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I GET A SENSE THAT WOMEN ARE ABOUT TO BE PROMOTED? WHY? BECAUSE RELIGIOUS DEMONS ARE USING WOMEN TO CONFRONT AND SILENCE OTHER WOMEN IN MINISTRY! Take a gander at a sample of a few posts left on a blog that I subscribe to. The subject of the post is far removed from women in ministry yet, out of the blue, I was confronted in a "word" battle over "women keep silent in the churches." These are just a few blogs that came from "Christian" women. The men stayed silent! lol

If I think I know something, and my husband doesnt know it (according to me), I am not to act as his teacher or authority. I can say what I believe is true without teaching. And as for teaching, we as women can find it very easy, useful, and possible to teach others without calling ourself a teacher, or an authority other than the Spirit that is within us I also dont believe that women are called to be ministers or pastors. If that is true then Jesus would have picked Mary to be of the 12 apostles, but he didnt. The bible clearly says in the Old Testament that priest were to be men and evidently that is carried through into the New Testament. I & II Timoty and Titus tells us that leader of the church had to be men. Even Peter said the person to replace Judas had to come from among the MEN that had been with Jesus. Man and people would like to say that women can be leaders of Gods church but they present no evidence anywhere that this is so. Debra was a judge and prophetess of the nation of Israel, but she was no priest. Thats a big difference! Women can be used of God, filled with His Holy Spirit, even be prophetesses, but nowhere does it ever say one woman was an apostle. Just more of mans lies from the lying churches we have around us today. I can only go by what I have learned in how I relate to my husband, as I have been taught. If I think I know something, and my husband doesnt know it (according to me), I am not to act as his teacher or authority. I can say what I believe is true without teaching. So I can imagine the same would be true in a gathering of believers among men and women.


Whenever bible thumpers speak on submission, they quote the scripture about women being submissive to their husbands. With this scripture as a backdrop, to be submissive is then subtlely defined as being "weak" as women of Paul's day were considered "the weaker sex." It then follows that submission is an expression of quietness or of "having a quiet spirit." Quietness is then equated with passivity. Passivity is being meely mouthed and evasive of facing the truth about self and others--- head on--- and dealing with it. My history is that because I have a rather strong masculine side, men have taken it upon themselves to try to bring me down, kinda like that Shakespearan play, the Taming of the Shrew. Since I was not only a brain but also a beauty, men found it particularly challenging to see if they could break me, as if I was some kind of wild stallion. When I consider this kind of female "breaking," I am reminded of the movie, "the Color Purple." Everytime I watch the movie, there is no side of Celie's character or ways that I can identify with--at all. Not until she picked up that knife and put it to "Mistah's" throat, did I see a glimpse of a "former Pam." Stuck in a bad marriage where her husband treats her as an unworthy servant, Celie's submission caused her to be a passive victim. Considering it safer to submit to an unholy authority rather than to fight and risk not surviving, Celie spends decades being a doormat. She doesn't find her own strength until she faces the truth---that "Mr." intentionally separated her from her beloved sister. Played by a dominate personality like Whoopie Goldberg, Whoopie did an excellent acting performance for there is nothing of Celie in the real life Whoopie. I personally identify with Shug Avery and with Oprah's character, Sophia. Like Shug, I have been free, black and over 21 for a long time and


like Sophia , I have struggled for decades to keep my freedom and my independence. Shug was larger than life but Sophia is about honesty. When Sophia struggles, she says so. When she's hurt, she goes to the person and lets them know. So in that sense, Sophia is submissive as she seeks restoration through personal confrontation. However, when she is angry, she retaliated aggressively---a trait that caused her years of bondage wherein she was almost broken by those who simply could not deal with her honesty. A warning to all the Sophia's out there. Be angry, but sin not.

