Mentoring Letter 35

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Generational Curses and Plagues


Do you believe that curses have been passed on to you from your ancestors, as far back as four generations? If this is what you believe, then you are in denial of the scripture that assures you that those who are in Christ have been delivered from all the power of darkness and the wicked one cannot touch us. (Col. 1:12; 1 John 5:18). No curse can go through the cross of Christ and have dominion over those who are in Christ. We are not under a curse once we have come through the cross. Every spiritual blessing is for us who are in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3). Anyone that insists they are cursed needs to know who they are in Christ, and maybe who Christ is as well. We have not received the spirit of

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bondage again to fear, but the Spirit of adoption (Rom.8:15). What I have found is that those who have been involved in deliverance ministries have actually brought a curse upon themselves by accepting a specific generational curse as a fact. As a result, their belief in this teaching actually creates a selffulfilling prophecy that the worker and the captive actually bring to pass together. As Paul warned the Galatians, any one who adds to or detracts from the gospel of Jesus Christ will become CURSED. Ironically, the generational curses teaching adds to and detracts from the gospel of Jesus Christ, particularly the power of the cross. This teaching promotes a law that hinders grace, and it is by grace that we are set free from the curse of the law. Consequently, those who uphold the generational curses doctrine which states that Satan and his demons create curses for Christians because of ones ancestors, actually opens the door to a curse. Taken a step further, this false teaching actually creates the fear that put those who believe in it in even more bondage than what they may originally have sustained! We as believers have not received a spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind. If you believe this teaching, you are risking the soundness of your mental state, bringing on further anxiery and stress that may "cause you to faint" when you enter into spiritual battle against demons. Therefore, if you stand in spiritual warfare with a deliverance worker against a self proclaimed curse that was never there in the first place, you forfeit the grace that is needed to set you free. This teaching is particularly dangerous because it implies that Jesus didn't break the curse on the cross. As such, it stands to reason that if you believe that you are in bondage to a generational curse, then you must not be saved. If you are not saved then you are STILL under the power of darkness and Jesus did not remove your sins and His blood has not cleansed you from sin. Therefore, you have NOT been translated out of darkness and the spiritual weapons of Ephesians 6 will not work for you, if you are in bondage to a generational curse. So what does the devil get out of this false teaching? He gets those who teach it and those who believe it to lose grace and to weaken their faith. Recently, with the death of the man of God, David Wilkerson, some deliverance workers posted on facebook that Wilkerson died because he was subject to a curse, put on him by witches as retaliation for his exposing witches and witchcraft in the house of God. These workers claimed that they were going to interrogate demons, uncover who was responsible and return curses. According to the scriptures, if they are correct, then David



Wilkerson was not a child of God. If a man who constantly preached the cross was subject to a curse, therefore, he was not under the protection of the cross and the enemy was able to not only touch Wilkerson, but kill him outright. I know that David Wilkerson was a true and faithful prophet of God so no witches or demons were capable of putting a curse on him. So what happens in instances like these? Consider this. There is a difference between a curse and a plague. By the cross, Jesus delivers us from a curse because when we become born again, old things become new and the past is washed in the precious blood of the Lamb, which includes any sins that your ancestors may have committed that could possibly affect YOU. A curse is specific in that it is an appeal to a supernatural power for harm to come to specific people, places and things. A plague is "different." A plague is much more general. Its like a tornado. When it hits NO ONE is spared from its effects and even the innocent who are simply in the wrong place at the time of the tornado. The innocent get swept up with the guilty. Jesus warned the elect of God to "come out of Her, lest ye be partakers of HER sins and receive of HER plagues." If He is referring to the organized church, (and I believe that He is) then the innocent will be partakers of the plagues along with the guilty. A plague is a widespread affliction, a sudden destructive influx or an outbreak. It can also be persistent, but it is also infectious---in the spirit, a plague can be compared to a highly infectious disease like the bubonic plague. Those who hear the warning and continue to remain in a defiled place are subject to a plague, and the elect of God are not exempt from it. Since most of those who come to me to be set free from demonic torment were also attending a church that could not deliver them, I simply asked them to give me 90 days of no church attendance. Those who can't do so are not delivered. They remain not cursed but "plagued." Let a word to the wise be sufficient.




