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Pumping Unit

Technical Manual

Document Ref 903240-001

Rev - 1
EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers Component Technical Manual

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Issue A

Document Ref 903240-001

Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers


Date Revision Page Issue Reason

15/11/2001 1 All A Original Issue
Issue A

Document Ref 903240-001 Page 1

EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers Component Technical Manual

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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers


1 PURPOSE / DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 6

1.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Approvals ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Description .............................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Technical specifications .......................................................................................... 8
1.5 Dimensions ............................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Operations ............................................................................................................... 9

2 PARTS LIST .................................................................................................................... 12

2.1 EPZ Pump ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Float valve ............................................................................................................. 14
2.3 Air separator ......................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Cover ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Filter box ............................................................................................................... 17
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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers


1 PURPOSE / DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 6

1.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Approvals ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Description .............................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Technical specifications .......................................................................................... 8
1.5 Dimensions ............................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Operations ............................................................................................................... 9
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EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers Component Technical Manual


1.1 Purpose
The EPZ pumping unit is a standard product within the TOKHEIM Group.

It is a compact and lightweight unit manufactured with the following functions:

- Filtration

- Pumping

- Air elimination

- Bypass

- Outlet control valve

The same unit can be used for both 3 m3/h or 5 m3/h standard flow-rates. This
feature is achieved by changing the motor pulley in order to alter the pump rotation

The unit uses a rotary vane pump with carbon blades, producing particularly high
suction power even when the pump is dry.

A patented static system, using a vortex effect, provides air elimination within
extreme standards.

Filtration is performed using a 90µ filter, supplied as standard. 12µ and 25µ filters
are available for specific requirements.

1.2 Approvals

OIML APPROVAL : R117/1995 NL 01.08

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EUROPEAN APPROVAL : F 01.00.522.001.0

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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers

1.3 Description
The pumping unit comprises of the following main components :

• A cast aluminium body (1).

• A cover (2) with outlet manifold enabling connection to a remote meter.
• A filter; standard with external filter box, or internal (3) for specific use.
• A rotating pump (4) with radial carbon blades, including :

- A rotor (13) made of cast iron with a chrome plated shaft.

- A stator (12) made of cast iron, tightly fitted in the pump body.
- Two free throw out rings (16) maintaining contact between the blades and the
- A cover (14), also made of cast iron, that closes the aspiration chamber.
• An air separator assembly (5) with a patented static device using a vortex effect and
- The insert – air separator (17), which causes the fluid to rotate.
- A cylinder in which foam and vapour are caught in the middle of the fluid that
spins inside the vortex (18), and which are ejected through the vortex valve.
- A vortex valve (24) to reduce the internal leakage if the liquid is without air.
• An aeration valve (9) to complete the vortex action in case of high quantity air inlets.
• A 4.5 litre atmospheric chamber (6). The float valve assembly (7) provides for the recovery
of liquid exiting the chamber, while air is evacuated through the atmospheric vent (21);
equipped with float valve to prevent overflow risks.
• A by-pass valve (10) - with a lid (11) for adjusting the maximum operating pressure –
incorporating a by-pass pressure adjusting device.
• A control valve assembly (8), enabling all downstream hydraulic components to be filled
with liquid. This valve has a safety valve (9) for relieving excess pressure.
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EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers Component Technical Manual

1.4 Technical specifications

3m3/h 5m3/h

Rotation speed (RPM) 450 650

Max. flow-rate (l/mn) 50 83

Min flow (l/mn) 5 5

Noise level (dB) 68 72

Maximum pressure (bar) 2.5 2.5

Min. motor power (W) 370 550

Min. dry suction (mb) 600 600

Min. wet suction (mb) 700 700

Air elimination In accordance with Regulation OIML R117/1995.

Filter (µ) 90

Bypass pressure adjustment: 1.2 bar to 2.5 bar

(About 0.1 bar per turn of the adjusting screw).