The reality is that the devil has been using men to break the spirit of strong and weak women of every race and culture for centuries. This very pattern began in my life in the 60s, a real tumultuous time for me. Some broke my heart temporarily, but they could not break my spirit, even when I was not saved and in the world. Once Jesus saved me in 1977, the enemy continued using men who professed to be Christian, to try and bring me down. Two of them were husbands. The Lord revealed to me that they were sent by the enemy to destroy me. My escape is filled with the supernatural intervention of God Almighty. So the men who claimed they were Christian were also unsuccessful at "breaking me". My understanding of humility is that it is the opposite of pride. A humble person can admit to making mistakes. A humble person is also obedient and submissive. To be submissive is to prioritize the needs of others over self indulgence. But most of all, a humble person is obedient to the leadings and revelations of the Holy Ghost. When God is about to destroy something, don't be like Lot's wife, and look back with longing in your eyes. When you come out of Egypt or Sodom, don't look back. The jewels that I offer as a senior citizen and as an elder in Christwhether straight out taught or simply sharedis this. What I have of value to the maturing Body of Christ is my failures. My failures are my most precious gift. One of my failures has been submitting to the

wrong people. Recently, the Lord has impressed it upon my heart not to have any fellowship with people that I pastored who were members or affiliates of my last church. Three of them remain in the periphery of my life. I took steps this week to obey God on this. The fear of the Lord is upon me and so the one I must submit to is Him. Below you will find a statement from a powerful woman of God who I only know on the post as "Barb." Here are her insightful words. My thought is "why try to summarize, edit or rewrite the words of a sister in Christ that are simply soooo good on their own.

BARB ON SUBMISSION I am 70 years old now and grew up within a church that taught the wrong kind of submission of wives to their husbands. I also have 7 sisters and a mother who was the more pronounced authority figure within our home. You can imagine how that worked in my life as we approached the feminist issues that arrived in the early 70s! Now that doesnt mean that we didnt respect our father (poor guy 8 daughters!) or basicly consider him to be the family breadwinner. But it did cause some discomforts and problems for me when I married 48 years ago and attempted to put the wrong submission rules in place, as I was a good Christian young woman and eventually mother and wanted to live by the precepts Id been taught in the church (and I wanted to have a marriage different from my parents) Sooooo, instead of cultivating the partnershp in our marriage that we have now I got myself lost in living a life that was role playing. Not only was I very unhappy, but became confused when I felt the Lord moving me into a place of leadershp where the abortion issue was beginning to surface in the late 60s, early 70s. I had an anointing to do what I eventually did as a state leader but my young husband, in his so called god-given authority--- became confrontational and spent many a moment attempting to

control that, as I moved into a type of authority politically with our state legislature and became a public figure, debating public authorities, public speaking across the state, and co-managing a state office. It caused no small amount of grief to try to walk within the boundaries Id established within our home while also attempting to do what I knew in my heart I was supposed to be doing. In prayer, though, the Lord assured me that I was doing what I was called to do and I was counseled to not worry about my husband, to submit certain things to him (as my partner), like travel arrangements, babysitting arrangements, etc., but to trust the Lord in dealing with our situation. Guess what??? It all worked out beautifully. After 47 years, we can say that we complement one another where our strengths and weaknesses are concerned. Men and women have God-built instincts within us men being the protectors and builders and women basicly being the nurturers and homemakers. When those needs are met, in love, then Gods peace envelops a relationship. That is the order of things. What I think Pam is referring to is what I found myself involved in way back when I was 29 years old, and in a world that really did consider men to be a dominating force. Well, I think God kind of blew that issue right out of the water. Perhaps, the devil was used to do it (feminism and abortion reform) but, we needed to move away from that old role playing concept. Pretending to be what we are not is not only manipulative, but it is unhealthy. As with many, many issues right now as to what is right or wrong in Gods eyes, I think we need to daily submit ourselves to God and trust Him to work out the details in everything. The divorce rate is skyrocketing; children are being raised in single parent homes. So much is out of order these days that our emphasis on some of these things is just not necessary or pertinent. As with all created beings, we each of us are created with certain abilities, talents, temperaments and personalities. God fits us into our lives and relationships if we let Him. What drives one doesnt drive another, eh? Domination is the key word. Domination is evil and wherever one sees that going on in a persons life or ministry you will surely find the seeds of rebellion which is like witchcraft (spirit of control). What I think we are referring to in our dialogue is how the

