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1. Genero textual.
As far as the textual genre is concerned, this text is X, more specifically X.

Fictional= It is a fictional text because it isn’t based just on facts, but on imagination. Moreover,
the most important features of fictional texts that are the plot, the settings, and the characters
created from the imagination, are clearly present in this text.

 Novel= It is a novel because it is written in prose and is fictional.

 Short story=It is a short story because it has limited number of characters and its length
is very short. Moreover, it has the tendency to begin 'in medias res’ (in the middle of
 Poem= It is a poem because, it is written in verse and has several figures of speech.
Moreover, we could also say that this is a poem because of the structure and metre.
 Play=It is a play because it is full of character dialoguing.

Non - fictional= It is a non- fictional text because it refers to factual stories focused on actual
events and people, or in other words, it is a non- fictional text because it is based on facts.

 Essay= It is an essay because it tries to make a point and it aims to support a single
 Journalistic text = subjective.
 Academic text= It is an academic text because it includes original research written by
researchers in a particular academic discipline.
 Biography=It is a biography because it describes and discuss the life of a real person and
the Information is based on fact.

2. Tipo de Texto.
Regarding the text type, this text is predominantly X, although there are some features of
typically X texts. Let us first analyze the characteristics of X in this extract:
 Narrative= It is a narrative text because it tells us a story and the information given to the
reader include actions and thoughts. In this case, the narrator tells (de que va el texto).
Moreover, the text includes several past tenses and some characters which are two of the
main characteristics of narrative texts. Finally, the text contains a first-person narrative,
action verbs that are generally in present simple (run, jump), saying verbs (shouting,
said), thinking verbs (think, mind), linking verbs (was) and time connectives that
indicate a chronological order of actions (when, while).
 Descriptive= It is a descriptive text because it tries to provide a mental picture of a
person, thing or situation. In this case, the narrator tells (de que habla el texto).
Moreover, the text includes verbs that do not denote action or movement (is, was, look),
it uses -ing forms typical in descriptions, it uses comparisons, it has several present
tenses and plenty of adjectives and adverbs which are the main characteristics of
descriptive texts.
 Argumentative= It is an argumentative text because its main aim is to convince us about
a topic and it presents opinions in order to take the writers one. In this case, the narrator
tells (de que habla el texto Moreover, it gives reasons and supports this reason with
evidence. Finally, it uses many expressions such as not surprising, in order to help us not
to hesitate. It uses the second person (you) in order to deliver advice or recommendations
and the first-person plural (We, us), with the same aim of engaging the reader in the text.
It uses heavy emotional adverbs (wonderfully, immensely, sensibly) and rhetorical
 Expository= It is an expository text because its main aim is to explain or to clarify. In
this case, the narrator tells (y poner de que habla el texto en general). Moreover, it gives
facts, examples and information about the main topic which are the main characteristics
of these texts. Generally, are written in 3-person singular and include the verb to be and
to have.
 Dialogical= It is a dialogical text because it uses present tenses where the conversations
between the characters are transcribed.

3. Funciones comunicativas.
The predominant communicative function in the text is the X.

 Referential= which shows the relationship between the message and the context and is
used to describe or present situations to the reader. In this case, the situation presented (y
poner de que va el texto) it presents a place and some characters.
 Emotive= which shows the relation between the message and the speaker or in other
words, it express attitudes, feelings and emotions, is also presented in this extract (y
poner ejemplo)
 Poetic= which focuses on the pleasure we obtain from reading or hearing words or texts
is evidently present in this fragment (poner ejemplo de recursos retoricos,
comparaciones, superlativos)
 Conative= which shows the relation between the message and the addressee, or in other
words, it tries to persuade and influence others through commands and requests, is also
presented in this extract. In this case, they author tries to (y poner de que quiere
convencernos) Moreover, in this text we can see some of the main characteristics of this
specific communicative function because it uses many examples, it includes his opinions
or the opinion of other authors and it uses constantly the personal pronoun we or the
second person (you) (Poner ejemplos)
 Phatic= which relates the message with the channel, can be recognized when X. It aims
to check if the other person is listening to him and ready to give a response to his
forthcoming question.
 Metalingual= which shows the relation between the message the code is evidently
present in this fragment. Moreover, in this text we can see one of the main
characteristics of this specific communicative function because it uses linguistic
vocabulary in the text such as syntactic, tone of voice, chapter 13. (It talks about the
language by using the written code)

Secondary functions of texts are particular to the given text. In this particular extract, and
deriving from the type of text, we can identify the following secondary functions: to portray a
person, to give opinions in order to convince or persuade, to instruct about a particular issue or
to complain, to show irritation, to warn, to show disapproval.

