Can Could

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Modal Verbs

(All modal verbs + verb without to)

Can – mund ( folje ndihmëse) Tashmen – present

Can + verb (without to – pa to perpara)

Example: Can eat, can drink, can sleep, can walk, can drive

Ability – mundësi të besh diçka, aftësi në të tashmen

I can drive.
I can swim.
I can speak English well.

Possibility – 75%
Maria is missing today, she can be ill.
My mum called me yesterday, she can be worried.

Permission –leje Can I open the door?

Could – Mund ( past, present, future)

Past– Ability we have won before (aftësi që e kemi fituar me parë.)
Amar could speak when he was 1.

Present – formal (formale) , Permission (leje)

Could I open the door?

Maria could be ill, she is missing today.
Maria could be at the doctor, she was ill yesterday.

Future – Suggestion (sugjerim)

We could go to the shopping centre tonight.

New word and expressions

Coach – trainer
Coaching – trajnimi
Referee – arbitër
Refereeing – arbitrimi
Journalism (xhornëllizm) – gazetaria
Journalist (xhornëllist) – gazetar
Youth (juth) – rinia
Primary (prajmëri) – fillorja (shkolla)
Skill (skill ) – aftësi
Decision (disizhën) – vendim
Such as (saç es) – të tilla si
Wave (ueiv) – valë (deti)
Improve (impruv) – përmirsoj
Luckily (lakili) – për fat të mirë
Simple (simpëll) – e thjeshtë
Simplier – më thjeshtë
Clear (klliër) – qartë
Clearer – Më qartë
Properly – Në mënyrë korrekte (sit properly – ulu mirë )
Find hard – ta gjesh të vështirë ( I find hard the phrasal verbs)
Explain (ikspllein) – shpjegoj
Equipment (ikuipmënt) – pajisje

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