A Mini Project

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Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

In the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
of Master of Business Administration

(Degree Programme of AKTU,

Lucknow) Batch: 2022-24

Under the Guidance of:


Submitted by:

ROLL NO. PREERN210024006



SESSION: (2022-2024)

This is to certify that miss Vishi Rani MBA student of BIT (school of management) has undertaken the
mini project -1 on SMART HELMETS

This project has been carried out by the student in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
MBA, under my guidance and supervision.
I am satisfied with the work of Miss vishi rani

Acedemic mantor’s Name: Dr. Lalit Agarwal

institute of technology

Session : (2022-2024)

I hereby declare that this mini project-1 report is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and
belief, it reproduce no material previously published or written that has been accepted for the award of
any other degree or diploma, except where that has been accepted for the award of any other degree or
diploma, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

ROLL NO. . PREERN210024006


It is great pleasure for me to undertake this project I feel highly doing the project entitled –
I am grateful to my project guide Dr. Lalit Agrawal This project would not have completed without their
enormous help and worthy experience. Whenever I was in need, they were there behind me.

Although, this report has been prepared with atmost and deep route interest. Even then I accept
respondent and imperfection.

Name – Vishi Rani

Course - MBA (1st sem)
Roll no- PREERN210024006


As a part of the MBA circulam and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of management, we
are require to make a report on smarts helmets. This proposal aims at the security and safety of the bikers
against road accidents, while also providing them with a luxurious, comfortable two-wheeler experience.
A smart helmets is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving safer than before. This is implemented
using technology. The working of this smart helmet is very simple, bump sensor are placed in different
places of of helmets where the probability of hitting is more which are connected to microcontroller
board. So when the rider, then controller send the data using the GSM module that is interfaced to it.
When the data exceeds minimum stress limit then GSM module automatically send messages to family


Now a days most of the countries are enforcing their citizens to wear helmet while riding
bike and not to ride bike when the person is under the influence of alcohol, but still rules
are being violated. In order to overcome this problem, Accident Detection. Theft and
Drive Protection using Intelligent Wireless Safety Helmet is developed. It consists of an
intelligent system embedded into the helmets and the vehicle Helmet unit ensures that
rider is wearing helmet and not under influence of alcohol through out the rade. It
communicates with which unit to switch off ignition system of hike if above condition is
not met. Vehicle unit checks and intimates accident through geometric coordinates via
SMS. By using geometric coordinates location of the injured rider can be traced using
simple GPS tracking application. Also, this system provide theft protection a helmet is
also essential along with key to start bike.


1. Introduction
a. Idea
b. Importance
c. How it will work

2. Marketing plan

3. Production plan

4. Financial plan

5. Data analysis
6. Conclusion

7. Bibliography

8. Questionnaire


The objective of project is to design intelligent helmet system which ensures wearing of
helmet and prevent switching ON bike if rider under influence of alcohol throughout the
ride. The system detects accident and intimate relatives through geometric location of
rider via SMS. In addition it protects bikes from being stolen as helmet. key to start
ignition system of bike.

ROAD traffic crashes take the lives of nearly 1.3 million every year. and injure 20-50
million more in the world. According to Global status report on road safety 2013 total
number of road traffic deaths remains unacceptably high at 1.24 million per year. Only 28
countries, covering 7% of the world's population, have comprehensive road safety laws on
five key risk factors: drinking and driving, speeding, and failing to use motorcycle
helmets, seat-belts and child restraints. So, to overcome from this problem this smart
helmet is being introduced which helps to reduce number of accidents that takes every day
and also helps to reduce death ratio.
In countries like India where bikes are more prevalent many people die due to carelessness
caused in wearing motorcycle helmets. Even though there have been continuous
awareness from the government authorities regarding helmets and seat belts a majority of
the drivers do not heed them.