4. Estilo del texto.

The first element of textual style in this text is the presence of the narrator / author. (usar
la misma teoría, pero narrador solo hay en ficcionales y autor en no ficcionales)
The author’s or narrator´s purpose is to (the intentions):

 To relate a story or to recount events, an author uses narrative writing.

 To tell what something looks like, the author uses descriptive writing
 To convince a reader to believe an idea the author uses persuasive writing.
 To inform or teach the reader, the author uses expository writing.

Point of view=

 A first-person point of view gives the reader a front row seat to the story. It also gives
credibility. Moreover, first-person point of view builds a rapport with readers by sharing
a personal story directly with them (ES UN PERSONAJE)
 The third person point of view is used to include the reader in what the author is
defending and to build interest and heighten suspense. In this case, it is a third-person
narrator, but not an omniscient narrator. We find that the narrator just tells us what he
can see: what the characters do, what they are wearing...but nothing is said explicitly
said about how they feel, their sensations, intentions, plans or desires. Thus, it can be
stated that the narrator in the text is an observer-narrator (ESTA FUERA DE LA
 The first-person-plural point of view occurs rarely but can be used effectively,
sometimes as a means to increase the concentration on the character. In the first-person-
plural point of view, the text use "we" or us. The use of the first-person plural is also
relevant in the text as a linguistic device to engage the reader in the theme.
 The second person point of view is used to in deliver advice or recommendations.

Attitude or tone of the narrator= Examples of tone you might find in fiction are strident,
uncaring, sassy, bossy, unconcerned, flip, disconcerted, embarrassed, annoyed, confident
(confident= the author is trying to make the issue more accessible to the general public and with
the aim of entertaining)

Regarding the register …

Register= This text has formal register because it includes the following characteristics: it tends
to be impersonal and precise; the sentences are often long and carefully constructed; you will
not find contractions or abbreviations and the vocabulary used is more specialized and complex
than you expect to find in everyday speech. However, it can be stated that the style is not
absolutely formal, since some expressions lacking a high level of formality are as well the use
some phrasal verbs. Thus, the style can be considered as neutral. This text has informal register
because it includes the following characteristics: Figurative language, Symbols and
abbreviations, pharasal verbs short sentences and basic vocabulary and grammatical structures.
Moreover, it is directed to general public.

The sentence complexity is another element to be analysed.

Grammatical forms and syntax =

 Regarding syntax, it includes short phrases. Even though the syntactic patterns are
simple (short sentences, ellipsis), the lexical choices are precise for the sake of accuracy
in description or X.
 The text is characterized by the use of long and complex sentences where subordination
(that-clauses, relative clauses as post-modifiers), coordination and juxtaposition are
present throughout the text in order to transmit complex thoughts.
 The use of modal verbs and conditionals infuses the text with the function of creating
suggestion or speculation to the reader.
 The absence of verbs and linking words provides the text with rhythm.
 In relation to tenses, the most widely used is the present simple, to express the truth
validity of the author’s statements.
 Rich lexical density: poner ejemplo de palabras técnicas.
Figures of speech=

 Lexical and grammatical deviation= To use invented vocabulary or abnormal word

 Metaphor=When two things are related to suggest an identity between them.
 Simile = like a comparison (it generally uses “like or as”)
 Metonymy= The use of an attribute to represent a related concept.
 Hyperbaton= Uses disruption or inversion of customary word order to produce a
distinctive effect.
 Hyperbole= exaggeration
 Parallelism/ Isotaxy = the repetition of grammatical elements in writing and speaking.
 Alliteration= great / grow
 Onomatopoeia= A sound.
 Pleonasm= Use more words than necessary.
 Irony= the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the
opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
 Antithesis / oxymoron = Statement that is contradictory.
 Sinecdoque = una parte de algo se utiliza para referirse a un todo. Colombia jugo bien.