1.5 Dimensions (Weight: 14.5 kg)

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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers

1.6 Operations
The product is drawn from its underground storage tank by the EPZ pump through the
non-return valve into the external fiter box. An internal filter (3) is optional for some
specific applications.

The fluid is pressurised by the rotary vane pumping unit (4).

The fuel enters the centrifugal air separator assembly (5). Any air present is forced, via
the air tube, along with a small amount of liquid, into the atmospheric chamber (6). A
vortex valve (13), located inside the air tube, regulates the flow to the atmospheric chamber.
Air or vapour is sent through the vent and liquid is then collected in the atmospheric
chamber. To avoid any air or vapour from entering the pump inlet, the float (7) will not
open until it has reached a predetermined level.

In the case of excessive air content, for example starting with an empty pump and an
empty suction line, the air separator (5) will be ineffective. Therefore the pressure inside
the pump will be low (below 0.7 bar) and the aeration valve (12) will open, letting the air
through into the atmospheric chamber.

Air-free fuel, exiting the air separator, causes the control valve (8) to open and is then
pumped to the meter. The control valve includes a built-in safety valve (9) which relieves
excess pressure caused by expansion in hot weather.

Product passes through the meter, where it is accurately measured, then through the hose
and nozzle into the vehicle being fuelled.

If the nozzle is not fully opened, liquid is fed back into the pump intake via the by-pass
valve (10).
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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers


2 PARTS LIST .................................................................................................................... 12

2.1 EPZ Pump ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Float valve ............................................................................................................. 14
2.3 Air separator ......................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Cover ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Filter box ............................................................................................................... 17
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EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers Component Technical Manual


2.1 EPZ Pump

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I te m R e fe r e n c e D é si g n a ti o n D e sc ri p ti o n
900360 P o m p e a s s e m b lé e (a ve c b o it e à filt re ) P u m p in g u n it a s s e m b ly (w it h filt e r b o x )
1 901704 P o m p e a s s e m b lé e (s a n s b o it e à filt re ) P u m p in g u n it a s s e m b ly (w it h o u t filt e r b o x )
2 901220 C o rp s d e p o m p e P um p body
3 901808 S tator bagué S t a t o r w it h b e a rin g
901811 B ague DP 4. D P 4 b e a rin g
4 901812 R o t o r a s s e m b lé R o t o r a s s e m b ly
5 901817 P a le t t e B la d e
6 9 0 0 0 4 7 -0 0 4 C irc lip s C irc lip s
7 901816 C la ve t t e w o o d ru ff K ey

Document Ref 903240-001

8 901818 B a g u e d e g u id a g e d e s p a le t t e s Th ro w o u t rin g
9 901820 F la s q u e d u ro t o r R o t o r c o ve r
901811 B ague DP 4. D P 4 b e a rin g
10 9 0 0 0 5 0 -0 1 2 Jo in t t o riq u e O -rin g
Component Technical Manual