An Excerpt from "Come Out of Her, God's People."

Whether you are ready to stop going to church or not, especially if you consider yourself a word person, then let the words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, speak to you out of Revelation Chapter 18m verse 4. In this scripture, the Lord Himself declared Come Out of Her, My People. I challenge the elect to ask themselves 3 simple questions concerning the Lords warning, as follows:

1.Where are Gods People? Could the scriptures be referring to a particular nation or country? No. Gods people are in every nation. Even though America claims to be a Christian, people of diverse persuasions can agree on this one point, namely, that America is really NOT a Christian nation. Lets face it. The universal place where Gods people assemble for worship is in the organized church. Its the only place that makes sense. In this day and time, without a passport and finances, who can walk out of their native country very easily and re-locate elsewhere? In truth, mass exodus from anywhere today is practically impossible. Jesus would not command us to do the impossible. However, anywhere in the world, we can come out of the organized church by simply no longer attending. 2.What generation of Gods people is Jesus speaking to? Most of the book of Revelation is about the end of the church age. If the 7 churches in the book of Revelation represent chronological symbols of church ages throughout history, then Jesus is talking to the final generation, the church at Laodicea. Its a no-brainer that no other church era on earth could top our own generation in a claim to be rich and in need of nothing. (Revelation 3:17) 3.Are we at the end of the church age? For all intents and purposes, if we are the church at Laodicea, where those who preach the prosperity gospel actually DO brag on how rich they are, spiritual blindness is clearly and undeniably rampant. When churchgoers havent a clue as to the meaning of repentance, rebirth and the resurrection and therein believe that they are saved but they are not, what could be a stronger sign that we are near or even at the end of the church age? So if you answer in the affirmative to all 3 questions, then Jesus has spoken to YOU! He is warning you at this very moment to come out of the organized church, and if you dont, you are going to receive of her plagues. You dont have to be a bible scholar, a prophet or even a rocket scientist to answer these 3 questions. Once you have your answer, then if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ, you will know, without a shadow of a doubt that you must come out of Her. In a nutshell, ONE primary reason stands out above all others that should be enough for the elect to decide to come out of Her. Its because fallen angels---religious devils---have infiltrated the entire church system. Certainly, they have no part in the true Body of Christ because the real church is not a building made with hands. However, through compromise and doctrinal distortions of all kinds, there is an invisible, imposter god undergirding every edifice, regardless of how sincere and faithful the leadership. Consequently, if

you are unknowingly worshiping an imposter, than you are unknowingly practicing idolatry and breaking the 10 Commandments. The punishment for idolatry is a release of the curses or the plagues. (Deuteronomy 28) When judgment falls, churchgoers will not be able to find the secret place of the Most High, nor abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Paul warned the Corinthians that they should flee fornication. In the spirit, fornication is idolatry. In the words of Klein and Spears in their book Devils and Demons, these co-authors offer the elect some sober and sound advice: We need to run, not walk----as fast as we can and as far away as we can get---from any devils and demons that masquerade as our great God of the Universe.2 Putting my interpretation of who actually is Her of Revelation 18:4, I have also considered several other scriptures in both testaments. For example, in the old testament, whenever the Father referred to the idolatry of the children of Israel, He used symbols of gender, with Himself as masculine and His people as feminine. In fact, God command the prophet Hosea to marry an adulterous woman to stand as a metaphorical comparison of Himself and the children of Israels practicing the religions of heathen nations. (Hosea 1:1-3) Similarly, Jesus is the metaphorical Bridegroom while the elect--His peopleare the Bride. In both testaments, idolatry is synonymous with fornication or sex outside of marriage. When Gods people practiced a false religion, it is written that they went a whoring. In the new testament, the Lord chided the first church at Ephesus with a gender based reproach when He warned you have lost your first love. (Rev.2:4) In response to the idolatry in the church at Thyatira, the Lord declared yet another gender based statement with Ill cast you into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. (Rev. 2:20-22) There are several more examples that in themselves could be the subject of a book or two, particularly the Songs of Solomon. In keeping with the biblical pattern, it stands to reason that in our times, the Her of Revelation 18:4 is an idolatrous religion practiced predominately behind church walls. Playing the devils advocate with yet another question posed in an attempt to try the spirits to see if they be of God, I asked myself the following questions: : Suppose I am completely wrong and I have absolutely misinterpreted the scriptures and the Her in Revelation 18:4 is really NOT the organized church? To that, my response is I will have lost nothing because I gained absolutely nothing from the church except error and deception. As I look back in order to present my decades of spiritual history within a well known denominational system, chapters 2 to 6 will progressively unfold that not only did the organized church have nothing at all to do with my salvation or my spiritual edification, but in fact, the entire religious system served as an enemy to my soul. A root in dry ground, I did more than merely survive. Showered with Gods grace and mercy, I actually thrived in a dark, un-nurturing place--- a spiritually dangerous, hostile spiritual environment. If God Himself had

