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December 9, 2022

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You are most like The Planner
Planners are driven to put structure and systems around goals, translating ideas into practical and
achievable plans. They tend to be planful, methodical and results-oriented.

A goal without a plan is like having a ship without a navigational system—you know where you want to go, but don't know how you're
going to get there. Planners gather and translate data and information from available sources to develop focused plans that improve the
likelihood of achieving goals and objectives.

Typical Planners have the ability to gather and evaluate relevant information, facts, and data and organize it effectively. They work
through information and data systematically to make sure it falls into proper order. They don't necessarily mind being directed to goals
and objectives that their plans work toward, rather than being the one responsible for putting them in place.

Other distinguishing characteristics include setting ambitious goals and tenaciously pursuing them until they’re accomplished. They
think through things in a structured and methodical way. They are good at getting ahead of events so that they're ready with a plan before
it’s needed, minimizing risk and uncertainty. They apply logic and practicality so that plans have a high probability of success. They tend
to be less inclined to spend too much effort seeking new, unconventional methods if tried and true ones can work.

While they take initiative and are likely strong executors themselves, the key to taking on more responsibility lies in managing others to
implement plans for them. Some Planners may be less inclined towards people management, while others may be more. In any case,
seeking out and learning to engage productively with others who are different than themselves—be it more emergent and less organized,
or more people-oriented—will serve them well in the long run.

Planner Talents Planner Growth Needs

Taking direction and seeing the future with a balanced Being patient with people who are less organized and
sensibility for how things really work diligent than them
Collecting and making sense of numerous data points and Recognizing that perfection is difficult and can be stressful
information to achieve
Developing, adjusting, and creating backup plans Understanding that the impact of emotions on their plans
Applying reason and practicality to decisions and choices can’t be perfectly accounted for
Developing precise schedules and timelines Staying flexible and not overly rigid; things don't always go
Reliable execution as planned

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You also have attributes of the Growth Seeker and the Coach

The Growth Seeker

Growth Seekers are defined by a deep passion for learning and personal growth and development. They tend to be
curious, humble, open to new ideas and experiences, and adaptable.

The Coach
Coaches regard self-growth, development and learning as a cornerstone of life and daily practices and they teach and
model these as aspirations for others. They tend to be both demanding and caring, humble and resilient.

Here are the archetypes you are least like

The Entertainer
Entertainers are driven by creating experiences and engaging with the world and particularly the people in it. They
tend to be outgoing, original, agile, energetic, joyful and lighthearted.

The Individualist
Individualists walk to the beat of their own drum and find unique ways of expressing themselves and their originality.
They tend to be creative, independent, expressive, perceptive and at times sensitive and dramatic.

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How You Prefer to Think

Creative 26% Deliberative 63%


You tend to stick to established rules and routines rather than You tend to rely on logic and analysis, with a moderate
deviating from tradition to do things your own way, with a inclination to be methodical and strive for objectivity when
moderate inclination toward coming up with original ideas and reaching decisions and making choices.
Logical 77%
Original 58%
Systematic 53%
Curious 33%
Impartial 46%
Non-Conforming 11%

Detailed and Reliable 72% Conceptual 67%


You tend to be organized and detail-focused, though may be You have a preference to think abstractly and philosophically,
less concerned with meeting strict deadlines or commitments using theories and models to solve problems.
in a timely way.

Organized 77%
Detail-Oriented 90%
Dependable 23%

Practical 73%

You have a preference to focus on direct, real-world

consequences in making decisions and choices.

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How You Engage with Others

Extraverted 47% Tough 43%


You may prefer less social activity and to engage in more You have a moderate willingness to be direct, frank with your
intimate settings, though tend to seek adventure and views, and argue you for what you think.
excitement in the activities you participate in.
Feisty 40%
Gregarious 24%
Critical 51%
Engaging 46%
Direct 44%
Adventurous 86%

Nurturing 54% Leadership 41%


You have a strong desire to prioritize and support others' needs, You tend to be less inclined to assert control or take charge in
are fascinated by their behaviors and tendencies, though tend groups, though when leading, are generally comfortable setting
to be less sensitive to and caught up in their emotions and clear goals and objectives, and rallying others to achieve them
feelings. as necessary.

