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PART 3 – TEST 3:

32 – 34:
M-Cn Thank you for registering with the Zimmerman Staffing Agency, Ms. Vogel.
Why are you interested in finding a temporary position?
W-Br Well, 32I moved here recently, so I thought your agency would be a good
place to find out about local companies, I don't have a business network here
M-Cn I see. 33Your résumé says you have computer programming experience.
That skill's in high demand.
W-Br Yes, I did programming for five years at my last job, so I'm very comfortable
with it.
M-Cn Excellent. We should be able to place you with an employer shortly. As part
of the process though, 34
please come in on Wednesday to complete your
32 – A, 33 – D, 34 – A

35 – 37:
M-Au Hi, Rosa, 35
I'd like you to attend the annual technology trade show in
Montreal. A lot of other electronics companies will be there to showcase their
latest products.
W-Am That's great! I appreciate the opportunity. 36 Can I choose someone from
my team to take with me? That way we'll be able to visit more presentations.
M-Au Yes, that's a good idea, 37
I'd recommend asking Taro to come with you.
Why don't ! call him to see if he can come to my office now and discuss it with
35 – B, 36 – A, 37 – C
38 – 40:
M-Au Well, Ms. Yamamoto, 38 your x-rays look good. Your teeth and gums are
healthy. We'll do a cleaning at your next appointment.
W-Am Thank you, but I... I thought I was going to get my teeth cleaned today. I
made an appointment for x-rays and a cleaning.
M-Au I'm... sorry. Whoever scheduled your appointment must not've

explained our policy. For new patients, the first visit is an inspection and x-rays.
W-Am I see. OK
M-Au 40 Ms. Petrova, please schedule a cleaning for Ms. Yamamoto. 
W-Br Of course. Hmmm. Before I do that, 40I see in your file that we don't have
your records from your previous dentist. Would you please fill out this form
so we can request them?
W-Am Sure.
38 – C, 39 – D, 40 – C

41- 43:
M-Cn Hi, I'm from the IT department. You wanted help setting up for a
teleconference? I can answer any questions you have about the equipment.
W-Br Thanks, This is an important meeting. 41 We're looking to finance a new
project, and I'm going to present to some people we hope will become
M-Cn OK, we'll make sure the technology will work smoothly.
W-Br 42 This camera will automatically move to focus on whoever is speaking,
M-Cn Yes.
W-Br But 42there will also be times that I want to control the camera manually.
Can I do that? 
M-Cn Sure, you can do that on the control panel. 43Let me demonstrate how it
41 – C, 42 – D, 43 – B

44 – 46:
M-Au Ms. Gupta, 44do you think you could divert a little more money to the
spring catalog?
W-Am 44 Isn't your budget the same as last season's?
M-Au 44It turns out the cost of photography will be higher this time. Our spring
footwear collection has lots of new colors and designs, and some old ones are
being discontinued. About half of the photos from last season need to be replaced.
W-Am Oh, I didn't realize that.
M-Au 45 We could try to find another photographer, but Stefan Vogel always 
does such a good job.
W-Am And we should keep him. 46Let's look at the plans for the catalog this
afternoon and see what revisions can be made.
44 – C, 45 – B, 46 – A

47 – 49:
M-Cn 47
Did you hear about the smart screens that'll be installed in the guest
W-Am I did. They're supposed to make it easier for guests to control the
temperature in their rooms, schedule wake-up calls, order room service... things
like that. 48 And installation should only take an hour in each hotel room.
M-Cn 48
But they're going to be using power tools. And the rooms are so close
W-Am The guest rooms are mostly soundproof.  49I just hope we have time to
test the screens out before our busy season in June. I don't want to deal with
complaints about them not working.
47 – D, 48 – C, 49 – C