godly kind of submission that was ordained for all believers toward one another has been misconstrued and misunderstood. God created women to be helpmates and partners to men, not subordinates. Submitting to authority covers a lot of territory and refers to men as well as women. There are many instances in scripture where women were called for leadership at certain times in history (Deborah, Esther, etc.). I believe we must use the scriptures as a guide book, not a rule book, and let the Holy Spirit bring revelation to us as He works out the details of our lives. Too often it is used as a rule book and the meaning taken out of context. Only God knows the heart of another and His Spirit blows where it wants to. I believe, especially at this time in history, we must turn away from rules weve been taught and get real close to our Messiah personally who is doing a new thing right now. If a mistake is made, then be quick to repent and get back on the right track. We now live in that time prophecied for the end of end times: people have become lovers of self. We must beware of the tendency to promote self, and yet at the same time be willing to be used, in whatever capacity God would use us.

MY THOUGHTS OF THE EVENTS OF THIS WEEK April 27th to May 2, 2011 My life changed on September 11, 2001. As I watched the second tower fall from my TV set, I knew we were at "the end." The number 911 became very significant to me. The late Dave Wilkerson, the founding pastor of the Times Square Church, played a key role in the events of 911. First of all, he predicted it, ELEVEN years before the towers fell. It is written in one of his books and in several of his written sermons. On Sept. 10, 2001, Dave and the members of the TS church had a premonition that "something was up."

So they began to make hundreds of sandwiches that were soarly needed for the police, firefighters and other rescuers the next historical day. So for Dave to have died on Weds. April 27th, just 4 days BEFORE the May 1st take down of Osama Bin Laden, is "very telling." As Moses was not allowed to enter into the promise land because of a last moment blunder, I believe that something similiar transpired for Pastor Dave. He would have been the minister at the center of all of the victory celebrations in NYC. Just 4 days! Wow! So what was Dave's blunder? Of course, this is my speculation as I am not suggesting that these are the words or thoughts of God. This is sheer commonsense and human reasoning. I have studied Dave's teachings for at least 20 years. So I KNOW that DAVE KNEW for at least two decades that the organized church is fast becoming Mystery Babylon, that false prophets and witches were steadily taking over the house of God. In fact, I found out about that through reading as many of Dave's sermons and books as I could, especially after Dave proved to me by his prediction that he is a prophet of God. I perceive that the mistake that Dave made is trying to reform the organized church by remaining inside and PREACHING REPENTANCE to Her when She has no intention of repenting. If Dave had died in his sleep, even of a debilitating disease, I would not be addressing this very important point. Nevertheless, the WAY he died is quite noteworthy as it seems God is sending us ALL a message. Dave's death was sudden, tragic, and violent. Deny it if you will. I've read the statements of lots of Christians who are viewing his death through rose colored glasses. But the truth of the matter is that it is a curse to be hit HEAD ON by a MAC truck with your wife in the car beside you and the truck was not at fault. So I suspect that Dave's blunder was that he did not come out of the organized church when he KNEW that he should. Preaching hard against HER practices? Most certainly he did and I owe him much gratitude as he has remained my only teacher of this generation. Since I have only read about half of his sermons and teachings, he will remain my teacher. But like the man of God in I Kings 13, Dave's carcass was "left on the road." And the message??? As Dave Wilkerson was the best minister that the organized church had to offer in the last 50 years, I believe that God is saying to those in the organized church, LIKE

DAVE, YOU ARE GOING TO CRASH. The fear of the Lord causes me to tremble. I hear His voice cry out, "Come out of Her, My People, lest ye partake of Her sins, lest ye receive of Her Plagues." The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Let wisdom cause you to be wise as a serpent and let the fear of the Lord prolong your life! Pam

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY 12061

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