Most of the people use traditional helmets just to prevent from challan done by traffic
control police not for the safety purposes. So, these helmets do not ensure the safety of the
driver For two-wheeler rider, Helmet act as a basic protection device. But it does not
ensure whether the rider strictly follows the traffic rules or not. So, to overcome from this
problem the smart helmet can be used.
The Smart helmet has two modules of operation i.e. one receiver part and one is
transmitter part. The transmitter part is embedded in the helmet itself whereas receiver
part can be installed in any particular. bike. Thus, wireless communication takes place
between two modules.

In the transmitter module, pressure signal is sensed by pressure transducer which is

situated inside the helmet. A comparator converts analog signal to digital signal and feeds
as logic level 1 to the input of transmitter whereas transducer gives the output. When the
user takes off the helmet then the output of transducer becomes zero and the input of the
transmitter will get 0 as logic level. Also, MQ-3 gas detector (alcohol sensor) is used to
detect the alcohol content from the breath of the rider. It can be placed just below the face
defend so that it can sense it easily. If the rider is drunk, then the resistance value. drops
which leads to the sudden change in voltage value. Then this value transfers to the
microcontroller and it prevents from the ignition of the bike under this case.

In the receiver module, a high level digital output will obtained by the output pin till the
rider wears the helmet and the ignition unit circuit of the bike will be completed when this
signal actuates the digital relay. When the rider takes off the helmet the relay opens and
the connections of the circuit will get terminated. someone unfortunately meets with an
accident then it will be detected by vibration sensor and the location of that particular
place will be send to his relatives as well as to nearby police station in the form of
longitude and latitude values via GSM and GPS module.

Executive summery
The Smart Helmet system is planned to be a solution for any motorcycle rider that wishes
to increase his or her awareness, and safety, while driving. The concept of proximity
sensing in automobiles is not a new concept, and has been realized in different projects,
and commercial products, before this one. However, such realizations tend to have their
own set of advantages and disadvantages associated with them. The design and
implementation of the Smart Helmet system seeks to maximize the advantages from
similar products, while avoiding, or minimizing, the disadvantages. What sets the Smart
Helmet apart from existing products is the lower cost and ease of use to ensure any
motorcycle rider can afford and use it. The Smart Helmet system will be able to gather
proximity information of surrounding objects, using proximity sensors, to scan a wide
field behind the rider, in order to determine if other vehicles are close by. The system will
draw power from the motorcycle and interpret electrical signals from the bike, such as
signaling, speed, and other tachometer information. Data will be sent wirelessly from the
motorcycle-mounted module and received by the helmet module. The helmet display
will alert the rider if a vehicle is too close to the motorcycle, and an audible tone will
sound. In order to implement these features and bring the design to fruition, careful
consideration was taken when selecting each hardware component. Because this project
did not receive any third-party funding, cost was a limiting factor in our design. This
financial consideration directly affected the type of proximity sensor and visual display
that were ultimately chosen, although stability of the product was not sacrificed in our
decision to keep costs low. Since the very nature of operating a motor vehicle at high
speeds is inherently dangerous, additional considerations were taken to ensure that the
Smart Helmet design did not interfere with the rider’s ability to safely drive. The heads-
up display had to be unobtrusive to the rider’s vision of the road around them.
Additionally, the other modules, namely the proximity sensors and bike-mounted
module, had to be situated so that they did not restrict any movement, or weigh down
the rider. The final Smart Helmet design encompasses all the design elements previously
discussed to bring a comprehensive product capable of helping the typical motorcyclist
be safer while on the road. It is our hope that the smart helmet can reduce accidents,
reduce road congestion and make the road safe for all drivers.

In today's era, especially in the young generation, the craze to ride bike is rapidly
increasing. The middle class families prefer to buy two-wheeler over four-wheeler
because of their low price. As the number of two-wheeler on the road are increasing, road
mishaps are also increasing day by day. In the event of an accident, lack of timely medical
attention to the injured person may lead to death. Thus, there is a need for a system which
ensures safety of rider by enforcing rider to wear helmet as per government guidelines and
also assist in providing the rider for a medical assistance in the event of an accident.

