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Topic: Seminar Detail

Submitted by:
Ali Akbar Khan SP20-BBA-002

Submitted to:
Dr. Nargis Akhtar

Seminar in Human Resourse Management


COMSATS University Islamabad(vehari Campus)

Organization that conducted Seminar:
Meezan Bank

Guests in Seminar:
Three Managers joined Seminar:
 Mr. Habib
 Mr. Abrar
 Mr Husnain

Seminar Theme Topic:

National financial literacy programme

Introduction of Meezan Bank:

Meezan Bank is Pakistan's first and largest Islamic bank. It offers a
range of banking services and products that are compliant with Islamic Shariah
principles. It has a network of over 1,400 branches and over 1,700 ATMs across
the country. The bank also offers online banking, mobile banking, and
international banking services. It has a wide range of products and services,
including current accounts, savings accounts, and investment products. The
bank also provides financing and leasing facilities, foreign exchange services,
and other banking services.

National Financial literacy Programme:

Meezan Bank has launched its own financial literacy program
aimed at promoting Islamic banking and finance education in Pakistan. The
program is aligned with the National Financial Literacy Program (NFLP)
launched by the State Bank of Pakistan, and aims to increase awareness of
Islamic banking and finance, promote responsible banking practices, and
empower individuals to make informed financial decisions.
Meezan Bank's financial literacy program works through a range of initiatives,
including workshops, seminars, training sessions, competitions, developing and
distributing educational materials, providing internship and training
opportunities, and participating in exhibitions and events. The program is
designed to be inclusive, and efforts are made to reach underserved
communities and marginalized groups.
The program's criteria vary depending on the specific activity or event, with a
focus on students, young professionals, academics, and underprivileged areas
of Pakistan. Priority is given to programs that reach the maximum audience
through colleges, universities, and public events.
The benefits of Meezan Bank's financial literacy program include improved
financial management skills for individuals, increased access to Islamic banking
and finance services, and a more financially savvy population leading to a
better economy. The program is also expected to contribute to the bank's goal
of promoting Islamic banking and finance in Pakistan.
Overall, Meezan Bank's financial literacy program is an important initiative that
can have a significant impact on improving the financial literacy and well-being
of individuals and the overall economy. It is a collaborative effort between the
bank, educational institutions, and other stakeholders, and its success depends
on the active participation and support of all parties involved.
Meezan Bank is Pakistan's first and largest Islamic bank. To promote financial
inclusion and empower individuals, Meezan Bank has launched a
comprehensive financial literacy program. The key objectives of the program

Increase Awareness of Financial Concepts: The program aims to educate

the public about basic financial concepts such as budgeting, saving, investing
and managing debt. By understanding core financial principles, individuals can
make better financial decisions.

Enhance Financial Skills: The program provides interactive workshops and

seminars to help build practical money management skills. Participants learn
how to create budgets, save money, invest in halal opportunities and pay off

Reach Underserved Groups: Meezan Bank collaborates with schools,

NGOs and government agencies to tailor programs for groups with limited
financial access, such as women, youth and low-income communities. The goal
is to provide customized education for marginalized groups.
Promote Responsible Banking: The program teaches individuals about
prudent financial practices as well as the principles of Islamic banking, such as
risk-sharing, interest-free lending and ethical investments. This helps Meezan
Bank gain loyal customers and promotes a healthier economy.

Collaboration with Stakeholders: Meezan Bank partners with educational

institutions, community organizations and government bodies to reach a wide
audience. Cross-sector collaboration is key to enhancing the scale and impact
of the program.
The literacy program is implemented through the following channels:

•Workshops and Seminars: Interactive sessions on money management

and Islamic finance conducted by Meezan Bank trainers.
•Online Resources: The Meezan Bank website offers videos, articles and tools
on topics such as budgeting, saving goals and halal investing.

•Educational Materials: Brochures, booklets and other print resources on

financial literacy and Islamic banking. These are distributed at events as well as
Meezan Bank branches.

•School Programs: Trained volunteers conduct engaging sessions on

financial concepts and skills in schools around Pakistan. The goal is to provide
education to students at an early age.

•Competitions: Meezan Bank organizes essay writing, poster design and

other competitions for students to raise awareness about Islamic finance and

•Internships: Meezan Bank offers opportunities for students and graduates

to intern at the bank and gain hands-on experience in Islamic banking.

•Public Events: Meezan Bank participates in exhibitions, conferences and

community events to spread information about financial literacy and the
benefits of its products and services.
In summary, Meezan Bank's comprehensive financial literacy program has the
potential for high impact by providing education, skills and resources for
individuals to improve their financial well-being. By collaborating with
stakeholders and tailoring programs for underserved groups, the literacy
program can achieve the goal of empowering communities across Pakistan.
They encourage women to take participate and avail opportunity from national
financial programme of meezan bank pakistan.
They told some point due to many women do not avail this opportunity.
There are a few possible reasons why females may not be getting benefit from
Meezan Bank's national financial programs in Pakistan:

Conservative society: Pakistan has a conservative society where women

traditionally have a limited role. This can limit women's access to financial

Limited mobility: Many women in Pakistan have limited mobility due to

social and cultural norms. This can make it difficult for them to access banks
and financial programs.

Lack of documents: Many women in Pakistan do not have the necessary

documents like CNIC or proof of residence, which are required to access
financial programs.

Collateral requirements: Many financial programs require collateral like

property ownership, which is more difficult for women to provide due to social
and inheritance laws.

Products not suited to women: The financial products offered may not be
well suited to the types of businesses or initiatives women are interested in

Limited financial literacy: Many women in Pakistan have lower financial

literacy and knowledge of available programs.

Gender bias in the system: There could be some level of inherent gender
bias in the financial system that makes it more difficult for women to access
and benefit from programs.

Family responsibilities: Women's family and home responsibilities may

make it harder for them to take advantage of financial programs.
At the end of Seminar they also discussed about the dress code that a
candidate should adopt during job interview and tells about the interview
criteria that they adopt. They also told about the intership programme.

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