Mentoring Letter 40

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CONTACT ME! If you feel in any way "out of control," you may need counseling. If so, send an email to

Because the spirit and the soul are not separate but tightly knitted or braided around each other as are the ligaments, marrow and joints in our legs, it is difficult to discern the difference between the two. The soul is easiest to recognize because the concerns and needs of "self" are generally apparent. We recognize the "body" side of the soul because we can see the results through the activity of the natural frame. We can see selfishness, ambition, competition, and jealousy because the body, through material and natural things, will engage in scenarios that expose self striving. However, where we fall short is in our ability to discern the soul from the spirit, which is also "flesh." I am considering a gospel account of the words of the Lord when a funeral procession went by. He turn to his disciples and said, "let the dead bury the dead." How can the dead bury the dead? What Jesus was actually saying is "let the spiritually dead bury the

physically dead." Those who are alive in both the body and the soul have a dead spirit. A dead spirit is one that is separated, alienated, and without God in the world. That is a dead spirit. It doesn't mean that there is no awareness or activity in the spirit. The spirit of the lost is very much alive in the kingdom of darkness, but he or she is alienated from the kingdom of heaven. It makes itself known through various nightmares and irrational fears. When it is active, man's dead spirit is open to the hellish dark world of spirits ruled over by the Prince of darkness. When it is both active AND powerful, the spirit is capable of a variety of supernatural feats including but not limited to clairvoyance, clairaudience and astral travel or out of body experiences. When a lost or alienated person "accepts Jesus" as Lord and Savior, it can't be the spirit who does so because the spirit of that person is dead, alienated, and walking according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that works in those who are disobedient by the lust of their flesh. In such a condition, the soul has to take over. In the lost, the soul fulfills the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and the lost person has the nature of self consciousness. So since a dead spirit cannot "accept God," the soul takes over in its parts: mind, emotions and volition or will and says, "I accept Jesus as Lord and Savior" and begins a religious ritual that imitates intimacy and relationship. The working of the enemy through the mind or ideas of man quenches the work of the Holy Ghost to quicken that person's spirit. For the powers of darkness are keenly clever in working alongside of and simulating the born again experience. When a person is REALLY born again, the soul takes a back seat. The Holy Ghost "quickens" the spirit through repentance. As defined by Paul to the Ephesians, to quicken means to be made alive. As Jesus Christ was raised from the dead physically or bodily, to be born again is to be raised from the dead spiritually. In other words, a dead spirit has been raised to becoming a vessel for the Holy Ghost. Since the spirit does not have a will, volition is a choice or decision made by the soul. What the spirit has is intuition. Paul revealed that the reason the spirit is raise from the dead is because "God is rich in mercy." So the resurrection of the spirit begins in the intuition and then translated into understanding by the soul. When the soul "accepts Jesus," the spirit remains dead but with great acting skills, the soul can religiously imitate the


things of God. The fallen spirit of man, alienated and separated from God is sunk down into the soul so that the soul manifests as intellect or sensuality, often in both. In such cases, the soul reigns over both the spirit and the body. The way that the new life reaches the spirit is shown in the Lord's own words: You must be born again. The Holy Ghost "breathes" where ever He chooses. This is not the decision of man but the will of God. The believer who has been raised from the dead in the spirit to newness of like is born of the Spirit or "born again." The Holy Ghost, who takes up a dwelling place in the reborn spirit, has given the believer a revelation of the Cross and the Lord's resurrection. This revelation is first received in the spirit. As James indicates in his letter, the wisdom that is from above--from the Holy Spirit---is pure, peaceable, gentle, merciful--without any element of the life of the soul---opinions, self views, strife-jealousy. So when a person is born again, the spirit imparts understanding to the soul through the mind, will and the emotions. What is happening among those who claim that "they accepted Jesus," is that they have done so through the soul and therefore, their spirits have remained dead. The intellect of one whose spirit is dead is decidedly fallible and becomes the most dangerous of the soul's gifts because God seekers use their minds to understand spiritual truths. The scriptures reveal that the soulish man cannot receive the things of the Spirit, because they can only be spiritually discerned. According to the late great Jessie Penn Lewis, "It is the soulish element in teachers and professors of holiness, which is often the cause of separation and disunion. There may be, it is true, love in the heart to those who 'differ,' but the 'differences' divide nevertheless, because the demoniacal powers, able to work upon the soulish element in the believer, always emphasize or exaggerate the difference in "views of truth," instead of magnifying the points of union, and even drive eager believers to 'fight' for their view of 'truth,' under the name of 'witnessing for God." It us also the soulish element in Christians which insists upon the minute correspondence of others its 'vies of truth,' and 'tithe mint and anise and cumin', in words whilst leaving 'undone the weightier matters of the law'---which in the gospel dispensation of the Spirit between believers as the condition of their growth into 'unity of the faith. 'In brief, the soul-life, influenced by evil supernatural powers, is the main cause of divisions and separation among the professing, and even the true children of God. For this reason as pointed out by Sis. Jessie, the churches are filled with nominal worshippers of Christ, who show no marks If you would like to make comments on this letter, you can do so on facebook. Search for me through my email addresses. You will find it in a fb note, at the top of my wall.