The thought of developing this project comes to do some good things towards
the society. Day by day the two wheeler accidents are increasing and leads to
loss of many lives. Accord to a survey of India there are around 698 accidents
occurring due to bike crashes per year. The reasons may be many such as no
proper driving knowledge, no fitness of the bike, fast riding of bike, drunken and
drive etc. Some time the person injured, the accident may not be directly
responsible for the accident, it may be fault of rider, but end of the day it's both
the drivers involved in the accidents who is going to suffer. If accidents are one
issue, lack of treatment in proper time is another reason for deaths. According to
the survey India 698 accidents occur per year, nearly half the injured people die
due to lack of treatment in proper time. Many reasons for this are: late arrival of
ambulance, absences of pupil at the accident site to inform the family or to
provide the victim with first aid

This is a situation we observe our day to day lie, a thought of finding some
solution to resolve this problem come up with this idea of giving the information
about accident as soon as possible and in TIME....!!!!
Because after all time matters a lot, if everything is done in time, at least we can
save half the lives that are lost due to bike accidents.

Considering three major factors for avoiding the accident causes such as

l. Make wearing the helmet compulsory.

II. Avoid drunk and drive.

III. If person met with an accident, no one is there to help him. Simply leaving or
ignoring the person he may die. In such situation, informing members through
mobile to rescue him for an extent. ambulance or family

The idea of this work is to give information about the rider wearing the helmet
or not, whether the rider drunken or not and abo, he met with an accident à gives
an information about location where he is met with an accident through GSM
module to mobile numbers family members, so 1 have chosen GSM technology
to give the information by sending SMS, using GSM module which has SIM
card slot to place the SIM and send SMS.
This proposal aims at the security and safety of the bikers against road accidents,
while also providing them with a luxurious, comfortable two-wheeler experience.
Each Smart Helmet has been designed and assembled by our own mechanics and
engineers, and each helmet has an in-built circuit and software with various

> The circuit in each helmet is designed in such a manner that the bike won't start
unless the rider wears the helmet.

➤ The camera installed on the bike will detect whether the rider is wearing the
helmet or not, through face detection. It will only then complete the circuit and start
the bike, after confirming that the rider is wearing the helmet.

> An in-built Breathalyzer will detect alcohol in the rider's breath, checking if the
driver is drunk in order to prevent accidents due to drunken driving which is a cause
of a large percentage of automobile accidents. If the Breathalyzer detects alcohol in
your system, it shall ask a series of questions to check if your intoxication level is
low enough to enable you to drive. Otherwise, it shall list out taxi services to you or
allow you to contact someone.

➤ In case of an accident, the GPS system installed in the Smart Helmet will
globally locate the biker and an immediate message will be sent to the family
members and/or emergency contacts, and local authorities about the location of

▸ some other features have been added in order to attract the youth. A high quality
Bluetooth headphone that connects with any available smart phone shall be installed
in the Smart Helmet enabling the riders to enjoy music while they ride their two-

> Another luxury feature available in the Smart Helmet is a hands-free facility to
pick up incoming calls from your phone, again via Bluetooth so: that you don't get
distracted by phone calls while driving. A switch is
added on the right side of the outside of the helmet, to accept calls. > Our carefully
installed and exclusively designed GPS navigation system guides you and gives you
directions to your desired location by verbally providing instructions, step by step.
So you no more have to worry about getting lost or even reading maps or checking
maps on your phone.
➤ A catalogue and directory of all nearby mechanics and automotive part dealing
stores are stored inside the memory of the Smart Helmet, to ensure you don't have
to wait or travel miles to find a mechanic.

➤ This helmet will also come with a Red LED light installed at the back of the
helmet so that at night, or even on dark, foggy nights, people driving in vehicles
behind you can easily spot you.

