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Competition Name: Code Clash

Objective: To test participants' programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and algorithmic

thinking using Python.
Round Format: The competition will consist of multiple coding problems that participants need
to solve within a given time limit. Each problem will have a specific set of input requirements
and output expectations.
Problem Set: The problem set will consist of 5 coding problems of varying difficulty levels,
designed to challenge participants at different skill levels.
1. Easy Problem: This problem will be relatively straightforward and will focus on basic
Python syntax, loops, conditionals, and basic data structures.
2. Medium Problem: This problem will require participants to apply their knowledge of
more advanced Python concepts, such as functions, recursion, and working with lists,
dictionaries, or strings.
3. Hard Problem: This problem will be more complex and will test participants'
understanding of advanced data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving techniques.
4. Algorithmic Problem: This problem will require participants to design and implement an
efficient algorithm to solve a specific computational problem. It will test their ability to
analyze and optimize algorithms.
5. Bonus Problem: This problem will be an optional bonus challenge for participants who
finish solving the previous problems early. It will be a difficult problem that may involve
advanced topics like dynamic programming, graph algorithms, or advanced mathematical
Evaluation: Participants will be evaluated based on the correctness of their solutions, adherence
to the problem requirements, and efficiency of their code (e.g., time and space complexity).
Scoring: Each problem will have a predefined maximum score, and participants will earn points
based on the correctness and efficiency of their solutions. The final ranking will be based on the
total score accumulated by each participant.

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