Mentoring Letter 29

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How To Try the Spirits

Part One


There is a command in First John 4:1 to "Try the spirits." Why? Because "many false prophets are gone out into the world." Several things are involved in this business of trying the spirits. Certainly, we must know the scriptures to be able to successfully try the spirits. Then again, without a love for the truth, we will most likely be deceived. When there is the love for the truth, spiritual discernment is enhanced. We need to keep in mind that we do not need to know everything in order to try the spirits. We do not even need to know all about the subject at hand to try the spirits. If we know enough to uproot some of the foundation of a given position we can know that the whole thing is wrong. For example, I remember twenty years ago, that I heard the testimony and read the book of Mary Baxter, "The Revelation of Hell." She wrote and

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spoke about how she went to hell and there were ferocious demons there who were kind of the "correction officers" of hell. Well, I was impressed with her revelation until I realized that the scriptures report that Jesus has the keys to hell and death. Therefore, Satan and his demons are not in hell. Only those fallen angels from Noah' Day and the Flood have been jailed there. According to the scriptures, demons are not in control of hell. Jesus is. Therefore, I don't need to hear anymore about Baxter's revelation because it contradicts scripture. Those that are familiar with the scriptures are less likely to be deceived,as long as they have rightly divided the word. Moreover, the bible should not be used as if it was some sort of mystery book for the purpose of divination. When seekers begin their journey into the occult arts, they look for a divination system that will allow them to predict future events. Tarot cards, crystal balls, bones, ash, tea leaves, coffee grounds---literally ANYTHING--to help the diviner focus and concentrate. For example, the I Ching is an ancient Chinese book that is used to guide the decision making process. You open it up randomly, and there you will find a proverb or a saying by Confucious which is used as a means to interpret the diviner's immediate personal situation in order to make a decision. In like manner, Christians unknowingly use the scriptures as if it were an I Ching. They have a particular problem, and then they open the bible randomly, look down and fix their eyes on a particular verse. Whatever the verse says is then interpreted in light of the presenting situation. This is divination. Sometimes the Lord will use a similar method, not in an effort to reveal the future but to teach. For example, moments after I was born again on March 29, 1977 on a Monday at 4pm, I opened the bible that I had recently purchased. I looked down at John 3. "You must be born again. That which is flesh is flesh. That which is spirit is spirit. The wind blows, etc. Instantly I understood what had just happened to me. So the Lord used this method to teach me. He has never used it to reveal the future but the enemy does use the scriptures in that way. So, be careful. So I caution you that even though the bible is a mystery book, it is not mysterious in an occultic


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sense. It is not a magical jigsaw puzzle where all you have to do is open it, and find your missing piece to guide you to make this or that decision. The mystery is that in order to really understand it, you need to have an unction from the Holy Ghost to do so, otherwise, it is a dead book to the unsaved. The gospel is foolishness to those who are in darkness, without the revelation of the Holy Ghost to guide their understanding.


That said, it is also noteworthy to mention that many who call themselves "bible believing" very often do not apply commonsense to their rather rigid scriptural interpretations of present day circumstances and conditions that were not a part of the conscious awareness of biblical writers 2 or more thousand years ago. I personally believe that "God can do what He wants to do whether it is covered in the bible or not." Certainly, He will not contradict His written word, but that doesn't mean that the Lord will not do something that is not specifically covered by it. Here is a very basic example. You receive "a word" or warning, either in a dream or in a prophecy that you are going to have a car accident. Is this from God or is this from the devil? How is the scriptures going to help you in your effort "to try the spirits"? From a general standpoint, we know that the bible predates the invention of automobiles. The overall message in the bible is that God often warns His faithful ones about impending dangers or troubles." Yet the scriptures also reveal that the enemy can transform himself as a being of light. Could this "word" about the car accident be from the enemy? Yes, it certainly could be. In fact, I could take this entire email and lay out to you this very same incident where I was told by a Christian, "Pam, you will have a car accident in two weeks." The day of the accident was May 24, 1990. It occurred 2 weeks from the day I was warned about this accident in a prophetic word. To make a long story short, I can look back 21 years and know without a doubt that this word was sent by a religious demon through someone who claims to be a Christian, but who has blended yoga and every other occult teaching and practice

