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ame: Rorgit Port Rell No!-3'3, \ ose ICTILET TI =a er aaa 4. Bevive the expression of _temque__ef the oduct _ | | mote ome find the value of mowtmum _droque Ht >? Be ue__ef an mduchion moter ( being due ty i ae of _a_soter_and_stetyr field) = i T= 4FIocoshy |_ whens — oz flux of -rotatme stafos In= toto _cursrert/_phase_an Osh = voter __powes factor i | Sing, _aotor ef /phose ot _ sterifill,- Bx .1T= Exh wsda : : — Pe kG Ss Cosdo-) where _k is any conibrr ; | bet, Ras coher _vesisernce pew_phove i Lez spter__imductynte pes _phose : Ee 2 induced emf of esvtuy/ phase _ ak standfill LAL stemd-fill« = _Thduced _ermP_ of _arvtur pov prove? Ex { Rotet__yirmpling rsesist™re par phate > : | Roker coking rigctrne per phase, Ys rable , rahore fF iy i the_supply . Frequonu, 1 fofor __tmpecanee _perr phase; 2.2 Ve aye G Urerint per phase ~ Gr - & ze Trttye ; LAL slip's> — ane ae | Tneluce dl emp of crofos_pers_| phoe= SE os __ moriteres 2 9rAla > antl + $ U#L)= oo rE ___impederere_ per a iste ba - 2: Rete eurearert pert oe a on Me Ian a =e f. fo — Gi) —_—_— Ra" ar se ye — = te oh Hu he acter —uprvent To lags he ~owlve? volbee Ea. Ba ee factsr ange dr gen 2 _ das ‘ert Si sh) TG pipes pieteril oeillrote sli gerres, i ee cosd. > Re = PY D oe _ feet xe oa" wer ip _the alee “of fe and cost, from POM we oe ccc a _4 pe tt Be Sf = fe am [ee SX oe CCICTICELL] on. > fre moxtroure_ > tveque. 2 “he__value of torque when __rnter_is_ctunning is. iver by — a oa) —¢ Te ks ke a> hit Sha 2 : : mo To 66k : _ — 42 st} . SS Le i 7 Re = ie pe as we, Te eR &* — eee oe 2 - . (e- ee le my, 12 eR G* Qo i [ke Bo) 4 2% ‘ s eas - a peel toque will be mom? $f the value sept bond sito of 9 @_is man”, his oa om is__possible if dhe value of —_ denorminater shovon below fs equal fo wero, ee a i (& Lx)? 20 . a0 + 0. fe Voie a i : fs ste —@D ? » the _dovetoped 4rrque of am _fndurctio ooter | bs man if dhe__csoter cversene phue «6 [equal fp toh orectrnee. poe wale “wear i conditions + i uth the yale _ of -& in. =. ® We ge4 Geckstte Se See oy : 7 Lie ¢ s2mbyiors ss a from above equation, Hts clearer ton rae | dovqua__s__mdeperstort__of votor__vestsfamee , “Hore . Sheeting Torque (Tet)2 ‘50 Nt» = ee fbr, cect 8 pole, 50H2, <3. pi. _brluchn moter develips tbe stro of 50Nm.Tho rotor winds To | Fropedomee of TEs Teed pect__phoe. At “ohn —— the meter will develop the _ taludafe. «the value | No. of pole (P)28 -, frrequeneylf)= SDHa 4 We kno that, Slip[s)>_ts- Nm I Ns 50, Stiga te Ne Ns mr. __p.02%2 350-Nm Aso % Nm 950-45 i “Nm 335 epry, (CE AE mon? torque) if ies ___staasien Sterling tetaue, { Tet > Khe 6? i hth | Here, wal SU er Os Oe: ty h.enso’d a 2K” AxhTH50- y Ren 2 6.8 i for 0.9 £ Tr: sotim so E 502 6 3bnso! K0.L¢ G™ (0.8) ¢ [0-4 )~ - @® - r oo Ent 280.9% g8av on We _[enow, a ee . Monimuns ‘Terque, \ = Tino 2k Ea “ ss | Ro : : 2 36x90 Tyfgh5)™ — | f : AR 0-4 : | > 62.77Nro 2Leanm ee Hone, speed of motor vill develop 935 —pm ab 2 toyque aml __Mmamiemum torque _js__6avro 3.