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"What Does It Mean?!"

My First Encounter with an Orb

I believe it was the year 2004 or 2005. I had pictures of my storefront church on my website and a pastor from a church in Denmark copied the picture and sent it as an email attachment, along with a picture of his own church. In the email, he explained that he was contacting me to let me know that there was at least one angel in my church. When I looked at the photo of the church in Denmark, I could see the same image, 20 or more times over. (See the first 2 photos below) It was rather interesting because of its timeliness. I had begun to suspect that demons were in my church as I saw some demonic faces peering at me behind the floral arrangement in front of the window, and also behind the altar. When I received the email, I was planning to move the church out of the storefront, not just for that reason but for several others that need not be mentioned at this juncture. Anyway, I certainly did not believe that this was an angel. On the contrary, I suspected that it must be a demon based upon what I perceived occurring in my church. Since we moved a few months later, I didn't dwell on "the image." I don't know how I knew that this image is called "an orb" among occultist. I just began to call it "an orb." According to photographers, researchers, scientists and New Agers, an orb is a luminous circle of light that can be photographed, taken with or without a flash camera. They range in size from tiny to an average of two to 5 inches in diameter. Various websites connect the orbs to aliens and ghosts, while the Christian pastor in Denmark believes that the orbs are "angels."

To understand why I don't go to church, the newly release book, "the New Idolatry" should answer your questions! To watch a brief video

trailer about the book, click its cover below!

Researchers and professional photographers indicate that the orbs are not lens flares, nor are they dust or pollen particles in the air. The strange part is that orbs have predominately been photographed and even seen with the naked eye at occult conferences, in graveyards, masonic lodges and caves. So my question to you is, "why are they now showing up in photographs taken in churches?" Skeptics reason that the orbs appear in high places and that may have something to do with the camera. Not so. My storefront church has low ceilings yet there is an orb that manifested on the film. Some say that they are only visible at night in dark places. The picture of the storefront church was taken in the daytime. Below are some other pictures of orbs taken in a masonic lodge, and other religious settings. I have in my possession, several more pictures---some taken at the Notre Dame Cathedral, another in a cemetery and some in caves, and other "spiritual" buildings. I also have a picture packed away in a huge box that were taken in the denomination I was ordained in. On the photo, are orbs but these are orbs with faces in them They remind me of the cartoon, "Casper the Friendly Ghost," only their mouths are in a scornful, mocking grimace.

contact me!

The picture at the top was on my website. It was taken to commemorate the very first time that website visitors travelled from another state to visit our little storefront church, taken at least 5 years ago. The orb is on the top of the photo, on the far left, marked with the word "angel" above it by the pastor from Denmark. The second picture is that of a church in Denmark. There are at least 20 or more orbs in this photo, some bigger than others, most in the ceiling but several in the right hand wall, lower down.

orbs beside a Budhist Stature

More church orbs

Here is the church in Denmark. The one above is a masonic lodge. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

So, what do I think this all means as it relates to the organized church? As I have revealed in other letters, I was born again at home in 1977, never having attended a church a day in my life. In 1979, I received 3 dreams that guided me to a particular church---messages that I "assumed" were from God. Four year later, I was called out of that church, and then again in 2003. The first time I was called out was in October 1983. I was at a Kenneth Copeland Believer's Convention held in Atlanta. Asleep in my hotel room, I was awakened by a bellowing, booming voice that sounded like mighty waters, loud trumpets, and thunder ALL AT ONCE. I jumped out of the bed

and hit the floor where I bowed down on my knees. The voice of thunder only said 3 words: COME OUT, SEPARATE. Must have said it 20 times or more. I came out a few weeks later, but I went back to the same Denomination in 1987, where I caught un-holy hell for the next 17 years until God stepped in and led me out in 2004. I waited for 2 years for the Lord to lead me to affiliate with a different church system. Not only did He not do so, but when He spoke again, the Lord compared the church to "a condemned building." He has also revealed that "He NEVER sent me to the Denomination in the first place and that the 3 dreams that led me there "WERE NOT FROM HIM." Once I was out, I thought to "go back for a visit." The Lord spoke again, this time asking me a 4 word question that brought the fear of the Lord upon me---big time!!!!. He asked, "Are YOU Lot's wife?" After hearing that question, I won't even step inside of a church building for a wedding or a funeral. By nature, I am a balanced, rational, non-obsessive personality. However, regarding entering church buildings, I am adamant to the right side of obsession. I don't tell others what to do or not to do. I just take care of ME and I keep Lot's wife ever before me in my conscious and unconscious mind. When a close relative died last year, I walked into the church building, looked at the body for less than a minute and I walked out---very, very fast. I sat in the car until the funeral was over. This is me. So I don't attempt to cause others to be as adamant as I am about this point. I counsel and mentor people who agree with me on most points yet they admit that they see nothing wrong with going to church, and I do not contend with them about this issue. Recently, one of my clients stated that "her church was different." I simply advised her to "go and take some pictures." She did. The photograph of her church is "filled with orbs." Without any advice from me, the Lord is "leading her out of that dwelling place of demons called a church." Here is the recent photo.

Its an hypothesis, or my thoughts about what I think is happening. I believe that the fact that orbs are now manifesting in churches is a sign that devils and demons have taken over ALL Christian pulpits. Church buildings are like haunted houses---filled not with ghost but with evil spirits. Demons have been attracted to churches for centuries and so that is no surprise. Doctrines of demons are many. However, demons literally "took over" when the church began to preach an "I accept Jesus" doctrine, taking salvation out of the hands of God and putting eternal life into the hands of man. This is the reason why ALL churches are affected, in every nation of this world. Charles Finney allowed the demons to use him to bring "a new gospel" into all churches." If you have ever said, "I accepted Jesus," you too have been affected." None of us are exempt. So if you think that your church is the exception, I suggest to you that the next time you enter the building, "take some pictures." (Note: I got some pictures mixed up. Here is the church in Denmark.)




