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Part Two

Last week I posed the question, "Can a demon block or hinder a person's salvation. The Lord revealed the answer between last week and this week. My answer last week was a weak one. First I wrote "no," then "maybe." Well the answer to that question is an emphatic "yes." I was reminded of Howard Pittman, a minister who had a death transition experience in the 70's. He died, came back to life and shared about a demon he called "the Mystery Demon." According to Pittman, this demon or fallen angel has capacities and authority that no other entity of its kind has. I have been on the brink of this revelation for about 5 years now,

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yet it seems to rise and then fade away from my memory. However, between last week and this week, it came to me that the reason why my clients and former clients are not yet born again is because the Mystery Demon is blocking them. So what are we to do? I taught about this subject 5 years ago. When you finish reading, I strongly recommend that you listen to the audio message by clicking the title link "DEFENDANT OR PLAINTIFF." I would never have known about the Mystery Demon if I had not been conducting telephone counseling sessions with clients from the USA and abroad since December 2002. So for the last 9 years, my eyes have been opened to how this demon operates. The issue is this. There are people who have experienced what I call a counterfeit birth. A counterfeit birth occurs when a person has had an experience that caused them to believe that they became born again or saved, when what actually occurred is that they picked up a religious demon who has literally "imitated" salvation. Most of these people were obviously tormented in one way or the other. Some either heard voices, saw strange visions and dreams, while others were obsessive-compulsive or narcissistic. Through deliverance counseling, the torment decreased and in some cases, completely stopped once the client became aware of the truth. Some even had a "new" experience or revelation that on occasion, caused me to believe that God saved them, but in actuality, "it didn't happen." Others have experienced no torment at all and have had no outstanding personality disorders. They believed that they were saved based upon either attending church, or having had a spiritual experience, yet very quickly I discerned that they too had been fooled by a counterfeit rebirth experience. I was almost fooled by this group because since they experienced no torment, I assumed that no demon was involved. Yet I was baffled. Why, after coming to a knowledge of the truth were they STILL not saved? Without a doubt, all fallen angels and earthbound demons must obey the Son of God, without exception. However, the bible refers to a group of entities called "dignitaries." I have often wondered why Jesus had a conversation with the demons called Legion who were in possession of the madman of Gedara, much less grant their request to be cast into a herd of pigs. Were these beings among the dignities who had the right to make such a request? I don't know, but its something to think about. Along these lines, we see the rules of authority and protocol relative to dignities and angelic beings in the book of Daniel. Daniel had been in prayer and fasting for three full weeks in order to learn of the fate of the children of Israel when he received an angelic visitation from a
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being that resembled a man but had a face as the appearance of lightning. A messenger from the throne of God, a supernatural being informed Daniel of the struggle he had endured in order to bring him a revelation of end times. In the 9th Chapter, Daniel had been visited by a being who identified himself as the angel Gabriel, the very angel who would have a major role in bringing messages to the virgin Mary and to Zechariah. However, in the 10th Chapter, we are not told if this angel is Gabriel. Much wisdom for deliverance is revealed in the angel's words:

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Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days; for yet the vision is for many days. (Daniel 10:12-14)

Who is the prince of the kingdom of Persia? I suspect that he is a dignity of a higher rank than was the one sent to Daniel but of a lower rank than Michael. I suspect that the only dignity that is of a higher rank than Michael is Satan himself. Otherwise, as recorded in Jude, Michael would not have had to yield to Satan and declare the Lord rebuke thee. So then what should be our understanding of Paul's letter to the Colossians where he writes concerning Jesus at the cross: having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15) I believe that all dignities must bow to Jesus but unlike demons, they do not have to bow to us when we use the Lord's name against them, and in this regard, we must come boldly to the throne of grace and ask the Lord Himself to rebuke the dignities on the captive's behalf. David also presents a clue as to how the Lord as Our Advocate functions with these dignities among the congregation of the mighty. I myself am not yet ready to be as bold with the Lord as was David: God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; He judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and need; rid them out of the hand of the wicked. (Psalm 82:1-4) I interpret this scripture to impart that the congregation of the mighty not only includes the angels of the Lord, but also those dignities that serve Satan. Apparently, every knee must

bow to the Lord, as He rules over ALL. However, the dignities MUST obey Jesus but it seems that they can refuse our commands, because they are not earth bound demons. As a higher order or stature of authority than are humans, they do not have to obey our commands in the Lord's name. Perhaps this is the case of the Mystery Demon. In His role as Advocate, the Lord defends our case and as Intercessor, He delivers us from the dignities. I believe that if we prepare our case according to the the spiritual rules of law that David, Daniel and the saints of old were familiar with, we can successfully stand in the gap during spiritual warfare. In most situations, believers are the plaintiff and the dignities are the defendants.

