Earned Value Report1

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Earned Value Report

Project Name Project Ref. No. Prepared By (print) Preparer's Initials

Customer Contact Contact's Phone Date Prepared

Reporting Period: to

Current Period Cumulative to Date Estimate at Completion

WBS Item Budgeted Cost Actual Cost Variance Budgeted Cost Actual Cost Variance Latest
Work Work of Work Work Work of Work Revised
Scheduled Performed Performed Schedule Cost Scheduled Performed Performed Scheduled Cost Budgeted Estimate Variance
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Explanation of Variances

Significant Issues or Problems

V4.0-Earned Value Report1.xls 1

V4.0-Earned Value Report1.xls 2

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