An Excerpt from "The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us."







Don't get me wrong about this, Dear Readers. You will not see the immediate truth of what I warn you about until you have your own revelation from the Lord. No one can lead you out of the visible, organized church but the Holy Ghost. After 25 years, I was led out. In fact, I literally had to be THROWN out when MY time came because "church" had become "comfortable." The administration had to mess with my comfort zone for me to leave. Perhaps that will be the case for you. But if you are among the elect, you will either walk out yourself, or the Lord will allow the devil to use fake Christians led by demons within the visible church to PUSH you out. But out you MUST come out to survive and escape the plagues that are coming upon those still "in the house!!! I warn "the lukewarm" to take heed to the words of Paul to Timothy and the words of Jesus to the church at Laodicea.

So what is the bottom line to Satan's not so tender trap? How was the devil able to get into the church, and not only secure a seat in the back row, but actually make his way to the pulpit? Well, through a gradual infiltration that has taken a century or two, Satan finally has his seat in the pulpit. You see, the gateway for the religious demon is "by invitation." Invitations can be either formal or informal. Whether in ignorance or by design, when a person has made an appeal to Satan's services by either a formal pact or an informal agreement, that person has unwittingly submitted himself to the powers of darkness.. When signs, wonders and strange religious practices that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted as divine, a spiritual invitation is made to the fake Jesus. Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes his way through the doors of your soul. When sermons are preached by wrenching scriptures out of their

context for the purpose of making three points that have nothing to do with repentance, rebirth or the resurrection, an invitation is made to the religious demon. When salvation is taken out of the sovereign calling and election of God and put into the hands of man to "make a decision for Christ" then Satan moved from the backseat into the pulpit. When unsaved people came to church altars "chanting" after seeking to speak in tongues, they invited demons to enter them and countless of these folk are now tormented, almost fully demonized. As would be expected, the sheep followed the preaching of a distorted gospel, looking for blessings, success, and prosperity to come in the abundant life they are taught that Jesus promised them. They have been seduced into believing that "they have a right to the good life" and all that prosperity entails. Rarely do preachers even mention that serving Jesus Christ can also bring trial, tribulation, trouble and in some cases, even death. Consequently, Satan's seat has been securred by the gradual elimination of the cross from the gospel preached in most pulpits. Can Satan be unseated by the organized church?. How can he be? Though short lived, the bible tells us that Satan will have his day, when he officially takes his seat in the endtime synagogue, today called "THE CHURCH!" The organized church is fastly ringing true to her final name, Mystery Babylon. Furthermore, the time for repentance may already be OVER, if judgement of the household of faith has already occurred. The remnant within the church shall prevail along with the rest of the 144,000 righteous remnant. Whether an actual or a literal number, the truth is this. The way to the True Jesus is narrow and straight and the very few are those who enter in and find the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of the Father. So What's Goin On?!

I have been a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1981, yet, I warn you. Church can not only be a dangerous place , but around the globe, many churches are actually so dangerous,that its members should run from them as if the church building was about to explode any minute. I have a pastor's heart and have functioned in the pastor's calling for







Even so, I personally believe that a person can grow spiritually without regularly attending any organized church. Most definitely, you should assemble with the saints, but the word of God does not lay out a detailed order of service, nor does it suggest the day you should assemble, the time or even the nature of the place or building where gathering together should take place. We live in a computerized world, where we can "assemble" 24 and 7. Simply put, I truly believe that the organized church as it now stands will be completely revamped by the Lord. Why? Because quite frankly, the traditional structures are not working. I myself have no replacements to offer, I closed my own local assembly two years ago. When I wrote the first 3 books, I was hopeful that repentance would bring about reformation and renewal to the organized church. However, the love of money, which is the root of ALL evil, has permeated most of the church and I seriously doubt if the Lord is going to allow it to continue to exist in its present state. Judgement is swiftly coming and I shunder at what is going to happen to church and to churchgoers. My suspicion that the age of the organized church is either over or very close to ending has been growing over time. At the core of this book is one startling fact.-- I emphasize a crucial, damnable sign of the end of the gentile age. The bottom of the bottom line is that souls are not being saved in the organized church. What is really troublesome is that I am finding that even the best churches can be hazardous, primarily because subtle deception is actually held in place by the sincerity and the commitment of its leadership. To be sincerely wrong can be almost as deadly as being obviously deceived or purposefully deceptive. In order to understand the nature of spiritual warfare, we need to have a general insight on "what has been goin on." I have read newsletters, articles and books written by well meaning sisters and brothers that are too complicated for the average Christian. We have some very intelligent people in the remnant church--real deep, scholarly thinkers. The problem is that as they major on each individual tree, our minds are overrun with too many thoughts, too many ideas. The intent of each chapter of this book is to "uncomplicate"

things by centering on the big peices of the puzzle in order to make the spiritual picture more understandable to the average Christian. To get a picture of "what's goin on" , it is important that we consider the intense significance of the fact that man was made a little lower than the angels. As are angels, we too are created beings. The highest created being was Lucifer, as there was no creature superior to him. Beneath Lucifer were the rest of the angelic creation: cherubim and seraphim, the archangels, principalities and powers, the lower angels and demons. The bible also suggests that there were other living creatures on earth who themselves fell at the time of Lucifer's rebellion. It is believed that their disembodied spirits make up the lower class of demons. Of this, no one is sure. All we know is that no matter the class of demon, in the Name of Jesus, we can "cast them out!!!!"

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY 12061

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