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Science III
4th Quarter
Grade 5- Bonifacio
Date of Implementation: May 12, 2023
Prepared by: Kim L. Rojas

At the end of the 60- minute period, the learners will be able to:
I. OBJECTIVE A. Interpret data presented in difference kinds of line graphs (single
to double line graph) (M5SP – IVh – 3-5)

A. Topic Line Graph

B. Reference 1. Teacher’s Guide, pp. 1-9
II. SUBJECT MATTER 2. Learner’s Materials, pp. 1-3
C. Materials Picture of graph, cartolina, tarpaper, ruler,
marker, and jumbled letters
D. Skills Patience and Teamwork

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparation
1. Routines

Everyone, please stand up, and Student 1 kindly lead the prayer. (Students are standing)

Student 1: In the name of the

Father, the son, and of the Holy
spirit, amen. Angel of God, my
guardian dear, to whom God’s
love commits me here, ever this
day be at my side, to light and
guard, to rule and guide. Amen “
In the name of the Father, the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Good afternoon, Class! Students: Good morning, teacher

Kim. Good Afternoon classmate,
good afternoon.

Please arrange your seats neatly before you sit, and if you see trash (The students are arranging their
under a chair, throw it in the trash can. If none, you may now take your seats and will be seated.)
I will not check your attendance for now because the quiz we will have
later will serve as your attendance. Am I clear, class? Students: Yes, teacher.

Vey Good.

2. Review

Before we proceed to our new lesson, I want to first check if you were
able to understand our previous discussion. With that, I have here a data
presenting in a bar graph.

Q1. In what subject did Gemma have the highest grade?

Student 2: Gemma has the
highest grade in Science.
Q2. In what subject did she have the lowest grade?
Student 3: Gemma has the lowest
grade in Mathematics, teacher.
Q3. In what subjects did she get the same average grade?
Student 4: She got the same
average grade in Filipino and
Very good, class! Hekasi, teacher.

3. Motivation
Now class, let us play a game.

Are you ready to play? Students: Yes we are, teacher!

We will have a game entitled “Arrange the Letter*.

Here is the mechanics: I have some words here. All you have to do is to
arrange the letter to form a new word.
Are you ready? Yes, teacher.

“Arrange the jumbled letters into a correct word”. (The students are already
1. ATDA answering to the game)

Based from our game today which is the words you have formed, what Student 5: Our lesson for today is
do you think will be our lesson for today class? about interpreting data from line

Yes, very good.

4. Presentation of Topic and Objective/s

Today, our topic is all about Line graph. Students: At the end of the
lesson, I will be able to:
And, here is our learning objective. Everybody, please read. A. Interpret data presented in
difference kinds of line
graphs (single to double
line graph).

B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation of the Lesson

Class, have you ever heard or familiar with the term’s

“Line Graph”, “Labels”, “Horizontal Axis”, and “Vertical Axis”? Students: Yes/No teacher.

Well, let’s find out their meanings.

Student 6, please read the definition of “Line graph.” Student 6: Line graph or line
chart is a graphical presentation of
data, with set of points connected
by straight lines, which shows
how something changes over time.
Thank you, Student 6.

A line graphs have two kinds, the single-line and double-line graphs.
For example, we can use the single line graph if we just only have to
graph the temperature levels over a week-long period of time. In
contrast, a double-line graph could be utilized if there are two categories
that are being compared over some time intervals.
Example of Line graph:
Carla’s mother wants to know how much is the increase in height her
daughter will gain monthly. So she decided to make a record of Carla’s
height from January to June. Carla is happy to know that her height is
increasing monthly.

Q1. Who recorded the height of Carla for 6 months?

Students: The mother of Carla.

Q2. How does Carla felt knowing that her height is increasing?
Students: She is happy.

Very good!

Q3. Who among you here already tried to record his/her height every
month? Student 9: I tried it one teacher.


Now, let us look at this example of Carla’s height for 6 months.

What do we have in the board class?

Students: We have a line graph,
You are correct. ma’am .
How do you call the to the horizontal line on the graph?

Student 1: The horizontal line in

What about the vertical line? the graph is called Y-axis.

Student 3: The vertical line in the

What is the title of the graph? graph is what we called X-axis.

Very good! All of you are doing great. Student 2: Carla’s height for 6
What was Carla’s height from the month of February?