The Smart Helmet will be available to Indian riders in two languages - English and
Hindi - for the GPS navigation system and other controls. These languages, after
beta testing and initial production and sales may be expanded to include regional
languages of India for the convenience of students who prefer their own language.
c.How It Will Work

Some people might think, "What if someone steals the helmet?" or "What if you forget the
helmet and the security of the helmet becomes a major criterion?"

However, we have already considered these problems and we have the solution for you.
There is a bypass activation switch created for cases where the helmet is not available to
you. You can access this detection switch by using your secret key code but this type of
use should be avoided in order to be safe. This secret key code can only be acquired by
calling our customer care and confirming your identity and intoxication level by
answering a set of personal and basic presence of mind questions. The secret key code will
automatically be changed after a one time use and the same process will have to be
followed for the next time a similar situation should arise. When the detection key is off
then wearing the helmet does not become a compulsion.


Power Supply/Power Adapter

Power supply is the source of electrical power. Here, 5V power supply with the help of
7805 wegulator is being used. Current will flow in the circuit in the form of direct current


Figure 1,3d Atmega 328p

In this project, microcontroller ATMEGA 328p is used it can be known as brain of this

circuit. One can store commands and values which occur during the mechanism of circuit
All the signals are processed in microcontroller and send it to various other devices

GSM Modem SIM800

Figure 1.3e Gsm Modem SMS00

GSM abbreviates as Global System for Mobile communication. It is used to establish

connection between a computer and GSM system. It includes standard interfaces like
RS232, USB, etc. It is used to send messages through the SIM

GPS Technology

Figure 1.3f GPS modem

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system which is used
to detect the location where the accident will be taken place It detects the Longitude and
Latitude values of particular place and sends it to GSM module.

Transmitter section: If the switch is pressed after wearing the helmet. it feeds a logic
level 1 to the input of the transmitter through an encoder htize. If alcohol is detected in
mq3 alcohol sensor, it feeds at logic level 0 and that 0 logic level is received by the

Receiver Section: When the biker wears the helmet and ON the switch, the logic level 1 is
received by the receiver which gets decoded by the ht12d decoder and triggers the
microcontroller and the motor gets on When alcohol is detected the logic level 0 ta
received and and motor gets off. When the vibration sensor gets triggered for an accident,
gps and gam both gets ON and SMS is sent along with the biker's location.

Microcontroller: In microcontroller, when logic signal 1 is triggered the motor driver

1293d makes the motor on. When vibration sensor is triggered, the microcontroller is
executed. CPS and GSM then gets on and the buzzer produces sound.

The project Smart helmet for motorcycles best suits to accomplish the following






If the rider wears the helmet and press the switch, only then the motor will start. Without
wearing the helmet, the motor will fail to start.


Illegal consumption of alcohol at the time of driving is 0.08mg/l as per govt act. But for
demonstration purpose it is programmed to the threshold limit If the sensitivity of MQ-3 is
more than 0.04mg/l. in breathe then the driver can't drive the bike.

A range of frequency generated depending upon vibration produced due to accident or
obstacle. If frequency is greater than the threshold value then the vehicle unit shows
accident detected.


Once, vehicle unit shows "Accident Detected" then GSM sends the location of accident
with the help of GPS. It sends latitude and longitude continuously to saved sim numbers
till ignition system is turned OFF.

Figure1.4c sos message sent to contact

Figure 1.4d veroboard implementation of transmitter part


Market Segment The audience targeted for the beta testing and initial stages of the
Smart Helmet will be the youth in the Metropolitan cities of New-Delhi, Mumbai,
Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai and Pune.

