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Unknown dates

Motown Museum

Michel had just died. That was the focus of the tour, but the other highlights were Dianna Ross and
Stevie Wonder. Stevie Wonder used to call and do Quincy Jones’s voice and give himself a raise. Quincy
Jones’s big idea was to not put the ar sts picture on the album, because you couldn’t discriminate
against what you couldn’t see.

Ford Founda on

This is a very expansive museum. It is not a car museum. It is a museum of science and industry. Now,
cars do take up an outsize propor on of the museum, but the two parts I remember the best are a
circular house that is designed to be energy independent. The other is the lightbulb making machine. It
is a single small (rela vely) machine that requires no labor. You just put the materials in and a lightbulb
comes out.

Joe Louis’s Fist

It is in the middle of traffic. It may have been a roundabout, but it was certainly a circle in the middle of
the street. It’s just a big black fist (and the forearm)

Comerica Park

This is the one I remember from Triple Play 2001 it has a fountain. I remember the fountain from the
game. Then I saw it in real life. I don’t remember anything else about the game. I don’t remember
anything about the food. All I remember is something I already know from the video game.

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