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into a form of " Christian spirituality." I didn't know it in 1990, but in looking back, today I can see the motive of the enemy in giving the warning and I also know why the car accident actually came to pass at the appointed time. Did I bring this accident to pass because the thought was planted in my mind by a Christian psychic? Not THIS time. You see, I was hit from the back. However, what I DID experience is that "NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER. "Why?" The power of God "came on me" and I handled that wheel better than a race car driver would have, without a drop of fear. Some may call it adrenalin. Maybe. However, at 65 miles an hour, in practically rush hour traffic on a 4 lane highway, once I was hit in the rear, I spun around in a circle. Yet I didn't hit anyone else, and no other car hit mine! When I came to a stop, I leaped out of the car, loudly giving joyous praise to Jesus Christ of Nazareth for my miracle! My point is this. In that two week interval, there was nothing in the scriptures that could tell me whether or not this "word" came from the Lord or from the devil. All I could do was "wait." I don't even remember if I prayed about it because quite frankly, I did not believe it. Another thing you need to know is that you should not automatically judge the message by the messenger. God can speak to you through anyone, saved or unsaved. Also, just because the word came to pass doesn't mean that it was from the Lord. Since I knew that the messenger had a personal agenda in his attempt to dominate, manipulate and control my life, I did not take this word seriously and so I simple forgot about it until the car accident actually occurred. In situations like this particular example, sometimes waiting is all you can do. In mentoring letter 28, I mention that I held in "neutral" a dream that I had hoped was from the Lord, based on how I was interpreting it. I did not get all of the facts about that dream, until I watched the video on Joel's Army about a week ago. So I had to wait for 15 years to try the spirits on THIS one. As soon as I saw the video, I knew that my beloved dream came from the enemy and that my interpretation of it was in error. Even so, I

rejoice in the fact that the enemy failed in his attempt to lead me into the "Joel's Army" movement. So my next point in defining how to try the spirits is this. All revelations of a supernatural nature that include future predictions should be set aside in the corner of your conscious mind in a mental file called "neutral." The neutral file consists of messages that you can't tell whether they be from God or the devil. Since the message is not obviously good or evil, nor does it contradict the scriptures, mark the "mental" file in big red letters with 3 words on the folder: WAIT, WATCH AND PRAY! Here is yet another example. About 8 years ago, I had a dream of my deceased grandmother who I call "Grammie." In the dream, Grammie came to me with a bag full of money, wrapped in packs, as if it came from a bank. I said "Grammie, where did you get all of this money? She replied, "I got to go and give your cousin her share." When I awoke, the interpretation of the dream was clear. The only wealth Grammie had was her house, and her son Richie, my uncle, was still living in it. I thought to myself, the only way that Grammie could give me or my cousin any money would be "if her house was sold." With that, I put the dream in my "wait, watch and pray" mental file. About two years after the dream, to my surprise, My uncle Richie died. A few days later, out comes an old will, which Grammie signed, leaving the house to Richie and his heirs alone, leaving out 4 other legal heirs. When I enquired of at least 5 different lawyers, they were extremely discouraging. Each of them said "your grandmother signed that will and that's all she wrote. You can contest it but you will end up having to go to trial. So we will charge you up front, $25,000 and we cannot guarantee you any results. You will have to prove the undue influence of your Uncle and also that your grandmother did not have testamentary capacity." So out came the dream from my "neutral" file of "watch, wait and pray." The "bible believers" would say, "your grandmother is dead. God does not send anyone from the dead in dreams so you are practicing necromancy. That should tell you

not to put any stock in that dream because clearly, when we try the spirits according to the scriptures, we find that it is from the devil. Case closed." Well, the case was NOT closed. Just because I saw Grammie in the dream, doesn't mean that she was actually THERE! Dreams are like plays. To get the message across, sometimes the Holy Ghost will use images of "actors" playing various "roles" to send forth a particular "message." Some times the actors are dead, most of the time, they are alive. Consider this. Just because you dream of your sister who is alive, does that mean that "your sister was actually in your bedroom?." Nor was Grammie in my bedroom. Her body is in the grave and her spirit is either with Jesus or "somewhere else." Her spirit is not "here" even though I may dream of her. In the realm of the spirit, there is no time, space or distance. And since I did not seek this kind of supernatural information, I cannot be accused of practicing necromancy. I simply had a dream that I did not forget. What the dream actually did was "motivate me to fight this bogus will that lawyers insisted could not be invalidated because a lawyer in good standing had executed it." Consequently, if it were not for the dream, I would have been dissuaded from taking on the case. Nevertheless, I knew Grammie and knowing her, there was no doubt in my mind that my deceased uncle Richie had both deceived and coerced Grammie to sign a will turning over her property to his side of the family alone. So I took on the legal challenge pro se, and I WON!!! All due to a dream! I proved testamentary incapacity and undue influence. I also had a couple of dreams which showed me that I would win the case, a year before it occurred and then a few months before the family won the case I had yet another one that declared "you are going to win, Pam!". There is a fourth dream where the actual amount that I will personally obtain once the property is sold is quoted in round figures. So was the first dream from the Lord? The dream about Grammie caused me to initially fight for my inheritance. Without that dream, I would not have taken on what turned out to be a 3 year battle in the courts. Since the Lord knows that I will use the money to do whatever He needs for me to do for Him in this endtime Christian battle, my

share of the money provides me with the independence I require. My inheritance will enable me to work for the Lord without seeking offerings or donations from anyone. Also, it was Grammie's wish that all of her children share equally in her assets. So yes. I believe the first dream was from the Lord. So my next point to make in trying the spirits is that you need to examine the motives of your own heart. The second and third dreams encouraged me to not give up and settle with the opposing party. Since I was shown that my side would eventually win, that foreknowledge guided my decisions during the trial. So yes. Part two was "from the Lord." As to part 3, other family members are involved in the selling of the property. With the market such as it is in this economy, the figure I was shown acts as a guide to advising the administrators concerning the selling price. In other words, we do not have to jump at the lowest offer but we will have to settle for a bit less than the recorded value. If the dream is of God, the amount I was shown will have to be exactly as I saw it. So the selling price is still on hold, in my mental file called "neutral." So as you can see, in trying the spirits in each of the examples, the scriptures were silent. In cases like these, I look to Hebrews 5:14: But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even THOSE WHO BY REASON OF USE, HAVE THEIR SENSES EXERCISED TO DISCERN BOTH GOOD AND EVIL. In other words, where trying the concerned "practice makes perfect!" spirits is