These are the cities where most of the young students and professionals own motorcycles,
scooters or mopeds. Much of the young generation is addicted to alcohol and rough
driving and don't care for their lives. My proposal will not only attract them, but will also
make their parents feel secure about their children. So certainly my work should start
where the youth of nation lives and on which India depends on becoming a superpower in
the coming years. Their safety is our glory.
Marketing Scheme for Tie-Ups with Two-wheeler Manufacturers While the Smart Helmet
will be available to individual buyers and consumers, however our main aim is to
collaborate and partner up with two-wheeler manufacturers. It will not only be the most
beneficial move for our business proposal, but it will be even more beneficial to the
manufacturers. It will increase their sales, because many people choose cars over two
wheelers due to their beliefs that four-wheeled vehicles are safer, and also because of
other comfort-oriented concerns like the functions of navigation and music.

But with this product, the two-wheeler manufacturers can pitch their vehicles as a safe,
smart, and comfortable experience, which would be unavailable to them without this

This Smart Helmet would also be a product approved of by authorities like the police, as
this would reduce mortality rate and challenges imposed on riders.

• Target parents- we will pitch the product to parents and show them how they can
make their family ride safely.

• Collaboration and partnership.

• During first release we will be targeting metropolitan Cities like new Delhi,
Mumbai Kolkata Bengaluru, Chennai and pune as we have a large number of rider
in these cities.
Market segmentation

By Product

■ Full face Helmet

Half face Helmet

▪ Smart Hard Hat (for construction workers)

By Accessories

Motorcycle Bluetooth communication system

▪ Motorcycle Bluetooth HD cameras

By End User



Construction Sector
Industrial Sector

By Region
Global Smart Helmet Market is further classified on the basis of region as follows:

▪ North America (United States, Canada), Market size, Y-O-Y growth Market size, Y-O-Y growth &
Opportunity Analysis, Future forecast & Opportunity Analysis

▪ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of LATAM), Market size, Y-O-Y growth, Future
forecast & Opportunity Analysis

Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, BENELUX (Belgium, Netherlands,
Luxembourg), NORDIC (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland), Poland, Russia, Rest of Europe), Market
size, Y-O-Y growth, Future forecast & Opportunity Analysis.

Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar,
Oman), North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa), Market size, Y-O-Y
growth, Future forecast & Opportunity Analysis.

A marketing research will be conducted to know the market, consumers, competitors,

other producers, etc.

Data Gathering Procedure

Basically our product is the new concept of the market so our endeavor is to familiar it
with the target market and get informed about the amenities of the Solar Bag pack.

As we have determined the objectives of our marketing, so we will maintain the procedure
as following


Customer Profile

target audience: Students, office going people, travelers.

Age: mostly 15-40 years

Attitude: Technology lover, using gadgets or any portable electronic devices

Economic consciousness: Conscious


The organization is establishing of effective authority relationship among selected

works, persons and work places in order for the group to work together efficiently.

Organization is a basic activity of any business firm.


Production Personnel Marketing Finance

Manager Manager Salesman Accountant


Vision is a picture of what a firm want to be in broad terms what it come to

altimetry ac―Following vision of solar bags

l To become a proactive, integral and responsible member of our

environment and community, making us a strong global supply base

for world class products.

l To make the product popular in every place of Uttar pradesh and

gradually cover all nearby states.

l To offer continuous value added product to our customer.

l To make the firm a medium scale industry and then a large scale.

l If possible, I would export my product, as they are highly in

demand in foreign countries.


to decrease unemployment in the country, to earn profit and save the environment in

our own respective way. Mission is what an organization is and why it exists.

Organization relates their existence to satisfying particular need of the society. They do

this in term of their mission. Thus, Organization finds a role for its self to pay in the

society in by playing this role organization meet the requirement of so city. The role

organization play whether it is producing a product or services that role describe by

strategic mission.

―Mission is a statement which defines the role that an organization plays in a society ―

The sunshine solar bags manufacturing industry is poised for a higher growth with a

bright future.

To constantly grow the customers by designing superior and cost effective product

through contribution of ideas.

Now a day‘s solar bags have become the way of the modern world. It is usable and

attractive as well. solar bags are proffered more today because it makes a style statement

and adds to your appearance.

