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Competition Name: RoboRumble

Objective: To showcase the innovative capabilities of

robots and challenge students' engineering, programming,
and strategic skills in a thrilling robot battle arena.

Competition Guidelines:

1. Eligibility:
a. The competition is open to students from classes
b. Each team must consist of a minimum of two and a
maximum of four members.

2. Format:
a. The competition will take place in a custom-built
robot battle arena with designated zones and obstacles.
b. Teams will compete in head-to-head matches where
their robots battle against each other.

3. Robot Requirements:
a. Robots must be autonomous or remotely controlled
and meet specific size and weight restrictions as defined.
b. Robots should be safe, with no sharp or dangerous
components that could harm participants or the arena.

4. Round 1: Qualifying Matches

a. Each team's robot will compete in multiple qualifying
matches against other teams' robots.
b. Matches can have different objectives, such as
capturing an opponent's flag, pushing objects out of the
arena, or scoring points by hitting designated targets.

5. Round 2: Elimination Battles

a. The top-performing teams from the qualifying
matches will proceed to the elimination battles.
b. Matches will follow a tournament-style format, with
winners advancing to the next round until the final battle
determines the champion.

6. Judging Criteria:
a. Matches will be judged based on factors such as robot
performance, strategy, agility, and effective use of sensors
and actuators.
b. Judges will assess how well teams adapt to different
opponents' strategies, their robots' functionality, and the
overall gameplay.

7. Rules and Safety:

a. The competition will have a comprehensive rulebook
that outlines the technical specifications, game rules, and
safety guidelines.
b. Teams must adhere to the rules and ensure their
robots operate safely within the competition arena.

8. Winners:
The team with the most victories in the elimination battles
will be declared the RoboRumble champion.

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