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Ayala Pérez Cielo Esmeralda (0009-0001-5182-4400)
Catro Caballero Katherine Leslie (0009-0005-9112-0239) 
Franco Gomez Cinthia Danuska (0009-0001-4323-3715)
Leonardo Guerrero Kiara Lizbeth (0009-00077642-0211)

Allan Izquierdo Luis Eduardo (…)


Lima – Perú

1. Victimization: Childhood victimization is associated with later
loneliness and depressive feelings.
2. Abuse: She is continually abusing her position/authority by
getting other people to do things for her.
3. Violence: It seems that attack was a gratuitous / random /
mindless act of violence.
4. Cognitive: Some of her cognitive functions have been
5. Effects of child maltreatment: Maltreatment can cause victims
to feel isolation, fear, and distrust, which can translate into
lifelong psychological consequences that can manifest as
educational difficulties, low self-esteem, depression, and
trouble forming and maintaining relationships.
6. Conflict: An active disagreement between people with
opposing opinions or principles.
7. Depression: Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping
problems are all classic symptoms of depression.
8. Somatization: In somatization disorder, the person complains
of symptoms that cannot be objectively confirmed.
9. Positively: In a good or positive way.
10. Sexual abuse: Crime that consists of infringing on the
sexual freedom of another person, without violence or
intimidation and without consent.
11. Survival: The fact of a person continuing to live or exist-
12. Antisocial behavior: Any behavior reflecting a violation of
social rules or norms.
13. School problems: All those difficulties that occur in a
specific area and context, resulting in a deficit in school
achievement on the part of the affected person are included
14. Lack of responsibility: Inability and unwillingness of a
person to fulfill an obligation, commitment or task assigned on
a voluntary or mandatory basis.
15. Delinquency: Behaviour, especially of a young person,
that is illegal or not acceptable to most people
16. Drug use: Drugs are chemical substances that can
change the way your body and mind work. They include
prescription drugs.
17. Impulsivity: Insufficient sleep may increase the potential
for risk-taking by compromising decision-making and
increasing impulsivity.
18. Incidents: An isolated/serious/unfortunate incident.
19. Bullying: The behaviour of a person who hurts or
frightens someone smaller or less powerful, often forcing that
person to do something they do not want to do.
20. Fear: An unpleasant emotion or thought that you have
when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous,
painful, or bad that is happening or might happen.
21. Repercussions: The effect that an action, event, or
decision has on something, especially a bad effect.
22. Nonconformity: The quality of living and thinking in a way
that is different from other people.
23. Dissatisfaction: A lack of satisfaction
24. Multi-casual problem: Which holds that a phenomenon
always has multiple causes. The idea of cause, meanwhile,
refers to the origin or reason for something.
25. Isolation: The amount of energy from the sun that
reaches the earth.
26. Power hierarchy: The hierarchy that encompasses the
most powerful people in an organization.
27. Emotional abuse: Psychological mistreatment from one
person to another. Like all abuse, it is a form of aggression.
28. Psychological: Relating to the human mind and feelings
29. Academic orientation: A term that describes the way that
you think about and approach your studies; more specifically, it
looks at the relationship between these two factors.
30. Physical abuse: Such injury is considered abuse,
whether or not the caregiver intended to harm the child.
Physical discipline, such as spanking or whipping, is not
considered abuse as long as it is moderate and does not
cause any bodily harm to the child.
31. Death: The end of life.
32. Fractures: If something hard, such as a bone, fractures,
or is fractured, it breaks or cracks.
33. Injuries: Physical harm or damage to someone's body
caused by an accident or an attack.
34. Risks: The possibility of something bad happening.
35. Suspension: The act of stopping something happening,
operating, etc. for a period of time.

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