2023 Grade 7 Mentor Life Skills Education Schemes of Work Term 1 13 22 Dec 08 51 17

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We Les Strand Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Learning experiences Key inquiry Learning Assessment Reflection
ek son questions resources
1 1 Personal Types of By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to list the What are Pictures Oral
Managem emotions learner should be able to: negative and positive emotions? Flash cards questions
ent Skills displayed in emotions Photographs Oral Report
different a) List the negative and Digital Checklist
situations positive emotions. Learners to draw facial devices Observation
b) Draw facial expressions expressions showing the
showing the different different types of emotions Mentor; Life
types of emotions. such as, anxiety, guilt. Skills
c) Have a desire to Anger…etc. Education
express positive Learner’s
emotions. Book Grade 7
page 16-18

2 1 Personal Managing By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to What are the Pictures Oral
Managem emotions learner should be able to: identify the ways of effects of Flash cards questions
ent Skills positively managing emotions. negative Photographs Oral Report
a) Identify the ways of emotions? Charts Checklist
managing emotions. In pairs, learners to state the Digital Observation
b) State the effects of effects of negative emotions. devices
negative emotions.
c) Identify places and In pairs, learners to identify Mentor; Life
people who offer places and people who offer Skills
psychological support psychological support in the Education
in the community. community. Learner’s
d) Compose a poem about Book Grade 7
the importance of In pairs, learners to compose page 18-23
managing emotions. a poem about the importance
e) Managing emotions of managing emotions.

3 1 Personal Managing By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define stress. What are the Pictures Oral
Managem Stress learner should be able to: common Flash cards questions
ent Skills In groups, learners are sources of Photographs Oral Report
a) Define stress. guided to identify the stress? Charts Checklist
b) Identify the sources of sources of stress. Digital Observation
stress. What are the devices
c) List down the effects of In groups, learners to list effects of
stress in our day-to-day down the effects of stress in stress? Mentor; Life
lives. our day-to-day lives. Skills
d) Recite the poem in Education
learner’s book. in groups, learners to recite Learner’s
e) Manage their stress the poem in learner’s book. Book Grade 7
appropriately. page 23-25

4 1 Personal Managing By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to list down How do you Pictures Oral
Managem stressful learner should be able to: ways of managing stress in manage Flash cards questions
ent Skills situations in their lives. stressful Photographs Oral Report
our lives a) List down ways of situation in Charts Checklist
managing stress in their In groups, learners are your life? Digital Observation
lives. guided to discuss the role of devices
b) Discuss the role of Guidance and Counselling Why do we
Guidance and services in stress need to Mentor; Life
Counselling services in management. manage stress Skills
stress management. in our lives? Education
c) Design posters with In groups, learners are Learner’s
messages on the guided to design posters Book Grade 7
importance of with messages on the page 25-28
managing stressful importance of managing
situations. stressful situations.
d) Appreciate ways of
managing stressful
situations in our lives.

5 1 Communit Community By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to What is Pictures Oral
y Service Service learner should be able to: brainstorm the meaning of Community Flash cards questions
Learning Learning Community Service Service Photographs Oral Report
(CSL) a) Brainstorm the Learning. Learning? Charts Checklist
meaning of Community Digital Observation
Service Learning. In groups, learners to devices
b) Identify the activities in identify the activities in their
their community which community which people Mentor; Life
people can engage to can engage to benefit all Skills
benefit all. (children, youth and older Education
c) Discuss the steps to people) Learner’s
follow when carrying Book Grade 7
out a Community In groups, learners to discuss page 29-32
Service Learning the steps to follow when
project. carrying out a Community
d) Have a desire to do a Service Learning project.
Community Service
Learning project.