Helpful 75% Taking Charge 26%

Empathetic 20% Inspiring 53%
Person-Oriented 78% Demanding 59%

Humorous 49%

You have a moderate preference and appreciation for humor,

being light-hearted and not taking matters too seriously.

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How You Apply Yourself

Composed 92% Autonomous 78%


You tend to remain calm, confident, and controlled under stress You tend to be self-motivated, hold yourself accountable to the
or pressure. outcomes you experience, though have a desire for more
direction and clarity when achieving tasks and goals.
Calm 96%
Independent 14%
Confident 93%
Self-Accountable 90%
Poised 65%
Internally Motivated 96%

Flexible 58% Determined 90%


You tend to embrace change and uncertainty, are interested in You work hard to go after ambitious goals, push through to
your own personal growth and development, but prefer to be accomplish what you start, though may be less active in seizing
consistent in who you are and the roles you play regardless of new opportunities outside of what's already on your plate.
the circumstances.
Persistent 96%
Adaptable 60%
Driven 95%
Agile 19%
Proactive 31%
Growth-Seeking 89%

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Humble 63% Energetic 88%

You like to explore different perspectives, are open to being You have high levels of stamina, enthusiasm, and energy in
wrong and receptive to critical feedback, while generally work and life.
projecting self-confidence rather than modesty.

Receptive to Criticism 86%

Open-Minded 77%
Modest 16%

Status-Seeking 55%

You have a moderate preference to please, “keep up”

appearances, be liked, admired, and respected.

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How you respond in different situations:

Now that you've reviewed your detailed results, "You" in Context gives insight into how the combination of your attributes may play out in
a variety of work and life situations

When interacting with others, you... As a leader, you...

...Balance time spent alone and with groups ...May not be the first to take charge, but step up when called
...Are moderately inclined to be joyful and lighthearted, but know upon
when things need to be taken seriously ...Alternate between being direct and diplomatic depending on
...Try to strike a balance between supportiveness and direct what you see as required in the situation
feedback as necessary ...Rely on rules and standard operating procedures when
directing others
...Like drawing out the thinking of others for input, but ultimately
make your own calls
...Believe acknowledging your and other people's strengths and
weaknesses is part of being a good leader
...Balance when to lead and when not to

When planning, you... When solving problems, you...

...Anticipate change by creating contingency plans ...Gravitate toward more traditional methods and ideas rather
...See good organization and structure as an important way to than innovative ones, but are open-minded to other ways of
control for change thinking
...Drive hard toward clear, specific goals ...Are comfortable finding solutions without much direction or
...Like to identify precisely what's needed to achieve goals guidance
...Operate best with a well-structured and fleshed-out plan to ...Are quick to put structure and precision around vague ideas
track progress against ...Believe it’s ill-advised to rely on untested solutions
...Track progress diligently against targets ...Rely on past experience as a guide
...Make a strong effort to complete tasks early ...Don't take unnecessary risks
...Translate big-picture strategies into detailed plans ...Trust reason and established rules
...Like to take a concrete and systematic approach

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When setting goals, you... On a team, you...
...Set practical and realistic targets and push through to achieve ...Try to strike a balance between sharing your own thinking and
them letting others have the floor
...Generally prefer to go after your own goals rather than ...Balance spending time supporting the group and finding time
following others to yourself
...Overcome challenges with determination ...Are motivated by challenging goals, and balance diplomatic
and direct approaches when expectations aren't met
...Care about the team’s success as well as your own

Under stress, you... When learning, you...

...Generally remain cool, calm, and focused ...Prefer topics that are logical and objective over those that are
...Calmly turn mistakes into self-growth and learning rather than intuitive and subjective
let them get you down ...Pay very close attention to facts and data
...Confidently believe that you can manage your stress without ...Prefer an organized curriculum and following a clear schedule
much support from others ...Take your deadlines and commitments seriously
...Tend to be confident and resilient no matter how ambitiously ...May lose interest when subjects get theoretical
you set your goals ...Like to engage with new and different perspectives
...Tend not to show off or overstate what you know
...Like subjects that are abstract and philosophical
...Are comfortable studying around people, but also need
moments of peace and quiet
...Are interested in applying tested methods using concrete
knowledge and skill
...Have good stamina and endurance

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