not been on my side, I am convinced that I would have withered on the vine and died---spirit, soul and body.

2 Klien, John and Spears, Adam, Devils and Demons and the Return of the Nephilim, Covenant Research Institute, Bend, Or, 2005, pg. 139

Rather than a curse, what you may have is a cultural predisposition that includes patterns and trends, as well as a background or upbringing that you became acculturated by. Here are some of them.

Patterns and trends--- Within your family tree is a long line of substance abusers giving the appearance of a genetic predisposition. This is NOT a curse but a predisposition or tendency toward a certain lifestyle. Social and cultural factors have been influenced by unseen demonic forces wherein by example, you have developed a vulnerability to the substance abuse demon. A review of Deuteronomy Ch. 27 points to the following as open doors: ...idolatry or witchcraft ...oppression of the weak ...sodomy ...dishonoring of parents ...incest ...theft ...injustice ...perjury

2. A background in the occult or false religions---If you have practiced divination, sorcery, roots, santeria, obeah or some form of witchcraft, ie. astrology, yoga, acupuncture, hypnosis, transcendental meditation, chanting, reincarnation and the use of a Ouija board, to name a few, you have opened a demonic doorway. These practices have also been linked to religious idolatry or involvement in mediumship or psychic phenomena. I would include in this list a family history of Catholicism, Mormonism, Hinduism, Buddhism, any religion that calls itself Christian, but in any way adds to or detracts from the gospel of Jesus Christ, particularly the divinity of the Son of God. 3. Pressures in early childhood-- When as a child you were denied basic emotional needs for love, safety and self esteem, you became vulnerable to demons. Physical and sexual abuse are included here.

4.Emotional shock or sustained emotional pressure. Traumatic events such as violence, incest or rape as well as a sudden and frightening accidents. These kind of episodes are breeding grounds for demonic activity. Intense fear can also lead to denial and escapism. 5. Sinful acts or habits---Demons have a right of access when you made a conscious decision to practice sin. Whoever practices sin over a prolonged period of time is actually imitating the devil's nature and character and cuts himself off from the power of God. In particular, demons are attracted to sins of long duration such as sexual immorality, including not only fornication but sodomy or homosexuality. 6. Negative emotions ---Anger, hatred, unforgiveness, rejection, and self-pity can lead to rebellion. Rebellion is as "the sin of witchcraft." 7. Character defects. Unaware of the impact of unseen forces on your personality, demons have been empowered to develop your mind, emotions, feelings, and will. Your personality has become a mixture of your own soul under the influence of demons. Though last, character defects is where the bulk of the work is targeted in the therapeutic model I have developed called "deliverance counseling" through the SEW and the RIC programs. A major counseling goal is to help you to recognize hidden battlegrounds in your own life so that you can find victory in the blood of Jesus. I'll restate the truth. There is no such thing as a generational curse. Why not? Because The blood of Jesus broke all curses at the cross 2000 years ago.

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY2061

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