I have been hearing from a few of you, particularly those in Africa. I am pleased with that. THROUGH you can download my ebooks, and these mentoring letters to your cellphone. Dropox is a free app on Druid cells and blackberries. Ebooks can be purchased on my website.

of a true Christian life within them. In a nutshell, influences that bypass the spirit and only reach the soul may prepare the way by bringing the seeker within the reach of the truth which is read from the scriptures. Outer strivings may make for a kind self righteousness that has a value and place in the world. However, by virtue of these outer trappings, such seekers will be fooled into believing that the strivings of the soul is evidence that he or she is born again. Not so. Since God views self righteous as filthy rags, the spirits of such seekers is untouched. Dead. Alienated. Without God. Those whose souls imitate salvation are diversified. Dynamic personalities sway and move the emotions of others. Their fruit---like TD Jakes for example---is to move the emotions of the soul. The problem is that the faith of the hearers stands in the influence or wisdom of people like TD, and not in the power of God. Intellectuals uses schemes to reach men and bring them to God, some preaching hell and damnation to frighten people to God, others using heaven, prosperity, gospelfests, social fellowship, networking etc. The outcome is that people are attracted to the fake Jesus, and not to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What happens is a dangerous thing, so dangerous, that I will have to address it in more detail Part III. Suffice it to say for now, that people who are deceived into believing that they got born again, STILL have a dead spirit. When dead, the spirit is susceptible to the evil side of the spirit world where psychic power is mistaken for the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Consequently, unsaved people are speaking in tongues, laying hands on others, imparting demons into vulnerable people. Also, when people with dead spirits pray to the Father in the name of His Son, the one who answers their prayers is the imposter, the Fake Jesus. Can a person whose spirit has been quickened STILL allow his or her soul to dominate? Most decidedly YES. These are those who have a sensual relationship with Jesus. When they speak of "being in His presence," they are not satisfied unless they can feel the presence of God continually upon their flesh, and almost bi-polar in the spirit, they experience loads of ups and downs akin to spiritual mood swings. They need to be taught how to walk by faith and not by sight or feeling. Although the Holy Spirit dwells in their spirits, they often allow the soul to predominate because they do not understand the spirit life and the actions of the human spirit in co-action with God.

