I Am Sharing 'DEPRESSION - (REVISED) ' With You

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Jesirell V. Clerigo


Ms. Jonahlee Catalbas


TTH 8:30-10:00 AM Section A


Our Pride, Our Hope, Our Future
I. Objectives
At the end of the 30-minutes lesson, students are able to:

a: Define what depression is;

b: Determine what types of depression that the person has; and
c: Share awareness of how to prevent depression.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Depression

References: https://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/understanding-depression-
treatment Materials: Slideshow presentation, projector, and pictures

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

a.) Prayer

Everyone please stand for the opening prayer.

Apple, please lead the prayer. (Apple will lead the prayer)
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be

Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread; and forgive us for our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
against us; and lead us not into temptation but
deliver us from evil.
b.) Attendance

I’m going to check your attendance. Instead

of saying present, please say Darna! Are we
clear? Yes, Ma’am.
Abellon, Adrian Dave? Darna!

Alright, so everyone is present today. Give (Clapping)

yourself a fireworks applause.

c.) Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re good ma’am.

That’s good to hear

d.) Review

Before I start our discussion for today.

Anyone who can recall our last discussion?

Yes, Joshua? Last meeting, we discussed Anxiety.

Yes, and who can share some tips to avoid

Yes, Mae? Eat healthy foods.

Very good!

d.) Motivation

Since we are done discussing Anxiety. Let's

learn a new lesson.

But before that, let’s have an activity first.


Activity Description:
Each balloon has a paper inside
with a corresponding word. They
need to pop the balloons to share
their insights about that specific
word that is related to the new topic.
Players group into teams, each team must
have 6 representatives to participate in the
challenge; the remaining members will be the
one to pick the papers and prepare for an
opinion about that specific word they got.
The 6 members will have to pop the balloons
on the lap of another player using their
buttocks. And this will be done in just 3
minutes only. The team who finished the task
first will receive a prize.

Are we all clear?

Yes, Ma’am
Alright, since we’re all set, let the challenge

(Assuming that Team A won)

Now, I have a question

How did you find the activity? What words We find the activity fun and engaging We
did you get from the balloon? got the word sad, irritability, etc.

Yes! And those words are related to our topic

today which is _____ Depression

That’s right

B. Lesson Proper

Here are our objectives for today.

At the end of the 30-minutes lesson, students

are able to:

K: Define what depression is;

S: Determine the different types of
depression that the person has; and
A: share awareness of how to prevent

a.) Discussion


Depression is a mood disorder that causes a
persistent feeling of sadness and loss of
interest in things and activities you once
Again, what is depression ? Yes, Nica Depression is a feeling of sadness and loss of
interest in things and activities you once
Very good!
Types of Depressive Disorders
Bipolar Disorder
Major Depressive disorder (MDD) or clinical
Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) or
dysthymia Postpartum depression
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Atypical Depression

Let’s start discussing with

 Clinical Depression (MDD)- A
diagnosis of major depressive
disorder means you’ve felt sad, low or
worthless most days for at least two
weeks while also having other
symptoms such as sleep problems,
loss of interest in activities or change
in appetite. This is the most severe
form of depression and one of the
most common forms.

Some other symptoms you might have are:

● Loss of interest or pleasure in your


● Weight loss or gain

● Trouble getting to sleep or feeling sleepy
during the
● Feeling restless and agitated, or else very
and slowed down physically or mentally

● Being tired and without energy

● Feeling worthless or guilty

● Trouble concentrating or making decisions

● Thoughts of suicide
 Bipolar Disorder-People with bipolar
disorder also experience episodes of
depression in addition to manic or
hypomanic episodes.
 Persistent depressive disorder
(PDD) or dysthymia - Persistent
depressive disorder is mild or
moderate depression that lasts for at
least two years. The symptoms are
less severe than major depressive
disorder. Healthcare providers used to
call PDD dysthymia.
You may have symptoms such as:
● Change in your appetite (not eating enough
or overeating)

● Sleeping too much or too little

● Lack of energy, or fatigue
● Low self-esteem
● Trouble concentrating or making decisions

● Feeling hopeless Psychotic Depression

People with psychotic depression have the
symptoms of major depression along with
"psychotic" symptoms, such as:
● Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things
that aren't there)
● Delusions (false beliefs)
● Paranoia (wrongly believing that others are
trying to
harm you)
 Postpartum depression-
Prenatal depression and postpartum
depression: Prenatal depression is depression
that happens during pregnancy. Postpartum
depression is depression that develops within
four weeks of delivering a baby. The DSM
refers to these as “major depressive disorder
(MDD) with permpartum onset.”
Besides feeling depressed, you may also

