Simracingmania Rulebook

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Official Rulebook

V2.0 (26th March 2023)


Chapter List

Chapter 1: Essential Information

Page 3

Chapter 2: Taking part in Simracingmania events

Page 4

Chapter 3: Server Settings & Driver Assist Settings

Page 5

Chapter 4: General Code of Conduct

Page 6

Chapter 5: General Championship Rules & Structure

Page 7

Chapter 6: Race Stewards & Incident Reporting

Page 8

Chapter 7: Rules During A Race Weekend

Page 9

Chapter 8: Racecraft
Page 10

Chapter 9: Penalties
Page 11

Chapter 10: Official Broadcasts & Misc Rules

Page 12

Chapter 1: Essential Information

1.1 Simracingmania is primarily a Discord sim racing group which races in rFactor 2. The link
to join our league can be found at:

1.2 Our website has a host of features - such as: Dedicated sections for each championship,
event calendar, a master list of every SRM Champion, live timing, championship standings,
drivers briefings, news section & more. Our website can be found at

1.3 Drivers are required to use their real name for every Simracingmania race/event.

1.4 Our Discord group is where drivers will have direct communication with the race
stewards and admins, discuss current races & championships, talk about car setups, sim
racing advice or just chatting about anything. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming

1.5 All drivers & teams wanting to race in Simracingmania must be part of our Discord group.
This is to allow proper communication from the SRM admins & moderators regarding event

1.6 Simracingmania is managed by our league admins, this includes managing SRM Race
events, the SRM website & the day to day running of the Discord group. If you need to contact
them use the @admins tag within Discord. If you wish to discuss something privately you can
private message them. However they reserve the right to not reply depending on the
situation or they are busy.

1.7 Every SRM Championship will have a dedicated section both within our Discord Group &
on our website.

1.8 SRM Admins are responsible for managing series race events, when handling race events
or incident reviews they are referred to as Race Stewards.

1.9 Simracingmania uses either GMT or BST time for our races- depending on the time of
year. When the change-over occurs drivers will be informed within our Discord group.

1.10 All Simracingmania races & events take place on Tuesday evenings with qualifying
beginning at 20:40 unless stated otherwise.

Chapter 2: Taking part in

Simracingmania events

2.1 Any drivers who wish to take part in a SRM Championship need to fill out that series
sign-up form. This can be found on our website in that championships dedicated page or in
our Discord group in that championships section within #important-links.

2.2 When a driver uses a series Sign-Up Form, they will be required to state their Discord
name, real name, depending on the series what car they want to use, a dedicated driver
number for that series, and state if they want to race as part of a team, if yes then the driver
will state his team name.

2.3 Once this is complete go to our Discord group and choose the #Role-Assign tab for that
particular series, then you will be able to chat in that section with the other drivers & receive
important information from the Race Stewards/admins.

2.4 If a driver changes his mind about any of the above in Rule 2.2, They should use the
#car-team-change-request for that specific championship, stating their current car, team
name (if you have one) & driver number, then state what they wish to change, for example
changing team/car.
The Admins will then complete your request and let you know when it is done.

2.5 Drivers who want to use a custom race livery should use the Skin Upload form. This is
found in each series respective main page on our website as well as on our Discord group
within our Discord group in that championships section within #important-links.

2.6 Every SRM Championship operates on a ‘first come first serve’ sign up basis. After the
first 40 drivers have signed up to a series, any driver who signs up after that will be classed
as a reserve driver.

2.7 If a priority driver misses 2 races they lose their Priority status, with the first reserve
driver being promoted, so on and so forth.

2.8 Reserve drivers will be notified approximately 20-30 minutes before the beginning of
Qualifying how many spaces are available. Reserve drivers should not be on the server
directly before this point and may be asked to leave by the Race Stewards until this time.

2.9 Any driver who is unable to demonstrate they can race & in a safe and predictable
manner will be removed by the Race Stewards for that particular race for the safety of the
other drivers taking part.

Chapter 3: Server Settings & Driver

assist settings
3.1 Depending on the track some circuits may only allow a limited number of drivers, or have
limited grid boxes. If this is the case the Admins will notify the drivers beforehand regarding
the situation. Typically the average maximum grid is 40 cars.

3.2 All driver aids are disabled with the exception of automatic clutch and traction control if
the car supports it. If you require the use of automatic gearbox incase of a disability please
contact the Admins via a private message.

3.3 All races use live weather unless stated otherwise.

3.4 Custom car setups are always allowed unless stated otherwise.

3.5 Drivers are required to have a stable internet connection. Ping higher than 175ms is not
allowed for SRM events.

3.6. No special signs are allowed to be used as your driver name on the SRM RF2 server.
This is to prevent issues with server commands.

