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Part Two


It is amazing that a main clue to overcoming temptation is built right into the Lord's prayer, particularly the statement, "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." It is Satan's job to tempt and it is the work of the Holy Ghost to keep us from being led into temptation. So it is really a matter of commonsense to understand that first, we must know how the devil tempts each of us as individuals and to ensure that we do not grieve or quench the Holy Ghost as He protects us from yielding to temptation. Since He is our Helper, we have to create and maintain conditions conducive to receiving His assistance. In Part One, I shared a personal testimony concerning my sin. I certainly heard from some of you about this testimony. You've made some very interesting, and in some instances, your comments have been insightful and thought provoking. One wrote, "I am not questioning your salvation, BUT," while others declared, "I can't believe that you have only sinned 5 times in 34 years." Certainly, repeated sin should raise some eyebrows about ANYONE'S salvation because as the Apostle John stated, those who are born of God cannot sin. In Part One, I point out that the only way the saved can sin, is if they deceive themselves into believing that what they do IS NOT SIN. As for committing only 5 sins, the Apostle Paul also declared that it is the law which convicts us of sin. Without a knowledge of the law, there is no sin. My

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knowledge of the law today, reveals all 5 of those sins of yesterday. Today, I can look back and know that I sinned years ago, because my assumptions and understandings have proven to be in error over time. In fact, only one of those sins did I know was wrong at the time it was committed. In fact, I wept the entire time because the Holy Ghost had strongly convicted me of it, but I proceeded, nonetheless. Without the law, I have no knowledge of any other sins. If I have unknowingly committed sins beyond those 5, God has granted me grace on them. If it is needful for the future that those sins that I am un-aware of be brought to my attention, the Holy Ghost will do so because I am open to correction and chastisement. So according to my memory as it now stands, I know of no other sins. Since each of those 5 sins are interconnected, today I am aware of the root from which they sprang. And because I know the root, the demon assigned to me has "almost" given up with the temptations he employed to serve as the foundation of tempting me to sin. As I pointed out, each of the 5 sins are connected to fornication, or resulted from the act of fornication. However, the root cause of my being led into temptation was neither lust nor lasciviousness. I was set up to sin by the enemy at least 20 years before I actually fell to sin. I was set up with visions, dreams and prophecies. THE BIG SET UP! 1. The first thing the devil must do to set you up to be led into temptation is to lie about what God has or has not said. Satan did so with Eve and tried to do so with the Lord Jesus Christ. He will either out and out lie, or take a scripture out of its context and mis-apply it to your particular circumstances. 2. The lie is skillfully planned to coincide with your major character defect. In my case, I was born with a lack of patience. So he set me up by giving me a so called "word from the Lord," and then caused me to have to wait so long, that I then took matters in my own hands to "make things happen." After many, many mistakes, one of my virtues or fruits today is patience.. 3. False assumptions cause the enemy to "not have to work so hard." For example, if you are a woman who assumes that just because she has the desire and the need for a mate, that God is going to send you a man fit to be her husband, you are already "set up." No where in the bible does God declare that every woman has a divine soul mate. There are plenty other assumptions that God's people make from submitting their souls to the doctrines, teachings and practices of false and or deceived prophets and ministers. The devils purpose is to use these people to cause you to make the falls assumptions necessary to "lead you into temptation." So examine your dreams, visions and prophecies to find the set up. 4. Another way of seeking the Father to "deliver you from evil," is to ask the Father to expose ALL of the darkness that is around you. He will not do so unless you sincerely desire to know the truth, wherever truth will take you. 5. What keeps darkness from being exposed is our "rose colored glasses." As long as darkness is not exposed, we will not overcome sin. To remove the veil of deception, learning from the discipline of the Holy Ghost means that after a person has experienced the hand of the Lord dealing with him, he is gradually broken by the Lord. When this process is complete, you will be delivered from your former state of murmuring, fretting, complaining, personal opinions, self interest, into a state of obedience. According to the Apostle John, We have 3 enemies that lead us into temptation: the world, the flesh, and the Devil. According to experience, the world is the first to be overcome. If you can overcome the temptations brought to you by the world, then you are on a path leading to your victory to



