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Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

 Loan
◦ the lending of money from one entity (the lender)
(could be a person, a company, a government, etc.) to
another entity (the borrower)

 Terms of a loan
◦ the details of the loan agreed between the two
entities, e.g. principal amount, interest rate,
repayment, loan period, etc.

 The borrower shall repay the lender the principal (P0) and
the interest to pay off the debt.

 The interest rate, the loan period and the frequency of

repayment will affect the amount of the repayment.

 A portion of each repayment is paid for the interest accrued,

and the remaining portion will be the principal deducted

 In general, there is a recursive relationship:

Pt = Pt-1 × (1 + r) – A for t = 1, 2, 3, …, n
where A is the repayment amount.

 Many different types of loan available

 Two main categories: Secured Loan and Unsecured Loan

 Secured Loan
◦ Collateral is required
◦ e.g. car loan, mortgage, etc.

 Unsecured Loan
◦ Collateral is not required
◦ e.g. personal loan, student loan, etc.

Today, we are going to discuss:

 Personal Loan
(Regular Repayment vs. Irregular Repayment)

 Let’s look for some personal loans offered by some
banks in Hong Kong.


 Citibank


 Monthly Flat Rate
◦ The interest rate of the loan based on simple interest
(I = P0 × r × n)

 Annualized Percentage Rate (APR)

◦ A reference rate which included the basic interest rate and
other fees and charges, expressed as an annualized rate

◦ To annualize: (1 + r)m = 1 + APR

where r is the interest rate per period,
m is the number of period in one year
e.g. If r is monthly interest rate: APR = (1 + r)12 – 1
 Ellen would like to borrow $10,000 for her trip to Taiwan.
She found that HSBC was offering a monthly flat rate of
0.17% for a 12-month loan with monthly repayment.
(a) Find the monthly repayment.
(b) Find the APR and the repayment schedule using Excel.

(a) Based on the monthly flat rate (simple interest):

Total amount of interest = $10,000 × 0.17% × 12
Priuipal Monthly Loan
= $204 Period
flat rate

Total amount to repay = $10,000 + $204 = $10,204

Priniipal Laterest

Monthly repayment amount = $10,204 ÷ 12 = $850.33

 Remarks:
A personal installment loan repayment calculator is also
available on the HSBC website:

 The online calculator showed that the APR was 3.82%,
but it did not have the repayment schedule (or,
sometimes called the amortization schedule).

 So let’s confirm the APR and prepare the repayment

schedule with Excel.

 To find the APR,
we need to use the
Solver (which is
similar to finding
an interest rate).

 (1) Set up the

spreadsheet with
the correct

 (2) Input parameters in Solver
Set Target Cell: $B$21 (←We want the ending balance to
be $0 because we need to clear the debt after 12 months)
Equal To Value of 0
By Changing Cells: $B$5 (← We want to calculate
interest rate per month, then to calculate the APR)

 (3) Click Solve and you will have the answer.

 Again, there are some other ways to write the formulas
in the spreadsheet.

 Here is one
of the

alternatives: ⼆

( + )

= 17
 In fact, HSBC has a table to summarize the monthly repayment and APR
for different loan amount and loan period at different monthly flat rate.

 Some other banks, for example, Bank of China (Hong
Kong), also have online repayment calculators for their
personal loans.

 Bank of China (Hong Kong) has an online converter

between Flat Rate and APR as well.

 In Example 1, we pay off the debt with a regular
monthly repayment.

 Some banks might have special offers from time to

time, e.g. payment holiday, cash rewards, etc.

 An example from OCBC Wing Hang Credit:

 Janice is considering a 3-year loan of $80,000 from a
bank. Interest is compounded monthly and the annual
interest rate is 6%. The bank allows her to choose one
of the following repayment schedules:
(i) Monthly repayment
(ii) Monthly repayment with a special offer of payment
holiday in June of each year
(iii) Quarterly repayment (i.e. pays at the end of March,
June, September and December of each year)

 (a) Find the amount of each repayment for the

repayment schedules (i), (ii) and (iii).
 (b) Compare the total interest expense.