50 – 52:
M-Au Hi, Mei Ting. 50Do you have any updates on how the designs are coming
along for our new line of school backpacks? The factory will need those to
begin production.
W-Br 51 I'm a bit frustrated, honestly. 52 The design team originally planned to
meet this week to make final decisions about pocket sizes for the backpacks,
but... Irina's been at the School Supply Convention all week and Samir's out
on vacation.
M-Au So, 52
what are you planning to do? The school year is starting in three
W-Br I was hoping to get some advice from you, actually... since you used to lead
the design team.
50 – B, 51 – C, 52 – D

53 – 55:
M-Au Hello, I'm George from McKinnie Environmental Engineering.
W-Am Hi, thanks for coming. As you can see, we manage a large forest here. 53We
provide lumber, plywood, and fiberboard for the construction and furniture
industries. These trees are our business.
M-Au And 54 lately you've been noticing a problem?
W-Br Yes, several acres of pine on the other end of our property... the needles are
all brown. They look really unhealthy. But we can't figure out what's wrong.
M-Au 54 I'll try to determine the cause. Might be a nutrient deficiency. First, 55I’ll
conduct some soil tests. Can you show me to the site? I'll follow you in my
53 – C, 54 – C, 55 – A

56 – 58:
M-Cn How can I help you? 
W-Br Hello. I'm doing some renovating at home. 56I'll be replacing all the pipes,
the sink, and the bathtub in my bathroom. The pipes are lead, and the other
fixtures are cast iron, They're all very heavy.
M-Cn That's no problem. 57 We'll bring a dumpster out to your home, you fill it
up with scrap, and then we'll come remove it when you're ready.
W-Br OK. So, is payment determined by the number of days I keep the dumpster?
M-Cn No, 58 we'll weigh it before and after and charge you accordingly. Here's
a list of charges by kilogram.
56- C, 57 – B, 58 - C

59 – 61:
W-Am 59Finley Science Museum. Can I help you?
M-Cn Hi, I'm calling about the asteroid lecture at your planetarium this Friday. I
represent a group of people with hearing impairments who'll be attending the
W-Am Oh, yes, I've already been notified, and 60I've hired a sign-language
interpreter. Your group has reserved seats on the right side of the theater, so
they'll have a direct view of her.
M-Cn Great, thank you. One more thing - 61
at similar events, there've been
problems with the venue being too dark. Could you make sure there's a
spotlight on the interpreter? 
W-Am Absolutely - I'll be happy to arrange that.
59 – A, 60 – C, 61 – D

62 – 64:
W-Br Hi, Hiroshi, it's Natalia. 62I know you're in the middle of completing the
internal audit of our company's manufacturing processes, and I just wanted
to know how that's going.
M-Au Almost done. It all looks good so far. There was one thing... 63I can't find
the retired work instructions, you know, the old paper copies.
W-Br 63
The old work instructions are all in the green filing cabinet in the
office. The drawers are labeled.
M-Au OK, great... 64The new industry regulations are pretty strict, but, like!
said, the processes that I've checked so far are all in compliance.
62 – D, 63 – B, 64 - C

65 – 67:
W-Am Hassan, 65
thanks for your help motivating the other servers to collect
surveys from customers. We collected over four hundred responses. 65
owners are going to use the feedback to make some changes to the menu and
the table settings.
M-Au 66 Your incentive of a bonus certainly helped persuade all the servers. I
collected 63, and I know I'm looking forward to having a little extra in
my paycheck.
W-Am Any plans for how you're going to spend it?
M-Au Actually, 67
my phone is really old, and I've been wanting to upgrade it.
The extra cash will help with that.
65 – A, 66 – B, 67 - D

68 – 70:
W-Am Satoshi, 68
I'm planning a staff party to celebrate Lena's promotion to
director of marketing.
M-Cn That's a great idea. When are you thinking of having the party?
W-Am 69
Most people said they'd be available around five on March twenty-
second. Does that work for you?
M-Cn Well, 69I have tickets to a music festival that night, but the festival doesn't
start until seven on the twenty-second, so I can come for a little while.
W-Am Great! 70I'll make a reservation at the new restaurant on Baker Street
right away. I know Lena has been wanting to try it.
68 - B, 69 – B, 70 – C

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