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Workshop 4 (Template).

General Spatial Strategy Details

Chosen Development Thrust/s Green University, Clustered and Walkable Infrastructure Development

Buildings with sustainable features such as passive cooling and passive lightings, easy and
Brief Description/Features of the comfortable access from point-to-point, Large open space for healthy, good ambiance
Development Thrust/s environment, safety and indifferently abled people friendly, aesthetically unique, and showcase
cultural aspects among buildings.

Existing Land Use/Infrastructure Map Existing Land Use/Infrastructure Map

Campus Structure Plan

Core Infrastructure/ Spatial Strategies


Academic Main Campus: The Academic building mostly includes lecture rooms which has a standard
building/s dimension of 8m x 9m or 72sq.m that can accommodate 48 students. dispersedly situated in the
entire campus depending on what colleges they belong. These academic building are supported
with the support facilities such as gymnasium, mini oval, covered court, university library,
canteen, cafeteria and other amenities. To avoid pedestrian, student or the faculty from intense
heat and unprecedented rainfall all academic buildings are interconnected with covered walk
and path walks. In the construction of these academic building the main consideration is to
have it accessible in all support facilities of the university. It has a common toilet with state of
the art used of materials such as phenolic boards and other style. Other academic building is
integrated with mini theater for cultural demonstration and other small activities. Academic
building four storey and above are provided with elevator with 10 person maximum capacity.

Annex A Campus: The Academic building located at the annex campus still has the same
classroom features with the other which accommodates 48 students per classroom. It has large
corridors with 3m in width, wide enough to avoid accumulation of traffic and other blockages.
It has pocket garden that serves as lounges and evacuation area. The academic building
integrates the basic facilities such as computer laboratory, library, science laboratory, mini
gymnasium for small scale activities. These academic buildings are situated on a flat terrain
which is ideal for building construction and habitable environment which does not require any
mitigation for slope protection and other structure for safeguarding hazardous land topography.
Academic building is dispersed in the entire campus depending on the colleges they belong. All
colleges are interconnected with path walk and covered walk.

Annex B Campus: The Academic building mostly includes lecture rooms which has a
standard dimension of 8m x 9m or 72sq.m that can accommodate 40 students. A faculty
lounge with a connecting tea sitting room to harbor the relaxation, resting and unwinding
moment of a very stressful hours of a department instructor. Another feature also is to provide
a laboratory to shelter directly all needed laboratory works for each academic unit or colleges.
for instance, the following laboratories shall be attached to each academic building for College
of Technology which will be situated on the northeastern part of the main campus. such as, 3d
visualization, food processing pilot plant. These academic buildings with different laboratory
needs will also be providing the following for easy adaptability such as but not limited to:

 Mechatronics Laboratory
 3d Production Laboratory
 Animation Laboratory
 Multimedia Laboratory
 Trouble shooting Laboratory
 Render Farm
 Child Development Laboratory
 Networking Laboratory
 Butterfly Sanctuary
 Interactive Science Laboratory

These aforesaid laboratories will be situated on every academic building for each college. The
area designated where these buildings be built is strategically situated away from hazardous
areas such as flood prone areas, landslide areas and fault line zones. These academic buildings
will facet green architecture that promotes sustainability, renewable and livable environment.
These includes rainwater harvester that creates a sustainable supply of water. Addedly, all
academic buildings must have solar generator to harvest natural heat for power conversion. The
land topographic gradient is less than 5% and thus ideal for hard scape and landscaping works
that can also be used for outdoor recreation such as open parks and covered facilities for
student gatherings. To accommodate all necessary space requirements for all building, the
direction shall be vertical development and thus, providing all academic buildings with elevator
and other accessway such as, ramps and stairs wide enough to house in all users.

BukSU Global BukSU Annex B- Campus is the ideal location for a wide range variety of facilities such as but
Park not limited to:
1. Learning Development Center
2. College Cafeteria
3. Employees Lounge
4. Co-working Space
5. Student Support facilities
 Recreation Center
 Multifunction Studio for Combative sports and gymnastics
 Atrium for student Organizations
 Career Service Support Facilities
 Swimming Complex
 Student Clubs
 Societies Offices

6. International Affairs Building

 Foreign Language Center
 International Studies Center
 Global Education Center
 Academic Mobility Center
7. BukSU Cultural Center
 Mini Museums in Annex and Satellite Campuses

All these facilities shall be integrated in a modern mix use building in a vertical development.
To conserve land use allocation, 7th to 8th floor shall be considered in designing all these
structure with connecting pathways and pavements surrounding all the edifices and in between.
In this manner, the amenities are separated from each other base on their function but is
conveniently connected with thoroughfares and other means of egress.