Most of the people that the enemy is deluding today call themselves word people. Nominal Christians in both denominational and charismatic churches dont really know the word and so they are of very limited use to the religious principalities and powers. Those like myself who seek obedience to the word have been routinely and

consistently taught to take scriptures out of their natural and biblical context and apply them to situations and circumstances where they may not apply. Surely there are many issues today which were unheard of in bible times. So knowledge of the powers of darkness must be gained not only by a clear and relevant understanding of scripture but also personal experience. Religious people often warn that the danger of personal experience is that it often overshadows or even minimizes the word of God. However, the author of the book of Hebrews points out that we really cannot discern good from evil until our senses have been exercised by use or practice. (Hebrews 5:14) These pages consists of 35 years of spiritual exercise. First deceived by the occult, new age movement, then drawn to a denominational church to be rejected, spiritually abused and humiliated, it has taken all of 3 decades to renew my mind to the tricks and wiles of the devil. Therefore, the circumstances that under girded each failure are not as important to my testimony as the events that I chose to record herein. Commonsense coupled with logical reasoning is important. Since I did not understand WHY I was among them until recent years, clearly it was not the Holy Ghost who sent me to an organized denomination. In truth, I was deceived by the fallen angel assigned to me who actually orchestrated my decision by sending me counterfeit dreams and signs that you will read about in the next few chapters. The bottom line is that a fallen angel sent me to church for my own destruction. The goal? That my name would be blotted out of the Book of Life. Instead, my faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth has grown even stronger. Therefore, I thank the Lord that He protected me while I was in a dangerous place. God allowed me to be sent into the lions den for His own reasons , that even now, I may not be completely aware of. Yet, if commonsense is in order, with absolutely no church background for the first 35 years of my life, I certainly needed experiential knowledge of the organizational system of church in order to adequately inform others of Her dangers. How could I inform the elect to come out of Her if I didnt know anything about Her? Unless proven otherwise, I believe that the Lord allowed me to remain in the enemys camp to spy out the land. Like Joshua and Caleb, my real victory is that that I came out of harms way unscathed, wiser and a lot stronger. In spite of the spiritual abuse I endured at the hands of churchgoers, I have successfully spied out the land from within a damaged, defiled and rapidly decaying apostate system. In fact, as you read on, you will discover that I have WATCHED the church at Laodicea up front and personal since 1979. Looking back, it has been a slow, tedious undertaking to prepare me to warn the elect of God who have been spiritually blinded by an emotional attachment and even covert addiction to manmade church. I believe that I have learned MUCH. After twenty-five tedious years of membership in an

African American denomination, I DECLARE WITH JOY THAT "I AM AN OVERCOMER," PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. Satans workers both flesh and spirit were not able to destroy me with the kind of rejection and persecution that has led others to either outrage and hatred or bitterness and depression. Satan hoped that by provoking me with the outlandish behavior of church members, that I would not forgive them. Then his plan was to use my unforgiveness of their abuse to cause me to lose my salvation. His plan to get me back into his kingdom has failed. Sad to say, countless Christians are continuing to suffer from what is known as spiritual abuse,---the Lord's people damaged by and in the church. If the spiritual abuse doesnt destroy them, then unforgiveness and bitterness will. For any man who loveth not as Jesus commanded of us, does not have eternal life. For we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. W hosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him . (I John 3:14-15) Satan knows how hard it is to love those who abuse you and so he banks on the victim hating the abuser and therein stealing the victims salvation from him or her by default.

My identity is not bound to being right, but to being committed to truth. No longer does my natural, human desire for approval, belonging or acceptance cause me to conform to doctrines and rituals that have a form of godliness but deny the Lords power. Notwithstanding, my dedication to truth has empowered me to take the pain that truth often brings. The most outstanding pain of truth often brings rejection. In this regard, I have learned how to live as an outcast for the sake of truth. Therefore, I have evolved into a person who has no problem revealing my failures, admitting when I am wrong, or receiving constructive criticism. My identity in Christ does not require that I be right about everything.


The King James Version was not published until 1611. So how did 15 other centuries of Christians try every spirit by the written scriptures? I haven't studied this out but I suspect that an oral tradition of the word was available. Also, I'm sure that most of the early Christians were not able to read. A relationship with Jesus is certainly the answer because He is the word made flesh. Also, since the Holy Spirit is called "the spirit of truth," and since John tells us in the 16th chapter of his book that "He will show us things to

10 come," then we must not quench or grieve the Holy Ghost.

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY2061

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