3.7 All drivers should be using some kind of steering wheel/pedals when participating in
SRM Races. Drivers wishing to use a gamepad/controller should first consult with one of the
SRM Admins/Race Stewards before race day. Only once they have personally validated your
ability to race consistently will you be allowed to take part in SRM Races.

3.8 SRM Servers will have no password requirements with the exception of race day. The
password will be visible on the series page, as well as provided to all registered drivers via
the race stewards/admins on discord.

3.9 Drivers who DNF near the end of the race will still be classified as completing the race if
they manage over 90% race completion. If they are still classed as being in the points when
the race ends then they will be allowed to keep their points.

3.10 To enter SRM servers (example a GT3 server) you need to own at least 1 of the cars
available to drive on the server, the track the event is being held on & the rest of cars should
be installed. For further information use this official guide from Studio 397:

3.11 If the Race Stewards classify the event as a wet race during warm-up session, the
series specific tire rules no longer apply and you can use any of the allowed tire compounds
for the race. Pit stop rules will still apply however.

Chapter 4: General code of conduct

4.1 SimRacingMania reserves the right to add, remove or modify articles of the regulations at
any time, if the rules are updated, an announcement will be made on our Discord channel to
notify all drivers within SRM.

4.2 Should there be a scenario in which the regulations do not cover an incident or situation
completely (for example a track limits bug), the race stewards will decide how to handle this
loophole going forward, and a statement will be made clarifying what the decision is.

4.2 All SRM drivers are expected to act respectfully & responsibly towards their fellow
drivers, both in our Discord as well as in game within rF2. Bullying or harassment is not
allowed nor acceptable within SRM. Anyone found to be bullying or harassing someone else
will be dealt with accordingly by the SRM admins & moderators, with punishment ranging
from a warning to an outright ban.

4.3 Revenge Driving under no circumstance is not allowed and will lead to an instant

4.4 Cheating is expressly forbidden, this covers exploiting bugs with the race software being
used, e.g. rFactor 2, or running external software which illegally gives you a performance
advantage. If a driver encounters or discovers a potential way to cheat, he must report it to
one of the admins of SimRacingMania. Programs such as SimHub, Crew Chief & Racelab are
not considered cheating and are perfectly acceptable.

4.5 Using another driver’s/teams livery is not allowed (unless with permission) and will be
penalised or disqualified should it continue after being noted by the race stewards.

4.6 Hitting another car after a race has finished is not allowed, this is to prevent injuries or
damage which can be used by drivers using high powered direct drive wheels.

4.7 SRM Race stewards reserve the right to disqualify, penalise, remove or permanently ban
any driver who is found to be driving in a dangerous manner and fails to improve once
warned by the race stewards.

4.8 The use of horns is not allowed during SRM Championships or races. Special events
such as xmas special races may allow the use of a horn, check the event information page in
Discord or on the website if this is the case.

Chapter 5: General Championship Rules

& Structure
5.1 Expanding on rule 1.2 - Each series has its own section both in our Discord group as well
as on our website - . As referenced in Rules 2.1 & 2.5 In our
Discord group go to #Important-links for that series where you find the series sign up form,
custom livery upload, required content links & the Incident Reporting link.

5.2 The specific Rules for each championship will be shared on our website in their
respective section, this will include things like: Start type, Success ballast, Fuel, Tire & Pitstop
rules, as well as other important rules.

5.3 Custom Liveries - In the #important-links section you will find the Custom series number
plate that should be used. Also in important links is our Official Skin Pack download link
which is required to enter that SRM championship.

5.4 The Sign-up list shows how many drivers are signed up as well as what car they have
chosen, if they are driving for a team, what car number they have chosen, and if they are
priority or reserve driver. The Sign up list can be found on both our website and Discord

5.5 Drivers can sign-up to race as part of a team, team’s can have a maximum of 3 drivers
per team, with the top 2 drivers per team being able to score points each race.

5.5 Championship points will be outlined in its series website section, if a series also has
points for fastest lap & pole position it will be shown there as well.

5.6 Before every Championship round there will be a round preview & briefing which provides
a summary of all the important information for that round. This will be posted on our website
and directly shared with that series drivers in Discord. At the start of a championship a
drivers briefing may be held by the Race Stewards within our Discord in the #general voice

5.7 After every championship round drivers are encouraged to share how their race went in
that series #press-conference section. Each driver's press conference will be shared in a
dedicated Round summary on the website. Example:

5.8 To expand on the Round Summary report, in the report there will be a brief description of
the race winner & the top 3’s race overall, a Gallery link with screenshots of various points of
the race, the drivers reactions as listed above, success Ballast (if applicable) for the next
round, and the links to the official Race Results & Incident Report (the latter may be posted
separately time depending). This is posted on our website & shared within our Discord.

