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Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education

Region III - Central Luzon | Schools Division of Bulacan

Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School
Lias, Marilao, Bulacan

Senior High School Department


Class Number: Name: Garcia, Precious Yvette Garcia Score:

Strand & Section: 11 STEM - 1 Date: Parent’s Signature:
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education
Region III - Central Luzon | Schools Division of Bulacan
Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School
Lias, Marilao, Bulacan

TITLE: Citrus peel as a source of functional ingredient:


Eating fruits and veggies is good for Citrus fruits, such as oranges and tangerines, contain nutrients and antioxidants that
us just like it helps the plants grow. I are beneficial to our health. Kinnow is a kind of tangerine that grows in India throughout
also found out about Kinnow fruit the winter months. People produce juice from it, but there is a lot of peel left behind as
from India, which has really nutritious trash. This leftover peel also has a lot of nutritious ingredients. It's high in vitamin C and
peel left over after making juice. And other beneficial chemicals that can keep us healthy and safe. When we consume meat,
scientists discovered how to make it can go bad because air causes it to change color and taste strange; this happens less
meat safer without using chemicals frequently if we apply specific chemicals to the meat to block this process (although
by using extract from oranges and these aren't usually particularly safe).
other citrus fruits high in healthful Scientists discovered a technique to make meat safer without the use of chemicals.
components that fight disease. They Instead, they employed extract from the skin of oranges and kinnow fruit, which are high
contain natural compounds helpful in healthful components that fight disease in our bodies. Other research have
for preventing cancer, reducing demonstrated that certain varieties of oranges can be beneficial to our health. GOFA
swelling in our body when we're and boropinic acid (found in some fruits) are remarkable natural compounds that help
injured or unwell (like medicine), prevent cancer, decrease inflammation, protect our brains, and even destroy hazardous
protecting our brains, destroying microorganisms. Oranges and kumquats are particularly high in these beneficial
harmful germs compounds.

Flavonoids :

Flavonoids are unique chemicals present in citrus fruits such as oranges. They may
not provide us with energy, but they can help avoid big ailments. Flavonoids are
Summary of flavonoids : classified as glycosides or O-methylatedaglycones. The peels of the fruit contain far
more PMFs than the other sections we consume. These substances from citrus fruits
also do a lot of good for our health, such as preventing cancer, fighting viruses and
Flavonoids are special things in
inflammation, making blood vessels stronger so they don't break easily or cause clots
oranges that can help us stay
that stop blood flow to important places like your brain or heart, which is very bad news,
healthy. They aren't like energy, but
and helping you not get sick when your body is under too much stress by reducing
they prevent big problems and make
oxidative stress caused by aging. Flavanones provide natural sweeteners without the
blood vessels stronger so we don't
need of chemicals. Flavonoids can even keep older individuals healthy for longer by
get sick or have clots stopping
improving the general functioning of their bodies.
important places from getting blood.
Citrus fruit extracts have been examined by scientists to determine whether they might
Flavanones taste sweet without
be utilized as medication or nutritious food. They discovered that when paired with other
chemicals! Citrus fruits grown with
medications, flavonoids, which are natural compounds present in citrus fruit, may help
lots of sunshine contain more
protect our brains and combat illnesses such as diabetes and cancer. Citrus fruits
flavonoids than those in little sun
cultivated in areas with plenty of sunshine contained more flavonoids than those grown
areas. Scientists found different
in areas with little sunlight. The researchers also uncovered distinct forms of flavonoids
kinds of them too - some weaker
present in certain citrus fruits, such as Mandarin oranges, which contain a specific kind
against bad stuff while others work
called naringin while others do not. Flavonoid structures influence how well these
better to help our brains fight
compounds work against harmful molecules known as free radicals; some forms weaken
diseases like Alzheimer's disease.
them while others increase their ability to reduce damage caused by oxidative stress,
Dried tangerine peel also has good
which contributes to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.'As a
stuff called flavonoids whichcan
result, understanding the flavonoid content and structure in citrus fruits can help us
reduce inflammation in the body.
design more effective dietary strategies to prevent or manage these diseases.
Researchers discovered that a natural remedy known as dried tangerine peel can help
preserve our brains. This drug has specific components, such as flavonoids, which are
beneficial in preventing harmful things from occuring in our bodies (such as cancer and
brain issues). One major function of this medication is to prevent microglia cells from
generating inflammation in our brains. Inflammation is defined as swelling within your
body that causes you to feel ill or injured. The researchers also uncovered certain
Republic of the Philippines | Department of Education
Region III - Central Luzon | Schools Division of Bulacan
Assemblywoman Felicita G. Bernardino Memorial Trade School
Lias, Marilao, Bulacan

particular components within the tangerine peel - hesperidin, nobiletin, and tangertin -
that act together to protect humans against these diseases much better than they would
if consumed alone.

SUMMARY(Write 3 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.)

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