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Corinne Briones

Mrs. Cailotto

May 5th, 2023

Philosophy Of Education Statement

I believe the purpose of education is to make sure everyone can get an equal number of

opportunities to learn and thrive. Everyone deserves the same opportunity during their

schooling, and this will help them later in life. Students need this schooling for later in life

because the school gives students a way to learn things, they wouldn't be able to at home.

There are different ways of teaching and if all students, in the end, learn from the same

curriculum then it would be great. No matter where the area or what school students go to,

they should be able to get the same opportunity and education. Our education system is set up

to ensure the success of students in America to thrive and to make sure they are on the correct

path through elementary school all the way to high school. (Reflection 1)

I believe students learn best when there is direct instruction. When the teacher is there

willing to explain not just hand out work sheets. Yes, the students must be willing to learn and

not defiant but when there is no help or direct instruction the student may just not want to

learn anymore. But as a teacher it is hard trying to understand each student’s way of learning.

But by taking surveys or asking peers how they learn best that is an amazing way for students to

learn. When students are allowed to work in groups or have project-based learning that may

help more as well. (Reflection 2)

I believe a good learning environment is one in which the teacher is engaged with each

student. From my time in school as well as my time in my internship I genuinely believe when
the teachers aren't engaged and just give students busy work. The teacher must get to know

students on a one-on-one level for the students to feel comfortable interacting in

conversations. As well as having interesting lesson plans, students get more involved when

there are project-based assignments or partner work. The best way to create a good learning

environment is for teachers to notice how students learn and plan off that. (Reflection 3)

I believe that teachers should have the following qualities kindness, understanding, and

passion. Kindness is important because when you show the students how nice and willing you

are to help, they will be more respectful, and the classes will go by more easily. Being

understanding is important because all children in school have things going on in life and it is

hard having to do school when a tragic event happens in your life. But in the times, they must

look past all that and come to school. It makes it so much easier when they have one teacher,

they can confide in. When a teacher is passionate about the topic they are teaching, students

will get more involved. (Reflection 4)

I believe teachers should assess their practice and stive to improve by looking into their

grades, ask students what kind or work they like, and ask peers. By looking into their grade

book, they can take an educated guess by seeing how their students are doing with the work

that is being handed out. Asking students how they like to learn can be extremely helpful.

Teachers can do surveys that the class may take with questions about each student's learning

struggles and strengths. Asking coworkers may help as well since they can see what they are

struggling with in their classes. (Reflection 5)

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