PREPARATION OF THE CASE FOR INTERCESSION: Taken from Chapter 8 of "Faces of the Religious Demon." If it is the work of dignities like the Mystery Demon to cause various seekers to be unable to be saved when they come to Jesus, the intercessor must be the one to prepare the case for prayer and ask the Lord to rebuke the dignities for the sake of the captive. In other words, fall on the mercy of the court by coming boldly to the Throne of the Father, with Jesus as the Advocate. Prayer must be both effectual and fervent. (James 5) When something is effectual, it produces the desired results. When a prayer is fervent, it is impassioned, ardent and fiery, filled with zeal and enthusiasm. If you've watched a trial in movie, the lawyer who wins is usually the one who is fueled in his presentation of an effectual plea to the jury. Prayer in these situations and conditions is like entering an invisible court room to plea a case for vindication. I believe that Satan is represented by his dignities, where they stand before God and petition the Father to be allowed to keep various souls in bondage for any number of reasons deemed un-contestable. I suspect that each of the devil's cases are heard. Since the triune God is completely righteous and just, I believe that Satan is granted his request if his petition remains uncontested by the saints in prayer. Consequently, the emphasis of counseling with cases of people whose salvation has been blocked is primarily one of investigation to prepare a case bold enough to come to the Throne to seek grace and mercy for the captive. In the natural, when a lawyer takes a cast to court, this is the culmination of an investigation that exposes the breaking of a law, requiring action to be taken by the court. Correct practices are crucial during the investigation so as to reduce challenges and difficulties that will be presented by the opposition. Investigation primarily involves the collection and the assessment of evidence. Evidence is any material that is relevant to proving or disproving the offenses including but not limited to witness statements, transcripts, documents, physical evidence, and the

like. In a natural trial, it is necessary to prove each element of the suspected offense and to rebut any possible defenses. The intercessor's spiritual position within the investigation is akin to that of the expert witness, the one who receives light or enlightenment. Enlightenment is the potential for truth to be revealed in every situation, an essential condition of vision. Every demonic wile of the mystery demon and all others is set in motion to keep me in the dark about the captive's true spiritual condition. Darkness comes in all shades. It can be vague, not even noticeable until an obscure nuance is brought to the light of my attention. Accuracy in discernment is being able to perceive character, detect trends and uncover motives---the power to see what is not evident to the average mind. Darkness also produces a spiritual condition where the truth is concealed behind a spiritual fog. Consequently, a crucial key to my prayer victory is to have faith in the fact that I have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, and therefore, the Lord wants me to know. Since it is the job of the Holy Ghost to reveal all truth , the intercessor must purpose in his or her heart not to quench or grieve Him with personal baggage and unresolved issues concerning the case. So the intercessor must cast off personal works of darkness by putting on the armor of light. (Romans 13:12-14, James 3:16) I have found that if f I myself have fellowshipped with the unfruitful works of darkness, (Ephesians 5:8), if my own heart is unclean because of any self seeking or ambitious tendencies, if I despise correction, chastening or brokenness (Hebrews 12:5, Hebrews 10:22), then I have quenched the Holy Ghost and my case before the Throne will be ineffective. God is light and God is love. If I say that I have fellowship with Him and I walk in darkness, I lie, I do not practice the truth and the Holy Ghost is both quenched and grieved. (I John1:5) Intercessory prayer is a manifestation of love and should be inspired by it. Any obstruction to love is an obstacle that stands in the way of enlightenment, just as clouds obstruct and veil the sunlight. Progress and fruitfulness is hindered by obstructions. For example, agreement between the captive and the deliverance counselor or intercessor is absolutely essential. I cannot come boldly for someone who is in disagreement with me or who does not have any confidence in my authority to command. Boldness is defined by Webster as the confidence and courage to move forward to meet danger. When dealing with demons and dignitaries, as an intercessor, I am putting myself on the front lines where the attack is focused, deliberate and concentrated. Any un-crucified or weak spot in my character as well as in my relationship with the captive is a target for the

enemy. Therefore, I will not risk myself by standing in the gap for a captive who is adamantly defiant and resistant to unlearning error. For God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. When I plead my case, my goal is to obtain grace. Another obstruction to maintaining fellowship with the Holy Spirit is doubt and unbelief. Since faith is seen in what you do and what you say, it answers the question do you believe God? I have found that the best way to believe God is to understand His ways and His conditions. To illustrate, the Lord was upset with the children of Israel because what they did and what they said did not line up with faith to believe in Him. I myself refuse to come against the demons and the dignities with blind faith. For example, I must know that it is God's will to save those whose salvation has been blocked, since natural evidence has defied the scriptures in regards to whosoever will, let Him come. Then as I study the doctrines of pre-destination and election, my faith to make my case before Him began to slightly waver. It was only when I found scripture to support my case that my faith became strong and solid. When I read scripture that declared that God will save those who don't even seek Him, when I realized how the Lord saved the madman of Gedara and proud, idolatrous King Nebchannezer, my faith stands strong, uplifting my courage to stand, fight the good fight and plead with an effectual, impassioned fervency.



Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY 12061

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