Lesson Plan in Mathematics For Kindergarten

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Mathematics for Kindergarten

Prepared By: Keitaro Ryo Nazareno

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the children will be able to:
• Count numbers 1 to 10 consecutively
• Write numbers 1 to 10 correctly
• Appreciate the importance of using numbers

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Counting and Writing numbers 1 to 10
B. Reference: Creative Expression K-2
C. Materials : Chalk, Green Board,Eraser, Cellphone, and Laptop

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Goodmorning children! Goodmorning teacher!
Before we start our session for today, I want you
to stand up and let us all pray, Ms.Luchana please ( Pupils will stand up and start the prayer )
lead the prayer.
Okay, before you sit down I want you to greet your
seatmate “maayong buntag classmate”. Maayong buntag classmate!
Very good! You may now take your seats.
Let’s check the attendance, who are absent this
morning? ( Pupils will answer )
Now that we’re done checking the attendance. Let
me ask you children, what is the weather for
today? Sunny day teacher!
Correct! Our weather for today is sunny day!
Let’s sing a song for our weather today, sing with
It’s a sunny day, it’s a sunny day, it’s a sunny day
that the Lord has gave, that the Lord has gave. We ( Chilldren will sing with the teacher and dance )
will rejoice, we will rejoice, we will rejoice cause
it’s sunny day, cause it’s sunny day. Cause this is
the weather that the Lord has have, we will
rejoice cause it’s sunny day.
And this is the weather that the Lord has gave.

B. Review
Did you enjoy singing the song children? Yes teacher!
Okay, now that we’re pumped up, hmm let me ask
you guys on what is our lesson last meeting? Counting from 1-5 teacher!
Very good memory children! Now that we’re done
countinh 1-5 let’s move on to countinh 1-10! Are
you excited children? Yes teacher!
C. Motivation
But before that let us sing first a song which I
know you’re familiar of, it’s called Little Indians
Song, let’s sing it. One, little two, little three, little Indians, four, little
five, little six, little Indians, seven, little eight, little
One, little two, little three, little Indians, four, little nine, ten little Indian boys.
five, little six, little Indians, seven, little eight, little
nine, ten little Indian boys.
D. Presentation
After singing that wonderful song of Little Indians,
did you noticed that we are already counting
numbers, yes or no? Yes teacher!
Correct! Now I have a picture here of the numbers
1-10 and I want you pupils to observe.

E. Discussion
The first number of counting 1-10 is number 1
What is the first number of counting 1-10?
1 teacher
Next to it is a picture of what?
A car teacher!
Correct! What is the color of the car? Red teacher!
Correct again! How many car do you see? 1 car teacher!
Very good! The next one is called number 2
What is the next number to number 1? Number 2 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Picture of erasers teacher!
Wow, very good! What are the color of the erasers
in the picture? Pink and red teacher!
How many erasers do you see? 2 erasers teacher!

Very good! The next one is called number 3

What is the next number to number 2?. Number 3 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Trucks teacher!
Very good! What are the colors of the trucks? Green, blue, and yellow!
How many trucks do you see? 3 trucks teacher!

Correct! The next number is called 4

What is the next number to number 3? Number 4 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Bushes teacher!
Very good! What is the color of the bush? Green teacher!
How many bush do you see? 4 bushes teacher!

Correct! The next number is number 5

What is the next number to number 4? Number 5 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Bags teacher!
Very good! What are the colors of the bags? Yellow and orange, Blue and skyblue!
How many bags do you see? 5 bags teacher!

Correct! The next number is number 6

What is the next number to number 5? Number 6 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Vans teacher!
Very good! What is the color of the vans? Yellow and orange!
How many vans do you see? 6 vans teacher!

Correct! The next number is number 7

What is the next number to number 6? Number 7 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Children teacher!
Very good! What are the colors of the clothes Red, yellow and green, pink and blue!
children are wearing?
How many children do you see? 7 children teacher!

Correct! The next number is number 8

What is the next number to number 7? Number 8 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Pencils teacher!
Very good! What are the colors of the pencils? Yellow, red, yellow-green,skyblue, and violet!
How many pencils do you see? 8 pencils teacher!

Correct! The next number is number 9

What is the next number to number 8? Number 9 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Apples teacher!
Very good! What is the color of the apples? Red teacher!
How many apples do you see? 9 apples teacher!

Correct! The next number is number 10

What is the next number to number 9? Number 10 teacher!
Next to it is a picture of what? Trees teacher!
Very good! What is the color of trees? Green teacher!
How many trees do you see? 10 trees teacher!

F. Enrichment Activity
Okay after that familiarizing of numbers, this time
I will be teaching you how to write numbers.
While I am teaching you how to write numbers, I
will call random pupil to write the following
number on the board.
Did you understand the instructions? Yes teacher!

G. Application
Now that you are learning quickly on how to write
the numbers 1-10. In your notebook, write as
much number you can write from 1-10 ,
understand children? Yes, teacher!

IV. Evaluation
Fill in the blanks the missing the number/s.

1.) 1,_,3
2.) 8,_,10
3.) 5,_,7
4.) 3,_,5
5.) 7,_,8
V. Assignment
Tomorrow we will be counting 1-10 backwards so I hope you will be practicing at home.

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