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Camden Yards


I showed up early. I like to show up early to baseball games. A guy met me there and started showing
me around he told me to go into the warehouse that was next to the ball park. I didn’t do that I just
went in and sat down. There was a guy there trying to get selfies with the rays who are visi ng. They
wouldn’t do it. He paid some kids to get his baseball cards signed. I feel bad for the guy. He had a
Pokemon go plus on his shirt, he’s not a big wierdo, he just likes to collect things. I like to collect things,
it’s hard as an adult. In Bal more they say their Os weird and during the seventh inning stretch they
replace home team with Os. So they all say let’s root root root for the Owheahs. Why would your team
be the only le er you pronounce weird? Anyway, Orioles lost. It was a very nice day. I wanted to get
the Crab dog thing they had, but when I got there, I forgot, so that’s one I didn’t try.

Fort McHenry


When I got here it was closed. I looked through the gate and it looked like every other star fort. It was
out on a cape, so it would have been nice to go out there and look at the bay from the fort.

Bal more


I took the bus to the fort, but I walked back. It was nice to see the city like that. Walking along the foam.
I wondered how much those houses cost. They were really crappy houses, but in a very nice loca on. In
the opening of the wire they show the dilapidated domino sugar factory. I passed that on my walk,
what’s not shown on the wire is the ultramodern under armor offices, which are right behind that

USS Cons tu on


I didn’t go on the boat, I just went in the visitors center. There was a lot about the war of 1812 and I
learned about the navy act of 1793. I think that is when the US became a superpower.

Bunker Hill


Breeds hill actually, I know. It is a nice green space in the middle of a city. Early on ba lefields were the
only green spaces in ci es. The hill was quite tall would have been hard to get up it, especially of people
are shoo ng at you. There was a monument right at the top, they don’t really do that anymore, they
just try and let ba lefield look the way they look.

New England Holocaust Memorial

This was a fascina ng way to show just how many people died. There are six columns that you have to
go inside. When you go inside there is a dot for each person who died. Since you’re in this ght space
the only way to see all of the dots is to look up and up and up. Then you realize there’s 4 sides then you
realize there’s 6 Columns.

Old North Church


I meant to come here on a Sunday, but I miscalculated. It is an old brick church. I looked around the
grounds, I couldn’t go in the church. I couldn’t tell where the lanterns would have been placed. I guess
in the bell tower? If Revere know where to look they could have been anywhere, like in the window

Fenway Park


I sat by Penskes pole. They weren’t the seats that face the wrong way though. There were a couple of
girls who showed up late they sang along to Paul Simon then le A er they le the game went into
extra innings. I think the game may have been decided incorrectly. There was a walk off ground rule
double and a guy on second went home, but I think he should only have gone to third. A er the game a
bunch of us got on the subway and we really all moved like a herd.

Na onal Mall


This is the fourth me I went to the na onal Mall. I really don’t know what to say that is different. The
Mar n Luther King memorial was new. A lot is some mes made of the layout of the monuments the
symbolism and who is looking at who. I no ced that King is looking directly at Jefferson. I also couldn’t
get to Jefferson. I’ve been before, but it’s on like an island. I don’t know how to get there.

Natural History Museum


I could only pick one and I picked this one. I don’t know why I didn’t picked the air and space museum,
but I didn’t. I vividly remember the na onal archives and so I didn’t go there. The best part of this
museum is the deep sea fish. It was mostly animals, but at the end it had diamonds and moon rocks.

Na onals Park


This is the only game I’ve been to where someone tried to strike up a conversa on with me. So that’s a
point for the city of Washington. There was a group of rowdy Meta fans that showed up. They had a
sign with two sides one side said Washington Expos making fun of the fact that the Na onals used to be
the Expos. The other side said Walgreens Na onals making fun of the way they style the W. The
Na onals bats aut them up quick. By the end of the game the score was around 33-3. It made the news,
I thinkt he main reason for that is that they were playing a New York team. So people would have been
talking about it in na onal newsrooms.

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