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overcome sin. Next is the flesh. The Holy Ghost, through breaking and crucifixion will lead you to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. To deal with the devil, you will need to uncover his agenda, a specialized setup that is specifically designed to cause YOU to sin. To do so, we need to always keep in mind that the demons assigned to you and I will resist us at every turn with the very elements of the world and our flesh that are already against us. Such elements are in the very makeup of our personalities. Therefore, we need to constantly seek God in prayer in order to know ourselves better than the devil knows us. We need to understand ourselves so that we know how to act and walk in humble dependence upon the Risen Lord for protection from the evil one--a protection which can only operate as we look to the blood of Jesus. Certainly, I believe in the bible. However, those who claim a strict adherence to it often misapply what they read and study, putting others in bondage. We must first realize the bible is a book that was written to others. Surely we are blessed to have an opportunity to read it. Just know that Christians in several centuries did not have the same opportunity. The fact that we HAVE the written word at our fingertips is both a blessing and at times, it can be a curse when it is not "properly divided" or in other words, misapplied. As long as you keep yourself open to all truth that will give you light upon any possible ground that you may have given to the spirits of evil to be successful in leading you into temptation. It is a constant check and re-check to see if the enemy has gained admittance into your mind, your soul, your spirit and your body. Therefore, the Lord's prayer is actually an outline for not falling to temptation that leads to sin, particularly, "lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil or "the evil one." If you find that you have resisted and refused any specific ground and you still cannot get rid of it, you must seek light from God regarding the cause. The cause can often be found in your past thoughts and beliefs. When God exposes the darkness and you have repented by refusing to act and function in former ways, the enemy has to give up the ground. However, he won't give it up until you have disavowed it. Disavowing the temptation is not only verbal descent. All ground is not necessarily removed at the moment that you have expressed your refusal. No! Your refusal must be reasserted by your actions or lack thereof, and you've got to stand your ground until each point of captivity is detected and refused. Faith without works is dead. For example, your unsaved family---even those that insist that you go to church because it is a family custom---- is "the world." Very often, the enemy will use family and friends as the tools to "lead you into temptation." God has shed light on your situation in His own way. The bottomline is that you have to stand on what has been revealed to you and not the opinions and promptings of the significant others in your life. Remember that even though we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers, you must resist the temptation to passively give in to those who can pull your emotional cords and strings.. If you give in, you will remain deceived and even be led into sin by the temptation of other people's opinions and beliefs. It is important to be aware that when the demons assigned to you see that their hold is coming to an end, they do not let go until the cause is fully removed, and they will attempt to "re-tempt" you if the thing through which they have attacked still exists in any degree. The methods of demonic temptation are what I call "the IONS,"---attraction, seduction, deception, distraction, accusation, and condemnation are but a few. In "Secrets of Spiritual Warfare," by Jessie Penn Lewis, the "fighting through" period is a very painful time: "There are bad moments of acute suffering and intense struggle, arising out of the consciousness of the resistance of the powers of darkness in their contest


for what the believer endeavors to reclaim. The moment he begins to advance from weakness into strength, he becomes aware of the strength of the evil spirits resisting him; consequently, he feels worse when fighting through. This is a sign of deliverance, although the believer may not think or feel it is so. The last thing given to the spirits of evil is generally the first thing removed because light is given upon the experience of the moment and deliverance from bondage of the moment is the most urgent need. Sometimes it is the advanced stage of terrible bondage that reveals a person's condition to himself, and it is not until he starts, point by point, to fight back to his normal condition that he discovers the depth of the pit he has fallen into and the slow work of regaining the liberation of his whole being from the power of the deceiving enemy. " (pg. 206) RELIGION: A STRONG TEMPTATION Religion is what we are all used to and religion is of the devil. With most Christians, religion is an endeavor to be what we are not and to do what we cannot do. Religious people are always struggling not to love the world because deep in their heart, they love the world. I am so far removed from the world, that I sometimes need a wake up call as to "where I really stand." Recently, I was invited to participate in an African American Group called "Sisters," on Facebook. I thought it a good opportunity to reach churchgoing women of color. All of a sudden, I started to get loads of status posts on my cell phone. I discovered that the concerns the women on this group have as "hot topics" is so foreign to me, that I had to delete myself from the group. I would not allow myself to be contaminated by a group that is overcome with the issues of this world. Then again, religious people are always trying to act humble, because deep in their hearts, they are really proud. The proud are recognizable because they always have a need to defend themselves, to have the last word, and to ascend over others. The temptation that the demon assigned to you is designed to draw you out to vindicate your own integrity. So many are people pleasers, and therefore, they can't share their sins with other saints, because they expect to be judged and they actually care what others think of them. I am able to share my sins with others because people pleasing is no longer a part of my character. We need to keep at the forefront of our minds that only the Holy Ghost can bear witness of who we are, as long as we leave the building of our character in His hands. Self vindication is a sign of the subtle life of self that only reveals itself AFTER we experience spiritual power, for each stage of spiritual growth has its own temptations and perils. Consequently, religion is both a temptation and a peril that can lead us to sin for several reasons and in countless ways. Since religiosity takes the job of the Holy Ghost into our own hands, those who are legalistic attempt to grow themselves and others by judgmental rules and standards that create bondage. Those in bondage through legalism will find themselves in a perilous captivity. The reason why I have memory of only 5 sins in 34 years is because I do not allow the legalism of man and the accusations of the devil to put me into condemnation. How I overcame religion is described step by step in my book entitled "Come Out of Her God's People," with an excerpt in the next reading within Pam's Book Corner. As I pointed out in Part One, sexual sin is no match for spiritual fornication which is a form of religion that leads to idolatry.