Chapter 6: Race Stewards & Incident

6.1 Race Stewards (aka SRM Admins & Moderators) Are responsible for overseeing all SRM
races & events. Their job is to ensure the event runs successfully and to help ensure
everyone is able to race, this may include things such as restarting a race session to allow a
driver back if they were kicked for example.

6.2 Race stewards may also host drivers briefings in the #general voice channel. here they
will go over all the basic rules for the race as well as answer any questions the drivers have.
If a voiced drivers briefing is going to be held it will be announced in our Discord series
section ahead of time.

6.3 Race Stewards are also responsible for applying Success Ballast to any driver that
requires it, as well as applying penalties in game penalty ballast, grid penalties, drive
through/stop go penalties, and if the situation requires it a DSQ. This applies both in game &
to Post Race incident Reporting. They can also remove penalties that have been applied
unfairly due to a track bug/other circumstance.

6.4 During an official SRM Qualifying/Race session you are involved in an incident you think
needs reviewing by the Race Stewards, you should use that series Incident Report Form. The
link for this form can be found in the #Important-links section for that series in our Discord
group as well as in that series website section.

6.5 In the Incident report form you will need to provide your real name/discord name, the
name of the drivers involved, the lap/corner number or server timestamp and provide a brief
summary of the incident from your perspective. All incidents must be reported by midnight
the next day (e.g. Wednesday midnight).

6.6 Race Stewards are responsible for handling all incident reports that are submitted and
review each one and apply post race penalties as required. Once the Incident Report is
complete they will share their report for all drivers to see. This will include clips of the
incident, a brief description of the incident from their perspective as well as the verdict.

6.7 In the event that a driver receives a post race penalty but they DNF’d from that race, the
penalty will be applied as either a grid penalty or in the form of success ballast depending on
the scenario.

6.8 Race Stewards cannot judge their own incidents in order to prevent obvious bias from
occurring. In case of a deadlock an independent party will help review the incident.

6.9 When the Incident Report is published that series championship points & results pages
will be updated accordingly.

Chapter 7: Rules during a race weekend

7.1 During Qualifying & Race sessions no in-game text chat is allowed, with the exception of
Race Stewards depending on the situation.

7.2 Track Limits are defined by the track settings within rF2, but as a general rule they are to
be considered either the white line or the out edge of the tracks kerbs unless stated
otherwise. In the event there is a track limits issue the Race Stewards will post a clarification
in the #announcements section of that series showing what is/is not acceptable for the race.
At least two wheels must be in the legal part of the track.

7.3 If you are not sure of what is considered track limits and the game is not very clear, SRM
views track limits to be either the white line or the outer edge of the tracks kerbing unless
stated otherwise.

7.4 During Qualifying you are allowed to press Escape - just be sure not to park on the racing
line or in a way that will affect other drivers, If you press Escape during the race your car will
be retired.

7.5 Blue Flags During Qualifying - if you receive a blue flag you must Immediately get out of
the way so as not to block the driver behind on a flying lap, failure to do so will result in a

7.6 Blue Flags in a race - If you receive a blue flag during the race you should let them pass
ideally within 3 corners or within a timely manner. Any driver who ignores blue flags for half a
lap or more may be penalised depending on the situation. Drivers attempting to follow blue
flag rules should do so in a predictable manner, no erratic movements, example - lift off the
throttle on the next straight.

7.7 If you have started your timed lap and the countdown for the session has reached zero,
you will be able to continue your lap and it will still count.

7.8 Loss of control - If during qualifying or the race you lose control - such as spin, go off
track or are involved in a crash, if you end up facing the wrong way on track or are off the
track entirely, you must wait for a safe gap to rejoin the track or spin your car around. Also -
drivers MUST hold their brake when they are spinning/out of control. This will let the Race
Stewards know that in the event of you spinning into another car during the crash that you
did your best to bring the car to a halt. Also - If you rejoin the track in an unsafe way or
attempt to spin your car round when another driver is approaching you that will be
penalised. Drivers are expected to find a safe gap to rejoin the track, and rejoin in a way that
you do not drive across the entire track to reduce potential incidents.