We prepared plan of own solar bags manufacturing unit at nominal investment, and to

provide employment opportunity


Location plays an important role in starting industry. Before starting any industry

entrepreneurs have to take a decision about the location of industry. They have to select

that location where all the facilities must be available. They have to take right decision

about the selection of location because once a location selected it cannot be changed in

the near future. The following should be taken into consideration.

1. Availability of market

2. Availability of Labour

3. Availability of tranport

Thus, all the above factors justify the selection of the location. So, the selection would

definitely contribute to the profitability. Delhi meerut road, ghaziabad hieve it is what

ultimately the firm or person would like to become. Therefore vision statement articulate

the ideal description of origination give shape to it interrelated future

―Vision is a description of something (an organization, corporate culture, a

business, a technology) in the future


• The capital required to build the initial 3000 pieces would be

Rs.60 lakhs.

• Rs.30,00,000 would be cost of materials and machinery used to make the

product (at Rs.1,000 per Helmet).

• Rs.10,00,000 for advertising in newspapers, colleges, internet and

specifically Google ads.

• Rs.10,00,000 for mechanic work i.e. to assemble all the parts by

workers(20 workers )25 thousand per worker for 1 month.

 Rs.10,00,000 for other expenses. Like rent of factory and electricity bill

taxes etc.

• The A smart helmet is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving safer
than before.

• working is very simple. Bump sensors are placed in different places of

helmet which are connected to microcontroller board.

• When the rider meets an accident it gives immediate information and

location of rider by using GSM Technology and automatically send message
to emergency number and Ambulance.

This product is an essential because

• You HAVE to wear the helmet for your safety.

• It rules out the option of drinking and driving.
• In case of an accident it contacts all of your emergency contacts and
 It finds you the closest mechanic, complete with directions It will help you
with directions your destination and verbally provide directions.
• It will enable you to answer phone calls without the hassle of distracting
you from driving.
 Since the two-wheeler will not be activated without the helmet, this ensures
safety and security of your vehicle The red LED light makes you visible
even in heavy rainfall or dense fog or at night.
 The helmet has extra coating made of durable materials to ensure your

Therefore, not only will collaboration with a two-wheeler manufacturer benefit us,
but it will more so benefit two-wheeler manufacturers as it will boost sales and
portray their vehicles as safer, more desirable automotives.
Financial Plan

It is a key to our financial success to grow smart helmet not just to sell helmet,
but as a company. We are looking for an investment of RM 1,000,000.00 seed
money with the hopes of eventually selling and established helmet or
distributors. This means we must always be reinvesting in the future of smart
The smart helmet being innovative product the idea have not been implemented before this will receive

First mover advantange of the product.

Smart helmet is safe but introducing first time some doubts are their will it be acceptable by
customer or not .

as smart helmet can cater huge two wheeler market in india and other country so there is big
opportunity businesswise.


Generally it is new concept in India. We have no loyal consumer or buyer. Sometimes mass
people don't accept the new product because of loyalty and risk factor and they try to get their
satisfaction from the old product or the substitute . So it may be a threat for us. We also
ambiguous about the new product sales rate in the market and also its future. It may be also a
threat for us. Also, there are some giant producers and importers who can start making their
own smart helmet its also a threat.

 It will send a message of location automatically when he/she met an accident

with helmet on.

 RF transmitter and receiver are used for starting the two wheeler, il she/he is
not wearing the helmet, the two-wheeler will not start.

 The alcohol sensor is used to sense the alcohol consumption and it will lock
the ignition if drunk.

 It will automatically switch on air fan inside helmet when the temperature is

 The solar cell is generating power for the system.

 It can be tracked easily with location when two-wheeler is stolen.


 If there is any technical problem it can not able to deduct the accident.

 As my smart helmet is an electronic device so it need regularly battery


 The customer should have proper knowledge of this technology.

 It is expensive as compare to other helmets.

