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This game is what we called write the gossips. Each groups will fall into line and must
emphasize concentration. First, each groups will have a representative to get the message that will be
given by the facilitators. After they get it, they will pass this message to their teammates and whisper or
murmur it to them. The line must have long distances. It is an information relay so every team should
concentrate and listen carefully. The sender must be at the back of the line. After the gossip or message
passed to their teammates, the player who is in the front of the line is the one who will write the gossip on
the board. Note: the first group who finish to write the gossip will be held as a winner. Always remember
that team work will to team’s victory.

SKILLS: Has a strong sense of hearing and fast writer.

VALUES: Patience and honesty in playing.
PLAYERS: Each groups are included in this game.
PLACE: Inside the classroom.
EQUIPMENTS: Chalks and papers where the message was written.
GROUND PREPARATION: Remove your ear wax, sleep well, and eat well.
OBJECTIVE: Finish to write the gossip.
MOVEMENTS: The sender at the back will whisper or murmur the gossip to their teammates until it
reach the person in the front of the line. The player in the front of line will write the gossip on the board.

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