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Dear Parents,

Trips Wednesday 20th July 2022.

I am writing regarding the trips on Wednesday 20th July 2022. A range of trips is on offer for each
year group. We hope that these trips will be enriching for students. These trips have been reduced
in price so that as many students as possible are able to attend.

If you are having issues logging into parent pay and wish your child to attend please can you contact
the School Office.

A few parents have contacted the school stating that they would like their child to participate but
are experiencing financial hardship at this current time.

Therefore, if you would like your child to participate in their year group trip and are unable to make
payment, please could you ask your child to return the slip below to their Head of Year, giving
permission for them to attend. If you prefer you could also contact the school office with this
information via telephone or email.

Please could you respond with the next 24 hours so that numbers attending the trip can be finalised.
Students not attending the trips on this day should attend school as normal to avoid unauthorised
absences marks.

Yours sincerely,

Mr M Saunders

Assistant Head teacher


Sunan Amirul
I give permission for _____________________________________to

Year-end Trip
Signed ___________________________ (Parent / Guardian) Contact number: __________________

Any Medical conditions? ______________________________________________________________

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