Project Proposa-WPS Office

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(Project Proposal for Construction/Installation)

Project Title: Street light Installation

Prepared for: Mr. Rolando Tuazon

Barangay Captain

Prepared by: Ma. Isabel J. Tuazon

Rationale: The project proposal for streetlight installation aims to improve safety, promote social
inclusion, enhance mobility, boost the local economy, foster community engagement, attract tourists,
and support environmental sustainability. By installing streetlights, this will create a safer, secure, more
inclusive, and vibrant community for residents, businesses, and visitors.

Background: According to the Baranggay help desk, four cases of robbery and two cases of motorcycle
vehicular accidents was reported last April, and March, 2023. All the aforementioned incidents occurred
at night around 8-11 pm where some of the victims are going home from their duties, and some are out
to buy food.


To install streetlights in alleyways where most people pass through

To ensure the safety and security of residents, and visitors.

To lessen the incidents of robbery and motorcycle vehicular accidents.

To improve mobility that will enable safe travel during nighttime

Source of Fund/Other agencies inlove:

Barangay fund for safety and security

Barangay Officials

City/Municipal Engineers and Technicians

Materials needed/budget
Expected Output/Deadline: The installation may start this June 3-7, 2023.

Evaluation: The project shall be inspected by the municipal engineers and technicians.


Brgy. Lanot, Roxas City, Capiz



To obtain the position of restaurant manager that will utilize my passion in cooking, and managing. To
create a new experience where I can leverage my skills, experience, and dedication to contribute to
company growth while continuously expanding my knowledge and advancing my career.


• Excellent verbal and written communication abilities

•Ability to motivate and inspire team members to maximize their potential.

• Quick learner who can easily grasp new concepts and technologies.

• Strong analytical skills with the ability to identify, analyze, and solve complex problems.

•Exceptional customer service skills with a focus on customer satisfaction.

Work Experience:



Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Major in Culinary Entrepreneurship

Filamer Christian University, June 2023

Roxas Avenue, Roxas City, Capiz 5800

Relevant Experience
Student Leader

Hercor College Inc.

Roxas City School for Philippine Craftsmen


I hereby certify that all above information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

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