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Beano KS2 Lesson 5 Plan – Understanding Change

Date: Key Stage: 2 Teacher:

 To understand the feelings associated with experiencing change
Learning  To understand that we can control some things but not others
Objectives  To identify ways to cope with the feelings associated with change
 To consider who can help support us
Intro Show the introductory video
Pupils will understand that change is inevitable. It can be difficult and stressful as
well as exciting. They will consider the emotions that can be experienced when things
change in our lives and realise that while they can’t control the situation, they can
control their own reactions to it and try to ease the difficulty by using various coping
Starter Activities techniques.
 PowerPoint Slides 1-3: Give the class 3 minutes to unscramble as many of
the words as possible on the board (tip: unscramble the shorter words first!).
5 mins Can anyone think of a commonality for these words? Establish that they are
all things that might change and cause us to experience some difficult
emotions – “and that’s what we will be looking at today: change”.

 Split the class into small, mixed ability groups and give each group a
Scenario Card.

 PowerPoint Slide 4 – In their small groups, children are to discuss the

questions, considering the feelings that might arise as well as what they could
do to make the situation easier. Volunteers to relay their thoughts back to the
class in a whole-class discussion.
Main Activity 20 mins
 PowerPoint Slide 5: Together, look at the thought-shower on the board,
which will hopefully sum up what the children came up with themselves!
Discuss any new ones. “Preparation’ may need further explanation – “Who
could explain how you could prepare for the scenario on your card?”
Examples could be finding out about the replacement teacher – their name
etc., looking on their new school’s website at the teachers or at a map,
checking the local bus timetable…

 Extension Worksheet: Think about a change that has either happened

recently or is about to happen and consider the day-to-day challenges that
change may bring. For example – moving to a new school – the challenges
may be finding your way around, getting the bus there, learning your new
Extension Work teachers’ names etc.) Decide whether each challenge should go on the outer
and Further circle (‘Things I can’t control”) or the inner circle (‘Things I can control’).
Activities Best done in mixed-ability pairs or groups to allow for discussion. Lower
KS2 may need support with this.
Adaption: This could be made into a whole-class activity - if time allows -
with the circles being made out of string on the classroom floor and the
comments placed in the circles on sticky notes.

Plenary 5 mins  Sum up that our reaction to the change, our resilience, is what matters and
what is in our control. We can seek support from others to help us.
 Who can help?
Things – Encourage volunteers to explain who we can turn to.
to consider
 Encourage
When delivering this lesson, you might pupils to turn
trigger to thein
feelings person nextthat
children to them
findtell them one thing
difficult to cope with. that they have learned today that might help them deal with changes in their
lives in the future.
Different children may respond very differently to the same content. It’s really
important to think Observing,
about how question and answers, contribution to discussion and written responses.
these individuals might be best supported. Ensure that
there is an adult that the child can talk to if they are finding the session too difficult
AfL Self-assessment – encourage the pupils to consider whether they feel more confident
and a safe space (somewhere else)
understanding thefor themchange
effects to go ifcan
they want
have on to
us sit
as things
well asout.
the things we can do to
It is really important to adhere to the normal safeguarding procedures of the school
you are working in. Your school willrecommended
PSHE (As have a Designated
by theSafeguarding Lead and clear
procedures to follow if youPupils
are worried aboutthe
should have theopportunity
safety of atochild in your care.
o H8. About change, including transitions (between Key Stages and
schools), loss separation, divorce and bereavement.
o H6. To deepen their understanding of good and not so good feelings,
Curriculum Links
to extend their vocabulary to enable them to explain both the range
and intensity of their feelings to others.
o H7. To recognise that they may experience conflicting emotions and
when they might need to listen to, or overcome these.
o R1. To recognise and respond appropriately to a wider range of
feelings in others.
Key Words Change, preparation, resilience, control
Through questioning and mixed ability pairings. Less able pupils may need support
with the written tasks and more guidance in the discussions.
Preparation PowerPoint, scenario cards (printed and cut per group), extension worksheet.
Evaluation For teacher to complete:

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