7.9 Drivers must always follow the white lines for pit entry & exit during Qualifying & the

Chapter 8: Racecraft
8.1 The Defending driver is allowed to make one clear defensive move on a straight and then
is allowed to return to the racing line. Example: moving to defend the inside line, they are
then allowed to return to the racing line before the braking zone.
Weaving on the straight, and other reactionary moves such as blocking or moving in the
braking zone at the last second is not considered acceptable and can lead to avoidable

8.2 If the attacking car is alongside on corner entry - to clarify front wheel to rear wheel fully
alongside, then the defending car should leave at minimum of 1 car width. If the attacking
car’s front wheels are not fully alongside with the defender's rear wheels then the defending
car has no requirement to give them room into the corner.

8.3 Also - having your car drift from one side of the track on a straight or corner exit to push
an attacking driver off track is not considered acceptable if any part of the attacking car is

8.4 The overall responsibility for a safe overtake rests on the attacking driver. Attacking
drivers attempting a ‘dive bomb’ or lunge should be aware this is a risky manoeuvre and
should be treated with caution.

8.5 To expand on rule 4.3, Revenge Driving is not allowed under any circumstance and will
lead to an instant Disqualification. Repeat offences will result in a driver being banned from
that Championship, if this does not improve their behaviour then they will be banned from
SRM entirely.

8.6 If you are driving a damaged car back to the pits, if possible stay off the racing line and
try to drive in a predictable manner. Be sure not to affect any driver approaching you at
racing speed . If you are genuinely struggling for control and need to cut the track to make it
back, you will not be penalised for cutting the track. If the game penalises you let the Race
Stewards know in an incident review and they will adjust your race time post race once they
have reviewed and verified the situation.

8.7 Drivers attempting to unlap themselves should only attempt the overtake with the utmost
car so as not to affect the driver who is a lap ahead’s race in a major way. Assuming the
driver behind has unlapped themselves, if they are not able to pull away within 5 corners then
they must obey blue flags and let the driver a lap ahead back past.

8.8 Procedure for overtaking lapped cars - Once the driver behind is within Blue flag
distance, the driver behind attempting to overtake a car a lap down should use the Headlight
Pulse button (on cars that have headlights). If not try and overtake them in a respectful way,
keep in mind that they are driving their own race.

Chapter 9: Penalties
9.1 If an incident or crash requires a penalty, the Race Stewards have the ability to penalise a
driver via a post race penalty with the Incident Report, a penalty for the next race, or a penalty
live. The first two are far more likely to be used. Race Stewards can also remove penalties
applied by the game unfairly as stated in rule 6.3

9.2 Types of penalties that can be applied: Official Warnings, Time Penalties, Grid Penalties,
Success Ballast, DSQ, Championship Ban, League Ban.

9.3 Official Warnings - Drivers may receive a warning for an incident by the Race Stewards, if
they receive 3 official warnings over the course of a championship they will start at the back
of the grid for the next round in that series.

9.4 Time Penalties - Time penalties are the most common type of penalty that will be
applied, with common time penalties being 5, 10, 15 seconds, with the more severe incidents
requiring harsher time penalties.

9.5 Grid Penalty - If an incident needs penalising but the driver in question has retired from
the race, they will receive a grid penalty for the next race instead.

9.6 Penalty ballast - Depending on the situation, penalty ballast can be applied also.

9.7 Disqualification - This is a very extreme punishment that will only be applied in the worst
of scenarios, such as revenge driving for example.

9.8 Championship or Simracingmania Complete Ban - If a driver is disqualified from a race

for revenge driving for example, and repeatedly does the same thing despite warning from
the Race Stewards, both in the report & in a one to one private discussion to try and diffuse
the situation, or someone is being acting in an extremely hateful way in our Discord group
towards someone else/a group of people, we will have no choice but to ban that person from
that SRM Championship, or even worse a league ban entirely.
Banning someone is an extreme last resort we never want to use.

Chapter 10: Official Broadcasts & Misc

10.1 Simracingmania are broadcasted live when possible, sadly this is not always the case. If
a SRM Race event is being broadcast live it will be announced in several places - the series
specific announcement page, the #live-streams-links page, as well as published on our

10.2 If the race is being broadcast live with an official broadcast, as well as writing in the
series broadcast page, drivers are encouraged to take part in live interviews with the
broadcaster. This would take place in the the #commentary-booth voice channel. Push to talk
would be required for a live interview.

10.3 If a driver is looking to join a race team when taking part in SRM events they should use
the #drivers-marketplace page within the Paddock section of our Discord.

10.4 Simracingmania also has an F1 Fantasy league, if you wish to join you can do so here:
League code: C5LXZUADU06
This is entirely optional but you are welcome to join.

10.5 If someone wishes to promote a 3rd party league/race event outside of SRM they must
use the #series-other-clubs page within the paddock section.

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