Very good! Students: 78 cm, ma’am.

How much centimeter was the increase in height of Carla from the
month of February to April?
Students: 4 cm, maam.
2. Practice/ Drills
Now, we will be having an activity about discussing the new concepts
and practicing skills of line graph.

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write this on your 1 whole

sheet of paper.

1. What is the title of the graph?

2. On what day does the Grade V- Narra has the greatest number of
3. What is the day written all of the grade V-Narra are all present?
4. How many pupils are present in Wednesday?
5. On what day that the number of pupils who are present are the
6. Is is important to have an accurate data? Why?

3. Application

This time, we will be having a group activity. I will divide the class into
3 groups, this will be the group 1, 2 and 3. You will choose your leader
in your group.

I will give each group an example of a graph, all you have to do is to

answer of the given questions.

Are you ready? Students: Yes teacher

Group 1.

Students of Group 1 Answers:

Q1. What is the title of the graph? The title of the graph is Ramon’s
Weekly Mango Harvest.

Q2. How many mangoes were harvested? There are 75 mangoes harvested.

Q3. In what week was there the greatest amount of harvest? The greatest amount of harvest is
on week 6.
Q4. What is the least amount of mango harvested?
The least amount of harvested
mango is 35.
Q5. What is the total amount of harvest for six weeks?
The total harvested mango for the
six weeks is 305 in all.
Group 2.
Q1. What is the title of the graph?

Q2. On what year was the highest number of enrollment? Students of Group 2 Answers:
The title of the graph is Gregorio
Q3. What year was the lowest number of enrollment? Elementary School Enrollment
form S.Y. 2010-2015.

Group 3. Year 2015.

Year 2020.

Q1. What quarter did Ana got the highest grade in Math?
Q2. What is the lowest grade she got?
Student of Group 3 Answers:
Q3. What do you think Ana got low grade on the second quarter? Ana got the highest grade in the
4th quarter.

The lowest grade she got is 80.

Good job, class! Give yourselves a 5 claps. We think that she didn’t study
well that’s why she got a low
C. Generalization

To sum up our lesson for today, we will have a game. This game is what
we call “Pass the ballpen”.

Listen carefully. All you have to do is simply pass the

Ballpen when you hear the music. However, when the music
stops, the person who is holding the ballpen must answer the questions I
will be choosing from the box.

Are we clear class? Students: Yes teacher.

Okay, let’s get started.

(The music starts) (The student who is holding the

ballpen begins passing it to his or
Okay, student 9, here’s your question. her side.)

(Student 9 holds the ballpen)

What is Line graph? Student 9: Line graph or line

chart is a graphical presentation of
data, with set of points connected
by straight lines, which shows
how something changes over time.

Exactly! Let’s continue.

(The music starts)

(The music stops)

Here’s your question student 10. Differentiate line-graph from double- Student 10: Line graph or line
graph. chart is a graphical presentation of
data, with set of points connected
by straight lines while double-
graph could be utilized if there are
two categories that are being
compared over some period of
time intervals.

Wow, very good class. Indeed, you are able to understand our
(Students are clapping)
topic this afternoon. Let’s give yourself a round of applause.

Now, class. Settle down and get 1 whole sheet of paper and answer the
following questions.

You are given 10 minutes to accomplish the task. Is that clear, class?
Students: Yes sir!
Okay, your time starts now!


Direction: Use the data in the line graph to answer the following questions and choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. What is the title of the graph?

a. Carla’s height for 6 months
b. Carla’s height
c. The height of Carla when she was 6 months
d. Height of Carla monthly
2. How many centimeter was the increase in height from the month of March to May?
a. 5 cm
b. 4 cm
c. 83 cm
d. 2 cm
3. How tall is Carla during the month of May?
a. 78 cm
b. 80 cm
c. 83 cm
d. 84 cm
4. What can you say about the height of Carla?
a. It stays the same every month
b. It is increasing monthly
c. Carla’s height is decreasing
d. None of the above
5. What is the average of Carla’s height in the month of February to March?
a. 77 cm
b. 78 cm
c. 79 cm
d. 80 cm


Directions: Use the graph to abswer the following.

1. What is the title of the graph?

2. How much was the sale on Wednesday?
3. On what is the stores average sale for the week?
4. What is the stores average sale of the week?
5. How much was the total sale?

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