Tugas B. Inggris

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Nama: Devika Dias Wahyuni

NIM: D1011221022
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris
Tugas: Movie Time!

Before watching the video, answer the following questions:
1. Do you like meeting new people? Why/Why not?
I love meeting new people. Because, if I meet new people it will increase my
friendship and also get to know more people. And if at any time I need help, there
is someone to help me.

2. Have you ever had a great conversation with a stranger in public? What did you
talk about?
Been several times. I asked his name then spoke a bit about the purpose of the trip.

3. What topic should you avoid when talking to a stranger?

In my opinion, the topics that I should avoid when talking to a stranger are about
his problems and personal life. Because it is the privacy of every human being,
which we have no right to know.

After watching the video, answer the following questions:

1. What adjective would you use to describe Samir?

Answer: Kind

2. What adjective would you use to describe Alasdair?

Answer: Honest

What did you learn from the video?
Answer: This video taught me to help each other when someone needs help.

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