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Visual Design Principles and Elements Matrix product here
Elements of Design
Point Line Color Value Shape Form Space Texture
Description of
Tip of the Edges on body Orange, Yellow,
Use of Element of pencil of pencil White
Light Cylindrical N/A N/A Smooth
The use of a
Point and
The use of a The use of smooth,
balance come The use of a
The use of limited value simple, The use of polished
together in the limited color The use of
clean straight range can help streamlined negative space texture can
design of a palette can help geometric
lines can also to create a forms can can create a create a
mechanical to create a shapes can
create a sense sense of create a sense sense of sense of
pencil by using sense of create a sense
of precision and balance and of elegance simplicity and elegance and
the point to balance and of precision and
accuracy, while simplicity, and elegance, while sophistication,
Balance create a sense
the se of curves
simplicity, while
while the use
order, while the
sophistication, the use of filled while the use
of precision the use use of organic
and organic of high while the use of space can of rough,
and accuracy, complementary shapes can
shapes can contrast complex forms create a sense textured
while using colors can create a sense
create a sense values can can create a of complexity surface can
balance to create a sense of comfort and
of comfort and create a sense sense of visual and visual create a
create a sense of contrast and ease
ease of use of drama and interest and interest sense of
of stability and vibrancy
visual interest intrigue visual interest
and tactility
Color and The use of a
The use of The use of The use of a
emphasis can high contrast
Point and bold, thick lines Shape and The use of a negative space unique texture
be used in the value can
emphasis can can create a emphasis can unique form or can create or surface
design of a create a sense
be used in the sense of be used in the structure can emphasis on the treatment can
mechanical of drama and
design of strength and design of a create a sense pencils design create a
pencil to create visual interest,
mechanical stability, while mechanical of visual and create sense of
Emphasis pencil to draw the use of a
a sense of while the use
pencil to draw interest and emphasis on the visual interest
visual interest of a low
attention to thin, delicate attention to draw attention pencils design and draw
and draw contrast value
specific line can create specific to specific and create a attention to
attention to can create a
features or a sense of features or features or sense of specific
specific sense of
functions elegance and functions functions simplicity and features or
features and subtlety and
refinement elegance functions
functions refinement
Contrast The use of a The use of The use of Value refers to The use of Form and The use of The use of
sharp, pointed contrasting line bright colors the lightness contrasting contrast can be contrasting contrasting
tip can create weights can can create or darkness of shapes can used in the spaces can textures can
emphasis on create a sense contrast and a color or create design of a create emphasis create
the pencils of visual emphasis on object, while emphasis on mechanical on specific emphasis on
writing ability interest and the pencils grip, contrast refers specific pencil to create features and specific
and create a draw attention while the use of to the features or a sense of functions features and
sense of to specific darker colors difference in functions visual interest functions
precision and features or can create values and draw
accuracy functions contrast and between attention to
emphasis on different colors specific
the pencils features and
and objects
writing tip functions
Texture and
Color and Value and Shape and Form and
rhythm can be
rhythm can be rhythm can be rhythm can be rhythm can be Space and
used in the
used in the used in the used in the used in the rhythm can be
design of a
The use of design of a design of a design of a design of a used in the
different lines mechanical mechanical mechanical mechanical design of a
pencil to
can create pencil to create pencil to pencil to create pencil to create mechanical
Rhythm N/A emphasis on a sense of create a sense a sense of a sense of pencil to create
create a
sense of
specific visual interest of visual visual interest visual interest a sense of visual
visual interest
features and and draw interest and and draw and draw interest and
and draw
functions attention to draw attention attention to attention to draw attention to
attention to
specific to specific specific specific specific features
features and features and features or features or or functions
features or
functions functions functions functions
Color and
Shape and Texture and
proportion are Form and
Line and Value and proportion are proportion are
both important proportion are Space and
proportion are proportion are both important both
when it comes both important proportion are
both important both important when it comes important
Point and to creating a when it comes both important
when it comes when it comes to creating a when it comes
proportion are mechanical to creating a when it comes
to creating a to creating a mechanical to creating a
both important pencil that is mechanical to creating a
mechanical mechanical pencil that is mechanical
when it comes visually pencil that is mechanical
pencil that is pencil that is visually pencil that is
to creating a appealing and visually pencil that is
Proportion mechanical
functional. If
visually appealing and
appealing and visually
appealing and appealing and functional. If appealing and
pencil that is color is all over functional. If the appealing and
functional. If functional. If one shape functional. If
visually the place like structure of an functional. If the
one line is something is looks wonky the texture is
appealing and being too bright object is not space is not
smaller than its to bright or to and its not not
functional in one spot proportional the proportional the
supposed to be dark it might supposed to it proportional it
where it doesn’t object could not object could be
the pencil will make it look could make the could make
need it it will function very fragile.
look wonky. bad. use of the the object
look properly
product harder hard to use.
Unity Color and Unity
are both
important when
it comes to
creating a
pencil that is
appealing and
functional. If the
colors on the
pencil don’t
have unity it
might not be as
pleasing to look
Color and Unity
are both
important when
it comes to
creating a
pencil that is
Principles of Design

appealing and
Space and
economy are
important when
Economy it comes to a
pencil because
in order for a
pencil to work
the only space
needed is the
space in
between the clip
and the body of
the pencil. So it
is best to have
minimal space.

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