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Hannah Grace D.

Grade 12 – Daniel


I w as really excited for the intramurals since it is my first time experiencing it in Bradford
and also after 2 years I w ill experiencing it again. I w as excited for the booths. But the
excitement turns into a disappointment. Or I w as just expecting too much and w hat
happened didn’t reach my expectations. I grow up studying in public schools and their
intramurals w as so fun and entertaining. I w as just shock that it is not w hat I am
expecting to be.

First day of the intramurals w e w ere so early
at school because the said time for the
opening w orship was 8 to 9 am. We
attended the opening w orship w as then
follow ed by a parade. Our muse for
intramurals w as in her absence at that time
and I w as the chosen one to proxy her, I
w as w ith the partner of the muse w ho held
the banner for grade 12 during the parade.

Afternoon came and w e w ere preparing

for our field demo. We gathered at the
quadrangle. The competition has finally
started and w hile w atching the elem I was
in aw e because they are so cute. And
also the kinder makes makes me w ant to
pinch their cheeks because of their
cuteness. When it is our time to perform I
w as really nervous because there are so
many people w atching us but luckily, our
performance is not that bad at all. After
w e perform w e went back to our
temporary room w hich is the grade 5
room to get our things so w e can go home.
We w ere early at school on the
second day for the reason that w e
are going to support our
representative for Mr and Ms
I ntarmurals. But because of the
heav y traffic I was a bit late that
time. When I arrived it w as the
kindergarten who is in the stage
and I can feel the support of their
parents. Honestly I w as a bit
jealous because ev en in their small
achiev ement, their parents are
there to support those cute kids. I nev er experienced that. Being cheered w ith my
parents. That w as ev eryone’s dream and me is not an exemption. At the v ery young
age, that dream of mine w as destroyed for the reason that I am a fruit of a broken
family. I grew up w ithout a father and my mom is also busy of her w ork. I grew up w ith
my lola’s care. Gosh i’m sorry for the
outburst but that is really w hat I feel
at that moment w hen I saw their
parents cheer for them. Going back
to the Mr and Ms, I w as rooting for
the Ms Grade 1, she is so cute and
lov ely. Her smile really captured a
lot of people. But sadly luck is not in
her fav or. Afternoon came and it
w as my time to shine. I am
competing for badminton at the 5t h
floor of our building. I hav e 2
opponent and I w on against all of
them. I w as declared a champion
for badminton I ntramurals 2023!

Third day came, the ball games has started
and it w as Grade 1 v s Grade 2 in basketball.
They are so cute! Like I w as laughing the w hole
game because they are so fun to w atch. I was
really entertained. I was also hav ing fun eating
w ith the foods that I bought from the food
booth or w hatever we call that booth w hile
w atching the game. I w as actually eating the
w hole day that is w hy I don’t hav e money
anymore hahaha. The next game w as grade 4
v s grade 5 and yet I w as still standing at the 2nd
floor in old buiding. The grade 4 w on and I w as
being a fan girl at that kid w ho plays in grade
4 because she plays basketball so w ell!
The grade 12 is playing v olleyball
against the grade 11the morning
w hen I came to school. I w as
w atching the grade 12 w on against
the opponent. I didn’t actually
participate for the v olleyball because
I really don’t hav e a passion w hen it
comes to it and w hen I tried to play
v olleyball, my hands is sw ollen the
w hole week. Nothing really happens
that much at that day. I t’s just me and
my friends bought a hair colored clip
at the grade 1 and 6 booth. I picked
the color yellow because I think that
color suited my hair color and also it
suited my not so fair skin. Ryezak on
the other hand choses blue because
that is her fav orite color and also
sandy choses v iolet because that is
also her fav orite color. To the point
that he also w ants to w ear the JHS
tshirt because its v iolet hahaha.

Last day of our intramurals, grade 12 v olleyball was declared as the champion because
they w ere suppose to compete with the college but sadly the college w as forfieted
because they don’t hav e enough players. Also our basketball w on the game against

the college. I was actually left the school when it’s already 11:30 in the morning
because I had a entrance examination on 12pm at CEBU NORMAL UNIVERSITY. That is
w hy I w asn’t able to attend the MAPEH Day. The entrance examination lasted for 4
hours, and w hen I was about t go back to school at 4pm, I didn’t see my classmates so I
decided to go home instead.

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