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Introducing Yourself

When you introduce yourself, you can mention your basic background such as your name,
country, age, and job, as well as information about your family and your hobbies. Here are
some useful phrases for introducing yourself.

My name is (name).
I am (name) = I’m (name).

I am from (country). = I’m from (country).
I come from (country).
I live in (country).
I am (nationality). = I’m (nationality).

I am (number) years old. = I’m (number) years old.
I am (number). = I’m (number).

I am a/an (job). = I’m a/an (job).
I work in/at a (place)
I am unemployed. = I’m unemployed.
I want to be a/an (job).

Marital Status
I am married/single/divorced. = I’m married/single/divorced.

There are (number) people in my family.
My wife’s/husband’s/mom’s/… name is (name).
She/He is a/an (job).
Their names are (names).
They are (jobs).

595 E. Colorado Boulevard. Suite 623 Pasadena, CA 91101, USA

I am a student. = I’m a student.
I study (major).
My major is (major).

I like (activity).
I don’t like (activity).
I love (activity).
I hate (activity).

595 E. Colorado Boulevard. Suite 623 Pasadena, CA 91101, USA

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