Parks and Open spaces are also part and parcel in planning this development to assure
walkability and enough spaces for greeneries promoting good ambiance in effective learning
environment. This open spaces also serves as an emergency evacuation zone. Moreover, the
land where this building be constructed is a flat terrain and is ideal for constructing mid rise
building but is still subjected for soil exploration for the stability of its foundation. Other
features aligned with this structure are as follows:

1. Solar power generator in roof deck

2. Water harvester or putting up cistern
3. Flowcreting instead of tiles for flooring for a lesser maintenance cost
4. Greeneries for passive cooling
5. Natural lighting design application
6. Natural Ventilation design application

Research, Development
and Extension
BukSU Global BukSU Annex B- Campus is the ideal location for a wide range variety of facilities such as but
Park not limited to:
8. Learning Development Center
9. College Cafeteria
10. Employees Lounge
11. Co-working Space
12. Student Support facilities
 Recreation Center
 Multifunction Studio for Combative sports and gymnastics
 Atrium for student Organizations
 Career Service Support Facilities
 Swimming Complex
 Student Clubs
 Societies Offices

13. International Affairs Building

 Foreign Language Center
 International Studies Center
 Global Education Center
 Academic Mobility Center
14. BukSU Cultural Center
 Mini Museums in Annex and Satellite Campuses

All these facilities shall be integrated in a modern mix use building in a vertical development.
To conserve land use allocation, 7th to 8th floor shall be considered in designing all these
structure with connecting pathways and pavements surrounding all the edifices and in between.
In this manner, the amenities are separated from each other base on their function but is
conveniently connected with thoroughfares and other means of egress.

Parks and Open spaces are also part and parcel in planning this development to assure
walkability and enough spaces for greeneries promoting good ambiance in effective learning
environment. This open spaces also serves as an emergency evacuation zone. Moreover, the
land where this building be constructed is a flat terrain and is ideal for constructing mid rise
building but is still subjected for soil exploration for the stability of its foundation. Other
features aligned with this structure are as follows:

7. Solar power generator in roof deck

8. Water harvester or putting up cistern
9. Flowcreting instead of tiles for flooring for a lesser maintenance cost
10. Greeneries for passive cooling effect
11. Natural lighting design application
12. Natural Ventilation design application

Along with the construction of Global Park in Annex B, Research, Development, and
Extension (RDE) Complex is also ideal to construct in the flat terrain portion of Annex B. this
paves the way in having a one look international standard modern contemporary features in the
entire Annex B campus. Since, this campus is design for innovation facilities all modern
approach for the university is located in this particular area. This is 200m away from the
national highway and is near the political zone of the city. The Sprawling development of the
Research, city moves towards the area and perhaps serves to be an attraction nowadays. The same with
Development, and the Global Park which set besides the RDE complex this facility is surrounded with pavements
Extension (RDE) and greenery path walks.
 Solar Power generators in all roof decks
 Water Harvester or putting up cistern
 Flowcreting instead of tiles for flooring for a lesser maintenance cost
 Greeneries for passive cooling effect
 Natural lighting design application
 Natural ventilation design application

Allied Services

Dormitories Main, Annex A and Annex B : The 3 storey men’s and ladies’ dormitory shall be
conveniently position in the southmost portion of annex A far from noise pollution for a
residential vibe. Surrounded with trees for a possible livelihood activity such as planting crops
and other audible plants for consumption. The total number of occupants this dormitory can
accommodate can reach up to 350 students. a common toilet and a common shower are located
on both ends of the building to evenly distribute the accessibility of users. Cafeteria will also be
provided for direct needs of the student and an income generating project for the university.
More passive cooling and natural light ventilation should be the direction for the design to
conserve power and utilize its topographic advantage, a high elevated flat terrain land surface.

Annex B Campus: A 2-storey row house type located at northeast portion of BukSU Annex B
campus. Ideal spot for the housing unit since it is accessible on main roadway where access can
Employees be done to give direct mobility. This housing shall conform all necessary requirement
Housing stipulated on the national building code including the provision of canal, waste management
disposal electrical and water connectivity. The location is designed to build the residential quite
far from any hazardous and noise pollution to attain a comfortable vibe for all the occupant.
General Administration
Administrative Main Campus: The administration building is opted to be located in the most accessible
Buildings portion in the 3 main campuses. For the main campus, directly in front of the national highway
where the front portion can be utilized as rentable space to make it more functional in terms of
income generation. The administration building will also have the use of solar generator
facility in its roofing or roof deck to maximize the solar energy and be able to conserve in the
consumption from the national grid line. This will house all major administrative office such as
the office of the president, office of the vice presidents, and offices of the chief administrative
officers. A common toilet facility with modern water closet and lavatories, a partition of
phenolic boards and other modern design implementations.

Administration building shall also house function rooms for meetings and general assembly
that accommodate large number of participants. A common lounge and a waiting area for
government transaction.
Moreover, the aesthetic formation shall be iconic considering it frontage the university along
national highway.

Annex A Campus: The administration building is opted to be located in the most accessible
portion in the 3 main campuses. For the main campus, directly in front of the national highway
where the front portion can be utilized as rentable space to make it more functional in terms of
income generation. The administration building will also have the use of solar generator
facility in its roofing or roof deck to maximize the solar energy and be able to conserve in the
consumption from the national grid line. This will house all major administrative office such as
the office of the president, office of the vice presidents, and offices of the chief administrative
officers. A common toilet facility with modern water closet and lavatories, a partition of
phenolic boards and other modern design implementations.