 Gsm network is required.

 If the helmet is stolen,it does not found any accident.

Ansoff Matrix
The Ansoff Matrix, also called the product / Market Expansion grid, is a tool used
by firms to analyse and plan their strategies for growth. The matrix shows four
strategies that can be used to help a firm grow and also analyse the risk associated


Currently, the Mix-Match helmet is in the second quadrant of

the matrix i.e...,
In this strategy, the business sells its existing products to new markets. This can be made
possible through further market segmentation to aid in identifying a new clientele base. This
strategy assumes that the existing markets have been fully exploited thus the need to venture
into new markets. There are various approaches to this strategy, which include: New
geographical markets, new distribution channels, new product packaging, and different pricing
McKinney Model

The McKinsey 7S Framework is a management model developed by business

consultants Robert H. Waterman, Jr. and Tom in the 1980s. This was a strategic
vision for groups, to include businesses, business units, and teams. The 7 S's are
structure, strategy, systems, skills, style, staff and shared values.
The model is most often used as an organizational analysis tool to assess and
monitor changes in the internal situation of an organization.
The model is based on the theory that, for an organization to perform well, these
seven elements need to be aligned and mutually reinforcing. So, the model can be
used to help identify what needs to be realigned to improve performance, or to
maintain alignment (and performance) during other types of change.
The McKinsey 7S Model is an organizational tool that assesses the well-being and
future success of a company.
It looks to seven internal factors of an organization as a means of determining
whether a company has the structural support to be successful.
The model comprises a mix of hard elements, which are clear-cut and influenced
by management, and soft elements, which are fuzzier and influenced by corporate

• The helmets will come in diff. style color, which the customer can choose by
matching with their two wheeler.

• The final cost of helmet would be around Rs.2000-3000.

• This is an extremely desirable, profitable and very smart choice for

manufacturers as well as the customers.

• With this Helmet Rider can be assured a safe ride and in case there is any
accident he/she would get the Medical & Family help asap.

• This proposal aims at the security and safety of the bikers against road
accidents, while also providing them with a luxurious, comfortable two-
wheeler experience.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Integrated Disease Surveillance Project
Project Implementation Plan 2004-2009. New Delhi Government of India":
2001:1-18.R.E. Sorace, V. S. Reinhardt, and S. A. Vaughn, High-speed digital-to-
RF converter, US Patent 5668 842, Sept. 16, 1997.

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alcohol content with short response delay IEEE Sensur Journal, 2010, pp. 1991-

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Al-Bayuri, O., B. Sadoan, "New centralized automatic vehicle location

comunications software system under GIS environment. International Journal of

Communication Sys tems, Vol 18, le 9, April 2005, pp. 833-816

16 IV NS Aditya Radha Krishna Murthy, Lt. Ravindra Babu Kallam, "Alternate

Method for the Failure of Antitheft Device used in Motor Vehicles, International
Journal of Computer Apphentions, .
Market Survey
(Customer Evaluation)

To whom it may concern,

Please review the questions and give your opinion.

We are surveying on customers usage, thinking and life style. Your cooperation in the
investigation is highly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Age:. _______ years

Gender; O Male O Female O Third


Do you have any Idea about the smart helmet?

a. Yes b. No

how many hours (daily) do you spend in facebook

or youtube in your smart phone tab?

a. Lss than 2 hours b. minimum 5 hours

Are u comfortable with carring a smart helmet?

a. Yes b. no

How many hours do you wearing a helmet when you riding a bike?
a.less than 2 hours b. minimum 3-4 hours
do you use power bank for recharging your device ?
a. Frequently b. sometimes
c. occasionally d. others

are u comfortable with smart helmet?

a. Yes b. no

Do you conscious about the cost of smart helmet?

a. Yes b. no

Do you always remember to carry smart helmets while riding a bike ?

a. Yes b. no

Do you always remember to charge your smart helmet?

a. yes b. no

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