11 901836 Jo in t à lè vre s L ip s e a l
12 9 0 0 0 0 8 -0 1 8 R o n d e lle W as her
13 9 0 0 0 4 9 -0 0 1 C irc lip s C irc lip s
14 901214 P o u lie 1 g o rg e P u lle y (1 g ro o ve )
XXXXXX P o u lie 2 g o rg e s P u lle y (2 g ro o ve s )
15 9 0 0 0 0 8 -0 0 6 R o n d e lle W as her
16 9 0 0 0 5 1 -0 0 5 R o n d e lle g ro w e r Loc k was her
17 9 0 0 0 1 5 -0 1 1 V is M 8 -1 6 S c re w M 8 -1 6
18 901213 B rid e d e p o m p e C la m p in g rin g
19 9 0 0 0 1 5 -0 1 2 V is M 8 -2 5 S c re w M 8 -2 5
20 901789 C la p e t a n t i-re t o u r a s s e m b lé C o n t ro l va lve a s s e m b ly
901790 V a lve d e lim it a t io n d e p re s s io n R e lie f va lve
21 901703 R e s s o rt S p rin g
22 9 0 0 0 5 0 -0 0 7 Jo in t t o riq u e O -rin g
23 901211 C o u ve rc le d u c la p e t a n t i-re t o u r C o n t ro l va lve c o ve r
24 9 0 0 0 1 5 -0 1 2 V is M 8 -2 5 S c re w M 8 -2 5
25 901791 B ouc hon P lu g
26 901780 B y -p a s s a s s e m b lé B y -p a s s a s s e m b ly
27 9 0 0 0 5 0 -0 0 7 Jo in t t o riq u e O -rin g
28 901787 C o u ve rc le d e b y -p a s s B y -p a s s c o ve r
29 9 0 0 0 1 5 -0 1 2 V is M 8 -2 5 S c re w M 8 -2 5
30 901786 V is d e ré g la g e A d ju s t in g s c re w
31 901788 Jo in t p la t F la t s e a l
32 901787 C o u ve rc le d e vis d e ré g la g e A d ju s t in g s e a l c a p
33 9 0 0 0 5 0 -0 0 8 Jo in t t o riq u e O -rin g
34 902673 V a lve d ’a é ra t io n A e ra t io n va lve
EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers

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EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers Component Technical Manual

2.2 Float valve

Item Reference Désignation Description

37 901792 Flotteur et valve assemblés Float and valve assembly
901793 Flotteur Float
901794 Clapet de flotteur Float valve
900052-001 Vis M4-60 Torx M4-60
900008-017 Rondelle Washer
900013-001 Ecrou M4 Nut M4
38 900050-004 Joint torique O-ring
39 900053-003 Vis torx M6-20 Torx screw M6-20

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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers

2.3 Air separator

Item Reference Désignation Description

44 901799 Corps du séparateur Air separator body
45 901801 Joint d’admission Inlet gasket
46 901802 Joint de refoulement Outlet gasket
47 901800 Insert du séparateur Insert air separator
48 900053-003 Vis torx M6-20 Torx screw M6-20
51 901457 Tube du séparateur Tube air separator
52 901702 Piston Piston
53 901701 Ressort Spring
54 901458 Couvercle du tube Tube cover
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EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers Component Technical Manual

2.4 Cover

40 901805 Etiquette Label

41 901215 Couvercle Air eliminator cover
42 901221 Joint Gasket
43 900015-012 Vis M8-25 Screw M8-25
55 901663 Corps du clapet anti-débordement Body of vent float valve
56 901664 Axe Axle
57 901665 Ecrou Nut
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58 901666 Flotteur Float

59 901313-001 Anneau d’arrêt Retaining ring
66 901806 Cage de plombage Seal housing
67 900017-003 Vis CHc M8-25 Screw CHc M8-25

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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers

2.5 Filter box

Item Reference Désignation Description

1 900009-002 Rondelle éventail Lock washer
2 900011-003 Ecrou M8 Nut M8
3 900015-010 Vis M6-20 Screw M6-20
4 900050-025 Joint torique O-ring
5 900050-027 Joint torique O-ring
6 900324 Boîte à filtre Filter box
7 900358 Adaptateur Adapter
8 900635 Joint Gasket
9 900636 Etiquette Label
10 901295-001 Ecrou M6 Nut M6
11 901690 Guide de clapet Foot valve guide
12 901691 Joint de clapet Foot valve seal
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13 901692 Tête de clapet Foot valve head

14 901693 Plaque ressort Spring plate
15 901694 Couvercle de boite à filtre Filter box cover
16 901695 Goujon M6 Stud M6
17 901612 Filtre 90 microns Filter 90 microns
901613 Filtre 25 microns Filter 25 microns
901614 Filtre 12 microns Filter 12 microns

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Component Technical Manual EPZ Pump for Fuel Dispensers

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Document Ref 903240-001

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