PAM'S BOOK CORNER AN EXCERPT FROM THE NEW IDOLATRY Clearly, the battle lines were drawn long ago with Satans agenda unfolding and simply coming more into focus as time goes by. The fake Jesus has done mind unbelievable damage to the endtime church, as religious devils and demons have consistently pulled the church away from the authentic gospel to an alternate one, which of course is no gospel at all.[1] Sanandas influence is more obviously apparent among the Mormons, the Catholics, the Christian Scientists, the 7th Day Adventists, the Jehovah Witnesses and other so called Christian churches where the word of God has been changed, by some, tremendously, by others, ever so slightly. Simply put, each of these Christian sects have perverted the gospel in one way or another. Yet practically every organized church on earth today has perverted the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by spreading the false teaching that salvation is in the hands of mans choice and not the sovereign choice and gift of God the Father. In fact, every believer who came to Christ by either responding to an invitation to Christian discipleship in a church or repeating a sinners prayer while watching television has been drawn into Christianity by Sananda. Check your language. If you frequently declare I accepted Jesus, your soul has been contaminated by the new idolatry. Impersonation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth by Jesus Sananda Immanuel and the others is either with or without the cross or without the resurrection or at times, even without both.[2] The horrifying result is that untold millions of church worshippers believe that they are saved when they are not. A recurring horror is that when they pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus, it is not Jesus Christ of Nazareth who hears and responds to them. In fact, He does not know them. Without a worshipers understanding of the cross and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the true Father God allows Satan to receive prayers made in Jesus name. Consequently, prayer and worship has been imperceptibly commandeered by the fake fallen angel, who calls himself Jesus.. A devilish religious invasion into the doctrines and practices of the organized church is the worst form of the new idolatry, with spiritually blind, yet faithful Christian churchgoers in communion with a table of devils. More on this crucial subject in Chapter 9. While nominal Christians expect that the Lord is going to rapture them during the tribulation even though they are lukewarm and spiritually blind, the New Agers are awaiting a rapture as well. However, occultists believe that those who will be taken off of the planet are not Gods best among mankind but His worst. In fact, a warrior fallen angel who is known as Ashtar boasts that he and his command are prepared to evacuate and relocate the less developed among us. [3] Freemasonry is certainly at the root of every facet of the new

idolatry. History reveals that practically all of the founding fathers of America were freemasons. The dollar bill boasts the symbols of this Satanic secret society. Yet another of the many proofs of freemasonrys deep influence upon the American culture and mentality is the Statue of Liberty. This colossal statue was fashioned after the goddess Ishtar. Ishtar was the ancient Sumero-Babylonian goddess of love and fertility. The statue was conceived by Freemasons, financed by Freemasons, built by Freemasons and installed by Freemasons in a masonic ceremony. Its maker was a freemason, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi.[4] Several Masonic defectors have exposed the deeper things of freemasonry in various books and articles. From a personal perspective, the denomination I served was overrun with freemasons of the Prince Hall Lodge in high leadership positions in both the pulpits and the pews. In fact, if you trace the history of most denominations you will find freemasons among its founders. In Come Out of Her, Gods People, and Faces of the Religious Demon, I expose the ramifications of the infiltration of freemasonry in the African American church and the backlash of destructive plagues that have overtaken the family members of ministers and laity who are freemasons. Cisco Wheeler, a former freemasons within the Illuminati has exposed the secret agenda for church membership. In a transcribed radio interview. Cisco chillingly uncovered how by becoming part of the church as an ordained minister, a leader of youth groups, and a friend and associate to church elders and the board of directors of Pentecostal churches, her father spread freemasonry into the churches: In the late forties, the Illuminati wanted to infiltrate the churches because they understood the power of God within the structure of the church, and they had to find a way to infiltrate the church to break down that spiritual strength within the church, the power of the Holy Spirit that works within the church. They (the Illuminati) had to find a way to infiltrate that, and they wanted to bring the world into the churches so that the churches wouldnt be so strong spiritually. That was part of my fathers job. In order to do that, my father married my mother who was not Illuminati, but she had a very strong religious background. My mother was that perfect example for the world, that perfect wife for the church to set examples for other young women in the church. When my father married her, that was his way to infiltrate the church through my mother.[5] With Cisco Wheelers father as only one freemason among perhaps thousands or even millions brainwashed with the same mindset of church infiltration through marriage to a Christian woman, it is interesting that idolatry obtained a foothold in the church in by the late 40s. Similarly, it was in the late 40s that alien encounters became a matter of public and governmental attention, dealt with in more substance in Chapter

