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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Chapters 1 – 2

Basic questions

1. Can you find any information about Mr Bucket’s job?

He worked in a toothpaste factory as a cap-screwer, where he screwed the little caps
on toothpaste.
2. How does Charlie feel when he sees other children eating chocolate? Why?
It felt like a torture to him, because his family was poor and couldn’t afford any other
food than cabbage.

3. Some words are written in capital letters in Chapter 1. Why do you think it is?
Because those words are an important subject not only in the chapter, but in the
whole book. The readers can pay bigger attention to them if they’re written in capital
letters. It’s also for emphasising the words.

4. When Grandpa Joe tells his story about Willy Wonka, how does it make Charlie feel?
Charlie was really interested in the whole story. It even made his mouth water. He
wanted to heareverything.

a. How does it make you feel?

It feels like working there was fun, I would definitely try it.

5. Have you read any other Roald Dahl books?

The BGF, The Twists and I read a bit of Demon Dentist.

6. How is Charlie similar or different to other important child characters you know
He’s much more humble and nicer than the other kids. They are spoiled, but Charlie
was raised right.

Devilish activities

A Grandpa Joe describes Willy Wonka as “… the most amazing, the most fantastic, the
most extraordinary chocolate maker the world has ever seen.” What do you think Willy
Wonka might look like? Draw a sketch, showing the clothes he can wear, the expression of his
face, his hairstyle and his accessories (doplňky). Add comments or evidence from the story.
Grandpa Joe described him as a magician with chocolate, so that’s probably what inspired me
to give him a cape and a hat.

B A superlative is used to compare more than two things, and to see which is the biggest
or the greatest.

a. What superlatives can you find in the first two chapters?

Worst, greatest, biggest, cleverest

b. Can you find synonyms for “amazing” as well? Roald uses these to get his
reader excited!

Marvelous, fantastic, extraordinary

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