5. Tipos de cohesión. Cohesive devices

Lexical cohesion refers to the semantic choice in the text, that is to say, the lexical items
selected by author that provide the text with semantic unity. This text is highly cohesive
from a lexical point of view in the sense that it uses lexically related items belonging to
different fields, as presented below (y poner ejemplos de grupos de vocabulario). As far as
semantic repetition is concerned, certain words are recurrent all over the text, and define
the textual axis which are: X
Syntactic devices provide the text with cohesion. These are mainly X, X and X.
 Reference= It is a device used to make reference to something in the text. Anaphoric
reference (James’s bond came into the room and the woman shot HIM.) Cataphoric
reference (HE came into the room) pero aún no sabemos quién es he. Pronombres
personales y posesivos (he, his).
 Substitution= is a replacement of one language category with another category. For
nouns = one, ones. For verbs = do, does, did. For clauses = so, maybe.
 Ellipsis= It is a device similar to substitution because both are devices for avoiding the
unnecessary repetition but in this case, it presents complete omission. No hay un one,
does. ¿Ejemplo = Are you tired? Yes, I am. (tired). Many write about (Falta el writers).
 Lexical= It is a device that select specific vocabulary. LEXICAL NO SYNTACTIC.
 Conjunction= it is a device that uses different connections. (And, but, therefore).

6. Estructura del texto (muy abierta)

Comentar cada párrafo hablando de su contenido y de los tiempos verbales y tipo de texto (En el
primero párrafo hay una introducción, luego se dan ejemplos, y luego hay una reflexión etc.).

7. Shift from present to past in the text. Why?

The author is trying to show the readers they can make a change and do not commit the same
mistakes as in the past were done.

The shift in verb tenses is a function of the text’s purpose. Paragraphs written in the past support
through exemplification the paragraph in the present. Therefore, past events are used to inform
and support the passages in the present.

8. The use of the verbal tenses.

Present Simple to provide descriptions and Past simple to narrate texts. Present tense is mainly
at the beginning in the descriptive part, where we are given a detailed description. Past simple is
used in the narrative part of the text where we are told about the events in the story. In the
dialogues, the verbal tense is the present simple again, where the conversation between the
characters is transcribed.

The author uses the Present simple tense with the purpose of making the reader focus on the
action as if it were happening at this very time

9. Locutionary, Illocutionary and Perlocutionary

 The locutionary act is the referential meaning, what it is said.
 The illocutionary act is the intended meaning, what is meant. (How it is said). utiliza verbos
opuestos y poner si lo hace con enfado, sorpresa etc.
 The Perlocutionary is the understood meaning (what is understood): the reader shall
understand that …

10. How are dialogues transcribed in the text?

Dialogues are transcribed by means of direct speech, that is, the exact reproduction of the words
the characters actually uttered.

11. Speech acts and microfuntions.

 Representatives or Assertives: Statements that convey a belief of disbelief (real info).
 Directives: Attempts to influence the listener to do something (persuade) = preguntas
 Commissives: Commitments of self to some future course of action (I promise) (will)
 Expressives: Expressions of a psychological state (the best in ...)
 Declaratives: Statements of facts that alter a state of affairs.

Micro functions/ expressing attitude: giving examples, expressing surprise, comparing, giving
advice or an order, quoting a source, speculating, greeting, describing a state, informing,
refering to sources.

Normalmente hay que decir primero si es expresivo o directico etc., y después especificar las
micro funciones, es decir si el objetivo es expresar sorpresa, saludar, especular etc. POR
EJEMPLO: Asertive. Comparing: ejemplo.

12. Explain the meaning of the word

- Derivation by suffixation/ prefixation (poner las partes) = triump+ ant
- Los pharsal verbs: conversion of a noun into a verb by a adding particle (pig out)
- Parecen phrasal pero no = conversion of a verb into a noun (hideout)
- Compound noun

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