Another facet of the new idolatry is that its captives are not able to read the signs of the times. For example, I perceive that we are no longer living in the season of conversion. In spite what you watch on Christian television, this is not an age where the masses are turning to Christ with their whole hearts. Face it. We are not converting the world regardless of how big of a crowd a mega preacher can draw either in the US or abroad. As quiet as its kept, no where that I can find in the bible does it read that Gods people are expected to convert the world or win an unsaved soul to Jesus. No. All we were commissioned to do is tell the story or preach. Conversion is Gods thing, not ours. Those who believe what we preach are saved. Those who do not are damned. Simple yet made so complicated by Christiandom. When the story has been told, the Lord said: and then, the end. (Matt 24:14) I believe that we are close to the end which follows that the story has been told. Weve done our job for the last 20 centuries or so. What we seem to forget is that Jesus warned about what we are supposed to do in the last verse of the parable concerning the wise and foolish virgins. The door was shut on the foolish virgins because they were not prepared. The Lord warns: Watch, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. (Matt 25:13) Notice, the Lord did not say you know neither the year or the month, but only the day or the hour. Consequently, this book is most definitely about watching. To the 7 churches, Jesus said watch. In the cited parable, Jesus said watch. The New Idolatry is also about preparing yourself for His coming by helping you to clean up your spiritual house. GETTING READY! Beside watching, I believe that close to the end of the church age, there is yet another season: a time of preparation. Watching is the first step to that preparation. We must be very watchful because Satan has planned a deception of cosmic proportions. It wont be just a false doctrine, a defective world-view, or one of the tragic isms so prevalent today. It will include a comprehensive global leadership backed by supernatural powers and capabilities that will overwhelm the imagination of the world at large. And it will be authenticated by miracles---great signs and lying wonders. [6] When TD Jakes first became well known through television, he had a slogan that is timely for today, namely, Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready! He repeated it very quickly. So do I with this book. With this book, I am saying to the remnant of Gods people, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready!

CHAPTER THREE CHARISMATIC WITCHCRAFT DEFINING THE TERM Taken separately, the word charisma in the thesaurus and the dictionary use synonyms such as charm, allure and dynamic glamour. Once attached to the word witchcraft, at the highest point on the spectrum, religious charisma embodies a hypnotic magnetism akin to a form of magical suggestion which can be abusive if practiced by people with a self aggrandizing motivation. In his book Christian Counseling and Occultism, the author quotes German Professor Paul Diepgin in his definition of magic. Magic from a religious or spiritual perspective is classified as the true meaning of witchcraft. Witchcraft is manifested according to two distinct types: black magic and white magic.[7] Black magic is Luciferian worship, obviously practiced in the invocation of Satan, devils and demons for the purpose of persecution, vengeance and death spells. White magic uses the names of the Trinity, bible verses,---particularly the psalms---and other religious symbols to invoke, prosperity, health and healing, protection, destiny and purpose, romance, finances and fertility.[8] In a nutshell, like New Age mysticism, charismatic witchcraft is the practice of white magic. For the sake of comparison, consider how both a new age practitioner and a Charismatic Christian would approach a typical problem, namely, a woman seeking to stop the infidelity of a lover

or husband. From the occultist, the woman might be required to purchase a defense enchantment like burying her mans shirt at full moon, while pronouncing a curse or a magic formula seven times. As the shirt wears out and disintegrates in the ground overtime, so also will the mans love for the other woman fade and dissolve. Both the occultists and those deceived by charismatic teachings rely on the credulity and readiness of those they counsel and advise. In like manner, charismatic witchcraft might approach this classic problem from a variety of religious perspectives, with the twist that God is made amenable to the womans plans. Supernatural dreams and visions labeled the discerning of spirits, a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge and prophecy, intercessory prayers of binding and loosing and the taking of scripture out of their natural context and applying them to the womans personal agenda are the primary methods of choice. In this instance, the woman might be advised to pray over her mans side of the bed, anoint it with oil or holy water, name it and claim it by sending forth evil prayers against her mans lover, in unsavory ways unbefitting to Jesus Christ, and pray controlling, manipulative prayers to change the mans behavior. Rather than deal openly with the issues of infidelity, sin and spousal abuse, Charismatics are infamous for seeking the supernatural solution. Charismatic Witchcraft Parallels To the Occult Success, prosperity, self actualization, man as a god with a small g, altered states of consciousness, and various associated esoteric techniques embraced by new age occultists also serve as the foundation of the charismatic movement. If a witch doctor came dancing down the aisle with his paint, feathers, fetishes, and rattles, most evangelical churches would have enough discernment to attempt to convert him, and if that didnt happen, to put him out. But the same witchdoctor, minus the outward adornments of his occultism, dressed in a clerical collar or a business suit, with a Phd in psychology and teaching success principles allegedly from the Bible, would we welcomed and listened to intently.[9] Anthropologist Michael Harner, one of the worlds leading authorities on shamanism (a modern word for witchcraft), lists the new names under which the basic elements of ancient witchcraft are now widely accepted in todays world and church: visualization, hypnosis, psychological counseling, positive thinking, positive speaking, (confession) and Eastern medication techniques.[10] In the early 70s, as an atheist psychic medium and astrologer, once I became born again, it is not surprising that I would be magnetized to and seduced by the charismatic movement simply because of its familiarity to white magic. So from a personal perspective, I know better than most that