5 1 Communit Accomplishi By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to read What are the Pictu Oral
y Service ng a learner should be able to: the case study in learner’s benefits of Photographs questions
Learning Community book. Community Charts Oral Report
(CSL) Service a) Read the case study in Service Digital Checklist
Learning learner’s book. In groups, learners are Learning? devices Observation
Project b) Discuss the benefits of guided to discuss the
Community Service benefits of Community Mentor; Life
Learning. Service Learning. Skills
c) Identify problems in Education
their community and In groups, learners to Learner’s
design solutions to the identify problems in their Book Grade 7
identified problem. community and design page 32-33
d) Appreciate the solutions to the identified
importance of problem.
Community Service

7 1 Interperso Types of By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to identify How do you Pictures Oral
nal relationships learner should be able to: types of relationships in our relate with Flash cards questions
Relationsh in our lives lives. others at Photographs Oral Report
ip Skills a) Identify types of home, in Charts Checklist
relationships in our In groups, learners are school and in Digital Observation
lives. guided to discuss the skills the devices
b) Discuss the skills which can help you maintain community?
which can help you strong, healthy and long Mentor; Life
maintain strong, lasting relationships Skills
healthy and long Education
lasting relationships. Individually, learners are Learner’s
c) Draw a circle showing guided to draw a circle Book Grade 7
levels of relationships showing levels of page 35-37
in their life. relationships in their life.
d) Appreciate different
types of relations in
our lives.

8 1 Interperso Importance By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to identify What is the Pictures Oral
nal of value- learner should be able to: the importance of having importance of Flash cards questions
Relationsh based value based relationships. value-based Photographs Oral Report
ip Skills relationships a) Identify the relationships Charts Checklist
in our lives importance of having In pairs, learners to mention in our lives? Digital Observation
value based situations in life which devices
relationships. require effective
b) Mention situations in communication Mentor; Life
life which require Skills
effective In groups, learners to create Education
communication. a skit showing the benefits Learner’s
Create a skit showing of healthy relationships. Book Grade 7
the benefits of healthy page 38-41
c) Appreciate the
importance of having
value based

9 1 Interperso Characteristi By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify How can Pictures Oral
nal cs of learner should be able to: characteristics of effective effective Flash cards questions
Relationsh effective verbal and non-verbal communicatio Photographs Oral Report
ip Skills verbal and a) Identify communication. n help you to Charts Checklist
non-verbal characteristics of live Digital Observation
communicat effective verbal and In pairs, learners to outline harmoniously devices
ion non-verbal the benefits of in school?
communication. communicating effectively Mentor; Life
b) Outline the benefits of in different situations. Skills
communicating Education
effectively in different In groups, learners to play Learner’s
situations. the game, “Whisper game” Book Grade 7
c) Play the game, “You do not say” page 41-45
“Whisper game”
“You do not say”
d) Appreciate the
benefits of
effectively in different

10 1 Interperso Situations By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify values Which values Pictures Oral
nal that require learner should be able to: that enhance negotiations enhances Flash cards questions
Relationsh negotiation negotiations? Photographs Oral Report
ip Skills a) Identify values that In groups, learners to Charts Checklist
enhance negotiations. describe different situations Digital Observation
b) Describe different that require negotiations in devices
situations that require our daily lives
negotiations in our Mentor; Life
daily lives. In groups, learners to role Skills
c) Role play situations play situations that require Education
that require negotiations Learner’s
negotiations. Book Grade 7
d) Appreciate the values page 46-48
that enhances
negotiation in life.

11 1 Interperso Life skills By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to state life What is the Pictures Oral
nal that enhance learner should be able to: skills that enhance importance of Flash cards questions
Relationsh negotiation negotiation during social negotiation Photographs Oral Report
ip Skills during a) State life skills that interactions skills in day- Charts Checklist
social enhance negotiation to-day life? Digital Observation
interaction during social In groups, learners to list devices
interactions. down the importance of
b) List down the negotiation skills in their Mentor; Life
importance of day-to-day life Skills
negotiation skills in Education
their day-to-day life. Learners to draw a circle Learner’s
c) Draw a circle showing showing life skills that Book Grade 7
life skills that enhance enhance negotiation during page 48-51
negotiation during social interaction
social interaction.
d) Appreciate the
importance of
negotiation skills in
their day-to-day life.

12 1 Interperso Ways of By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to state the Have you ever Pictures Oral
nal making learner should be able to: ways of making peace with resolve a Flash cards questions
Relationsh peace with oneself under different conflict? Photographs Oral Report
ip Skills oneself a) State the ways of circumstances Digital Checklist
under making peace with devices Observation
different oneself under In groups, learners to role
circumstanc different play peaceful conflict Mentor; Life
es circumstances. resolution strategies Skills
b) Role play peaceful Education
conflict resolution Learner’s
strategies. Book Grade 7
c) Have a desire to live page 51-54
d) Appreciate the
importance of making


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