas exchange in plants and animals is a wonderful experience! I can now understand how respiration differ in plants and animals. 1 have recalled that plants (1.) While, animals (2.) Thave learned from this module that plants use structures like (3.) (4) ___, (5.) ____ and (6) ___ for gas exchange. However, respiratory organs in invertebrate animals include (7,) + (8) and (9) - While in vertebrates, (10.) (11) and (12) are used. In animals, there are several factors affecting gas exchange and these are: (13) , (14) » (15) : (6) =. SA and (a7) : The world of living things is indeed marvelous! Plants and animals, though share common things still differ in so many ways. And for survival, our body is performing at its optimum to maintain its good condition and function! And what is more remarkable is how people with great scientific skills have developed a way on how to find solutions or cure to respiratory health problems. Science and society can be good friends. I (write/state your name), do solemnly pledge that I will only do good and responsible science for my society specifically in determining the similarities and differences in plants and animal Processes. 4 } What I Can Do COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, one that especially reaches into your respiratory tract, which rm. includes your lungs. BiB Nt COVID-19 can cause a range of breathing \ Wy problems, from mild to critical. Older adults and . people who have other health conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes may have more serious symptoms. Here’s what the new coronavirus does to your Jungs. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is part of the coronavirus family. When the virus gets in your body, it comes into contact with the mucous membranes that line your nose, mouth, and eyes. The virus enters a healthy cell and uses the cell to make new virus parts. It multiplies, and the new viruses infect nearby cells. Think of your respiratory tract as an upside-down tree. The trunk is your trachea, or windpipe. It splits into smaller and smaller branches in your lungs. At the end of each branch are tiny air sacs called alveoli. This is where oxygen goes into your blood and carbon dioxide comes out. ‘The new coronavirus can infect the upper or lower part of your respiratory tract. It travels down your airways. The lining can become irritated and inflamed. In ‘some cases, the infection can reach all the way down into your alveoli. COVID-19 is a new condition, and scientists are learning more every day about what it can do to your hungs. They believe that the effects on your body are similar to those of two other coronavirus diseases, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). The spread of the corona virus is now becoming enormous. In your point of view as a senior high school STEM student, what can you contribute or suggest to the government that will help in lessening the COVID-19 active cases in your community and flattening the curve? 7 Assessment Let’s see how well you have enjoyed the topic on the process of gas exchange in plants and animals. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. a Which of the following is not a structure for gas exchange in plants? a. Stomata c. Flowers b. Lenticels d. Pneumatophores . Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood supply? a. The lungs of a vertebrate c. The gills of a fish b. The tracheal system of an insect da. The skin of an earthworm When you hold your breath, which of the following gas changes in the blood first and leads the urge to breathe? a. Rising oxygen c. Rising carbon dioxide b. Falling oxygen d. Falling carbon dioxide ‘The process of bringing oxygenated water or air into contact with a gas- exchange surface is a. Respiration c. Resuscitation b. Ventilation d. Exhalation Which of the following is brought about by infection and involves inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs? a. Emphysema cc. Asthma b. Pneumonia d. Cough ‘The driving for diffusion of oxygen across the cells of the respiratory organ is: a. The difference in partial pressure of oxygen in the environment and in the blood b. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood. c. The temperature d. The humidity . In negative pressure filling, air moves into the lungs when a. The volume of thoracic cavity increases b. The pressure in thoracic cavity decreases c. Air is forced down the trachea by muscular contractions of the mouth and pharynx d. Aand B only lg 8, The group of vertebrates that relies on gas exchange across the skin as. well as at the lungs to maintain sufficient blood oxygen levels is a. The fishes c. The amphibians b. The reptiles d. The mammals 9. With rare exceptions, how does the majority of the oxygen transported in the blood of vertebrates? a. By binding to plasma protein b. By binding to hemoglobin in erythrocytes c. As dissolved gas in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes d. As a component of large organic molecules that are broken down by the cells 10.Which of the following factors does not alter the rate of breathing by influencing the respiratory centers of the brain? a, Carbon dioxide partial pressures in the blood b. Oxygen partial pressure in the blood c. Blood glucose levels d. Blood pH 11.Which of the following respiratory surfaces occurs in insects like grasshoppers? a. Lungs c. Tracheal exchange system b. Gills d. Integumentary exchange 12. Amphibians ventilate their lungs by a. Countercurrent flow b. Positive pressure breathing c. Negative pressure breathing d. A system of air sacs that act as blowers to keep air flowing through 13.When the diaphragm contracts and moves down, the lungs are a. Expanding with air b. Shrinking and pushing air out c. Inflated like balloons filled with air d. Dilating both bronchioles and alveoli 14, What keeps mucus and dirt out of the lungs? a. Diaphragm c. Trachea b. Nostrils d. Cilia 15. Which of the following are features of the alveoli that adapt them to gas exchange? I. High Ml. Dry Ill. Thin walls surface area surfaces a. land Il c. Tonly b. and Il d. I, Mand 19

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