An Excerpt from "Come Out of Her, God's People."

If you have not yet gleaned in the preceding chapters my reason for self disclosure, bluntly put, in the likeness of the prophet Joel, I am blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm in what I believe to be very close to the last of the last days. I stand in a unique place because I could not blow the trumpet or sound the alarm while still a part of Zion myself. As a consequence, I am akin to a whistleblower or a defector from the ordained clergy, bellowing quite loudly with an urgent cry to churchgoers to COME OUT OF HER, LEST YE RECEIVE OF HER PLAGUES. To the un-churched, I simply say, STAY OUT OF HER. A benefit of longevity is the ability to look back at the past with new insight that were out of reach in days gone by. For example, when I consider my youth, undoubtedly I escaped the plagues that lurked in both the spiritual and the natural alleys of inner city life. Sin, destruction and death set its deadly traps, yet without the shelter of religion or the protection of the organized church, I survived the ghetto unscathed. Even the allure, domination and control of new age occultism couldnt keep me bound once the cross and the resurrection turned me into a new creation. Without a doubt, my three years in the occult were very dangerous. To say the least, the poltergeist occurrences alone could have plagued me with a lifetime of mental illness. And lets not forget the manifestation of a being who resembled the fallen angel who calls himself St. Germain. Seeing him manifest was enough to take anyone over the edge. Not even seeking after God or the church, the Holy Ghost sought me out. Not only did I escape occultism, I became born again. Yet the biggest shock to both myself and Satan is that I was able to escape the organized church. By now, the perceptive reader has come to realize that fallen angels have fought long and hard over me for 25 years, to obtain just enough ground to keep me perpetually deceived. With every little bit of counterfeit guidance, manifestations of various chills and thrills to my body, whispers in my itching ears ever so softly, the religious devil thought that he had firmly secured his ground. The beauty of the strategy is that without much effort on the devils part, both my faith and my sincerity, in point of fact, kept the deception alive. The chief avenue of attack was directed toward building a solid, impregnable bridge between my natural propensity toward signs and wonders and a busy, intersecting freeway of clever counterfeits of the divine presence and operations of God. Seemed foolproof. By means of subtle suggestions, frequent, almost constant dreams, a few key visions, and with outstanding prophecies of a future ministry lodged in my mind, I personally validated the overall deception by my own assumption that it all was from God.

So how did I escape? The road to freedom was as Jesus said. My love for the truth consistently and continually shut down each and every road that led to the deception. First and most important, I faced truth about myself. I did as James advised. I resisted the devil by humbling myself and defeating personal pride. Afterward, moving toward freedom began by searching through my memory for every supernatural experience that I have had in 33 years. Most important, as each experience proved to have been sent to me by the deception of a fallen angel, I denounced it, not only verbally but in all of my actions and practices. Case in point, when I realized that my ministerial name had been inspired by a prophecy sent to me by a fallen angel through a 9 year old girl, I renounced the name and dropped it from my website, business cards, in short, every facet of my service for God. I lost hundreds of website visitors a day for more than a year. A name I had ardently used for 25 years, today I restrain myself from even making reference to it in casual conversation. Yet another example, I preached an average of 100 sermons a year for 20 years. Yet, when I discovered that sermonizing is both human and demonic and not at all divine, as much as I love to preach, I stopped delivering sermons. Likewise, when it was revealed that a fallen angel had led me into deliverance ministry, I set casting out demons aside until I could uncover some more answers. As it stands, once I realized that I had been duped, I rejected all things supernatural including my own soul power. For example, when I sleep at night, Ive learned to place a stop sign that acts as a roadblock to the supernatural activities of my own soul. Very few dreams get through my roadblock. On rare occasions, when a communication gets through, I will my mind to forget it and when I wake up, its gone. Without the dreams at their command, the demons then find someone they can use to speak through to get their message across to me. These human channels unknowingly come to me, sending me demonic messages. Ive been known to respond with a get thee behind me Satan. Regarding my own pastorate, on July 8, 2007, I was shown that those who assembled in the church I founded in 1996 had been living double, even triple lives: a Christian face before me when we assembled and a worldly face at home, on the job and in the local community. I attempted to immediately shut the church down. Even though I resigned, members continued to assemble in the house of my assistant pastor. I attended on Sundays, but I did not preach or teach. It took two years, but my assistant pastor finally came to realize that I was right. There was no fruit for Christ among us. As of the summer of 2009, the doors of Healing Waters are closed. There are many who practice a professing Christian religion who live under a curse because they have either added to or taken away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have found from our studies that demons are having a field day with professing Catholics, Mormons,(Latter Day Saints) Jehovah Witnesses, Coptics, Christian Scientists and others. When you profess to be a Christian yet Jesus