the tools of charismatic witchcraft have an esoteric source. Even a congregate worship service professing to be Christian church is very similar to tribal worship of ancient deities. Pentecostal Influences of Charismatic Witchcraft Uplifting, often energetic, rhythmic music with lots of percussion instruments, led by dynamic, charismatic personalities who prance, shout, run, strut, slide and even dance across stages and platforms are elements of a worship in the flesh. Charismatic, Pentecostal worship provokes an emotional, sometimes demonstrative response, an outburst of some kind. Extremely skilled at manipulating a crowd by stirring up the emotions, once sufficiently stirred, the characteristic outbursts are shouts, screams and similar outcries that will ignite an entire congregation. Demons use these kinds of outbursts to counterfeit the Holy Ghost with nonsensical laughter, shouting, falling slain, rolling on the floor, running up and down aisles, and even throwing money at the feet of a prominent evangelist, and other forms of emotional frenzy. Most of the demonically tormented people that I have counseled in the last ten years were active members charismatic and Pentecostal churches. Some of them were set free but others remain tormented. So it no longer comes as a surprise to me that some of them will never find relief from demonic torment. In pastoral counseling, it is an empirical fact that white magic practitioners who attend Christian churches are so shackled to the sin of idolatry, that release from demonic captivity is unobtainable without a thorough confession and renunciation of charismatic witchcraft. As a consequence, the spiritual pride deeply rooted in the charismatic movement remains the stumbling block as God resists the proud. The Baptism in the Holy Ghost Charismatic witchcraft practitioners have identified the speaking in tongues as the evidence that someone is born again. Yet I have found that those who are demonically tormented spoke in tongues, but under further examination, it as discovered that they were not saved because they never repented and they did not understand the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One hundred years ago, Jessie Penn Lewis warned the believers of her day not to seek after signs: Again, in connection with the seeking of manifestations as an evidence of a believer having received the baptism of the Spirit, methods have been used to bring these about, that synchronize with the methods of mesmerism, and thus counterfeits have broken into the true church of Christ. In other cases, believers have had a true influx of the Holy Spirit into their human spirit, and through ignorance they have developed the psychic power latent in the human frame, and brought about mixture in their own life and service for God, eg. If a chorus is sung over and over again,


