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Year 9 Rewards trip

Wednesday 20th July

Leave School 11.10 am

Return to Heron Hall Academy 6.15pm approx.

Location: The Apollo Theatre, Victoria, London.

Students must arrive at school by 10.30am in full school uniform.

To celebrate the end of this academic end year the school have organised a trip for Year 9. We will be
attending a production of Wicked in the West End London. We will be traveling to and from the venue via
public transport using over ground and underground rail. This trip requires all students to bring a punched lunch
unless they are entitled to free school meal, in which case, the school will provide this on the day.

As a representative of Heron Hall Academy poor behaviour will not be tolerated and any students misbehaving
will be returned to the school site without a ticket refund.

The trip has been subsidised but a contribution of £13 is required, this will cover the theatre ticket and transport
costs. Please make this payment using ParentPay ref Year 9- WRT by Monday 20th June.

Tickets are limited so therefore will be allocated to students on a first come first serve basis.

If your child has any medical needs/conditions, please inform the school office and ensure they have their
medication on the trip day.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Burrows
Head of Year 9

I give permission for my child to attend the trip to Wicked on

Wednesday 20th July.
If your child has free school meals and you would like the school to provide them with a packed lunch
please tick this box 


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