 (1) Set up the spreadsheet with the correct formulas and
find the answer by Solver.

 (2) Input the parameters in Solver

 (3) Click Solve and you will have the answer.

 Note: interest will still be accrued in June of every year even
though she can skip her repayment.

 The set up of the spreadsheet is similar to Example 2(a), but

we need to set a formula to tell Excel to pay $0 in June of
each year.

 MOD Function in Excel

◦ The MOD function returns the remainder after a number is divided by
a divisor. + 0
4 ÷ 2 2 2

◦ Syntax: =MOD(number,divisor) 5÷ 2 = 2 ×
2 +

8 ÷ 3 = 3 × 2 + 2

e.g. =MOD(4,2) will return 0 (4 ÷ 2 → Remainder = 0)

=MOD(5,2) will return 1 (5 ÷ 2 → Remainder = 1)
=MOD(8,3) will return 2 (8 ÷ 3 → Remainder = 2)

 Janice either pays the monthly repayment amount OR
zero in each month. Therefore, we can use IF function
to select one possible “outcome”.

 The combination of IF and MOD function can tell

Excel when she needs to make a repayment (in January
to May and July to December of each year); and when
she doesn’t need to pay anything (in June).


 (1) Set up the spreadsheet with the correct formulas and
find the answer by Solver.

 (2) Input the parameters in Solver

 (3) Click Solve and you will have the answer.

 Total interest expense =
Total amount of repayment – Principal

(i) $2,433.75 × 36 – $80,000 = $7,615.18

(ii) $2,655.57 × 33 – $80,000 = $7,633.89
(iii) $7,337.83 × 12 – $80,000 = $8053.99

 The more frequent you make a repayment, the less

interest you pay.

 Ringo would like to borrow $350,000.
 Interest is compounded monthly.
 Annual interest rate is 5.25%.
 Loan period is 10 years.
 Monthly repayment with a special offer of payment
holidays in February and May of each year.

 Find the monthly repayment amount.

 OR Function in Excel
◦ The OR function is to check whether the arguments are true or
false. It returns “TRUE” if one or more than one of the
arguments is/are true; return “FALSE” if all of the arguments
are false.

◦ Syntax: =OR(argument1,argument2,…)

e.g. =OR(3>2,2<4) will return “TRUE”

=OR(5<2,2>1) will return “TRUE”
=OR(1>3,3>4) will return “FALSE”

 The combination of OR, IF and MOD function can tell
Excel that Ringo needs to make a repayment in
January, March to April, and June to December of each
year; and no repayment in February and May.


Jenny is planning to go to Europe and watch the UEFA
Champions League Final for her graduation trip. The
estimated total cost of the trip is $22,000.

 She could repay $1,000 for 24 months only. Suppose

the annual interest rate is 8% and interest is
compounded monthly, how much could she borrow?

 Would the loan provide sufficient fund for her trip?

 (1) Set up the
spreadsheet with the
correct formulas and
find the answer by

 (2) Input the parameters in Solver

 (3) Click Solve and
you will have the

 With $1,000 monthly

repayment for 24
months, she could
borrow $22,110.54.

 Sufficient for her trip!

 Christine received a cold call from a finance company. The
representative offered her a loan of $21,000. She could pay it off
with a monthly payment of $1,500 for 20 months and there is
absolutely no handling fees or other charges. Christine doubts
that it might be a fraud.
 Assuming interest is compounded monthly, find the effective
interest rate per annum* of this loan for her.

* Effective interest rate per annum is the annualized interest rate

(like how we annualize it for APR) without incorporating the
handling fees and charges.

 Is this loan legal in Hong Kong?

Note: 60% per annum is the maximum effective rate of interest
that a lender could charge on any loan in Hong Kong.

 (1) Set up the
spreadsheet with
the correct
formulas and find
the answer by

 (2) Input the parameters in Solver

 (3) Click Solve
and you will have
the answer.

 Effective Interest
Rate = 54.06%

 It’s still legal!


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