they can bring a meeting into a psychic condition, when those present become incapable of intelligent thinking, or any decisive action of will. Thus on a floodtide of psychic force in the world today the demons are carrying out their plans and purposes.[11] In a lecture concerning demonism and psychotherapy, German psychiatrist Alfred Lechler shed a somber light on demonic captivity: What then must we regard as the cause of demonic enslavement or possession? If we enquire closely from such people as bear the marks we have just mentioned, we very often find in their background the use of magic means such as are employed in black magic---acts of charming or being charmed, the sin of fortune telling or visits to fortune tellers and card layers, and participation in spiritist sessions. Black magic is much more prevalent than is ordinarily assumedWhen we look into the Bible, we note that it too is well acquainted with enchantment. It is in Acts 19 described as a prying art. (here we also find mention of magic books. together with spiritist activities, magic stands in a class of its own in relation to other sins, when it includes an appeal to Satans services or even a formal pact with Satan. The Bible speaks of this too (Isaiah 28:15-18). For by invoking Satan, man yields himself unequivocally to powers of darkness, in that he attempts by magic and the help of Satanic power to gain something that God has forbidden or withheld.[12] I must concur with the late Dr. Lechler, a German who practiced psychiatry before I was born. Five or more decades later, what I have found astounding is that in practically every case of demonic torment among my own Christian clients, a common factor is that 95 percent of them were not demon possessed BEFORE they went to a charismatic, word of faith, non-denominational church. Fetishes Within the history of religion in general, fetishism is a form of magic, wherein an artificial object is revered and regarded as powerful enough to ensure protection. Likewise an amulet is a power-charged fetish for protection against magic and demons.[13] Those who revere and depend on fetishes and amulets are in danger of transgressing the second commandment, namely, not to make any graven images. Even a cross suspended from a necklace has a magical meaning. Written in 1972, the passing of three decades reveals that the problem has progressively worsened: Many a Christian worker thinks so. It is evident here that Christianity has become infected with magic influences. According to the New Testament this intrusion of magic elements turns the Christian faith into a matter of materialism and idolatry. Pastoral


experience shows in many cases how this superstition captivates men and subjects them to magical influences. It is not seldom that houses protected by fire charms and other fetishes and amulets become haunted. [14]

Prayer and Charismatic Witchcraft Even prayer can be dangerous because it descends into charismatic witchcraft when the one who prays seeks to control the lives of others. Soulish prayers of this kind energizes psychic power by projecting ones thought on to the persons that they are praying for, by saying that such and such a person shall do this or that. Such prayers make demands upon God to make something happen. According to Jessie Penn Lewis, Every prayer should be directed Godward, and should never be a telly the Lord what to do for somebody else. We may pray that God will direct them what to do, but we ought not to say that they must do what WE THINK is Gods will they should do, or even that they shall not do what we know is wrong.[15] I observed in a video clip a vivid depiction of a charismatic witchcraft prayer offered by well known evangelist and associate of charismatic mega prophetess Juanita Bynum, Rev. Cindy Trimm. Before a congregation of at least a few thousand, Trimm walked up and down the platform, supposedly praying, bellowing loudly: I decree this and I proclaim that. With this esoteric, occultic prayer, rather than God the Father of the trinity, she really was addressing fallen angels. Once Trimm loudly proclaimed, Father, I decree that the spirit of the Ashtar shall fall upon all the people, from one end of the congregation to another, the people fell slain in the spirit in what looked like ocean waves. Ashtar is one of the gods who calls himself an ascended master who channels message through New Age mediums. Ashtar claims to be the military general of the fallen angel known as Jesus Sananda Emmanuel, the one I call the Fake Jesus. In fact, when Charismatics praise and give thanks to Jesus, Sananda is the one who receives the worshiped and the adoration because the fake Jesus is the invisible god behind the practice of charismatic witchcraft.

[1] F,. DeRuvo, Nephilim Nightmare, 2010, pg 114 [2] P. Sheppard, The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us, 2008, p. 47 [3] Ibid, pg.33 [4] Masons Statue of Liberty,, 11/28/10 [5],


2/16/2010 [6] Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters, The Secret Behind UFO Phenomenon, Koinonia House, 1997, pg. 266 [7] Kurt E. Koch,, c 1972, Christian Counseling and Occultism, Krigel Publications, 1994, pg 145 [8] Ibid [9] D. Hunt, Countdown to the Second Coming, pg. 64 [10] Michael J. Harner, The Ways of the Shaman: A Guide to Healing and Power (Harper and Row, 1980 pg 36 [11] Jessie Penn Lewis, Soul and Spirit, Overcomer Puublications, Printed in Great Britain by Gospel Press, South Molton, Devon, pg. [12] Dr. Alfred Lechler, Demonism and Psychotherapy Lecture given to the conference of doctors and pastors at Hohe Mark on 7/5/1949. [13] Koch, pg. 157 [14] Ibid pg 158 [15] Jessie Penn Lewis, Soul and Spirit, Overcomer Puublications, Printed in Great Britain by Gospel Press, South Molton, Devon, pg. 75

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY12061


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