● Mood swings

● Irritability

● Anxiety

● Trouble concentrating
● Fatigue

● Change in appetite or sleep habits

● Feelings of being overwhelmed

 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)-
This is a form of major depressive
disorder that typically arises during
the fall and winter and goes away
during the spring and summer.
Atypical Depression- This type is different
from the persistent sadness of typical
depression. It is considered to be a "specifier"
that describes a pattern of depressive
symptoms. If you have atypical depression, a
positive event can temporarily improve your
Other symptoms of atypical depression

● Increased appetite

● Sleeping more than usual

● Feeling of heaviness in your arms and legs
● Oversensitive to criticism
Again class, what are the different types of
 Bipolar Disorder
Yes , Sarah?
 Major Depressive disorder (MDD) or
clinical depression
 Persistent depressive disorder (PDD)
or dysthymia Postpartum depression
 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
 Atypical Depression
Very Good !

10 common characteristics of a person

with depression: ● Feelings of helplessness
and hopelessness.
A bleak outlook—nothing will ever get better
and there's nothing you can do to improve
your situation.
● Loss of interest in daily activities. You
don't care anymore about former hobbies,
pastimes, social activities, or sex. You've lost
your ability to feel joy and pleasure.
● Appetite or weight changes.
Significant weight loss or weight gain—a
change of more than 5% of body weight in a
month. ● Sleep changes. Either insomnia,
especially waking in the early hours of the
morning, or oversleeping.
● Anger or irritability. Feeling agitated,
restless, or even violent. Your tolerance level
is low, your temper short, and everything and
everyone gets on your nerves.
● Loss of energy. Feeling fatigued,
sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole
body may feel heavy, and even small tasks
are exhausting or take longer to complete.
● Self-loathing. Strong feelings of
worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize
yourself for perceived faults and mistakes. ●
Reckless behavior. You engage in escapist
behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive
gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous
● Concentration problems. Trouble
focusing, making decisions, or remembering
● Unexplained aches and pains. An
increase in physical complaints such as
headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and
stomach pain.
Now, What do you think are possible causes
of depression?
Yes, Britney ? Bullying , Ma’am
Yes, very good . What other causes of (student raised hand)
Death of loved ones

Alright , thank you .

Abuse - can make you more vulnerable to
depression later. Physical, sexual, or
emotional abuse in life.
Age- People who are elderly are at higher
risk of depression. That can be made worse
by other factors, such as living alone and
having a lack of social support.
Certain medications- Some drugs, such as
(used to treat acne), the antiviral drug
interferon-alpha, and corticosteroids, can
increase your risk of depression.
Conflict. Depression in someone who has the
biological vulnerability to it may result from
personal conflicts or disputes with family
members or friends.
Death or a loss-Sadness or grief after the
death or loss of a loved one, though natural,
can increase the risk of depression.
Gender-Women are about twice as likely as
men to become depressed. No one's sure
why. The hormonal changes that women go
through at different times of their lives may
play a role.
Genes- A family history of depression may
increase the risk. It's thought that depression
is a complex trait, meaning there are
probably many different genes that each
exert small effects, rather than a single gene
that contributes to disease risk.
Major events-Even good events such as
starting a new job, graduating, or getting
married can lead to depression. So can
moving, losing a job or income, getting
divorced, or retiring. However, the syndrome
of clinical depression is never just a "normal"
response to stressful life events.
Other personal problems- Problems such as
social isolation due to other mental illnesses
or being cast out of a family or social group
can contribute to the risk of developing
clinical depression.
Serious illnesses- Sometimes, depression
happens along with a major illness or may be
triggered by another medical condition.
Substance misuse. Nearly 30% of people
with substance misuse problems also have
major or clinical depression. Even if drugs or
alcohol temporarily make you feel better,
they ultimately will aggravate depression.

C. Application
Now, I want to get 1 whole sheet of paper
and answer the following question.
1. List down the different types of
depression and define each in your own
2. How are you going to prevent
depression? Share it with the class. Time is
up, now let’s try to answer number 1.
Yes, Joshua Students raised their hand to answer)

Thank You for sharing . ( Joshua read his answer to the class)

How about number 2 (Students raised their hand to answer)

Yes, Britney (Britney read her answer and share it to the

D. Generalization
Out of 10 common characteristics of a person
having depression. Anyone who can give 2
characteristics ?
Yes, Margie Loss Energy and sleep changes , ma’am
Thank You!

IV. Evaluation
Multiple Choice (1-5)
The teacher will show different pictures and the students will write the letter of the
answer that best describes of what type of depression shown in the picture.

V. Assignment
Research on how depressions diagnosed and treated?

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