is not Lord and the Holy Spirit is not God in your so called Christian faith, demons will use this fact against you as an occasion to rule in your life. The demons will be successful because you are practicing a religion that has "added to the gospel." Some claim to believe in Jesus Christ, yet they associate themselves with cultish groups such as freemasonry or participate in occult practices that are directly or even indirectly linked to the religious rites and customs of non-Christian belief systems, like yoga, transcendental meditation, chanting, reincarnation and the like. In fact, some mainline denominational churches are rapidly embracing what is now called "Christian Yoga." They have ignorantly opened themselves to the evil side of the invisible world. Demons will undeniably bow at the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth even among the heathen,--- those who have never believed on Him. Why? Because David declared it in Psalm 2. When Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, the Father turned to Him and said "Ask of me anything and I will give to You, My Son, the heathen for your inheritance." I believe that Jesus asked the Father to give Him the heathen. So if you are lost and do not have the Lord in your life, Jesus Christ is still your God, whether you believe in Him or not. The problem for you, though, is that even though He has you, you cannot receive Him until the Holy Ghost draws you to the cross and you repent as an unclean sinner. As long as "you do not have Jesus", demons will wipe up the dirty streets of the world with you and those assigned to you will destroy you, despite the fact that Jesus owns you. Since Jesus is the one with the keys to hell and death, He will be the one who will incarcerate you in hell for eternity in spite of the fact that He died for you. In fact, I can cast demons from you today and they WILL come out in fear of His name. Even so, Jesus said that they will come back with a fury seven fold stronger than your original state if you do not receive Him as your Lord. (Matthew 12:45) The good news of the gospel is that we can set you free in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth also. In fact, it is easier to set the heathen free from a non-religious demon than those who are worshipping a false "so called Christian" god. Those who have experienced His power in setting them free will most often bow to His Lordship and become truly saved.

A word of warning. Just because you have not yet felt the ramifications of a plague, does NOT mean that you have escaped it. It may manifest at the end of your life or even in the lives of your children and grandchildren. For example, freemasonry in the church is a major example of how the Fake Jesus has established a seat in countless organized churches. In fact, many of mainline denominations were even founded by practicing freemasons, with freemasons in the pulpits yet today. I suggest that you read a rather understandable and concise teaching from an internet article:[1] Here is an excerpt. "The Masonic temple is a temple of witchcraft! There is no doubt about that. Veiled

within its symbols are the deities and even the working tools of witchcraft! The blazing star at the center of the lodge is the witch's pentagram, symbol of the god of Satanism, Set. The letter "G" stands for generativity, sexual potency." Both witchcraft and religious demons and devils are not easy to cast out because they require the captive to disavow the actions of not only their church families but also their own personal family. Most captives refuse to do so and as a consequence, they remain bound. Even so, what is impossible with man is possible with God. What you need to know is that God will give you grace, but as James points out, God resists the proud. As you draw near to God through the humility of repentance, you can cleanse your own hands if you will disavow both your Christian church and those family members who have transgressed through the idolatrous practice of freemasonry and other forms of witchcraft that have either added to or taken away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Such an admonition is made to those who enter every church who has added to or taken away from the gospel. For example, those in the word of faith movement have been adding to and taking away from the gospel for the last 3 decades with the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, and countless other doctrines and teachings. Denominational churches are known for accepting freemasonry, yoga, and forms of worship that counterfeit the Holy Ghost. If you have "been there and done that," I warn you that the curse is near you. So draw near to God by humbling yourself and admitting your error, and God will give you grace and lift you up out of your bondage. ( James 4) At the present time, I need power to remove the veil of confusion and blindness that is causing churchgoers to be deceived into worshiping the Fake Jesus. I need Gods power to draw people who are in bondage to religious angels---people trained in false doctrine and idolatry. The enemys mission is moving toward its culmination. Yet even though I believe that fallen angels have empowered thousands of churches and ministries that preach prosperity to the exclusion of the gospel of Jesus Christ, my biblical understanding tells me that those who are a part of the remnant in the last days shall be totally immersed in Gods power and therefore it is imperative that the elect be able to discern what is truly of Him from the supernatural manifestations of fallen angels. Since a remnant is a piece of an old garment, I suspect that implicit in the words meaning is a symbolic message that the last generation of believers shall be as empowered as the first one was, for they are cut from the same cloth. More on the remnant in the final chapter. If you have gleaned anything meaningful from my testimony thus far, you should now realize that no one can really demonstrate God's power with his own goodness, human wisdom or intelligence. The truth is that there is no therapy, no method, no 12 steps, no approach or technique that can contend with the might and strength of the devil and his fallen angels. The Bible records in Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power,