|A_20hp, 9 phase, 50h, 4 pole Grduction moby ha a fall load slip of 47. The _firteton amd windage [ow cet 500 voorts. (alewlde the ay eeppor Jos | ana autor _ speed. —_ [se a Hes, = ee | Ponce __dewoloped by ae: 20 hp 20x9562 14920 N | Frichbn and comdoge fous spon a nlovy ea alert xm Povare dvelped by shaft + _ -7 ae Rwer _toput to rotor = Power developed by avior tt epippery loss to Ragan v0 pact f \ Fuh toad slip 6.04 : . Copper toss in redkoe = 649.5 tn) Loppers _loss “ro optur . 15420 4 Copper toss to ater Now, ___full_ food _ slip |_Rotor__frput power: Copper loss in ube — 2 GUS 0.04 © 460625 Wh Now, N52» soof £ wher, | B fz 50H =o _ sz 2x50 2 s5000pry 9 : _|__Rotwr _ speed Ne)2? | gle _ know i Siiplid:Ns-HR ; iz Ns aye 4500- NR ~ i 4500 i 2 NR> 94D apr t Me op 4 : es AL 20 hp, phase sof, 4 pole tofnehge losses of 27. of the output The full least o slip ts 7. Caltulade the fallastng at full loc condition. 8440) Fotos coppas loss lo) Rove. put power © Output: tyeque Son iGiven lage, Powter _cloveloped by shaptd= 2ohp > 20%796 W = 24920L Frequaneytf) 2 50 Hz. No. of pole [pe y Phases 3 Full load slip ts2 3%2 00% | Rotvs speed (Ne)=2 (ad) dynchroneus speed(Ns> s20F - seox5D p ss00 aprn P 4 Sifpls) 2 Ns- Ne Ne il OF, 0.032 4500- NK A500 et NR > 1955 pro “ie aa by apter= Revser duretoped ty shot t_finetion and winrdage lowes 449204 AY of 14920 152489 W Power “tnput ra “olor s ! | fa toad i i Copper [oss wotoy . Tt 6.03 an loppes loss tn Mboer 4 R067 W slip per “developed! by vate [ t copper_loss im rotor _ = loss_in_ voter, fewer developed by rotor + coppes los fo rotor 45248.4 + (opps loss 10 ator _ slip 249067 9 0.0% | Rotor tn put_parers (oppore_loss_tp ater 15689.07 W c ROvF16 QaNet “GO Co) Dutput toeque > Power developed by shaft Ww = goxF4eXeo 2X 04 55 2.93.92 Nr 5: phat ts = Induction L-butld tipi. fren ater amd how dos _ voltage »_ gener f Shp iin gene oe__asynehamme geome [painter Lrooter to moter _to open e. oo i H I : a @ f—abdennatien thet “ws the Yprmergle eening curren (AC) electakay of _frluctoy __olectrje pour. Tnduction _ pace [| Tet ther nots. eae : oa a mem __thab arn inaction machrne can) wore = _gentcator even wifhoud an enfrnals rly ek |_Three phase _detdem connected “tapactin, bem nt “. cometteol aro the termtnau of the poactne —lesclta tin to the rnachine aa Shown fy pre boloe. “PY pooviels a necenory The residual flux presest_—_™m_ Abe _snachine. propel — fotfal_ovottotion. Pn the bier d- avstual flue, the _tmehine is _momentosly aun os on motor to crete tho vestolual flue. The__mobr i _slfpbily above the__synchnnous__ spect et ‘nots by sa pohe ioere_4-crmadl ame ty | Podueed in. fhe sdadve__al a farequency propor tional do fha__rrvtore_sped. oS oo _ |The vollage _agpearing » _dheree-pheve. | cammciter. km gine rise ch _q_ lading : Lunrrent — travon fo by the capacitor bay . This . rmnands te aloes -2puta) eae laggy y ~ - Supplsel to dhe gerne. all he Flaw se _vp by the _wrpent help — the fotfay | wsidua) — Pling am__Ineonse - ntl flay As a cult, the logo tnmreesed. Bise eee bb og pelege atta mM Fatreme _ Fp che _ exciting and 0 _ferther _‘nwrrease inthe _ deerefinal waltoge _\fhie— Forreae os _vellage continues Hl the__pohy}- ar ——}.vobere _the_mygnelization __chrmactevste ef the _machme_ +n. voltae - evirrent chrathayhe of the capa ch tor bok Fotersect__enth offer. tho ph — bolows —_shn the __magnettention entre and vee herracdevisties_, Soto hte ict tapac itor an — i tren ' ~ _lAt dhts pornt, dhe crenchime v0H-ampore mequind fy — ahr are equal fo the _neachive volt: - ampne |, supplied. bythe _capaciire bane. - The _ teaty fe fre uenny oe _afer__ spend, ond the _shog? ty loag _ offtch “tho speed of fhe_movbrr. Te yoltag?_ a . rly consperlled by fhe _eapadipre Waele ag tro — -opertrting frequent. ror {1 LJ f SOK to a ‘Three, phase. induction moh atthe power fictrr of 08 lponp. Calewtale “the numba oF lamps whitch may te added tv the alleonalyr = poe hot alfrenador i =e __fovoerr_ of al berate (P) > 750 kVA d 5 ; eapady. oe iceman _beyproo! ‘si 30; Given, | Siegueney tf) 50 He. Loo | rage Wa: oY os ie Power of treluctton motor _r $00 kw |__ Power factor © 08 lagging Now, _Apperent: power deliverrect a? ale aHemahr = 750 1vA Sve power _emnsurned by altontyrs soo kt Povsere _fevotfow 2 0-8 — | Rucerr consumed by @.ernn jor = 500 = 625 vn 08 Power {0 lornp 2 750-626 > soszvA “i feb, povoew “of lamp be 300 ‘ 10, 7 — Number of_larep 2 sn son ee ee = 4950 a am —— i” “tip lias — cose. ioe phan ena She : Qbemotor supplying sated fil load unnen at __anted ‘drain! Voltage, caluuale emf genaroter _ } Od voltage _megutation, 2. are £: Dolly power factors ca tL br cube Fi 8 _£_ os B neh ete % Ps ic a A power delivered Ee te I: Veldage of olearater [Md 2 oo _aleond c 4 birding resist: + pos: phe (Ye) = 0. 42 [ i gynehrynous _oevistane por _phue (%) 2 a4 favow, a | Powers J3ViTe cosh | For flood tureent, { PoVaVde | rr, 3800 2 V8 MASK TL “Sets G662A Now, s Eb _geneened (é) Tivos + any (sing + 272)" FSOS.SS%L + 66.62 > + [or 66. = 4513.94 V aa ve oltye regulator Gove poy 2 F5.43.95- GS05.55 4 soo, Ws0s Ss Inpe 0.6 SL jo oe SOILD Now, oo Emp — Bae 2 Tivnsdsd 4 D va) + (rsiO- TAN* (7506% 0.8 + 63.222 OS (951 2 7422.43V easy 2 7423 : | Now, a | Bs Veldage ee so Mt oean es He, he: 3506 AOD — 7508 = [ = ah Ad fee : = ao Ma eng“ 2200 EVA, 6.6 RV allerndoy resistor of 0.4 por phe _ [ond aye nebo weacteme of 6-0 por_phrse. The a delivers fall_load —urvvent at pf 0.8 legging i ab noted _poe_voltage. Colewtele the desrmimat | voltege fir the _.sarne_eerettation _ aod load cursreny at 0.8 pf leading : TT [3844x 0.8 504.93 x 0.) = 250 Vi We find terminal —Voldage i Power, factor. _O.8 leading , E22 ie sat #2 Yo (Vesing — | Ent +lvrsmo+ Test *A[BBEL¥ 0.6 + 204. 9% yr ear dation “solving aes ab? v. pace [7

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