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Llave, Luis Sebastian C.


1. How can you promote awareness of the crisis in health and fitness to Filipinos?
2. What do you think are the factors that hinder you and your family from participating in a
community event?
3. How do you see yourself in becoming a leader? Do you have the qualities of a leader?

¹I will promote awareness of the crisis in health and fitness by creating a poster that
contains the cause and effects of not engaging in physical activity or conduct a
community wide campaign and discuss the cause and effects of not engaging in
physical activity personally. ²There are several reasons why my family is being hindered
from participating in community events but the main reason why is because of the
busyness of each member of the family, both of my parents are busy with their job while
we childrens are busy with our studies and because of that we don’t have enough time
to spent for a community events.

³I know myself more than other people do. I know to myself that as a leader I am
responsible, I have initiative and am also a constructive thinker. As a leader I need to
be responsible and also have an initiative for my team. I need to think constructively in
order for us to have a good result or outcome. Being a leader is tiring but in order for
you and your team to achieve a job well done, you need to put more and more effort.

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