who went about doing good and healing ALL that were oppressed of the devil, because God the Father was with Him. If God was with Jesus and the remnant are with Jesus and Jesus IS God the Son, then wherever the remnant go, God is going with them. That is why I had to examine myself, seek the Lords face, cry out in prayer for Him to expose the darkness that surrounds me. And He did so. I backed up and fell prostrate before Him. I backed up with my intelligence, my personality, my beauty, my human wisdom and human know-how, with my opinions, interpretations and perceptions because all these things are human power and human power is NO POWER against the devil. In fact, all the devil was doing was mocking me when my healings failed---when the demons I thought were cast out were still there---when the word I preached of righteousness and holiness fell on wayside, thorny and stony ground. It was sheer mockery until my eyes were wide open. Once I knew the real deal, the mockery suddenly stopped. I successfully resisted the devil with humility. Just as the Apostle James wrote, he has fled from me, with a quickness. (James 4:7) The bottom line is that any faith that does not preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as presented in the bible is participating in the worship of Satan in a different form. You may not be drawing a pentagram and having a black mass, but you might as well. You are not worshipping the Father. The devil has tricked you into worshipping him by seducing you with false doctrine. People in religious bondage cannot be drawn by human wisdom. We can't even draw them by arguing the scriptures. I look at the advice that was written to Titus. "Avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions and strivings about the law. They are unprofitable and they are useless. (Titus 3:9) It is useless to come against people about their faith with arguments and disputes--- trying to persuade them that Jesus is the only way. What we have to do is demonstrate who Jesus is, that Jesus is in us, and that Jesus is alive. Without a doubt, my testimony has evolved as I have picked up my cross and followed Jesus. If I have learned anything at all, I have learned that in order to demonstrate power, I must die daily---in other words, be crucified with Christ, and thereby allow Him to live out His life through me. Crucifixion comes before resurrection. Resurrection is the demonstration of power. Crucifixion is realizing that as a human being, I have nothing that I can use to serve God with that is going to be useful against the devil. Not by human power. Not by human might or strength but by His Spirit My personality cannot do it. My charisma cannot do it. My human ability cannot do it. Paul was one of the most educated men of his day. But when we look at the text, Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he exclaimed, "I didnt come to you in my human wisdom. I didn't come with my human abilities. But I came to you demonstrating the power of God. (I Cor 2:4) Beside preaching the gospel so that the Holy Spirit can convict and convert, the most important responsibility of the church of

Jesus Christ is to tend the sheep. Jesus was very particular about the mandate of safety and protection when He revealed to the Apostle Peter that the best way a minister can demonstrate love for Him is not only to feed them but to tend them. (John 21:15-17) To feed is to teach, nurture and guide but to tend is to protect the sheep from all harm and danger, particularly from the wolves. Consequently, when the organize church can not protect its own people, this glaring weakness stands as clear and convincing evidence of a menacing plague . My own case is a glaring illustration of the plague in operation. A babe in Christ with serious background in new age occultism, what do I find operative in my first church with my first pastor? Charismatic witchcraft. Quite the opposite, church should be a place where a babe in Christ can learn to walk in the spirit so as not ti fulfill the lust of his or her flesh. Yet, what did I find? Preachers operating as sexual predators. One non-denominational preacher opened my eyes to the fact that my occult practices of necromancy, channeling, astrology and reincarnation were of the devil, yet that same man introduced me to the charismatic teachings of the nondenominational churches, which are also just another form of witchcraft. A root in dry ground, I thank God that when I walked into church doors for the first time, I had already been saved at home. My case aside, I observed the plagues operate within the Denomination from the very beginning. In fact, I have forgotten more instances of tragedy that befell Harriet Tubman members and even pastors than I can remember today. In most cases, the suffering seemed almost an embarrassment for people who are supposed to have a covenant with God. I couldnt understand it. Most of the people simply repeated the same ole platitudes of who can know God? Well all understand bye and bye.

[1] /freemasonry/

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY2061

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