Administration building shall also house function rooms for meetings and general assembly
that accommodate large number of participants. A common lounge and a waiting area for
government transaction.
Moreover, the aesthetic formation shall be iconic considering it frontage the university along
national highway.

Annex B Campus: The administration building is opted to be located in the most accessible
portion in the 3 main campuses. For the main campus, directly in front of the national highway
where the front portion can be utilized as rentable space to make it more functional in terms of
income generation. The administration building will also have the use of solar generator
facility in its roofing or roof deck to maximize the solar energy and be able to conserve in the
consumption from the national grid line. This will house all major administrative office such as
the office of the president, office of the vice presidents, and offices of the chief administrative
officers. A common toilet facility with modern water closet and lavatories, a partition of
phenolic boards and other modern design implementations.

Administration building shall also house function rooms for meetings and general assembly
that accommodate large number of participants. A common lounge and a waiting area for
government transaction.
Moreover, the aesthetic formation shall be iconic considering it frontage the university along
national highway.

Annex B Campus: To further maximize the land allocation multi storey parking building shall
now be the new way in dealing the scarcity of parking slot. In this manner, more cars can be
Multi- Storey accommodated and more employees can utilize land allocations. A multi storey parking shall
Parking Buildings be situated near the entrance to reduce traffic flow on the approaching road and thus, accident
in Annex A and B may be avoided.
A parking building that accommodates 100 to 150 cars strategically design that features
covered walk towards the academic building, laboratories and other facilities.
Annex B Campus: Security of people and property is of a top priority. The perimeter fence
Perimeter Fences had been implemented already and thus, need to continue to completely enclosed all campuses
and provide highest security measures. Perimeter fences in Annex B is still to be completed.
Road Network Annex B Campus: Connectivity in all areas of the campuses is also a top priority. Thus, road
network which promotes linkages in all facilities and building for easy access and mobility.
Road network in annex B is designed to have a major road connecting all minor road with bike
lane, pedestrian path walks and shoulders. A Plant boxes separating two carriage way and a
water collection gutter towards the canal. An underground electrical gutter for underground
cabling will also be applicable in the implementation of road network. Also, along the path
walk lane there has to be a landscape area for trees and bushes alongside pavement.
Annex B Campus: To further put away risk and hazardous incident, the university must have a
slope protection in the Main Campus, Annex A and Annex B. This is to secure from the
Slope Protection property from uncontrolled flash flood and soil erosion that may affect the structure, destroy
and Flood Control existing landscaping and perhaps can cause casualties.

Annex B and Annex A Campus: To attain a livable and good view/vista in all campuses, all
electrical, electronic and water line pump system must house in a single facility to have an easy
access monitoring. Wide enough to facilitate maintenance unit for the facility and a storage
room for all the tools and utilities intended to run the facility. This includes the specific project:

1. Construction of powerhouse in Annex A and B

2. Construction of underground cabling and wiring of electrical system in Annex A
3. Upgrading of Network telephone System
Utility Network 4. Installation of fiber optic cabling system in Campuses A and B
5. Installation of powerlines and waterlines in Campuses A and B
6. Installation of waterlines in satellite campuses
7. Installation of rainwater harvester in the main campus old buildings
8. Construction of Centralized STP in the main campus

Main Campus, Annex A and Annex B: Waste management facility shall be located at the
rear portion of annex A and annex B and must have an access to the garbage collecting trucks.
It shall not be near any residential facility, classrooms or any other habitable zone. Away from
Waste flood prone area and must have a roofed facility to cover all segregated, compiled and collected
Management garbage. At the same time, a decomposing pit must also be near the facility, it will serve all the
Facilities biodegradable materials for decomposing process.
Open Spaces in main campuses are situated in disperse areas with landscape which includes
softscapes and hardscapes. This serves as an emergency evacuation area during earthquake
Open Spaces other natural disasters. Open spaces include the construction and improvement of mini oval for
sports and field demonstration activities. In physical education, open spaces can be utilized as
an area for active learning in practical examination and other outdoor training programs.

Resource Generation

Main Campus: resource generation facilities include the construction of commercial spaces in
the administration building that open to tenant with related business in education and other
associated sphere in the university. This is located in front of the national highway to capture
the direct market from outside and also the students from inside the campus. The location is
ideal for commercial space for it has a very plain and flat terrain for construction and is very
accessible in all basic necessities such as but not limited to water and electricity.
Annex A Campus: commercial building will be built across the interconnecting road in front
of the main gate. The sprawling development in this area is a huge indicator that a commercial
building is viable and feasible to rise. The businesses intended for this commercial complex
shall also align with the basic necessities of the student, faculties and personnel of the above-
mentioned campuses.

Guide Questions:

1. Where will this building/infrastructure be located?

2. Why do we prefer to build it there?
3. What are the specific conditions of the land where this building/infrastructure will be built? (physical characteristics, socio-cultural factors,
functionality, efficiency, convenience, etc.?
4. Is there a sequential/chronological consideration in the establishment of this infrastructure/facility? If yes, what should be built first before
building this? Why? What will be built after? Why
5. What are the special considerations in the establishment of this infrastructure so as to align/conform/adhere to the chosen development thrust?

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